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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 1526
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"Final TC Questions"

Posted by Bert on 12-20-02 at 12:11 PM
Erin, Erin, Erin. You came thiiiiiiiis close to asking the one question I've always wanted to hear at Final TC. Been waiting for five seasons now, and nobody's yet asked, "We've heard why you feel you deserve to win. Why do you think your opponent deserves to win?"

If you were on the jury of final TC, what question would you ask the final two???


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Final TC Questions"
Posted by magic_star on 12-20-02 at 01:29 PM
What have I done for you to help you get where you are?

Also would like to say some of the questions were pretty stupid but I did like Erin's question.

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: Final TC Questions"
Posted by s_man on 12-20-02 at 04:10 PM
Ala Greg or BigTom:

"If it takes a hen-and-a-half a day-and-a-half to lay an egg-and-a-half, how many pancakes fit on top of a doghouse?"

"RE: Final TC Questions"
Posted by bondt007 on 12-20-02 at 07:59 PM

How about... "how much of the million dollars would you give me for my vote?" That would be fun!