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"Who Knew?"

Posted by sittem on 11-02-02 at 09:16 AM
I've seen a fair amount of bashing and scorn for the survivors because they weren't smart enough to pick up on the non-merge - they apparently all got sucked in.

So, many of us must be a lot smarter than the survivors (I guess that goes without saying), but I'm curious about who honestly knew that Jiffy was playing with them and there wasn't going to be a merger as the show unfolded. Now, don't play unfair and say that going into the show you knew there wasn't going to be a merger and you were right. I'm asking, as the show unfolded you can honestly say you never got sucked in.

Respond to this in the subject line - I knew - or I got sucked in. And if you want tell us why.

I'll be first to go.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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"I got sucked in"
Posted by sittem on 11-02-02 at 09:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-02 AT 09:19 AM (EST)

'Cause I'm not as smart as everyone else. Guess I'd be a prime candidate for the show! I should have known, however, I'm sitting there trying to figure out how Penny survives because everyone knows Shii is gone. This is why I generally don't comment in Spoilers.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Not Me..."
Posted by IceCat on 11-02-02 at 10:08 AM
... and it really made this episode enjoyable. I guess its that whole dramatic irony thing (where the audience knows something that the characters don't).

Seriously, though...

Once they made it back to the beach and they were still wearing separate buffs it was entirely obvious what was going on. I cannot believe that the tribes did not even suspect. I think that they did and those comments were edited out.

Note how Shii Ann says '... this is definitely for individual immunity...' when she is reading the tree mail. It was almost as though she was trying to convince herself (and the others) that the tribes had truly been merged.

"I got sucked in too......."
Posted by bubbastan on 11-02-02 at 11:13 AM
I was sitting there with my friends watching and at the point where he announces that they were going to be living together at the same beach and that the folks painted alike were going to pair up and get to know eachother better, we were all grumbling to the effect "THAT'S the BIG surprise??????" You know, the big build up to nothing that had been the hallmark of this season. But later, when anounced that the two teams would remain separate we were in total shock.

I really love that things didn't continue on the same well-worn path every installment. A lot of folks don't like these twists, but I say keep them coming (except for the purple rock, that is).

All that being said, however, I still think Shii Ann earned some jeers for selling out her tribe so openly and for just being so blatant about currying the Chewy Gang's favor. If you're going to go Benedict Arnold, you really should be a bit more secretive about it IMHO.

"Not Me Either..."
Posted by ejm92 on 11-02-02 at 12:41 PM
I knew the episode title was "Assumptions", and as soon as they "Merged" without any assumptions being broken, I knew it had to be still a two tribal split, but I agree, it was much fun to watch play out.

"RE: Who Knew?"
Posted by surface10sion on 11-02-02 at 01:47 PM
who is jiffy?

"RE: Who is Jiffy"
Posted by bubbastan on 11-02-02 at 03:50 PM
Jiffy is just a nickname for Jeff Probst. Actually, it's one of many.....

"I Got Sucked In..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 11-02-02 at 11:24 PM
but then again, I watch the show for fun, so I didn't really want to know in the first place. In fact, the thought of a non-merger never even crossed my mind.

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
3. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)
5. Elisabeth Filarski (3 weeks at #1)

"Had me going"
Posted by dabo on 11-03-02 at 00:09 AM
For a little bit. But when they picked Chuay Gahn for a new name I realized they hadn't been told to pick a new tribe name, make a new tribe flag, etc.

Wonder what would have happened had Shii Ann and Stephanie taken the voluntary swap?


"I figured. But then..."
Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-03-02 at 04:59 PM
I think we viewers had the advantage. It was made far more clear to the viewing public than just the carefully chosen words the players got.

For once, I wasn't upset by the mid-game change in the rules. I guess I've given up on Survivor as a game of skill and now look on it as just simple entertainment.

"Sucked In"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 11-04-02 at 03:47 AM
I'm basing my choice on how I would react if I were one of the contestants there. Can any of us actually predict that there wouldn't be a traditional merge if it weren't for the spoilers from the previews? I know that most of my non-spoiler friends had expected a traditional merge and they didn't dissect Jiffy's speech word for word. I don't think most of us would have paid too much attention to Jiffy's speech if we hadn't seen the previews of the prison challenge.

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 11-04-02 at 03:48 AM
And congratulations to SMTW for her 500th post

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"I got sucked in!"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 11-04-02 at 06:34 AM
We didn't get to watch the show until yesterday (mi familia went out to dinner during Survivor so we had to watch it SO much later) and my husband and I were just discusing this very thing (actually more like debating).

I honestly don't think I would have suspected for a minute that this was not to be a merge. Of course, as viewers, we have a much better idea of what's about to hapen (or not happen in this case) based upon clues we've been given throughout the episodes. The castaways aren't privy to the same information...and even if they were, I'd like to think that 18 days on an island with a bunch of strangers whom you may or may not like at all would have a major influence on that little part of your brain that tells you that these clues all add up to no merger. Of course I thought "hmmmmm, that's odd, there's no choosing a tribe name/painting the flag/getting new buffs", but since this is supposed to be a "different" Survivor, I figured there must be some new way of doing this. And I'm certain the last thing the survivors thought about when put into their new living arrangements was that it might not be a merge...despite what clues there may have been to tell them that it was not a merge. I think most people take things as they see them and analyze only when they see the need. I don't think a single one of them (as evident by their collective shock) felt they had any reason to analyze this situation and just took all the things they HAD been told and assumed merge.

My husband (who doesn't like Shii Ann) seemed to think she should have known (even though he had no idea) or at elast should have kept her mouth shut until after the IC just in case. It sure is a lot easier for us to say "she should have/could have" though, isn't it?

Anyway, sittem, I was totally and completely sucked in...even knowing all of the detailed list of events that take place with a merge (choosing a tribal name, painting the flag, getting new buffs, etc.) I had no clue - and I'd like to think I'm smarter than the survivors

"RE: Who Knew?"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-04-02 at 07:46 AM
I wasn't fooled. No new buffs= no merge. The lack of any tribe name on the confessionals just confirmed it for me.

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!

"I got sucked in...."
Posted by managerr on 11-04-02 at 10:50 AM
Although, I'd like to think that I'd be smart enough to not sell out my entire tribe so soon (and so openly), especially to some stranger from the enemy team who just so happened to pick the same color body paint as I did.

Then again, I didn't spend 18 days living on an island with Robb, Penny, Stephanie, and Erin--I can see how your level of intelligence would drop down to the level of the people you were with.

"RE: Who Knew?"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 11-04-02 at 12:04 PM
I suspected no merge due to the discussion on these boards. When they didn't receive new buffs or a new flag, I knew there was no merge.

But the looks on their faces, especially Shii Ann, was just priceless. It made for some good TV.

It's just a show, I should really just relax...mst3k

"I knew"
Posted by Q on 11-04-02 at 02:56 PM
Alright we had the benefit of previews and the epsiode title hinting at no merge, then all the talk about living together, etc.

But when they came up with a tribe name on their own, it dawned on me. They were never asked to do that, why...?

They have no paints (for the flag at least) and no material to make a flag, they are assuming things.

I knew instantly and was sooo upset Shii was doing what she was doing.

So in closing, it was obvious to me, but I do not think it would have been if I had not seen previews and been thinking about it prior to the episode.


"I got sucked in..."
Posted by Sophie on 11-04-02 at 06:42 PM
Add me to that list.

"RE: I Knew"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 11-05-02 at 12:53 PM
After 4 previous shows, the survivor's SHOULD have known to listen to Jeff carefully! Especially SJ because they didn't listen too well in the boat/basket challenge on the physical contact rules. Jeff NEVER said you will merge or be one tribe or anything like that. Just you will live on one beach and that they should get to know one another. If they have to live on one beach, they should get to know one another because they have to try to live with some kind of harmony. (not to mention, this is a good chance to observe the dynamics of the other tribe, and try to "stir the pot" a little.(The feast at camp WAS a little misleading though) Also, I don't think they would merge without getting new buffs and a new flag. The minute Shii Ann started blabbing her mouth to Clay, I knew she was a goner. I don't think they will merge this week either. I think Jiffy will draw it out as long as possible(Ep 9).

The only thing I want to know is who is getting ShiiAnned next?

"RE: Who Knew?"
Posted by bichon on 11-06-02 at 09:24 AM
Perhaps you should phrase it in a different way: Who would have saw through it if they were one of the survivors?

Certainly not me.

"Not fooled"
Posted by Bert on 11-09-02 at 01:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-02 AT 01:54 PM (EST)

I thought that it was pretty obivous that they weren't merging- Jeff never gave them new buffs, they never were told to pick a new name, and he explicitly avioded the word merge. The only thing that worried me was the light blue they were using to now give names on the bottom of the screen, instead of red and purple. Plus, didn't it seem they were just trying a little too hard to convince us they merged?


"My 10 year old knew"
Posted by janisella on 11-13-02 at 10:31 AM
He noticed right off that they didn't get new buffs (he's a born spoiler). If it weren't for him, I would have been fooled. I would have just figured they edited out the buff issuing because it's boring.