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Original Message
"Appreciation to the Posters"

Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-09-02 at 06:59 PM
Jims, this is kind of like your post, but i wanted a whole thread dedicated to this topic. We did this way back in Survivor 2 and i loved it! This is a thread where you can state some of your favorite posters in the fanatic board or a poster in any board. Tell why they are you favorite posters!!! This is NOT just for lurkers, if you are a lurker please go to Jims' thread. This thread is meant to be fun and i remember last time (i think it was a couple of years ago) we had a lot of fun with it. Everyone who wants to please post!!! Thanks...

The Reality Show Queens!!


Table of contents
  • Here We Go!,Jims02, 07:23 PM, 12-09-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,toddE, 07:59 PM, 12-09-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,BaquaR13, 08:40 PM, 12-09-02
  • My favorite posters,BMH, 09:22 PM, 12-09-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,sittem, 11:00 PM, 12-09-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,ejm92, 11:50 PM, 12-09-02
    • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,SaphireLady, 00:08 AM, 12-11-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,PlaneJane3, 09:25 PM, 12-10-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,bubbastan, 10:58 PM, 12-10-02
  • RE: Appreciation to the Posters,Survivorerist, 11:10 PM, 12-10-02

Messages in this discussion
"Here We Go!"
Posted by Jims02 on 12-09-02 at 07:23 PM
I have so many favorites, that it's hard to list! I'm sorry if I forget anyone!

Survivor Fanatics:
BaquaR13 and BHM (for being there to fight with)
Kokoro (Can't tell!)
I AM HE (for "smoking me out")
Sir Erist (love those fanatics lists!)
magic star

I need to look over a few threads... I'm blanking... Finish in a sec!

Off Topic Peeps
Red Lady (only lady who thinks I'm reasonable)

The Mole People (a bunch you've probably never heard of)
YumYumAngel007 (loves my sig!)

I'm probably forgetting A TON of people, so expect a bunch of edits!

Quotes of the week
1. "You will NOT see my ta-ta's" -Shii Ann

2. "Do they think I'm too controlling?" -Helen (um, yeah)
3. "My two year old (had a tantrum) one time and I whupped its @$$ and put it back to bed." -Clay
4. "I'm putting in an order for a bigger butt in my next life." -Jan (randomly)

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by toddE on 12-09-02 at 07:59 PM
KoKoRo has certainly been helpful.
My all-time favorite poster is the MIA JeffGator.
Ivory Elephant has shown excellent prediction abilities, if questionable taste in Survivors.
And a big shout out to my fellow Sean Rector fans, Sittem and PhoenixMons.

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-09-02 at 08:40 PM
First off... Jims i love to fight with you too!! Ha, it is good to disagree with someone... but we agree to disagree. My favorite poster is BMH, we like a lot of the same things and he is very involved which i like. Kokoro, you are extremely helpful, especially that one time when you looked all of that stuff on e-bay up for me. Echogirl, you little attention whore you, you are very passionate, i like that!! I like a lot of others too, but i am only listing a few. Oh of course, we wouldn't even be doing this without our moderators, so thank you and good job to all of them!!

P.S. Where is that Jeff Gina loving Gator? I thoroughly enjoyed him as well!!

The Reality Show Queens!!


"My favorite posters"
Posted by BMH on 12-09-02 at 09:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-02 AT 09:23 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-09-02 AT 09:22 PM (EST)

I like everybody here to tell you the truth! The Fanatics board has been so much fun..even with a disappointing Survivor Season

But I will name a few of my favorites-

BaquaR13~One of my favs, cool kid
echogirl~She is hilarious on her What If? Game
ejm~also a great guy,participates alot
sittem~We share a love for Vee!
JeffGator-where has he been lately?

And yes the moderators as well..Thank you!!

I know I am forgetting some ppl..but I really love it here..and the posters all rock!

PS~sorry I keep editing but I knew I forgot some lol

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by sittem on 12-09-02 at 11:00 PM
This is a bit dangerous, as there are so many great people that by mentioning a few many are going to be left out inadvertantly. However, just gotta shout out to a few.

First, LionChow for his great Anti-bottee game - it's how I first got engaged on the Survivor Board. Next was Sir Erist with his lovelist - seemed a little odd when I first saw it, but it's where I go first after every show now. Next was JeffGator - a really nice young man (BTW - he did very well on Exiled if you haven't seen it). He's a little overboard on Gina, but by the end of S4 we were seeing things pretty much the same way on other people.

Then, there are great pals like ToddE and PhoenixMons (aka kmsouthern) who were fellow supporters of Sean R. And, also from S4 there's BMH, the only other person on the Board that seems to like Vee.

And, just because he's a Packer fan, gotta like ejm92.

Of course, everyone is great here and there's so much effort to run games and have fun.

Finally, I'll never forget echogirl and her actually calling me Mr. Sittem - what an honor!

That leaves out about a hundred or so, but y'all are great.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by ejm92 on 12-09-02 at 11:50 PM
There are too many....I could write a ten page report of posters I who I enjoy debating with and enjoy reading their posts....if you're left out, it's because I'm half-asleep....let's see, where do we start? (In No Particular Order) Baquar13, BMH, Draco, IAMHE, drich61, Kokoro, echogirl, Jims02, toddE, sittem, magic_star, ivoryElephant, PhoenixMons, SurvivaBear, Survivorerist, dabo, LionChow, katem, PackMan, FesterFan1, PepeLePew13, Bungler, Lisapooh, true, Krautboy, OFG, SurvivinDawg, bigidiot, Superman, and especially our great moderators (Webby, IceCat, sleeeeeeeeve, AyaK, Bebo, etc...)

2002 NFC North Champs

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by SaphireLady on 12-11-02 at 00:08 AM
I will try this but am never good at remembering names:

SurvivnDawg---always have enjoyed reading him
IvoryElephant---love the insight and humor
Jims---for thinking I am special
Baroque---for keeping it straight
IAMHE---for his attitude
Draco---cause I love Harry Potter
The Web peopel---cause they start wonderful topics and keep us clean
and to the many others I have forgotten to mention, please do not hate me. Just remember am taking finals and my brain is mush.

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by PlaneJane3 on 12-10-02 at 09:25 PM
Oh well i appreciate Bmh and Baquar and Ejm because they do all these games. I have been a LONG time lurker and these games brought me out when before I didn't have anything to say. So from the old days I liked ItsLisa and Shakes, but they aren't around much anymore.

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by bubbastan on 12-10-02 at 10:58 PM
There's no way that I could even begin to name my favorite posters, since there's way too many folks who keep me laughing and thinking every week to name them all. I do want to do a shout out to some of the folks who make the lists and keep the games going.

Survivoreist - Thanks for the Love List. It was the very first thread I ever posted to, and it's still my favorite.
LionChow - For the excellent Anti-bootie game, I only hope I last longer next year.
Sittem - For starting the new game and giving all of us who crashed and burned in Anti-bootie some place to go.

Finally, to IAMHE, well, just because he is!

"RE: Appreciation to the Posters"
Posted by Survivorerist on 12-10-02 at 11:10 PM
First of all, big shout outs to BMH! If you look on this board, you'll see it's dominated by the what if games, and you can thank BMH for bringing them here. So congrats to a true fanatic, and please accept this Vecepia Towery Memorial award your behind the scenes Fanatics work!

Also great people are BaquaR13, Jims02, ejm and JeffGator (they're all great guys, but not in a homosexual way that's fer sure), bubbastan (WLNFC!), Echogirl (gave me a run for my money in LC's anti-bootee game last year), Lionchow (speaking of the ABG), and last but certainly not least Koko (what an awesome dude!). I know I forgot a whole bunch of people, so for everyone I didn't mention...big hugs!

Vive les Fanatiques!

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
3. Helen Glover (4 weeks at #1)
3. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)