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"S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"

Posted by LionChow on 12-13-02 at 09:23 AM

The End of the Road!

As Tribal Council host, I’ve been very patient these last four weeks. After suffering a rotator cuff injury from excessive snuffing on Erin Week, I’ve been waiting and waiting to send somebody else on their way to Loser Lodge, but Nnnnnoooooooo you guys have been perfect for over a month now! I had my shoulder all warmed up and loose, preparing to put out Sleeeve’s torch after his bold attempt to take first place from EJM, but he slipped away, back to camp. Come on people, our TV ratings sink when there’s no “agony of defeat” to keep people entertained!

<<* LionChow throws his Thai-restaurant-prop torch snuffer at the vote jar in frustration *>>

The weekly winners were Bucky Katt and smrtNsassy (7), with Sleeeve (6) and Sir Erist (5) right behind. They all nailed the full 4 points from the Bonus. The weekly dogs were led by EchoGirl (-1) who was our only negative score. Others faring poorly were SurvivorChick (1) and JohnMc (2). S’Chick survived even though she made no pick, getting by with last week’s “Helen”.

The leader board’s big move was Bucky Katt overtaking GeorgiaBelle for third. His big 7 point week, combined with her 4 points, gave him enough to gain the third slot. smrtNsassy nearly overtook SurvivorChick for fifth, but missed by one. EJM92 (76) will head into the finale as our leader and thus is in control of his own fate. Not to unduly jinx my friend EJM, but it must be pointed out that the week 12 leader for the last two seasons, LisaPooh, got dumped at the very next Tribal Council both times, finishing out of the money (yes, I promised the lovely Princess Pooh in chat on Friday night that I’d drag this up again). After a terrific attempt at stealing the top spot from EJM, Sleeeve (73) sits a scant three points out. While his gamble did not achieve his primary goal, it has put him within range of the title. EJM can select the million dollar winner and still not win this game if he picks up more votes-against than Sleeeve does. Likewise, BuckyKatt (55) needs to be careful the same way if he wants to hold off Belle.

Out of our original 79 contestants, we have 12 people going into the finale. Given the potential for twists and turns on Thursday, this game is still totally up in the air. Those of you trailing behind need to keep in mind that you can only win this game if you make it through all 15 Tribal Councils, so you are still alive. Just bear in mind that you may have to take some real chances with these last picks to steal the prize away from long time leader EJM92.

Since this is the last episode, it’s entirely possible that the way one person makes their selections affects the way others may want to vote. Therefore, I will repeat that I am allowing “Secret Ballots” for this episode (if you so choose). To do this, you must email me, or use the PM function on this post. I also want you to make a regular post here telling me that you have sent your picks in, and by what method, so I know to look for it. I will send acknowledgement back to you. PLEASE DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE WITH THESE!

How to make your entry for the finale

Think of Episode 13 as three separate shows, one for each Tribal Council. Your post, therefore, needs to contain three separate sections. Here’s how:

Section 1) For the first TC, you must name two of the Survivors that reach the final three to move on in the game. Votes against are calculated the same as always. There will be no Reward/Challenge teams or Bonus Questions from here on.

Section 2) For the second TC, you must name one of the Survivors that reach the final two to move on in the game. If you happen to name the immunity winner, you get no votes against, but if you name the Survivor that is selected by the immunity winner to advance, you will pick up one vote against.

Section 3) For the Final TC Vote, you must name the million dollar winner!

As an example, here is PsychoDoc’s winning entry from S4:
“Neleh/Vee, Neleh, Vee”
I know it’s really simple, but this should leave no question.

If less than three people make it to the end, I’ll judge the missing places by where everybody stood at the end of the previous Tribal Council.

Inquisition Bonus Point Question #5 Results
Those naming Clay got 4 points
Those naming Helen got 3 points
Those naming Brian got 2 points
Those naming Jan got 1 points
Those naming Ted got NOTHING


76 - EJM92 <+3>
73 - Sleeeve <+6>
55 - BuckyKatt <+7>
53 - GeorgiaBelle <+4>
42 - Survivorchick <+1>
41 - smrtNsassybnkr <+7>
39 - Cin <+5>
26 - DracoMalfoy <+3>
15 - Survivorerist <+5>
8 - Bert <+6>
(2) - JohnMc <+2>
(65) - EchoGirl <-1>

Rules: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/cgi-bin/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=1360&forum=DCForumID4&omm=0
Shameless site promotion: http://www.geocities.com/set_me_a_3/

67 down, 12 to go

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Firm deadline at 8:00PM on Thursday"
Posted by LionChow on 12-13-02 at 09:30 AM
As opposed to prior weeks, where an 8:01 or 8:04 entry on Thursday slid by, this week's 8PM deadline will be strictly enforced.

Remember, there's no upper limit in the number of changes you can make, and if your first post becomes uneditable (due to SB time limits), you can always make a new post.

Goal #1: Making it through all 15 Tribal Councils.
Goal #2: Doing so with as few votes against as possible.

Good luck to the Dirty Dozen!

"RE: Firm deadline at 8:00PM on Thursday"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 12-13-02 at 12:09 PM
This is my first time playing any game of this sort, and I have had a GREAT time! Thanks LionChow!!! (I still can't believe, I made it this far!)

Sect1) Final 3: Brian/Clay/Jan (Jan wins Immunity)

Sect 2) Final 2: Brian/Clay (Clay wins Immunity)

Sect 3) Clay takes Brian to the Final 2, but Brian Pulls out the win!

(I reserve the right to edit, if need be!)

"Too much information!!!"
Posted by LionChow on 12-13-02 at 12:20 PM
Hey smrtNsassy, you're making things too hard on yourself!

Edit your entry so that you only have two names for the first TC, and only one name for the second. Immunity winners are not necessary.

Come on girl, you're the one I predicted would win this thing (with Bucky as my alternate)!! No mistakes, OK???????

Glad you had a good time with this.

"RE: Too much information!!!--Revised Post"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 12-18-02 at 04:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-18-02 AT 04:35 PM (EST)

OK--"Indiana Jones" theme. HMMMM, Ultimately, doesn't the "good guy" always win in Indiana Jones? (aka: Jan or Helen?) I wonder if this is some kind of foreshadowing or is it typical mis-direction? I'm not quite sure, so I reserve the right to edit (again) if necessary!

Sect 1) Jan/Brian
Sect 2) Clay
Sect 3) Brian

*edited to add: Thank you Lion Chow for the game. I just happened to stumble upon this web site over the summer. I had NO idea that there were spoiler boards out there, and I am SO happy that I made it this far. (and thrilled to see I am NOT the only Surivior fanatic out there!

Also a special thanks to all those blue men, and the people who help keep this board up and running. It is TRULY the BEST survivor board out there!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by Cin on 12-13-02 at 10:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 11:55 AM (EST)

Ok here goes, let me know if I do this right.

1. Brian/Clay

2. Brian

3. Brian

oops, yeah thanks for the game Lionchow!!! I am just so happy I got to play through this year!!! Grats to everyone still left!


"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by LionChow on 12-13-02 at 10:40 AM

Ah.... Cin. She's so good!

A perfectly formatted entry, though I question your strategy. Remember, you're in 7th place and you've picked what will probably be a common entry.

"Bucky's Picks"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 12-13-02 at 11:52 AM
Win or lose I am happy to have made it to the final week! Thanks for running this game LC!

I'm going to try and hold onto the bronze.

1) Brian/Clay
2) Brian
3) Brian

"I don't see what's so funny about the idea of me in The Lord of the Rings. I am quite mighty." BA

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-13-02 at 12:12 PM
Well, I'm counting on people realizing they're getting played. Gonna take some big risks here.

1) Jan/Brian
2) Brian
3) Clay

Win or lose, this has been fun Lion Chow!

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"Well played, Draco"
Posted by LionChow on 12-13-02 at 12:22 PM
Now here's a good strategic entry!

The big comeback has happened before.

"RE: Well played, Draco"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-13-02 at 12:52 PM
Thanks. I figure I made it to the end, might as well take the leap of faith to try to win or come close.

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-13-02 at 05:20 PM
Ok, I'm just happy I made it to the end. EchoGirl, I think we can come out now. Can you believe the digs these camera people get?!! I mean, they actually get Snickers, Mountain Dew, Doritos. No wonder we didn't get any during the reward challenges. But I'm p*ssed that they gave Ted our Chevy Trailblazer. (Is it too late for the secret word?) So much for this season's product placement.

Well, like I said, I actually went the distance. EG has me beat for negative points, but if she makes a bad pick, I can still walk away as the bottom dweller winner. I have nothing to lose by making this week's picks. It's her game to win, and her game to lose. She doesn't realize that my alliance with her is over in the final week. I can be MamaKim, or I can be Ethan. I can be Rich or Kelly. I can be Colby or Tina. I can be Neleh or Vee. Whichever way, I'll be happy, because I did what I did with dignity. I didn't backstab or do anything that lacked morality or violated my morals or dignity. My late game alliance with Echogirl simply acknowledge that I suck at spoiling but I still love Survivor.

So I am compelled to cast my final votes, hoping that tribal council will closely mirror my picks:

13a: Brian/Jan

(Come on, folks, he has the immunity necklace in the vidcap. Clearly Brian has won the fallen comrades and is the driver's seat. And even though Jan is on the bottom of the pecking order, Helen is a bigger immunity threat, especially if Brian and Clay think they have to do another stand-on-the-idol endurance challenge. We know they don't, and that Jan shouts hallelujah during the Indian Jones jungle run, so she has to make F3. Will she be voted against? Maybe, but I think Helen will vote for Clay on the way out.)

13b: Jan

Just betting on the jungle run again. We've been deceived before by EPM on his placement of Jan's voice when someone else actually wins, but since Echogirl is probably going to vote for Brian, then I have nothing to lose.

13c: Jan

Betting the initial theme of respecting your elders. That would be an appropriate way to conclude this show. She'll take Brian with her because she doesn't want Keith to win... er, I mean Clay.

btw, I suggest that none of you vote for me in the ABPABC contest. I'm not going to, nor will I vote for Draco.

Come on, EchoGirl. Give it your best shot.

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-18-02 at 07:52 AM
>btw, I suggest that none of
>you vote for me in
>the ABPABC contest. I'm
>not going to, nor will
>I vote for Draco.

I'll second this. No one vote for me. Unless you're taking the same flyer I am.

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by LionChow on 12-18-02 at 09:44 AM
Just a quick note...

John, unlike the first place prize, where you must last to the end to take it, the last place prize is won strictly by the worst final score, regardless of what week you were eliminated in. Therefore, Echo has this prize won. Sorry, but that's what you get for sneaking into the crew's quarters.

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 12-18-02 at 11:12 AM
So are you telling me that 10 people ahead of me have to be eliminated in order for me to pull off a victory???

DOH!!! *hitting my head like Shii Ann*

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by LionChow on 12-18-02 at 01:49 PM

Time to get risky! If it makes you feel better, last season's winner was in 11th going into the finale.

"Final Picks..."
Posted by sleeeve on 12-13-02 at 11:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-02 AT 00:01 AM (EST)

This ain't strategy... this is spoiling, so don't go if you don't wanna know!!! Don't believe me? Well check my post from last night on the spoilers board... I think I got this thing figured out.

Either that, or I'm hoping to throw off ejm and then switch my picks at the last second

13a) Brian and Jan are safe (Clay gets a vote and Helen goes home)

13b) Only Brian is safe (after winning the final IC, he votes off Jan... of course Jan and Clay ceremoniously "vote" for each other)

13c) Brian takes home the $$$

You want words? Well here's the growing list of words: Thirty-nine days, sixteen men and women, one sole survivor... ________ you have won the million dollars and, perhaps more importantly, the title of Sole Survivor: Thailand, (yawn), reunion show coming up next, Bryant Gumball (sucks), Rosie O'Donnell, live studio audience, Los Angeles, Hollywood, lame, pathetic, grind, fight, snuff the torch, Chevy Trailblazer, jury member, majority, vote, first, the tribe has spoken, elephant, feast, brother, sister, father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, friend, voted off of the island, marine, fishing net, canoe, princess LisaPooh and her royal Canadian feline court, Magilla is my hero, sob, cry, tears, cook, challenge, immunity necklace, idol, merge, Sole Survivor, Jeff Probst, softcore pornstar used-car salesman, fire, life, safe, dangerous, speculation, spoilers, slaughter, massacre, reward challenge, monsoon rain storm, team, alliance, Thailand, feast, winner, loser, bootee, crumb, visitor, family member, Sook Jai, Chuay Ghan, individual, partner, sittem, hungry, Survivors Ready? Go!

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"Last Second Change!!!"
Posted by sleeeve on 12-19-02 at 05:16 PM
Okay... it's not what I truly believe will happen, but I have reasonable doubt.

I refuse to come in second, and since EJM has the same picks as me, I'm going out on a limb for the win.

Therefore, my new picks are:

13a) Jan and Brian
13b) Brian wins immunity
13c) Clay wins it all!!!

Oh... and all of you that are playing sittem's game... take me off your lists FAST, lol

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Last Second Change!!!"
Posted by sittem on 12-19-02 at 06:14 PM
Curse you sleeeve!! I know you've gotta go for the win, but now I gotta take you out of my picks.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by ejm92 on 12-14-02 at 10:44 AM
Gosh....this is a tough week, and hopefully I'll remind myself to change these picks a few times before Thursday.

13a - Jan, Helen
13b - Helen
13c - (Winner) Clay

And obviously, this is a joke....)

2002 NFC North Champs

"Updated (REAL) Picks"
Posted by ejm92 on 12-19-02 at 03:54 PM
Whoops...can't edit the ones above since I posted them too long ago...anyways, I have been a good boy and have not allowed myself to look at the other's picks, so here is my best analysis of the situation!

Section A - Brian, Jan - (Jan pulls the underdoggie and ousts Helen, just like Mamakim booted Big Uncle Tom.

Section B - Brian - (I have thought and thought this one over, and at the physical state they are in, I doubt anyone could beat Brian at what looks to be a physical challenge...in fact, Brian might be like Colby and even win the mental ones.)

Section C - Brian - (All evidence suppourts it, although Clay could pull the biggest upset of the century....nah...although I could be rooting for Clay before this thing is over with, ya gotta pull for the guy who got abused by his wife )

2002 NFC North Champs

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by echogirl on 12-18-02 at 04:37 AM
Preliminary picks! I have no shot at first, and last place is wrapped up, but I still might change.

1a) Jan, Clay
1b) Clay
1c) Clay

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by Survivorerist on 12-18-02 at 07:17 PM
Okay, crunch time...

First TC: Brian/Jan
Second TC: Brian
Winner: Brian

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
2. Helen Glover (5 weeks at #1)
4. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
4. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)

"Bert, G'Belle and S'Chick..."
Posted by LionChow on 12-19-02 at 04:20 PM

Come out, come out, where ever you are!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by Bert on 12-19-02 at 04:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 07:58 PM (EST)

Okay, I have not idea how this is going to play out, but I have to make a pick, do here goes nuthin'!

Tribal Council 13: Brain and Helen

Tribal Council 14: Brian

Tribal Council 15: Brian----the winner

And hey, whatever happends, thanks to LionChow for running a great game, and everyone who played for some fun competition. Can't wait to do it again!!!


*Edited cause of a last minute moment of indecision.

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Contest Wk 12 results / Finale entry"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 12-19-02 at 07:10 PM
I just about forgot about this vote

Section 1: Brian and Jan
Section 2: Brian
Scetion 3: Brian wins

I hope I am right. I just have a gut feeling about this one.

Wherever shall I go whatever shall I do.