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"Well... who'da thunk it?"

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 07-19-02 at 12:26 PM
It seems that Keith Famie seems to be having the most success of all the S2 contestants to date (if not Elisabeth) and having the last laugh over Colby and Jerri, amongst others.

Kant-Kook-Keith couldn't cook rice to save his life on the show but since then he's just filmed his 32nd show for the Food Network and got a third book in the works.


'Survivor' cast can't beat Famie
By Neal Rubin / The Detroit News

Chef Paul Bocuse speaks no English, but food is a universal language. So, it turns out, is a practical joke.

Bocuse, a 76-year-old Parisian, put the ooh in nouvelle cuisine. If he's not the most recognized and influential chef on Earth, he's number deux or trois. Mention his name to the kinds of people who read Bon Appetit and they dissolve into little puddles of vichyssoise.

Imagine Keith Famie's delight, then, when Bocuse invited him and his camera crew into his kitchen. And picture his star-struck face when Bocuse actually involved Famie in the preparation of a dish.

Famie was in France a few weeks ago, he says, filming one of his "Keith Famie's Adventures" shows for the Food Network. The series is his reward for living through six weeks of flood, famine and back-stabbing last year on "Survivor: The Australian Outback."

He and his Detroit-based team will soon be off to Greece to film their 32nd show. The road trips have given him enough material for yet another cookbook -- his third since "Survivor"-- and the world of cuisine is treating him much better than it did when he was failing to make decent rice over an Australian campfire.

So there he was with Bocuse making poached eggs in red wine, and as if to involve the awed Yank in the process, Bocuse handed him an egg to crack.

Showing off a bit for the master, Famie gave it his best one-handed flourish -- and the egg stayed whole. He did it once more, again failing to impress the egg or Bocuse. And then he realized he'd been snookered: In a sort of haute cuisine version of a joy-buzzer handshake, Bocuse had given him a hard-boiled egg.

Trust me. If you had Bon Appetit on your nightstand, you'd be coughing up truffles. But the overall point is that Famie, the most frequently insulted castaway in his troop, is laughing last.

Colby Donaldson, the runner-up who continued to say un-nice things about the Detroiter for months after the show aired, is an aspiring actor in L.A., going to lots of auditions and getting no jobs.

The shrewish Jerri Manthey, an unsuccessful actress before "Survivor," has continued on that career path. Her only visible role has been a pictorial in Playboy.

She said she posed as "another means of my personal expression" and "to show my strength as a woman and to take a stand."

In other words, she needed the money. Maybe she should have learned to cook.


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"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by Q on 07-19-02 at 12:37 PM
Thanks for the info on a cast member from the Best Survivor Ever (except S4 is close close close second).

I like Keith a bunch actually. Sure he had rice issues, but cooking over an open flame in questionable cookware should not have been a judge of his abilities.

Go Keith!

and Go Elizabeth!

Although I also just saw Alicia on the worlds strongest woman competition (as a host) somewere in africa. She does such a good job, so she is also working and doing well since S2.

So Go Keith and Go Alicia


"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 07-19-02 at 02:34 PM
I saw his first couple of shows and decided this man had horseshoes up his behind. He got to go to all kinds of fabulous places where he spent most of the time watching someone else cook, then he got to taste and go "Mmmmmm. That's fantastic."

I think I'd pay to have a job like that.

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by Meemo on 07-19-02 at 05:01 PM
The difference about ol' Keith (like'em or not) is that he actually had another skill on his Survivor Resume, unlike the others.

When "aspiring actress" or "bartender" are your stated profession, it's hard to get noticed for anything else.

Keith had the fame, plus something to parlez (sp?) that into.

I say way to go pumpkinhead (or whatever your cutesy nickname was).

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by Kokoro on 07-20-02 at 08:07 PM
Actually, I'd like to know - is Keith the peas or the carrots? And did they get married yet?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

""Well... who'da thunk it?""
Posted by Efjendar on 07-20-02 at 03:41 AM
He using his hosting skills more than his cooking skills. I guess that counts for something. "Cooking Show Host" might need to be moved to a higher DAW level.

"Keith was already at the door"
Posted by CSHS79 on 07-20-02 at 09:23 AM
Survivor only opened the door he had been knocking at for years, even then he had to prove himself once that door opened.A career
takes time to build and the other Survivors are not only younger but haven't been plugging away at theirs as long as Keith.So how can you compare them?

"RE: Keith was already at the door"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 07-21-02 at 12:45 PM
None of these people is much good at anything to do with being in the public eye. That's why they were chosen in the first place - to be like real people, not actors. If any of them achieve any lasting fame it will be by developing a talent no one knew they had. Famie shows no particular talent; there's no way he would have had it except for the Survivor spotlight. His luck is that his cooking profession is something that's relatively hot (so to speak) right now.

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by katem on 07-23-02 at 00:05 AM
I say: "good for Keith".

Colby is a smug assho.. and Jerri, well Jerri is, Jerri is Jerri (don't make me say nasty words)

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by JeffGator on 07-30-02 at 03:37 AM
Wow, so nice to see some Keith support. Keith was my favorite from Survivor 2, even though I usually talk about Colby from that series. I thought Keith was the man, and I took his side at the end when he had those fights with Colby. I'll never forget how he rescued the rice that time, even though Tina's the one who actually grabbed it. And I loved when he proposed to his wife. Go Keith Go!

attending Florida State, another unfortunate side effect of hunger

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by klueless on 07-30-02 at 06:08 PM
>And I
>loved when he proposed to
>his wife

Did they actually get married?

"RE: Well... who'da thunk it?"
Posted by PackMan on 07-30-02 at 09:24 PM
His bio (from his website) only states that he is making his home in West Bloomfield, Michigan, with daughter Alicia and son Joshua.

According to an article from The Philadelphia Enquirer, dated March 5, 2002 he has not yet married.


He hasn't yet married his fiancee, Katrin Koivu, who accepted his e-mail proposal while Famie was still in the Outback, but to reassure her that the gesture was heartfelt and not drama-driven, he reprised the proposal during a gondola ride at the Venetian resort in Las Vegas when he returned.

Here's the pictures from the gondola:


"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow