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"Would you really put yourself through this torture?"

Posted by ivoryElephant on 12-14-02 at 04:26 AM
Would you willingly go away from your family for 2 months in the middle of nowhere.

Be stuck with strangers that want to get rid of you

You have no food and stay awake all night in the dark feeling hungry and cold.

When you wake up in the morning you are forced to do heavy exercising and other demanding tasks.

Do you enjoy being lied to on a daily basis? then this is for you.

Do you enjoy the whole world knowing your most intimate secrets?
(like the time you forgot to zip your zipper during a speech in front of thousands)

Do you enjoy the thought of drinking water as warm as piss?

Well if you enjoy all these awful tasks then apply for Survivor but hopefully I have scared you into not going. ;) especially if you are a male between 24- 32 years old.

"I got a kiss from Clay Jordan, oh my god am I queen for a day" - Helen Glover

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by ejm92 on 12-14-02 at 10:38 AM
Hehehe, I wouldn't care about any of that stuff....I'd be too worried about the game itself to even bother with the physical aspects....the thing that really sucks is that I'm a little over three years too young to apply, and I just know they'll cancel the show as soon as I am eligible!

2002 NFC North Champs

"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-14-02 at 05:19 PM
yeah, i am too young too. But if they ever have a 21 and under survivor, i am there!!!

The Reality Show Queens!!


"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by Loree on 12-14-02 at 05:45 PM
I would rather go on The Mole. At least they get to stay in nice hotels and castles and eat meals and drink wine. Or The Amazing Race where you can take a friend or family member with you. Plus nobody could vote you out on those shows no matter how much you annoyed people, it is all about your own performance. I would be terrible on Survivor or Big Brother where you have to pretend to be nice to everyone. I'd eventually get fed up with someone and tell them exactly what I thought of them. And I'd be booted off.

"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 12-14-02 at 11:06 PM
>>>I would be terrible on Survivor or Big Brother where you have to pretend to be nice to everyone. I'd eventually get fed up with someone and tell them exactly what I thought of them. And I'd be booted off.<<<

Sadly enough, you Sound like the perfect candidate casting wise for Survivor.

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
2. Helen Glover (5 weeks at #1)
4. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
4. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)

"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by toddE on 12-16-02 at 10:51 AM
We tried to get on Amazing Race, but I've never applied for Survivor. I'd love to be on, as long as the weather is warm. The one and only physical hardship I can't take is being cold for a lengthy period of time.

And I, too,would probably be unable to hold my tongue past the first week or so.

"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by dabo on 12-15-02 at 01:51 AM
For the chance of a cool million bucks, sure. Just to be a bozo on TV, hell no.


"RE: Would you really put yourself through this torture?"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-16-02 at 08:04 AM
I've seriously considered it actually, but my wife goes nuts every time I suggest it. I think it would be an unforgettable experience, even only lasting 3 days. Plus if I lasted long enough, I'd lose plenty of weight and probably quit smoking, both of which I need. I'd like to think I would last anyways, I wouldn't be trying to turn anyone against anyone else, I'd just lay low and play it UTR, try to be the likeable guy that everyone wants to give the million to.

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