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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 1444
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Original Message
"About sig-pics"

Posted by J Slice on 11-14-02 at 02:42 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not... but I have a question...

I'm aware I already have a sig-pic, but I recently obtained photoshop and made a pretty new one, and I have NO IDEA how to make it stick on this website... I've tried photo-hosting websites, but it doesn't seem to work... can someone help me out here? IceCat?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: About sig-pics"
Posted by GTmike on 11-14-02 at 02:44 PM
There is info on this in the Help Forum. They go over all of this there.

"RE: About sig-pics"
Posted by Kokoro on 11-14-02 at 03:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 03:25 PM (EST)

J - Just reply to this message. Above the box that you write in (that I'm writing in now), there is this:

<<HTML Tags Enabled - use instead of <>. Need help? Check HTML Reference

Image Links Enabled - just type the URL (e.g., http://www.dcscripts.com/image. gif)

File Upload Enabled Click here to upload your file

Emotion Icons Emotion icon short cuts>>

Click on UPLOAD YOUR FILE, select the file type, find it on your computer and click upload. Ta-da!

Now let us never speak of S3 again.