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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 1436
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"S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"

Posted by LionChow on 11-08-02 at 02:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-02 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

Where do I even begin to describe the massacre that was brought about by Erin’s boot? Perhaps the numbers speak loudest. An unprecedented week in Anti-Bootee history has left 12 players standing, with 53 others in shock and staggering on their way to a suddenly packed Loser Lodge.

Not anticipating an early crowd of this size, the lodge is putting three people to a room, so you better hurry and grab the roommates you like before you get stuck with a lemon. Rumor around the lodge has it that GTMike and Bebo snore, Fester talks in his sleep, LisaPooh hogs the sheets, SurvivaBear smokes cigars all day, Sittem always leaves the toilet seat up, MagicStar and HeyBullDog leave their wet underwear hanging in the bathroom and a nudist colony is being formed by Kyngsladye, Dabo, Hawkeye, Punkin, IvoryElephant, Swami, BaquaR, BMH, Packman and JeffGator. As for me, I’m hoping to shack up with Sheila and Vixen… you know, that whole threesome thing (Sheila’s idea). We’re gonna be here a while, so we might as well make it fun!

Final Words are encouraged by all.

The weekly winners, or should I say escapees, were EJM92 (7), chased by Cin, GeorgiaBelle, Sleeeve and SmartnSassyBnkr who all had 6’s. A huge congratulations to the remaining twelve, or should we be bitter and call them the “Dirty Dozen”?

The weekly bottom dwellers… let’s not even get into it OK??? I can’t very well list all 53 that got kicked out and what would be the point of picking out just a couple when we all stunk up the joint? I guess I could list those that have publicly admitted to adding Erin at the last minute, but they have already “outted” themselves. So what the heck, I’ll weakly attempt to pick on those still in the game. EchoGirl and Survivorerist had “absolutely terrible” weeks with a zero (brak, brak, brak). Oh alright, if you really must know, the hardest fallen were Kyngsladye and Mikey (-7). Now do all the rest of you feel better?

Our leader board is greatly slimmed down, but the leader remains the same… EJM92 (71) says “So what’s wrong with the rest of you knuckleheads?” as he opens up a 6 point lead over Sleeeve (65). Next up is GeorgiaBelle (47), BuckyKatt (40) and SurvivorChick (36) who all moved waaaayyyyy up in the standings, though they remain well out of the lead. The good news for those trailing is that we have already seen how quickly things can change, now haven’t we?!

EchoGirl (-57) remains my Queen of Red Ink. JohnMc (1) and Survivorerist (2) are forced into the role of her court jesters.

Side notes for those no longer in the game:


71 - EJM92
65 - Sleeeve
47 - GeorgiaBelle
40 - BuckyKatt
36 - Survivorchick
34 - smrtNsassybnkr
27 - Cin
15 - DracoMalfoy
4 - Bert
2 - Survivorerist
1 - JohnMc
(57) - EchoGirl

Taking the “Walk of Shame”:

59 - FesterFan1
53 - BMH
51 - HeyBulldog
51 - Punkin
50 - Hylia
49 - Bubbastan
48 - LisaPooh
47 - ivoryElephant
47 - RainCrow
46 - DRich61
46 - Lolly
45 - Seyz
44 - GuessItRains
43 - LionChow
42 - katem
42 - ulalame
41 - forehead
39 - Genius47
39 - RebelCrown
39 - Sheila
39 - sticks
38 - Java
36 - Jims02
34 - Rosewood
33 - HawkEye
33 - Lili Blue
33 - sittem
32 - BaquaR13
30 - mikey
29 - Bebo
29 - GTmike
29 - SurvivaBear
28 - mizpokey
28 - PackMan
27 - fyrenice
27 - Granvil the 4th
26 - magic_star
26 - ShowMeTheWinner
24 - Kokoro
24 - tjstein
23 - Icis
23 - Swami
22 - Dabo
22 - jkokoj
21 - Gerbees
19 - bennocracy
13 - JeffGator
13 - SurvivorManiac
12 - benjapol
11 - KermitVixen
11 - Tropicana Unltd
2 - rwj3eb
(12) - kyngsladye

Rules: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/cgi-bin/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=1360&forum=DCForumID4&omm=0

Rule addition: Since we have only twelve players left, the weekly entry list takes on new strategic importance. Therefore, I will now also allow entries to be made by email or SB private messages if you want to hide your picks from the other players. I only ask that you make a post to the entry thread telling me where you have made your picks so I know where to look. I didn’t have to use this last season until the Finale!

67 down, 12 to go

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by Cin on 11-08-02 at 02:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-02 AT 10:32 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-08-02 AT 03:43 PM (EST)

woohooo I'm first again

RC - team: Chewys individual: Ken
IC - Team: Chewys individual: Brian



"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-13-02 at 03:05 PM
I just love your little dog!!!!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 11-08-02 at 06:31 PM
I'm still alive... I'm still alive!!!

Ok, my pick for anti-bootees

Jake - pretty sure of him
Ted - only because Brian is more of a threat and has gotten a little more face time. Brian is either a threat or he goes the distance. I just think Ted is safe until Brian goes.
Clay - UTR

I only picked 3 the last time, and I managed to stay alive! Sticking w/that strategy!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 11-08-02 at 06:42 PM
YEAH! I didn't get the big 'ol boot!!!

RC: All, I think it is the video's from home
IC: Individual: Jake


*I reserve the right to change as additional spoilers are revealed.

"RE: Edit to previous post"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 11-13-02 at 03:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 03:39 PM (EST)

Please add Jake to my previous "Anti-Boot" list as SAFE for Week 9.

also, Can I change my RC pick to Clay? (If not, that's ok too!)


"RE: Edit to previous post"
Posted by LionChow on 11-13-02 at 05:49 PM
By all means, be my guest! By the way, not to put any pressure on you or anything, but in another thread I've predicted that you will win this season's title (with Bucky Katt as my second pick).

Don't let me down!

"RE: Edit to previous post"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 11-14-02 at 03:42 PM
Well, LionChow, Thank you for the vote of confidence. I will sure do my best to live up to your expectations! Hopefully some of those top people in the standings right now will get knocked out!!!

Posted by sleeeve on 11-08-02 at 09:32 PM
What are the RC/IC teams for the week???

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Question!!!"
Posted by LionChow on 11-10-02 at 10:08 PM
Until I know the merge is definitely on, I have to go with CG vs SJ.

Posted by sleeeve on 11-13-02 at 08:44 PM
Last season, we always had "teams" for the challenge picks. Even though there is definately a merge this week, am I correct to interpret that we are to use the original tribal lines as our "team" picks for this week's challenge?

Or do you expect us to pick individual winners?

Okay... just checking

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Clarification"
Posted by LionChow on 11-14-02 at 03:23 PM
Sorry for any confusion Sleeeve. For this week, the Challenge winners will be looked at as winning for their original tribe, regardless of whether it's an individual challenge or not. So CG versus SJ still stands.

Next week, assuming that the tribes do merge this episode, I will begin creating the make-believe teams that you remember from last season.

"Final Words"
Posted by dabo on 11-09-02 at 00:16 AM
WAAAAAAAAA!!!!... Oh well, I knew the risk I took by trying for as many points as possible. Great game, LionChow.


"Final Words and Invitations"
Posted by GTmike on 11-10-02 at 11:57 PM
Final words: Well, it was fun while it lasted. This was a wonderful experience and I now look forward to making 67 new friends here at loser island....hold on a sec.....excuse me(to beach waiter), I'll have another jack and coke here, thank you.....while I was sorry about going so early and doing so poorly compared to last year, to those in the game, congrats. We'll be waiting for you here on loser island. To those on the island, my room is open and like Tom and Lex, I have the beam and coke! Come and stop by the room and have a drink. Golf party starts tomorrow. We also need to figure out who wants to be the activity director here. Also, since we are free, I'm going scuba diving and rock climbing until we have to show up in a week for the jury. Anyone want to join me. See y'all!!

Thanks LC for hosting the game again for us!! To those in the game, I guess we'll see some of y'all here next week!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-11-02 at 08:27 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 12:43 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-13-02 AT 12:25 PM (EST)

Finally... we got some room around here. Maybe no one will be peeing in the cave anymore.

RC: Brian
IC: Penny
Safe: Brian

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

edited to change IC winner- not confident enough in the pick though to put her on my safe list!

Posted by FesterFan1 on 11-11-02 at 03:04 PM
Dude, this is so not right. It's taken me 4 days to pick my psyche up from off the floor after MB kicked it square in the cojones. Damn you, MB. Damn you to hell.

I took a look at your day trader game, LC. You really are a masochist, aren't you. I think it will be far more entertaining for me to just sit back and watch the carnage. Besides, I'd actually have to believe that the remaining flotsam and jetsam has any actual street value...which I don't.

I'm so incredibly pissed right now. Stupid Zoe boot. **grumble, grumble, grumble...**


You can't spell "suckerpunch" without "sucker".

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by Survivorchick on 11-11-02 at 03:09 PM
OMH! I can't believe I'm still alive! This is insane. My heart goes out to all of the people lost today. I'll be wearing black for y'all.

But the game must go on.

Individual: RC: Ken
IC: Jake

Tribe: RC: Chewy
IC: Chewy


"Curse word! Curse word! Swear! Swear!"
Posted by HeyBulldog on 11-11-02 at 10:10 PM
Drat!! The one week I make my picks early and I get the boot! Oh well, I'm comforted in knowing that I definitely wasn't the only one and I did end in the top three! Now I get to hang out in Loser Lodge gleefully hanging my wet underwear around the bathroom!

Thanks for a great game, LC! I'll be back next season! Good luck to the remaining few!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by Bert on 11-12-02 at 10:11 AM
Feel the city breaking and everybody's shaking but I'm staying alive, staying alive...



Immunity- Sock Joy


"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-13-02 at 02:57 PM
OMG there is a party at the LL and I'm still out here scrubbing pots? Wait....why am I scrubbing pots? I think we have the numbers now, no need to kiss up to the guys left! BTW guys we really need some water. And don't even think of peeing near our cave.

Did I mention my favorite recipe?

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by ejm92 on 11-13-02 at 03:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 07:39 PM (EST)

*I edited again, because I went to the anti-bootee player anti-bootee contest and saw that several people picked me to get the highest score this week, and I was a softie and only picked three anti-bootees....I'm going to add Clay to my list just to be daring, and try to get a decent score.

*Edited to add individial challenge picks, as well as taking Jan off of my list and adding Jake....although my gut says to not pick Jake, it seems highly illogical that he would get voted for...however, if this is it for me, it has been fun....

Let's see if I can survive this again...I'll opt not to use the "Hideyourvote", and I'm sure I'll change this list a dozen or so times.


RC - CG (If Individual, Brian)
IC - CG (If Individual, Helen)

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 11-13-02 at 06:07 PM
EJM, thx for not using the "Hideyourvote." I think it would be more competitive if everyone still posted their votes in the forum instead of email.

plus, a note for Erist:

If you only vote for 1 anti-bootee, then I'm going to pass you up!

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by Survivorerist on 11-13-02 at 05:55 PM
Okay, not gonna take chances...

RC: Chuay Gahn
IC: Chuay Gahn

Safe: Helen

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
3. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)
5. Elisabeth Filarski (3 weeks at #1)

"Bucky's Picks (no pressure or anything)"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 11-13-02 at 07:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 12:59 PM (EST)

Sheesh, no pressure or anything.

Well seeing as EJM92 and Sleeeve are way ahead of me I do need to be a little agressive. So here goes:

RC: Sook Jai Chuay Gahn
IC: Chuay Gahn

Safe this week:

Edited to change my RC pick


"Final Words"
Posted by magic_star on 11-13-02 at 08:17 PM
I had a good time and alot of fun. Oh why oh why did Erin have to go? Good luck to the final 12!

Thanks for doing this game LC! It was a great game to go along with the season.

The Cubs win the World Series!Cubbies Win!Cubbies Win!

"My Picks..."
Posted by sleeeve on 11-14-02 at 04:06 AM
In sittem's anti-bootee-player-anti-bootee contest, it pays to be wordy, because there's a secret word, so I'm gonna talk a lot, and then anyone that picks me for their team has a chance to win the bonus (wooohooo... Go Team EEE!!), because hopefully I'll hit the jackpot word... so here's some fun words before my pick: Magilla, cook, challenge, immunity, merge, Sole Survivor, Jeff Probst, softcore pornstar used-car salesman, fire, life, safe, dangerous, speculation, spoilers, slaughter, massacre, reward, monsoon rain storm, team, alliance, crumb, visitor, family member, Survivors Ready? Go!

Okay... with that said, here are my picks for the week:


RC (assuming that we're supposed to pick teams as we did last year, and not individuals): Chuay Ghan (note: if individuals, I choose Brian and Helen to win the TEAM RC challenge)

IC (same assumption): Chuay Ghan (note: if individuals, then Helen will win it!)

Bonus: What?? There's no bonus this week... can't I just make one up??? Okay... here's the deal... Magilla will not be buried in Jan's Pet Semitary this week (stay tuned for next week )... so there... give me points... I gotta beat EJM92!!

Okay... now everyone go pick me in sittem's game, cause I'm totally gonna score for y'all .

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"Nice Game LionChow!"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 11-14-02 at 08:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 08:15 AM (EST)

I just wanted to thank LionChow for an awesome Anti-bootee Game. I really had so much fun, I wish it didn't have to end. But if I had to go, I guess going out with most all of the players was the way to go. I can't wait for next season and I will be a bit more conservative next time...lol. Good Luck to the 12 people who are left!

Peace and Love!

"Thanks LionChow"
Posted by sittem on 11-14-02 at 12:05 PM
LC - the AB game is what really drew me onto the Board back during S3 so I have nothing but admiration for you and the awesome game - it's the most interesing one out there. You ARE the man. And, it's in homage to you that I have cloned the ABPABC (and used most of your rules verbatim - sorry for not attributing that in the game itself!!).

Now, on to you namby pamby wimps left in the game!! How are any of the players in the ABPABC supposed to score any points if you are all going to be so conservative! Come on - bring it ON. At least Bucky and smrtN had some guts to name 5 people. And, kudos to Sleeve for understanding the rules of the ABPABC - after a couple of entries I had to check them myself to see if I understood!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S5 Anti-Bootee Game Wk 8 Bloodletting / Wk 9 Entry"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 11-14-02 at 01:25 PM


RC: Brian (GC)

Secret word:
Beach, enemy, water hole, food, tribe, tree mail, cave, alliance, tribal counsel, merge, immunity, survivor, island.

Wherever shall I go whatever shall I do.

"First booted, then slandered????"
Posted by Bebo on 11-14-02 at 02:50 PM
Ahem. Let me make one thing perfectly clear:


I do, however, sleep naked - enjoy, my fellow loser lodgers! And eat your hearts out, those of you still in the game.

"My Entry and a bit of Groucho Wordplay"
Posted by echogirl on 11-14-02 at 04:37 PM
Hmmmmm. This week is tricky. Ken seems to be the obvious bootee this week. But he was the obvious bootee last week as well. If Ken doesn't go we could very well have another surprise Erin boot on our hands. Last week I thought Ken would go 3 to 1 with Penny picking up the lone vote, hence by pick of Penny last week! This week I just dunno. I'm not ready to go to LL yet because I'm not sure who I will be rooming with. At least there is more room in our cave, and Sleeve and Bert were so sweet to get us fresh water today. And even Magilla is behaving. He's really not an evil monkey, just a curious one. So I should really make my picks this week so those Anti-Bootee Anti-Bootees won't totally dismiss me as a mysterious, scheming flake.

Drumroll please......

My Anti-bootee for the week is Clay. Yes Clay. Perhaps he will irriate someone enough to get a vote, but he can't possible go this week. Can he?

My RC picks are Sookie.
My IC picks are Sookie.

Now some commentary and a word for our beloved Host LionChow. Okay first LionChow! I have to say this is the funnest game going! I'm not very active on these boards, but because of LionChow I am here once again racking up the red! We should all heep praise his way for his time and his incredible patience with all of us here. Thanks LionChow!

Okay and here's to Groucho. Our new friend! You know it would be easy for me just to list a bunch of words, but that's not my style. I could talk about Green Bay Packer bobblehead dolls, but as you know Ted played for the Dallas Cowboy's. America's team! He's not a cop like Ken, nor does he have Ken's sexy chest. No Ted has man-breasts and a bald head. That doesn't make Ted a bad guy even if he likes to do the grind every once in awhile. Nope that just makes him Ted. And who really cares about his alliance with Brian? I mean how could you really trust a pornstar and a used-car salesman? You can't, no matter what he has parked in his garage. And Helen? It's not about the money, it's all about the recipes hon. And Jan may be a kooky Grandma, but she isn't Lucky. Lucky is a headless chicken buried next to a bat. Ick! Kind of makes me want to throw up thinking about it! And yes Jake seems like a sweet old guy, but you know he has these erotic thoughts about Penny, our evil Cheerleader, and Erin, who is still UTR, implants and all. But what if Jake really was having fantasies about Ken our New York city policeman, and handcuffs? You never know! And Clay? Okay he is a little chauvinistic redneck weasel who couldn't run a McDonald's franchise because he doesn't know a MacNugget from a Big Mac, which is why he is bankrupt. But he said Chewy would not see Tribal Council for a long while, so he is obviously knows something. And those weight-loss spoilers? Forget about them! And wonder what kind of challenges Jiffy has in store for us tonight? And what about the merge? You know its coming! No one wants to be on the jury so soon. Except for Ken so he can start his romance with Erin. Perhaps wedding bells loom in the future? They are just thankful they avoided the Loser Lodge and Ghandia. It's all about fire, and water, and stars, and videos from home. Okay enough!

"RE: My Entry and a bit of Groucho Wordplay"
Posted by sittem on 11-14-02 at 06:08 PM
LOL!!!! Thanks to Sleeve and Echo both for really getting into the spirit of the secret woid.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.