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"Kathy in TV Guide"

Posted by toddE on 07-16-02 at 10:43 AM
I just got my new TV Guide and there is an interesting article on/interview with Kathy. One thing I find odd is that she says her son advised her to stick with P/N and not ally with S/V, so she voted out Sean. This she talks about, but no mention of the fact that 3 days later she quickly abandoned P/N and allied with Vee, a much less-trustworthy person than Sean for her to have hooked up with. Oops! Still, Kathy comes across as a growing person and is the only Marquesas person I've seen in the media since the show finished.

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"RE: Kathy in TV Guide"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 07-16-02 at 11:00 AM
Well, considering that Vee won IC in the final four, Kathy really had no choice but to try and ally with Vee to save her own ass or she would have been easy pickings knowing that Vee lost Sean when Kathy allied with P/N in the final 5 IC. I think it was good strategy for Kathy to try to prolong her stay in the game this way.

What truly beat Kathy was Vee winning the Fallen Comrades -- if anyone else had won it, Vee would have been booted and we'd see a final three of Kathy/Pappy/Neleh and then a final two of Kathy/Neleh as you can bet that Pappy probably would have had to be removed from the game or booted out of sympathy for his health.


"RE: Kathy in TV Guide"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 07-16-02 at 11:53 AM
That is great ToddE. She sent me an email saying she had interviews in 4 magazines. So everyone keep a lookout for more articles on Kathy

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