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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 1507
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"I need to know the answer to this question. Please Help!!!"

Posted by gamesage1987 on 12-11-02 at 04:00 PM
He is the only person that was never voted off of Survivor, but did not win.

I need the answer to that question. Please Help me!!!

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"RE: I need to know the answer to this question. Please Help!!!"
Posted by johnthemod on 12-11-02 at 04:13 PM
There are two answeres to that: Michael Skupin, who fell into a fire and had to leave the game because of injuries, and Paschal English, who received no votes against him but because of a purple rock tie breaker had to leave.

"RE: I need to know the answer to this question. Please Help!!!"
Posted by dabo on 12-11-02 at 04:14 PM
Pappy got stoned. (Paschal S4) He never got a single vote in any TC. or Michael (S2) though there was a ceremonial TC where he was "voted off" after he'd already been evacuated to the hospital.


"RE: I need to know the answer to this question. Please Help!!!"
Posted by BMH on 12-11-02 at 04:23 PM
I heard about that..but how do we know that is true?..Is their a vid of it..or did one of the survivors talk about it?..Cuz I never hear about that..even from Mike

"RE: I need to know the answer to this question. Please Help!!!"
Posted by Q on 12-11-02 at 04:30 PM
Elisabeth said that in a post S2 interview. That they had to hike to TC and vote out Mike. It did not make the show because they thought the helicopter fly away scene was more emotional and made better TV than the Mock TC were they were told they had to vote Mike out.

And Yes aside from him, Pascal was the only other one not voted off.

Thanks to JeffGator and his triva game last season for me knowing that one.