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Thread Number: 1934
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Original Message
"ABPABC/Rules and "

Posted by sittem on 10-12-03 at 08:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 00:20 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-12-03 AT 08:53 AM (EST)

Aaaarrrgggggghhhhhhh!!! Having some posting problems this morning!!

Welcome, welcome, welcome...yes, it's that time again. The time when enough people have dropped from the Lion Chow Anti-Bootee Contest and the Anti-Bootee Player Anti-Bootee Contest swings into action. I know this will take a long time to explain to our new board posters, but I'll try to do it without talking around in circles.
The game is a friendly parody of the AB Contest. Those of us who like contests like the ABC and Pick the Bootee Contest of echogirl (the Queen of Red Ink) just get bummed out when we are eliminated. So I started this contest back during S5 to keep people competing. Now, you don’t have to be eliminated from either of those contests to participate. This contest is open to ALL who want to play. You just have to WANT IT!!! Very simply, each week you will review the LC ABC picks made by posters and choose some of them to be your ABPABC picks of the week.

The last time this contest was run, the terrific ejm92 did the honors. This season, I’m going to try to make it happen, so listen up – here are the S7 ABPABC Rules.

1. The deadline for posting each week is show time – generally 8 p.m. eastern time.

2. Each week you’ll pick fellow posters from the ABC for your safe list. Whatever points those posters gain (or lose) in the LC ABC are the points you gain in the ABPABC. You can pick a minimum of one Anti-Bootee Player, and the maximum number of players that you can pick corresponds with the number of Survivors remaining on the show (This week you can pick between 1 and 12 players on your Safe List). The object of the game is to pick players from the Anti-Bootee contest that will not be kicked out of the contest that week. You’ll find that this is a fairly high scoring game if you pick well and there aren’t surprise boots, so enter the game early!!

3. We also have bonus scoring categories. The first we will talk about is the Best Score Category (BS). Each week, I will give you a different grouping of players remaining in the Anti-Bootee Contest, and you can choose the group that you think will include the player who scores the best score of the week. If there is a tie, everyone who picked the people involved in the tie gets the points. Picking the best score of the week is worth 7 points. This bonus game is totally optional (like picking the winners of the RC or IC in the ABC). There is a penalty of -3 points for picking the incorrect best scorer.

4. The second bonus score category is the Worst Score category (WS). This is worth 7 points, just as the Best Score category is. This category is basically the opposite of the first. The groups of players will be exactly the same as the Best Score, so pick the group that you think contains the person who will have the worst score this week. Just like the Best Score, there will be a penalty of -3 points for an incorrect guess.

5. SECRET WOID (or for those of you who don’t remember Groucho, Secret Word). Each week I will pick a work related to Survivor and will e-mail that word to Webby. If the SECRET WOID appears in the posting of any of the participants in the ABC entries for the week and you have chosen that participant for the SECRET WOID you will be awarded a free bonus of 10 points. There is no penalty for not getting this. We are sometimes entertained by some great creativity on the part of ABC contestants attempting to “say” the SECRET WOID. Please be clear on how this works – you don’t predict the Secret Woid – you pick a poster that you think will say or has said the Secret Woid.

6. Once you enter – if you forget to make weekly picks, those picks you made the previous week will be used again. If you chose the maximum number of players the previous week I will just remove the last one from your list to conform to the rules for this game on the maximum number of players you can choose. Should you choose more than the maximum with an active entry I will do the same rather than eliminate you.

7. If at any point the number of participants in the LC ABC dips below the number of weeks left in the contest you’ll be able to pick one less than the number remaining. If all participants are eliminated from the ABC, then this game is over and the points scored up to that point will determine the winner.

8. One more way to earn bonus points – again this is a “free” bonus with no penalty. Choose the contestant in the echogirl Pick the Bootee Contest who earns the most points that week and you’ll get an additional 10 point bonus. There's no penalty for a wrong pick.

There may be other bonus points to be earned from time to time, so watch the weekly posting for those opportunities. All of these bonus opportunities will play off of the ABC and the PTB contests.

Here’s the list of AB Players you can put on your “safe list” for this week (a maximum of 12 for this week):

53 - Bebo
47 - FesterFan1
45 - railfan
44 - LeftPinky
42 - bubbastan, Genius47, KermittheVixen, RainCrow
41 - Corvis, LozengeofLove, PhoenixMons, TeamJoisey
38 - GuessItRains, sisyphus, SurvivorManiac
37 - Lolly, Punkin, sittem, tjstein
36 - PepeLePew13, silentJ, sleeeve, ulalame
35 - 321Jump, Froggy446688, Thaibeach, yensid
34 - mistofleas, RudyRules, rwj3eb
33 - DracoMalfoy
31 - benjapol
30 - ejm92, I_AM_HE
28 - RebelCrown
26 - PackMan
21 - cqvenus
15 - GTmike
11 - managerr
(38) - djandy
(42) - magic_star
(51) - forehead
(52) - echogirl

And here are the three groupings for your BS and WS picks for the week – just make your pick by specifying a group color:

Bebo, LeftPinky, KermittheVixen, LozengeofLove, GuessItRains, Lolly, tjstein, sleeve, Froggy446688, mistofleas, DracoMalfoy, I_AM_HE, cqvenus, djandy, echogirl

FesterFan1, bubbastan, RainCrow, PhoenixMons, sysyphus, Punkin, PepeLePew13, ulalame, Thaibeach, RudyRules, benjapol, RebelCrown, GTmike, magic_star

Railfan, Genius47, Corvis, TeamJoisey, SurvivorManiac, sittem, silentJ, 321Jump, yensid, rwj3eb, ejm92, PackMan, managerr, forehead

Finally, for your SECRET WOID pick and Best Score in the PTB contests, you must list the name of one contestant posting in each of those threads.

Do feel free to ask questions about the rules or make suggestions for refinements.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by Nash on 10-12-03 at 10:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 04:58 PM (EST)

I'll try this if understand your rules

bebo, festerfan1, railfan, kermitthevixen, raincrow, phoenixmons, punkin, sittem, mistofleas, 1_AM_HE, forehead, echogirl,

Secret Word echogirl

best score in blue group

worst score in blue group

ptb bonus bebo

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by Nash on 10-14-03 at 07:06 AM
Hi everyone...This is a cool game but I have also developed a Loser's Lodge game to sift out the best of the bootees and anti-bootees who have been eliminated. It's called "Loser Lodge" and I would love more members. Starting week 6 we are also going to predict the ultimate survivor (on the show) and the final 4. Please come and play.

"Nova Scotia Feed???"
Posted by sleeeve on 10-12-03 at 11:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-03 AT 11:53 PM (EST)

1. The deadline for posting each week is show time – generally 8 a.m. eastern time.

That's an early show!

I also notice that the only blue people in LC's game (waves to Bebo) are in the red group... what's up with that .

"RE: Nova Scotia Feed???"
Posted by sittem on 10-13-03 at 00:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 00:20 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 00:18 AM (EST)

Thanks sleeeve!

Posted early this am out of town and was going to go over and re-post as I screwed up the subject line. I'll fix the time. Looking forward to your ABC posting this week

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Nova Scotia Feed???"
Posted by Bebo on 10-14-03 at 10:54 AM
I also notice that the only blue people in LC's game (waves to Bebo) are in the red group... what's up with that .

(waves to EEE)

Doesn't that make us purple?

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by djandy on 10-13-03 at 11:11 AM
Question Sittem, Does the ABC player with the worst score have to be somebody who remains in the game? Because when you are eliminated you usually get a large negative score.

Safe: djandy, magic_star, forehead, echogirl
Best: green
Worst: blue


"Good Question"
Posted by sittem on 10-13-03 at 02:07 PM
All scores for the game are based on the LC ABC. All I do is take the past week score and subtract it from the current week score to derive the point totals for the current week. Therefore, the ABC contestant MUST still be in the game for their points to count for BS or WS. However, picking them in these categories IF they are booted from the game will not get you booted, you'll just lose the potential of points. You'll only get booted if they are on your safe list when they get booted.

Gosh - I thought that was going to be a simple answer, but I sure complicated it.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by JohnMc on 10-13-03 at 12:18 PM
Hey, Sittem, thx for hosting this - YOU ROCK!!!

I'm picking my Safe list based on past performances in this game... but I'll be interested to see if any newbies make a strong showing.

Bebo, Festerfan, bubbastan, kermitthevixen, PhoenixMons, Guessitrains, SurvivorManiac, Punkin, sittem, Pepelepew, sleeeve, dracomalfoy

BS - red

WS - blue

SW - echogirl

PTB bonus - LeftPinky

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-13-03 at 08:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-03 AT 08:17 PM (EST)


Bebo, sittem, PepeLePew13,sleeeve, mistofleas, I_Am_He, Packman, Cqvenus and GtMike

PTB: Festerfan1

Edited to change my PTB person

Thanks for hosting this game Sittem!!

I Lvoe My Kyngsladye Original
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-14-03 at 05:34 PM
Pssssssssst....I'm a newbie - so much so that I didn't even know how sittem's game worked all this time (I've never played in any Survivor-related games before this season, if you can believe it!) and wondered what the secret word thing was all about...

Now that I know...

Cool game, sittem! I remember looking in a couple seasons ago not having a clue what was going on here...so glad I checked early on in the game!!!!!!

I *heart* my ©2003 GeorgiaBelle Creation
"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it" - Mohandas K. Gandhi

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-14-03 at 01:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-03 AT 01:53 PM (EST)

Safe Peeps:

Bebo, FesterFan 1, Railfan, Leftpinky, DracoMalfoy, PhoenixMons, PepelePew 13, Mistofleas, bubbastan, genius47, Raincrow, Corvis.

Best: the Red team.
Worst: the Green team.

Secret Word: cqvenus.

Bonus- Doodlebug.

Bovinated- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-15-03 at 12:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-03 AT 05:00 PM (EST)

LozengeofLove, Corvis, SurvivorManiac, Punkin, Kermit, benjapol, Bebo, sittem, yensid, railfan, sisyphus, 321Jump
BS: Red
WS: Red
Secret Woid: sleeeve...why not?
PTB: RainCrow

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by ejm92 on 10-15-03 at 03:38 PM
All or nothing............

Anti-Bootee Players:
Bebo, FesterFan1, ejm92, Froggy446688, railfan, LeftPinky, RainCrow, GuessItRains, sleeeve, DracoMalfoy, bubbastan, I_AM_HE

BS: Blue (Man) Group
WS: Red Group
Secret Woid: sleeeve
PickTheBootee: bubbastan

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by Froggy446688 on 10-15-03 at 03:57 PM
Anti-Bootee Players:
Bebo, ejm92, Froggy446688, railfan, LeftPinky, RainCrow, GuessItRains, sleeeve, DracoMalfoy, I_AM_HE

BS - Red Group
WS - Green Group
Secret Word - sleeeve
PickTheBootee - RainCrow


"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by sittem on 10-15-03 at 04:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-03 AT 04:40 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-16-03 AT 00:10 AM (EST)

Edited because I looked at the Spoilers!!

OK - let's see if I can figure this game out - talk about convoluted rules - sheeesh!

Safe: Bebo, FesterFan1, bubbastan, KermittheVixen, Corvis, GuessItRains, SurvivorManiac, Lolly, sittem, punkin, sisyphus, lozengeoflove

BS - Red
WS - Red (how can I not take Echo on this - she's naturally red)
PTB - bubbastan
Secret Woid - whomever the next person who posts after me picks - come on!!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Woo Hoo!"
Posted by echogirl on 10-15-03 at 09:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-03 AT 06:16 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-16-03 AT 06:10 PM (EST)

I'm horrible at this game but it's fun! Maybe I should try an alternate strategy and try to stay out of the red?

Safe: echogirl, FesterFan, LeftPinky, sleeeve, ejm92, bubbastan.

BS: Blue
WS: Green

Secret Woid: sleeeve
PTB: Doodlebug

"tribephyl's ABPABC wk.1entry "
Posted by tribephyl on 10-16-03 at 05:03 PM
Survivor Maniac

Team Red

Team Red


echo's PTBC:


"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by PlumBlossom on 10-16-03 at 05:27 PM
OK, I'm going to give this a try.

Safe: Bebo, FesterFan1, TeamJoisey, SurvivorManiac, sittem, PepeLePew13, sleeeve, mistofleas, DracoMalfoy, ejm92, I_AM_HE, RebelCrown

BS: Red
WS: Red

Secret Woid: sleeeve

PBC: Doodlebug

an IceCat original

"RE: ABPABC/Rules and "
Posted by 321Jump on 10-22-03 at 07:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 09:03 PM (EST)

Rule 8 1/2: Post on the correct thread!