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"S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"

Posted by sittem on 12-13-02 at 02:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 02:44 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 02:42 PM (EST)

The Rules are much simplified for the Finals.
1. There will be no BC, WC or SW (but thanks to our ABP's who put out some terrific SW effort to accomodate this game!!)
2. There are three seperate Tribal Councils this week. You may pick no more than three ABP's for each council (but you may pick fewer). If you don't understand these seperate TC's, then see LC's AB Game post.
3. You can choose an overall winner of the LionChow AB Game. If you are correct, you'll get a bonus 10 points. You won't lose any points if you are wrong.
4. I'll post below this to show you how it's done as a SAMPLE.
5. Like before, whatever points your ABP's score, you score. But, to win your picks must survive so you survive.
6. That's it except for the following players:
If you took last week off, it's ok. You can still win, but you must make picks this week. No picks will carry over.
Since you've lost interest you may only post and receive points if you address in your post the follwing four issues:
First - List you favorite Survivor from S5 (hint - it must be Ted)
Second - List your favorite Survivors from S4 and S2 (hint - I'd strongly suggest Sean and Rodger)
Third - Say how great JeffGator was in Exiled and implore him to send me the tape of the finals so I can see what happened.
Fourth - Pretend you care!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by sittem on 12-13-02 at 02:41 PM
Here are my sample picks for the last three tribal councils:

Council #1: BuckyKatt, Bert, Smartnsassy
Council #2: Bucky, sleeeve, ejm92
Council #3: Cin, Draco, sleeeve

Winner - sleeeve

Something along the line of this format will do. Remember - you can pick fewer than three people if you think it's safer, but you must pick at least one.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by Punkin on 12-16-02 at 11:08 AM
Sorry, Sit, sweetie! I waited till pretty close to 5:00p PST to make my choices and found I had somehow gotten logged off! Yikes, I hate when that happens! Since I have no clue what my password might be, I had to click on the "Forgot your pass word again idiot?" button and didn't get back in in time! I'm back now!

You and emj92 would have loved the S.F. Chronicle's Sports section today! It bemoans:"S.F.'s comeback bid falls short as Packer's mastery continues". Then follows a chart showing that we've lost all but one of the last ten meetings with the Packers! Five of those games were playoffs where we hope to see you again this year! Hey, we can't lose them all!

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by sittem on 12-16-02 at 04:28 PM
Glad to hear you are coming back - just be sure to file that password away. It happened to me once and I just opened up a new account until after about 3 months I decided to get a new password - highly efficient!!

And - thanks for the tip on the Chronicle - just went there and read all the articles! Ah, it's wonderful to bask in the glory for a week.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-16-02 at 02:23 PM
First off, let's look at the standings:

76 - EJM92
73 - Sleeeve
55 - BuckyKatt
53 - GeorgiaBelle
42 - Survivorchick
41 - smrtNsassybnkr
39 - Cin
26 - DracoMalfoy
15 - Survivorerist
8 - Bert
(2) - JohnMc
(65) - EchoGirl

Am I gonna bet on myself? You bet your sweet patootie!

13a - JohnMc, Sleeve, and Bucky (damn you, EJM - why won't you post your real pics!)

13b - sleeve, Bucky

13c - Sleeve

Ultimate winner - Sleeve (betting the EJM will forget to edit picks)

"Shout out to sleeeve"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-19-02 at 06:22 PM
Ok, buddy, I just checked out your pics. I don't know what you're thinking (except that you have to beat EJM). I was gonna change all my pics to include EJM instead of you. But when Echogirl and I were hanging w/the production crew, she told me that she was voting to keep you in.

So... I'm keeping my pics for you even though they are CRAZY.

Good luck. May the force be with you.

*whispering under my breath* your gonna need it.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by ulalame on 12-16-02 at 04:02 PM
Council No. 1: EJM92, Sleeeve, BuckyKatt

Council No. 2: EJM92, Sleeve, Georgabelle

Council No. 3: EJM, Sleeve, BuckyKatt

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by bobstew617 on 12-18-02 at 11:32 AM
Well, here goes:

TC #1) Cin, Bucky, Sleeeve
TC #2) Bucky, Draco, Sleeeve
TC #3) Bucky, Sleeeve

ABP Winner: Sleeeve

Great game, Sittem. BTW, Tampa Bay will be waiting for GB in the NFC finals--beware of Mr. Sapp.

Posted by sittem on 12-18-02 at 11:43 AM
Ah - but Tampa is going to lose to the Bears next week and they'll have to come to Green Bay and keep their record intact for never winning in cold weather!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by sittem on 12-18-02 at 11:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 06:18 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 04:49 PM (EST)

Time to post my first final version, subject to editing if I have the time.

Edited after ejm posted - gotta change the winner if I trust that ejm and sleeeve are correct.
Another edit - sleeeve changed his winner! Curses!

TC #1: smrtNsassybnkr, Draco, JohnMc
TC #2: Cin, BuckyKatt, sleeeve
TC #3: Bert, Sirerist, ejm92

Winner: ejm92

Your move LionChow!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Pending EJM's picks..."
Posted by LionChow on 12-19-02 at 12:13 PM
I'm a little leery of Jan's survival, despite spoiler info, so I'm going with (for now):

TC 13: Bucky, Cin
TC 14: Bucky, Cin
TC 15: Bucky, Cin

Winner: Bucky Katt

"RE: Pending EJM's picks..."
Posted by sittem on 12-19-02 at 03:05 PM
At least there won't be a tie at the end with your picks - good luck. Frankly, I'd prefer to lose rather than see a Brian or Clay win at this point. Good luck to Jan and Helen.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Leap of Faith"
Posted by bubbastan on 12-19-02 at 00:23 AM
What the heck, might as well go out with a bang instead of a whimper.....

TC1: Draco, Buckykatt,Sleeeve
TC2: Survivoreist, Sleeeve, Draco
TC3: Draco (gotta hang with my fellow Clay supporter!)

"RE: Leap of Faith"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-19-02 at 08:14 AM
God you're brave.

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"RE: Leap of Faith"
Posted by bubbastan on 12-20-02 at 11:21 AM
Ahhh Draco, we were just sooo close there! Since virtually no one picked Clay to win, we would have owned the top spots. Why oh Why couldn't Helen have woken up a bit sooner, like before she cast her vote instead of after.........

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by Punkin on 12-19-02 at 01:32 PM
Hard to make picks since not all of the ABs have made their picks yet, but there's a big storm about to hit and can't count on having power later so:

#1: Cin, Bucky
#2: Cin, Bucky
#3: Cin, Bucky

(I'll try to edit later to add as the rest of the ABs make their picks, but basically, I'm going for any AB who calls for:
1st boot Jan
2nd boot Helen
Winner Brian)

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 12-19-02 at 02:25 PM
I'm not exactly sure if I'm defined as someone who took the week off, or who has lost interest. I assure you that I have not lost interest but I don't remember if I was able to make picks last week. I have an aerobics class on Thursday nights and I have not been home to make picks a couple of times. I'm going to play it safe and answer the other questions anyhow...

First of all, my picks. I think I am one of the few people who do not think Brian will win. I just don't. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I just think the Sookies have seen through his manipulations. Plus, I hate him. Plus, I hate his bimbo wife. on with my picks:

Reserving the right to edit if my picks change THEIR picks, I pick:


Now for the "Those Who Have Lost Interest Mandatory Questions"

My favorite S5 contestant is Ted (with Hunka-Hunka-Burnin'-Ken close behind). My favorite S4 contest was Sean, and seeing as how I'm from Cincinnati, how could I not pick RODGER as my favorite S2er?? As far as how Jeff is exiled, I don't know the answer to that, but I'm guessing he will get lost. Can't help you with the tapes!! And as for acting like I care, THANKS SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS GAME FOR US!! I would have been so sad without it!!

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by sittem on 12-19-02 at 04:51 PM
Awww Kermie - sure wish you'd have been able to make it to LA! Thanks for caring.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by ejm92 on 12-19-02 at 04:07 PM
Hmmmmmmph....you make things tough, sittem.....

Section 1 - Draco, sleeeve, Survivorerist
Section 2 - Survivorerist, sleeeve, Draco
Section 3 - Survivorerist, sleeeve, Bucky

Ultimate Winner - (Pending Pick Changes) sleeve

And I guess I've been inactive....although I only didn't bother to change my picks because no one picked the bootee, and to gain the max amount of points, I wanted all of the players still on my list...

Favorite Survivor (5) - Teddy
(4) - Sean
(3) - Lex
(2) - Rodger Dodger
(1) - Rooooody

And of course, Exiled has been exciting, c'mon Gator, send the tape to sittem!

Lastly, I care so much!!!!!

2002 NFC North Champs

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by GuessItRains on 12-19-02 at 06:16 PM
Ep 13a

Ep 13b

Ep 13c

OK, since I don't understand the rules, if I'm allowed to use picks of people already eliminated, then I also pick Sleeeve for Ep13b and Ep13c. If picking somebody in a later round who was eliminated in an earlier round would cause me to be voted off, then leave him out altogether.

And sittem if that's too confusing, just ignore my last paragraph and go with what is up top (it will basically only matter if the boot order is J/H/B/C, which nobody in their right mind should believe, and nobody changes their pics in the next 3 hours).

Thanks to LionChow for a great game, and sittem for another!

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by magic_star on 12-19-02 at 06:37 PM
TC 1: EJM, Sleeeve, JohnMc
TC 2: EJM, Sleeeve, Bucky
TC 3: EJM, Bucky, Cin

Overall Winner: EJM

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: S5 ABPABC Finals - Post Your Picks Here"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 12-19-02 at 08:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 08:18 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

Ack!! I'm making these before the credits rolled on the show! Hope it's not too late! Now I have to edit for format! Ack! I'm so forgetful!!

My picks-

"LOL at Sittem and myself"
Posted by LionChow on 12-20-02 at 11:39 AM
> First prize is lunch (ribs) at the
> Gale Street Inn, or at Eduardo's pizza.
> An alternate prize, with LionChow’s
> permission, would be a lunch in
> New York that I won from the first
> Anti-bootee contest - all of 10
> months ago for S3. I’ll never get
> to New York anyway and if that’s
> easier for you then LC might be
> willing to do this???

Jeez Sittem, it appears as if either you or I have won...

meaning that either you get to have lunch with yourself in Chicago, or I get to have lunch with myself in NYC.

Time to develop that split personality, I guess.

*No it's not*
*Yes it is*
*No it's not*