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"If you could choose..."

Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-14-02 at 05:50 PM
Ok, this is a post inspired by Loree on Ivory's post about which reality shows she would want to go on and why. My question is to everyone, which reality show would you want to go on? Pretend that you could get accepted to go on ANY reality show. Real World, Road Rules, Sorority Life, all of those count. Which one would you choose? Please choose only ONE. Reply to this post and we can kind of hold this like a poll and see which show gets the most amount of votes.

The Reality Show Queens!!


Table of contents
  • B-I-G - B-R-O-T-H-E-R,BaquaR13, 05:53 PM, 12-14-02
  • Big Bro!!,BMH, 05:59 PM, 12-14-02
  • BIG BROTHER,johnthemod, 06:04 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Mole,survivorscott, 06:49 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Amazing Race!!,Kermit the Vixen, 08:31 PM, 12-14-02
  • Amazing Race,Chrissy gal, 09:04 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Amazing Race,I_AM_HE, 09:07 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Mole,Loree, 10:02 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Mole,Jims02, 10:51 PM, 12-14-02
  • The Amazing Race,Survivorerist, 11:01 PM, 12-14-02
  • Survivor,ejm92, 11:47 PM, 12-14-02
  • SURVIVOR,PlaneJane3, 01:10 AM, 12-15-02
  • The Amazing Race,magic_star, 01:28 AM, 12-15-02
  • Survivor,dabo, 01:47 AM, 12-15-02
  • THE AMAZING RACE,bucherwurm, 10:33 AM, 12-15-02
  • TAR, Definitely!!,bubbastan, 02:38 PM, 12-15-02
  • Here, moley moley....,Bert, 09:40 PM, 12-15-02
    • Cool!,BMH, 10:11 PM, 12-15-02
    • RE: Here, moley moley....,Jims02, 10:59 PM, 12-15-02
  • Amazing Race,GTmike, 10:17 PM, 12-15-02
  • Survivor,echogirl, 11:32 PM, 12-15-02
  • The Mole,Draco Malfoy, 07:54 AM, 12-16-02
  • The Amazing Race,Sophie, 07:24 PM, 12-16-02
  • Vote Tally so far...,BaquaR13, 08:19 PM, 12-16-02
  • TAR,sittem, 01:49 PM, 12-17-02
  • SURVIVOR,jsanb, 02:05 PM, 12-17-02
  • Survivor,Kokoro, 06:18 PM, 12-17-02
  • Survivor,JohnMc, 11:39 AM, 12-18-02

Messages in this discussion
"B-I-G - B-R-O-T-H-E-R"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-14-02 at 05:53 PM
Now, i almost wanted to say survivor because you could win $1 million but i think i would have great odds in a game more like Big Brother. If i am in good physical health i can be mentally strong. I would have fun in Big Brother and let loose. Real World and Road Rules would be fun, but there is no real prize (there is in Road Rules but nothing that good). TAR and The Mole would not be good for me. They are both SOOO stressful and i wouldn't be able to handle it. Especially TAR, because i am horrible with directions.

The Reality Show Queens!!


"Big Bro!!"
Posted by BMH on 12-14-02 at 05:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-02 AT 06:02 PM (EST)

Ok we definitely think alike..I would do Big Brother in a heartbeat..ya it is less money..but you don't starve to death..you get to shower..And sure thousands and thousands of ppl are watching you 24/7 but I would be there to have fun..and I would really careless what ppl saw or said..I mean what could be better than spending your summer in a secluded house with 11 other attractive,mostly young strangers! I'm in!

I would maybe do Real World/Road Rules more for a expierence with people..I am not smart enough to do something like the Mole lol..I would fail the first quiz..and get "executed" very soon..I don't know how I would fair in TAR...I mean I'm not too bad with directions cuz I just got my liscense a little while ago..but I would have more of a hard time spending my expierence with a friend or family member 24/7 I would go insane

And I would DO Survivor..but there are alot of drawbacks to it also..but if someone gave me the offer..I would probably do it

Posted by johnthemod on 12-14-02 at 06:04 PM
Have to go with BMH and Baquar on this one. I would love to do survivor, but I don't know how I would do with all the actual physical surviving. I'm much better at the plotting and scheming. I would probably play a lot like Danielle, but try to be a lot more careful of what I said in the diary room (though I don't think she really said anything that offensive) The hidden alliance strategy with Jason was something I would have done, though I would probably take it a step further and make people think we didn't like each other too much. Unfortunately, I can't audition for any of them. It would be a major career hazard.

"The Mole"
Posted by survivorscott on 12-14-02 at 06:49 PM
Great scenery, and a who dunit mystery to boot. With all the luxuries of a vacation.

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"The Amazing Race!!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 12-14-02 at 08:31 PM
I just love the premise! Not NEARLY the backbiting, scheming and dishonesty as Big Bro or Survivor. Last one there is a rotten egg, pure and simple! I'm great with directions and LOVE to travel - it would be a dream come true!

-- Trust me, I don't bite. Would I lie to you?

"Amazing Race"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 12-14-02 at 09:04 PM
No question about it. I LOVE to travel. I am great at clues and directions. The only difficult part would be the lack of sleep and the running. I would apply to go on Amazing Race with my son, but I have a bad back and they surely wouldn't accept me.

"The Amazing Race"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-14-02 at 09:07 PM
TAR, Survivor, and the Mole would all be almost equally attractive to me, but if I could do only one, I'd probably go TAR because I could do it with a friend or family member

Even though I've probably watched all of 4 episodes of TAR ever, and not many more of The Mole

"The Mole"
Posted by Loree on 12-14-02 at 10:02 PM
I love to solve a mystery. And they have the best accommodations and meals. Plus you get to travel. And nobody can vote you out.

"The Mole"
Posted by Jims02 on 12-14-02 at 10:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-02 AT 10:52 PM (EST)

What a shock... Jims picked The Mole!!!

First of all, I REALLY get into mysteries (that's why I'm attracted to the show).

Secondly, nice food, nice scenery... It's like a game show for dweebs!

Edit: Plus, I can be the biggest JERK I want to be... As long as I know who the mole is!

The only downer is that I think that executions are the most suspenseful thing on Reality TV. Jeff calling out the votes is scary throughout a few votes, but...

One moment, he types your name into the computer.

Moment after moment pass...


(way dramatic!)

1. The Mole
2. TAR
3. Survivor

Big Brother would drive me INSANE...

Quotes of the week
1. "You will NOT see my ta-ta's" -Shii Ann

2. "Do they think I'm too controlling?" -Helen (um, yeah)
3. "My two year old (had a tantrum) one time and I whupped its @$$ and put it back to bed." -Clay
4. "I'm putting in an order for a bigger butt in my next life." -Jan (randomly)

"The Amazing Race"
Posted by Survivorerist on 12-14-02 at 11:01 PM

- I'm a very bad liar
- I love the scenery on the show! Every Wednesday, it makes me want to travel somewhere.
- I can go see Mother Asia! Okay, I'm just kidding on that one, I'm not that fanatical
- I love the idea of teamwork. I love the idea of competing with a partner and showing what the two of us can do together. Also, the time would go by a lot faster if I weren't doing it alone
- None of this alliance crap. Well, maybe a little, but not to the extent of Survivor

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
2. Helen Glover (5 weeks at #1)
4. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
4. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)

Posted by ejm92 on 12-14-02 at 11:47 PM
Now come on, it's the king of reality television....although I would be grateful to be chosen to any of the shows, Survivor would have to be my number one choice....I've put up with a lot of crap in my life, so I wouldn't have a problem trying to be nice when I'm actually pissed off.....Amazing Race comes in a close second place, because I have plenty of people that I would run a good race with, and Big Brother is in a close third, but I wouldn't wanna be locked up for that long with knife-wielding lunatics. I could care less about Real World/Road Rules (or any other MTV show for that matter), and I couldn't stand the stress of the Mole.

2002 NFC North Champs

Posted by PlaneJane3 on 12-15-02 at 01:10 AM
Come on people!! We all know that this is the best reality show ever!! Just look at where we are posting, survivor fanatics. I would die for a shot... i am thinking about applying for S7.

"The Amazing Race"
Posted by magic_star on 12-15-02 at 01:28 AM
I love to travel and it would be fun to compete in the challenges. I'm actually going to race in an Amazing Race type thing in my town in the summer of next year.

Coolest Show Ever

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

Posted by dabo on 12-15-02 at 01:47 AM
I would love to play the game and challenge myself in those circumstances. Being on TV and all that other stuff wouldn't do anything for me, however, and frankly I think I'd get sick of the cameras being around 24/7.


Posted by bucherwurm on 12-15-02 at 10:33 AM
I would love to go on the amazing race. You get to go to all of these great places, and do all these great challenges. Plus I already know the perfect person to be my partner, and who knows you could win the big prize. LOL probably not.

"TAR, Definitely!!"
Posted by bubbastan on 12-15-02 at 02:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-15-02 AT 02:44 PM (EST)

I have actual experience in getting lost in countries where I don't speak the language (yet I've managed to get to where I was trying to go in the end). I'm really good at telling a sob story, so I'm sure that I could get that ticket agent to get me on the over-booked flight. You can shower and eat, and even manage to grab some sleep along the way. What a cool way to get to some countries which my time and budget wouldn't normally allow. Another big plus is that you really aren't required to back-stab and lie to any great extent, and I don't think I would be good at it if I had to. The only drawback would be a partner, since my dear camera-shy hubby Mr. Bubbastan would never agree to be filmed and hates reality shows. Maybe Sir Erist or IAMHE would like to step in and help a fledgling daw girl out??

Survivor - I'm not going anywhere that doesn't have toilet paper, let alone flush toilets. I can't imagine not showering or brushing my teeth for 40 days. Ewwww. No blow dryer?? No way! I wouldn't say I'm high maintenance, but I am definitely not no maintenance.

Mole - Maybe, but I'm not all that familiar with the game.

Real World/Road Rules - Shall we just say that I'm a bit outside of the demographic for these shows?

Edited because I forgot Big Brother - Probably not. A bit too claustrophobic for me. There is literally no where to hide, and I don't really think I could handle having a camera on me in every room of the house 24/7.

"Here, moley moley...."
Posted by Bert on 12-15-02 at 09:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-15-02 AT 09:41 PM (EST)

No doubt here. The Mole. I've always (whether I deserve it or not) prided myself on my sleuthing skills. I've always been a mystery person: Hardy boys were my favourite when I was a kid. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie is one of my all time favourites: which really was The Mole fifty years ahead of it's time.

You don't have to go to the bathroom in the sand, people aren't watching you shower, and it's a vacation. And it seems just plain FUN!!!

My only fear would be being the poor slob to go first when there's just not enough to go on. Or thinking I'm soooooo right only to come in fifth and feel like such an idiot. (Waves to Al, if he's still lurking-- mad props to my fellow Long Islander!)

And if I ever were on the Mole, trust me, I'm not the mole. I can't lie to save my skin.

(Runner up: The Amazing Race. I didn't earn the knickname "Bert McNally" in high school for nothing...)

-sorry, this is a hamster, not a mole

Posted by BMH on 12-15-02 at 10:11 PM
I read "And then there were none" that was a good book!!! Even though it took me a while to actually figure out why the murderer was who he/she was...I was like what?

But really good book..and now that I think about it your right..it really is like the Mole set in the 1800's good catch

Maybe I neglected the Mole lol..I think it would be cool to do..even though I would still be executed first!

PS-Are they doing a Mole 3?..please say they are! I was so happy Dorothy won!

"RE: Here, moley moley...."
Posted by Jims02 on 12-15-02 at 10:59 PM
I had to jump in and mention that I loved And Then There Were None!!! It inspired me to read A LOT more by Agatha Christie:

Murder on Orient Express, Death on the Nile, A Murder is Announced, ABC Murders, Murder is Easy, Hickory Dickory Dock, Sleeping Murder, The Boomerang Clue, The Big Four, Peril at End House, What Ms McGillicuddy Saw!, Curtain, At Bertram's Hotel, Ordeal By Innocence, Third Girl, The Clocks...

There's probably a BUNCH more... But I love a good mystery!

Quotes of the week
1. "You will NOT see my ta-ta's" -Shii Ann

2. "Do they think I'm too controlling?" -Helen (um, yeah)
3. "My two year old (had a tantrum) one time and I whupped its @$$ and put it back to bed." -Clay
4. "I'm putting in an order for a bigger butt in my next life." -Jan (randomly)

"Amazing Race"
Posted by GTmike on 12-15-02 at 10:17 PM
Definitely Amazing Race!!! It is tied with The Mole. I love both shows and they are both my favorite. My third place pick would be Survivor of course.

Posted by echogirl on 12-15-02 at 11:32 PM
Okay this is tough. I only watch 3 Reality Shows--Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race. Oh I've seen maybe an episode of a few others, but these are the ones I watch religiously. So which one would I like to do most?

Amazing Race? I think I would enjoy Amazing Race the most. However I am horrible with directions. Unless I had a great partner I would surely be out episode one. The plus size to TAR is obviously seeing so many exotic places. The downside is your in a freaking race and would have no time to enjoy yourself. I still think TAR might be number one if I had a great partner.

Big Brother? The upside is you won't starve to death, you can shower everyday, and the challenges are not too difficult. The downside is that cameras are on you 24/7 and you are confined to a small area with 12 other people. Or is it 10? Anyway the confinement would drive me crazy. I don't see myself doing well on this show.

Which leaves us to Survivor. The obvious downside is the living conditions. Food, water, climate, etc are crucial. Also some of the physical challenges are not easy. Plus this show probably has more backstabbing than any others. But I think I would do better on this show than the other two. Why? Number one I know people. I am very good at adapting to the people around me. I can be quiet or outspoken. I can be emotional or laid back. I am trustworthy. And I think I would allign with the right people. Physically I may be stronger than most of the women (hey I'm 5'10") so I doubt I would be an early boot candidate. Unless swimming is a major part of most challenges! As for the "Survival". Well I have been camping and backbacking. I could likely adapt to this part fairly easily. Plus the Survivor Winner gets 1 million!

The downside to any of these shows is you risk making an a$$ of yourself on national TV. You risk having things in your past dredged up that you would rather remain buried. You risk having Bashers say mean things about you on Reality Show boards. I've actually contemplated applying for Survivor, but to be honest I don't think anything less than $1,000,000 would make it worthwhile for me.

"The Mole"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-16-02 at 07:54 AM
It's a tough choice, but in the end I gotta go with the Mole. You don't have to suffer nearly as much, and I'm a big wuss. You get hotel accomodations, excellent food, travel, and best of all, it really doesn't matter at all if you get along with everyone or not, whether you stay or not is in your own hands.

My ratings:
1. The Mole
2. Survivor
3. The Amazing Race
100000. Big Brother

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"The Amazing Race"
Posted by Sophie on 12-16-02 at 07:24 PM
no contest

"Vote Tally so far..."
Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-16-02 at 08:19 PM
So far it seems that many of you would choose travelling over Surviving or getting executed. Keep voting (for those who haven't) and we will tally later if enough votes come in.

TAR- 9 votes
The Mole- 5 votes
Survivor- 4 votes
Big Brother- 3 votes

The Reality Show Queens!!


Posted by sittem on 12-17-02 at 01:49 PM
This is the only show I've contemplated applying for - I've downloaded the app twice, but my potential partner (not my wife) has had life circumstances that didn't make it practical. It would be a unique partnership, not yet seen on TAR so I think we'd have a small leg up on qualifying.

TAR fits me best, though I probably lean toward liking Survivor better. I think I could survive whatever the living circumstances as I am highly adaptable. However, the opportunity to see the world with someone else that I like and trust would just tip the balance. I also am great with directions and finding my way around (though strangely I did find myself on a dead end on Saturday in Wisconsin on the way to my mother's memorial service - won't ever hear the end of that from my fam - but there were reasons!!).

I only watch TAR, S and Mole - I'd like to try the Mole, but I think I'd probably do the worst on it. While I can adapt and survive I'm not the best at seeing through things, but I love a mystery. I'm a little too trusting. However, sittek would probably be great on Mole. She meets someone and tells me things about them and months later things happen that she told me about. Maybe I should have her apply to Mole! I should see if she'll watch it once.

I'd love to be on Survivor - can't think of much in my background that could be exposed, except for those windows I shot out with my BB gun when I was 10. It'd be a great way to lose a few pounds, but the way I'd prefer the game to be played would be that those who had the most merit would survive, not the Brian or Clay. Hmmmm...does that sound like I'm complaining about Ted again?? Oh - another reason not to do Survivor - there's such isolation and I can't stand to be away from the fam for more than 2 days. At least on TAR there's one person I know and can feel good with - on Survivor, everyone is potentially the enemy - not a good way to spend 39 days.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

Posted by jsanb on 12-17-02 at 02:05 PM
This decision is easy. The alliance building and scheming would be a once in a lifetime experience, and winning Survivor would be a much greater "win" or high then all the other reality tv shows combined.

Peanut Butter Jeff
"If you thought S3 was bad just wait until S5."

Posted by Kokoro on 12-17-02 at 06:18 PM
No other show is a great as Survivor and no other show gives you such great odds at winning a large sum of money. As we saw in TM2, that game is mostly based on guesswork and a grand total of one person knew who the Mole was (and only once they got down to 4-5 anyway!) I love the show but I'd rather not be praying that everyone else sucks more than me while having no real control over my fate.

TAR could be kind of fun, but if I was to travel, I'd take a certain person and just slowly enjoy life. It's far too hectic and it also seems to involve a huge amount of luck.

BB - ew. Next.

Survivor is the ultimate show. It gives you time to live in an exotic environment, doing things you'd never do under normal circumstances and meeting people you'd never even give a second glance in "real life". Seriously - 20 year olds, how many seniors do you hang with on a regular basis? Survivor is the ultimate social experiment and one of those fabled "opportunity of a lifetime"s. Also, it seems like, next to BB, the easiest to win. If you're not a psycho like half of the pre-merge boots, you're pretty much guaranteed the merge and then you'll have a 1/10 (more or less depending on tribal numbers) shot at a million. Also, it's the king of the DAW shows - 20 million people tune in to hear you whine about your problems? Too bad I'm 19. And Canadian.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Posted by JohnMc on 12-18-02 at 11:39 AM
Sorry, still my fav, but I also love TAR. I've tried to talk my spouse into doing TAR, but it ain't happenin'. (Besides, we'd just fight the whole time like Teri/Ian. Would make GREAT tv, but I don't think tv is the place to air your dirty laundry. btw, I think Flo is a beyotch and Zach deserves half a mill just for putting up w/her nonsense and bile shoot.)

Survivor is the elimination game. It does have to do with survival, but it is also about politics. Rich figured that out faster than anyone else in S1, and he played to the hilt for a million. But he also brought fish to the camp, so he proved that he was living off the land and the sea in addition to playing w/people's minds.

I think my spouse would have a hard time having me gone for 39 days (plus travel and survival training time). I'd do it for a million, though, and we'd find a way to cope for that short amount of time.