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"S5 ABPABC Week D Results "

Posted by sittem on 12-13-02 at 02:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 06:15 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 02:15 PM (EST)

Rules for the Finals will be posted shortly - entries for next week go there!!!

Below you'll find three groupings of contestants. Again, see the Final Entry thread for rules and why these are re-grouped.

LionChow remains in 1st place by scoring a near record 51 points this week, but he is now tied by sittem who grabbed a total this week of 63 out of a possible 64 points. Yes, LC, the SEC will be investigating these results. To the rest of you, the secret is that you just need to run a game yourself and make it as complicated as possible to intimidate everyone else.

Moving into last place among the acitve players this week by scoring a "mere" 12 points is our well know echogirl. Her only blemish for the week was not getting the SW in her ABC post. However, she now resides where she feels best - in last place. However, eg - watch out for granville as he can still come back and take away your last place crown.

With the ABP's picking very carefully and without eliminations since the big purging of four weeks ago and no surprise boots, the more ABP's you picked this week the better you did. That also explains why those who didn't pick the last couple of weeks but had named everyone previously have done so well...but more on that later.

Of course, our SW was a very simple "Chevy Trailblazer" uttered by both sleeeve and GeorgiaBelle first thing in their lists (is there another form of collusion going on here - one wonders if Survy is sharing info with another blueman).

The standings, point totals and points for this week <> are listed below:

LionChow 90<51>
sittem 90<63>
magic_star 63<28>
JohnMc 56<37>
tjstein 49<28>
Hey Bulldog 39<30>
ulaleme 32<36>
echogirl 4<12>

Rebel Crown 60<16*>
BubbaStan 58<21*>
Ahtumbreez 56<32*>
Kermit The Vixen 54<27*>
GuessItRains 48<22*>
Punkin 32<42*>
BobStew617 23<20*>
Granvil the 4th -26<-1*>

katem 81<48**>
ejm92 81<48**>
Lolly 78<42**>
Bebo 69<41**>
Hawkeye 66<48**>
I_AM_HE 59<30**>

Now, go to the Finals posting thread to see the rules for the final week - this'll confuse you even more!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S5 ABPABC Week D Results "
Posted by Rebel Crown on 12-13-02 at 08:57 PM
I thought if you did not post for one week, the previous week's picks were to be used. ??? I got so distracted by all the "tests" on OT that this slipped my mind until showtime, but I thought it would be okay since my picks from last week would carry over. Am I incorrect?

"No Problem"
Posted by sittem on 12-13-02 at 09:53 PM
Do not fret - it's all ok. If you'll check the Finals entry and rules post thread you'll see that you are still in it. For those who just missed last week you still got all your points (but only for ABP's - not BC,WC and SW - that's the rules - same as LionChow's game). All you need to do is post along with others this week and you're still good. For those who haven't posted in two weeks there are extra special rules for gaining re-entry - also posted in the other thread - but they're not out of it either as long as they follow the special rules just for them.

All that to say - just post your picks in the other thread and you're still in. Even though you're 30 points behind, you can still win if there are some surprises this week. You'll just not want to pick the same people the leaders do.

Thanks for the question.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: No Problem"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 12-14-02 at 02:51 AM
Thanks for the answer! So quickly, too!

And thanks for hosting this spin-off. I was only confused half the time! It's been a blast playing.

Does all this concern qualify as "pretending to care"? If so, WOOHOO!