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"An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"

Posted by Lucian on 08-09-00 at 10:47 PM
Ok this has been posted on another, less open and friendly, board but I'll repost it here for your benefit as well.

Some background. I started writing this after episode 8 and had a lot catching up to do so part one, which covers 1-8, is brief. I mainly did it to show how CBS could make sure alternate groups won immunity and to help push to keep certain people on the island. Parts 9 and 10 are longer and read more like the summaries we see of real episodes.

I would love any comments anyone has.

So here we go, and again I'll beg you to read it and reply so I'm inspired to write another one.

Ok so here we go:

"The Sensible Shoes Alternate History"
Submitted for your approval; a world where one tiny change makes all the difference.

We meet the Survivors. At Pagong Ramona is sick and BB begins to irritate people with his outspoken manner. Using BB’s glasses Tagi manages to acquire fire first.

At Tagi hard work is the order of the day and Tagi beach camp begins to come together though Richard and Rudy ruffle feathers early with their own manner.

Challenge: Quest for Fire
Though Sonja is seen as slowing the tribe down she manages to keep up well enough for Tagi to win the challenge.

Tribal Council:
It’s health vs. manner as the votes fall for three people
Joel, Colleen and Ramona vote for BB
BB, Jenna, Gretchen and Greg vote for Ramona
Gervase votes for Jenna

And Ramona is the first person to leave the island.


As disheartened Pagong begin to clash internally. BB’s shelter is completed below the tide line and the tribe is forced to move it. More and more BB irritates his tribe mates especially after washing his shirt in the cooking water..

Tagi is riding high as Sean completes the Superpole 2000 and proceeds to fail to catch fish. Stacey and Kelly conspire against Rudy. Sue is approached but lies about her intentions. Sonja’s leg becomes infected.

Challenge: Rescue Mission. Tagi is forced to choose a member to sit out. Stacey is chosen, against her will. Gretchen and BB build an excellent stretcher. Sonja and Colleen are hung from the tree and Pagong’s superior athletes win the day.

Tribal Council:
For reasons even he can’t explain Richard votes for Stacey. Rudy also votes for her since “I don’t like her and I never will.”
Looking for physical strength Sue votes for Sonja as does Sean out of concern for her injured leg.
Kelly, Stacey, Sonja and Dirk vote for Rudy.
And the former Navy SEAL returns home.

A monsoon batters the island and Pagong’s shelter proves weak. The tribe discovers a mud hole. While most prefer to play in it BB insists the mud would make an excellent sealant for their roof and continues to work to improve it. He and Gretchen also insist the camp be better taken care of.

Reward challenge: Treasure chest

Though Sonja slows Tagi Gervase proves a huge liability and Tagi wins the fishing spear. Richard, who has recently revealed to everyone that he is gay, goes to work and spears several Skates for dinner. Dirk and Sean continue to fail in their fish catching.

Immunity challenge: Bugging Out, held in a thrown together camp since the Banyan tree has already been destroyed.
Gervase proves incapable of beating Sonja in the bug eating competition.

Tribal Council:
BB and Greg and Gretchen vote for Gervase
Jenna, Colleen, Joel and Gervase vote for BB.

BB leaves the island, later on the talk show circuit he defends himself against accusations of racism claiming he always voted against the lazy team members.

Gervase admits that two votes makes him nervous and tries to work harder to help the tribe. Gretchen suggests moving the shelter but it overruled by the rest of the tribe. She, and Greg, both build their own sleeping quarters in the woods. Greg and Colleen form a romance.
At Tagi Sonja finds herself in serious pain while Dirk’s preaching irritates many tribe members.

Reward challenge: Distress Signal
Pagong’s happy face is ruled to be a slightly less effective signal than Tagi’s SOS. In a later interview Rudy says they would have been better to use people in bright clothing as part of the signal. Sonja, now having difficulty walking, tries to make herself useful by taking over as the camp cook. Stacey, still secure in her position as leader of the Women’s alliance comes to believe Dirk voted against her at Tribal Council and tries to turn others against him. Sonja, however, rejects Stacey’s continued attempts at block voting.

Immunity challenge: Shipwrecked
Kelly competes against Gervase and Sonja is allowed to sit out to keep teams even. In a surprise upset Gervase wins.

Tribal Council:
Sue and Richard vote for Stacey. Sonja, concerned that Stacey is being too cut-cutthroat also votes for her.

Kelly and Stacey vote for Dirk.

Sean and Dirk vote for Sonja.

And a bitter Stacey heads for home, but not before launching a few choice words at Sue and Sonja.

Sue and Kelly approach Richard about a voting alliance. Sean and Dirk drop in popularity as their fishing fails.

At Pagong food is becoming an issue but spirits remain high. Gervase rides on the glory of his recent victory while Gretchen complains that , with BB gone, work ethic around the camp has dropped. The mysterious Greg/Colleen relationship raises questions.

Reward challenge: Choose your weapon.
Joel’s javelin throw just manages to beat Sue and Pagong receives food and chickens. They are sure to eat one just before the immunity challenge.

Immunity challenge:
Buried Treasure
Sean swims against Colleen and takes an early lead. Sean hands off to Sue who races across the planks with great speed adds to Tagi’s lead. Greg and Joel row furiously and almost catch up but Dirk races through the jungle far faster than Gervase. Sonja and Richard dig for the chest against Jenna and Gretchen. Though Richard struggles to run with the heavy chest Tagi manages to win the day and a sad but well fed Pagong head to Tribal Council.

Tribal council:
Jeff begins to ask pointed questions at Council. Gervase suffers the most as Jeff points out his up and down success in challenges.

Greg, muttering something cryptic, votes for Jenna as does Gervase.

Jenna, Colleen and Gretchen vote for Gervase.

Joel votes for Colleen.

And the charming basketball coach takes his ball and goes home.

Episode 6
The merger is coming…Joel tries to create an alliance of voters against Tagi but the rest of the tribe refuse. Several of the women note Joel is treating them like children.

Reward challenge: Abandoned barracks
Due to Richard’s mistake Pagong wins.

Pagong finds their last chicken stolen by a lizard and sullenly prepare for the last competitive reward challenge.

Immunity challenge: Obstacle course
With Sonja, whose leg is only now beginning to recover, and Colleen sitting out the race Pagong just manages to surge ahead. Richard is later heard to say “I wish Rudy has still been here. Then we would have known what to expect.”

Tribal Council:
Richard, Sue and Kelly cast their votes against the likeable and fit Sean.
Sonja, fearing another alliance votes against Susan as does Dirk.
Sean votes for Sonja out of compassion for her leg pain.

And Dr. Sean is gone.

Final tribe before merger:
Colleen, Greg, Gretchen, Jenna and Joel

Dirk, Kelly, Richard, Sonja and Sue

Episode 7
Sonja and Jenna are sent to negotiate the merger. Sonja, accompanied by her ukulele, serenades Jenna and convinces her to move camp. A new tribe name: Puala is chosen.

The new tribe merges well. Sonja’s cooking is preferred over Gretchen’s. Joel secretly approaches Dirk with his concerns that men are being targeted for voting off. Both are uncertain as to whether Richard or Greg would support them. Sue and Joel clash horribly.

Immunity challenge: Snake Island relay
The challenge seems to favour the depopulated men. All the women drop out first followed by Richard leaving Dirk, Greg and Joel as the finalists.
Dirk, who seems to be losing a great deal of weight, finishes third and Greg just edges Joel to victory.

Tribal Council:
The Tagi alliance of Richard, Sue and Kelly target the popular Gretchen.
Dirk and Joel both vote for Sue.
Colleen votes for Richard, noting he seems overconfident.
Jenna and Gretchen vote for Joel.
Sonja votes for Dirk noting he seems to also be in poor shape.
Greg votes for Jenna advising her to “either be here or be gone!”

And a surprised Gretchen goes home.

Episode 8
Worries about an alliance continue. Greg breaks off his relationship with Colleen and begins to flirt with Richard. Jenna notes he has suddenly become two-faced.

Joel and Sonja wind up in an argument.

Sue and Kelly try to bond with Jenna and Colleen and raise the spectre of a possible women’s alliance again

Reward challenge: Archery
Jenna is heartbroken as Greg wins the challenge.

Greg’s video disturbs Joel.

Reward challenge:
End of the Line
The fit and quick Joel manages to win the competition and the immunity idol passes to him.

Tribal Council:
Sonja notes before hand she had planned to vote for Joel and now can’t decide.
Jeff tries to expose the Tagi alliance but Richard easily points out that it’s easy to be paranoid because a few votes happen to fall together. Sue, points out she got two votes last time and is afraid there’s an alliance against her.

The three member alliance sets its sites on Greg and, unknowingly Jenna aids them by casting a similar vote.
Dirk and Joel again vote for Sue.
Greg again votes for Jenna, as does Sonja and Colleen.

And the eccentric Greg leaves, his rambling final words hint that new alliances may be on the way…

To be continued…

Episode 9

Last time on Survivor:
Tensions rose in the merged tribe as alliances began to worry the tribespeople. Jenna was heartbroken as her video from home did not arrive and Greg’s happiness was short lived as the Triumvirate alliance set their sites on him. But Jenna also received three votes and must certainly be worried about her place on the island.

Puala Beach, Day 25

As the sun rises over the beach Dirk and Joel walk along the shore. With only 3 men left Joel is certain the women ganged up on Greg. Dirk figures there must be an alliance but worries it might also include Richard. If they can’t trust Rich how can they possibly form a counter alliance. The only thing both are sure of is that Sonja is not in any alliance.

Cut to Sonja. She admits she is astonished she is still on the island. She worries alliances are forming and worries she might be vulnerable soon.

Cut to Richard, he talks about how he needs to lie at Council in order to prevent the blatant manipulations of the host. After all, he admits, three votes is not unbeatable and he has to keep getting fish and trying to stay pleasant to everyone else..

Colleen, sitting in a tree, badmouths Rich for his overconfidence and constant showboating about the fish.

Richard brings in more fish and, as he Joel and Susan kill them Colleen again expresses her desire not to see them killed. Sonja cooks the fish to perfection and Jenna, Kelly and Sue join Rich in congratulating her. An increasingly thin looking Dirk eats little.

Alone Kelly comments that the rice is running low and Rich’s food is still pretty important. She feels badly about the voting alliance but also worries that leaving it now would reduce her strength. It tears her up sometimes, she comments, but she’s here to win.

Colleen and Jenna sit together. Jenna admits she voted for Greg but suspects 3 of the Tagi people are working together. Though she is sure Sonja isn’t part of it she isn’t sure if Kelly or Dirk is the fourth member. Despite Sue’s reassurance that the women will not vote for each other she is still worried about being double crossed. Colleen, who voted for Jenna, looks vaguely uncomfortable as she tells Jenna they need to stick together to survive.

Alone, afterward, Colleen admits she felt bad not telling Jenna the truth but that they need to stick together from now on and it would only make things harder if Jenna knew.

Day 26
Joel finds the clue for the day’s reward challenge. Reading it he is excited about the prospect of food. The others read it with excitement. Sonja says she sees little chance of winning this but the food would probably do others well (her thin look and slower movements lead the audience to believe otherwise).

The tribe heads to the challenge. Colleen wins the “Pointing out the obvious award for the week” with her “Look it’s Jeff!” comment. Jeff displays the barbeque feast laid out and then briefly redeems himself from last week’s cruelty by assuring Jenna her letter from home is on the top of the pile. Rich tells Jeff he will not be sharing with him which brings a hearty (perhaps forced) laugh from Joel and Dirk but blank stares from the ladies

The rope maze is explained in detail and the contestants take off. Rich’s height is not an advantage and he struggles from the start. Sonja also moves slowly and quickly falls behind. Jenna plays with utter determination until, crossing a rope bridge, she comes face to face with Dirk coming in the opposite direction. She tries to scurry under him and for a moment every teenage male in the viewing audience has a hormonal surge as it appears Jenna briefly brushes against dirk’s crotch. His sudden recoil in shock sends the ropes spinning and both he and Jenna tumble to the ground and are out of the competition. Jenna is crushed and Dirk’s attempts to apologize are not well received.

Meanwhile the race comes down to Kelly and Colleen and Colleen only just edges to victory.

Jeff tells Colleen she can select one person to eat with her and get her letter. Colleen chooses Jenna.

As CBS goes maudlin by selecting music to highlight the obvious difference between the rice eaters and the BBQs Colleen and Jenna plot. They know they need at least one more vote to have a hope of taking somebody out and know they have to choose between Kelly or Dirk to approach. Colleen, sensing that Dirk’s crush on Kelly might be bothering her suggests they approach Kelly about voting off Dirk. Jenna, having just been humiliated by him in the challenge, is happy to agree.

Meanwhile with their meagre rice and fish consumed Joel and Dirk head out to check the traps. No fish… As they rest for a while on the raft (again…scream millions of loyal viewers) Rich surfaces with a small ray. The three chat and Dirk and Joel confide their fears about a woman’s alliance. Rich listens with rapt attention and (fake) shock at the idea of an alliance. Rich suggests voting for Colleen. The men are reluctant but agree.

Later, at camp Colleen, Jenna and Kelly play superhero. A watching Sonja mentions that “Seeing them takes her back” and within the next hour there are 70 more posts on the Survivor sucks message boards speculating, again, that Sonja is a lesbian.

Rich, also watching, privately comments that he fears Kelly’s trust may have shifted and he’s quite glad to have 2 more votes to bolster him in this council. He also expounds on how the fish is not what is keeping him here. He claims he is smarter and that he is controlling who will remain.

Susan and Kelly have a brief confrontation where Sue chastises Kelly for getting too close to the enemy.

Day 27

Sue wishes Rich a happy birthday and Rich explains how he plans to spend his 39th birthday in his birthday suit.

Jenna, Colleen and Joel all express discomfort with Rich’s nudity while Dirk, surprisingly claims that after a while you get used to it. Sonja is also highly supportive and says she wishes she had the courage to join him (across American millions breath thanks to whatever deity they believe in that she doesn’t).

Rich explains how it’s about being himself and he’s going to do what he wants to do. He decides, however, to put clothes on for the immunity challenge.

There is a mysterious, soundless shot of Kelly and Dirk talking earnestly just before the team heads off to the challenge.

The Squared Off challenge is billed as a test of wits. Colleen is first out, if that tells you anything. At one point Dirk makes a move that seems to deliberately hurt Jenna rather than Richard. In the end it costs him and though Rich hangs on until near the end it is a wily Sonja who is the last one standing. As she dons the immunity necklace she confides she never thought she’d win one.

Back from commercial (and the Canadians regret not getting to see the sponsor ads for all of 3 seconds) Sonja confides there seems to be secret meetings happening all over the place and she’s probably the only one no one has approached. She says that’s probably because she’s said she hates the very idea and if that means she goes after she loses immunity that’s how she wants to play the game.

Kelly, packing up for tribal council, confides to the camera she’s tired of leading lambs to the slaughter.

At council Jeff introduces Greg who looks exactly the same as when he left…weird. Colleen gives Greg a look that young men will be discussing in therapy for decades to come.

Jeff launches into the annoying questions again:

Jeff: So welcome again to tribal council. Eight torches behind me represent the castaways who have been voted off. Tonight, for the first time, the torches behind me will outnumber those left. Dirk, how do you feel about that?

Dirk: I thank the Lord for guiding me this far (rolled eyes from Susan and Kelly) and know his wisdom will guide me as far as I am meant to go.

Jeff: Sonja, you’re safe tonight. Are you confidant for the future?

Sonja: Well Jeff, I’m also surprised I got this far. And I’m having a wonderful time and hope to stay as long as the tribe lets me.

Jeff: Happy birthday Mr. Hatch.

Rich: Thank you.

Jeff: you had planned to spend today naked, but later you changed your mind.

Rich: Well I saw I was making people nervous and I felt I had done it enough. (Millions of viewers spontaneously shout “Too much!”) I need to do my part for tribal unity because any of us could go at any moment.

Jeff: Sue, in the past before the merger you were accused of switching your vote and betraying people on a number of occasions. (Viewers’ jaws drop in amazement). Do you worry that the reputation as a back-stabber might hurt you in the end?

Sue: (Who looks about ready to leap forward and cram that tacky torch flaming end first into one of Jeff’s bodily orifices) No…no. I think what was mistaken fer backstabbing was just me voting my conscious (sic) and changing my mind at the last minute. I think that helps me.

Jeff: (smugly nodding) Ok then, it’s time to vote. Sonja you’re first.
We see the votes of only three people:

Sonja votes for Jenna “I think she misses her kids and I think she’d be better off being with them.”

Richard votes for Colleen “I can tell when somebody doesn’t like me and I want to get those people off the island as soon as possible.”

Sue also votes for Colleen “cuz she’s a whiny little twit and if she can’t stand seein her food killed she should go back where there’s supermarkets.” Amazingly she spells the name right!

Jeff retires to count.

Returning after commercial he once again remind everyone that the votes are final once tallied (WTF is the point of that anyway?!) and begins to read:

Rich is visibly shocked, as is Sue who positively seethes at Jeff as he extinguishes her torch. The audience admits to being pretty damn shocked too.

In the next week’s preview we see Rich confronting Dirk and Joel with a “what the hell happened?”

Our final view of all the votes show that (as we already figured) all the other castaways (Colleen, Jenna, Kelly, Dirk and Joel) voted for Susan…and the so called Tagi alliance lies in shambles.

Susan’s final words are only mildly bitter but are highlighted by “They knew I wuz the strongest one so they screwed me. I’ll remember that in the final vote…”

Still on the island

Now episode 10

Last time on Survivor: Shifting alliances and secret plans left the Paula Colleen and Jenna shared a barbeque and tried to hatch a plan. Dirk and Joel approached Richard about a men’s alliance. But when the council met the best laid plans of all collapsed as the tribe turned on Susan. Now the gloves are off and paranoia runs high.

Puala Beach, Day 28

We open on Richard on the beach. He looks pensive as he dons his fishing gear.

“Last night,” he says “was the strangest council yet. It was the first time in a long time the person I had picked to leave didn’t go. And the walk home was totally silent. No one spoke. It was almost creepy. And I’ll give credit to Stacey, she turned on Susan better than Susan did on Stacey. So, the alliance is finished and my only hope is to keep bringing in fish and hope the remaining men will stick together.” He heads into the surf.

Colleen sits in her tree “What was really funny last night was the look on Richard’s face. Because he knew his little alliance was finished and he could really be next. He hasn’t been this quiet before.”

Kelly, cleaning up the shelter speaks to the camera “I went to Dirk and asked him if he might want to see Sue gone. He said he had been thinking of somebody else but he was willing to change. I liked Sue, I really did, but I just couldn’t stay in this alliance. If I’m going to win this I have to win it on my own.”

Dirk and Joel are rowing out to check the traps. Dirk seems to be struggling to do even the simplest tasks. “When Kelly came to me and asked me to switch our vote she also asked not to tell Rich. Joel and I talked about it and we figured as long as we were making sure the women weren’t forming an alliance we were helping ourselves.”

Joel pipes up “I hope Rich isn’t too upset, he’s the one really brining in the fish these days and I think he knows we all appreciate that.”

“Rich is a character.” Dirk says with a weak laugh. “I don’t think anybody wants to see him go yet.”

Sonja muses “People seem a lot more scared lately. They really don’t know who they can trust. I think there’s been some alliances and I think they’ve fallen apart. Nobody talks to me about these things, probably because I’ve made it clear I don’t want to be involved.”

Later Richard swims up with several rays and a small shark to join Dirk and Joel on the raft. They greet him and Rich asks “What the hell happened last night?” Dirk and Joel explain the last minute vote shift (conveniently leaving out that Kelly specifically asked them not to tell him about it.” Dirk and Joel assure Richard they have no plans to vote him off and hope to vote off another woman to even things out again.

That night at the campfire Sonja plays a love song on her ukulele, a love song directed at a woman. This leads to her revelation that Rich is not the only homosexual on the island (hundreds of Survivor Sucks readers exclaim “I told you so!). Dirk seems uncomfortable about this revelation. The others all comment how happy they are she has finally feels comfortable enough to tell them .

As night falls Richard reveals to the camera “I’m not going to kid you and say I was hoping I could keep people for voting for me because they didn’t want to be seen as homophobic. Now with two homosexuals on the island I’m not sure how that impacts on my safety…”

Dirk and Joel find a pizza box with the reward clue. Dirk is eager to get pizza, commenting “I’m from Wisconsin, I miss my cheese!” The others are also fairly eager.

As we see an aerial shot of the strange balance beam set-up Jeff tells us that rewards are now everything. The collective viewers disagree and wonder just how long this will take. But as Jeff explains the full reward, including the phone call home, Jenna’s determination snaps in. “I’m going to win.” She says. “I’m going to talk to my kids.”

Without (much) further ado Jeff lines up the contestants and explains the elimination rounds. At the start the contestants take off. Sonja stumbles early followed by Colleen and Kelly just short of the first stop. Joel, Jenna, Richard and a puffing Dirk make it to round two. A few moments later Jeff starts them again. Dirk falls far behind and a determined Jenna just beats Joel to stand with Rich at the end.

Now the final round. Jeff starts the remaining two and Jenna, running like a woman possessed beats Rich to the last log and confidently strides to victory. Flight of the Valkyries plays as a helicopter soars into view leading viewers to speculate (some hopefully) that it is about to open fire with rocket launchers. The extremely small looking lice of pizza arrives and Jenna takes one huge bite before handing it off to be shared by the remaining castaways. Jeff anti-climactically asks Jenna who she’ll be calling and, to nobody’s surprise, she says her babies. Jeff explains that the time zones are off so he’ll bring the Erickson World Phone (plug, plug) over to the beach the next day for her to call. Crying with joy (for a change) Jenna receives the congratulations of her fellow Puala tribemembers.

Day 29

After the commercial we see Jenna waiting for the phone to arrive “I just hope,” she muses “people don’t start thinking I want to go home. With the alliance broken nobody can afford to show weakness.”

As she wanders off Colleen speculates on exactly that to Sonja. Sonja wonders if Jenna, who would have to be on the jury anyway, would even be able to see her kids before the end anyway. Colleen thinks about this and shrugs.

Meanwhile Dirk and Joel relax in hammocks in an increasingly messy looking camp.

“It would have been cool to hear from home.” Dirk says “But Jenna deserves it.”

“Yeah.” Agrees Joel “Besides we’re only 10 days from the end. What matters now is the immunity challenges.”

Meanwhile Jenna makes her call. It’s positively heart-rending to hear her choke up as she talks to her mother, who apologizes about the tape being late and explains they were out of town, and manages to speak to her young daughters as well.

A quick cut to Colleen reveals her saying “If I had kids I don’t know if I could leave them the way Jenna has. Not that I’m blaming here, I mean, she probably knows the money will help them in the long run but this must be hard on her.”

Back at camp Sonja and Kelly gather firewood. Sonja notices less work is being done now that Sue is gone. Kelly, a little guilty, agrees.

Later, alone, Kelly talks about how despite one alliance being broken she is still worried about Rich. “He’s a snake, he’s the devil. And I broke my deal with the devil so I’m really not sure what he’s going to do.”

Meanwhile Rich, again preparing to fish talks about Kelly “Kelly played well, or at least she thinks she played well. She wants to win too and she knows she needs jury support. So she betrayed Sue. Ok. Now I know if I make it I have Sue’s vote over her. Do I want her gone? Not yet, I think I want to see how the next few votes go. If I can keep getting fish then I can hopefully last a few more votes and then maybe I’ll want her gone. But not yet.”

“My strategy?” says Sonja “I don’t really have a strategy. I never really came here expecting to win. I hoped that people would like me and that I could survive and last a while. I have. “ she pauses “Not saying it hasn’t been hard. Probably a lot harder on me that a younger fit person like Joel.” Cut to Joel lifting a large log. “But I’m still here and it’s been fun. I think there have been a lot of political games that everybody has tried to shield me from. I guess I’m glad of that because that’s not what I came here to do. Of course if they really plan to vote people off because they’re the strongest I could be here a while yet.” She laughs heartily but coughs a tiny bit too.

Jenna returns to be congratulated by her team-mates.

Later Colleen and Dirk find the torch carrying the immunity clue. Colleen’s mumbles reading of it leaves many viewers confused. The good news is it is repeated. The bad news is it’s repeated by Richard in the worst white guy rap since Vanilla Ice.

In some great editing we see shots of the castaways intermixed with shots of roaring flames and the set-up for the fasted fire challenge. An almost Tarentino-esque procession of castaways heading up the beach. Jeff, who has a future providing translation for the blatantly obvious impaired, points out that at this point nobody is happy for anyone who wins immunity…well duh. Thankfully he quickly moves on to explaining the challenge.

As Jeff shouts go the others take off, a rampaging Kelly cuts off Sonja and forces Joel to swerve. Joel topples over never quite able to recover. Dirk is in the race until he slips in the water and douses his torch. Colleen appears more like a pixie as she dances about with her wood but it is Richard who easily wins the competition. His “Immunity Dance” is the source of fodder for thousands of comedians both amateur and professional for the next week.

Day 30

Jenna and Colleen sit awaiting Tribal Council. At least, Jenna comments, the alliances are broken and we probably won’t see any more. Colleen points out that with one alliance already having collapsed people would be foolish to try to make another one.

Dirk notices the approaching thunderheads.

Rich, the immunity necklace snugly resting on his ample chest says he will be pleased to have 3 more days to rethink his strategy and see what happens. “Because I know, without this, I’d be getting votes tonight. Maybe a lot.”

The tribe heads to council. Jeff brings in Sue (who looks surprisingly better in clean clothes) and Greg (who still looks the same, as if he’s cryogenically frozen between episodes) to sit in the jury. Jeff also mentions that another former Survivor, Gervase, has recently had a baby boy, his fourth. The cast cheer and Joel says “Shout out to ya Gerv.” which only succeeds in embarrassing himself and his family for generations to come.

Jeff launches into the Q&A portion of our program we all so look forward to.

“Joel.” He asks “Are there new alliances forming now in Rattanna?”

“Well Jeff, I think these so called alliances come and go every day maybe every hour. Let’s face it a million bucks is at stake and people are going to try to get an edge. But do I think people are locking into long term deals? No, that would be silly because, in the end, your allies are the people you have to beat.”

“Kelly. Last week was the first time a former Tagi member has been voted off. Why do you think that is.” The camera rests on Sue who seems to be trying to telekinetically tear Kelly’s head from her shoulders.

A stammering Kelly replies “I think these things just happen. I think that in the end we’re all going to have to betray people we like at one point or another just because we want to stay so somebody has to go. But I think people are voting for the person they want gone. For me it’s who pisses me off or who’s competition but other people may have other reasons.”

“Dirk,” Jeff asks “You’ve displayed strong Christian values all along. How do you reconcile that with voting people off?”

“Well Jeff, this is a game. And by being here I’m helping to spread the word and I’m really competing as a Christian. When they threw Christians to the lions the most faithful were spared, but I bet the rest of them didn’t just lay down and get eaten. It’s a game, it’s fun and it’s all part of our Lord’s creation.”

Jeff turns to Richard in hopes of rescuing the viewers from more lame responses. “Rich, you’re safe tonight.”

“Phew.” Rich overemphasizes.

“Do you think you might not have been safe?”

“Nobody is safe Jeff. Nobody.”

“Do you think you’re being immune will cause votes that would have been cast towards you to go towards somebody else?”

“Obviously yes, but I don’t know if they’ll all concentrate on one person. Nobody truly knows who they’re voting for but themselves in that voting booth.”

“So what next?”

“Well I don’t want to harp on the fish.” There are exaggerated groans from many of the others (and us the viewers) “So I’m just going to keep trying to stay on people’s good side and hope I can see a few more sunsets here.”

“Ok,” says Jeff “It’s time to vote. Joel you’re first.”

Joel enters the booth and writes Sonja. “Sonja, you’re great, you’re really sweet but you haven’t been really healthy for a while and I also think it’s going to get nasty here really soon and I want to spare you that.”

Colleen votes next, then Jenna followed by Kelly. We see Kelly write Joel and say “He’s kind of condescending, especially to the women, and think he’s a threat in the rest of the challenges.”

Dirk and Rich vote but we don’t see for whom which leaves Sonja. Sonja votes for Dirk. “It may be a bit hypocritical to say this but I think he’s not looking well and maybe needs a doctor.”

Jeff departs to tally the votes and when he returns again reminds us that the votes are final and the person voted off must leave the council area immediately.

“First vote is for Dirk.

That’s two votes each for Dirk, Joel and Sonja. Last vote…Sonja.”

Sonja picks up her torch and heads for home “Good luck everyone!” is her final words as she gives a proud thumbs up.

Jeff sends the others home.

The clip from next week shows Colleen and Jenna jumping for joy at the prospect of winning a night on a yacht and a shot of Colleen exclaiming “What is this? Kindergarten? Is it the boys versus the girls?”

We are then treated to all votes
Sonja got votes from Dirk, Richard and Joel, all the men.
Dirk got votes from Sonja and Jenna
Joel got votes from Colleen and Kelly.

Sonja’s final words are gracious, she says she has no ill feelings and is glad she made it as far as she did. Now, she says, she’s looking forward to a nice hot bath and a warm bed.

If anybody likes these I'll post the remaining three here too!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: An alternate Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by Lucian on 08-10-00 at 11:25 AM
Is it wrong to reply to my own menssage to push it up the board?

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by HonestAbe on 08-11-00 at 03:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-11-00 AT 07:47 PM (EST)

Bravo, Lucian!

These are the most creative posts on any of the Survivor boards. Not only do you make your point about "one tiny change making all the difference", but it's great storytelling as well.

I'm looking forward to the next episode.

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by BritsBoy on 08-11-00 at 10:41 AM
That was great...thank you.

Please keep them comming

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by Outwit on 08-11-00 at 10:54 AM
That was great! I can't wait to see who wins alternate survivor. At least my favorite(Colleen) is still in the running. Way to go!!!

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by spink_14 on 08-21-00 at 10:34 PM
cool! what happened next?! (sorry... delayed reaction)

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 08-21-00 at 10:55 PM
these are cool and really fun to read. Keep up the good work, and please do post the next three. I'm going to do a few of my own, though I'm going to wait till after the final episode to finish them

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by SGMagicMan on 08-21-00 at 11:54 PM
If you guys want to see another Survivor story unfold live online with real people, go to 3bigshows.com, click on "Survivor", then click on "Forum". It's the Internet Wasteland survivor game, in which one "castaway" will make off with the grand prize.

- Scott


"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by theking of all men on 08-22-00 at 00:08 AM

youre weird

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by Rainydays&Weds. on 08-22-00 at 02:37 PM
Love it - need it - want it - but, uh, could you postpone it until... say about Wed. the 30th... when we are all in major withdrawals...?

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by Lucian on 08-23-00 at 01:34 PM
Well, right now I am in Kingston Ontario on a business trip.

I'm paying $12 to grab an hour of net time and I do not have a hope of getting episode 12 done before #13 airs. So...
#12 will come out in the next week and the final installment will be later (perhaps the 30th as you suggest).

"RE: An alternat Survivor history, it's long but I'd appreciate feedback on it"
Posted by spink_14 on 08-23-00 at 04:13 PM
what about #11?