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"What is your Faveorite Challenge?"

Posted by Survivor Freak 1987 on 06-27-02 at 11:32 AM

You are all figments of my imagination! Now go away!

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"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-27-02 at 03:07 PM
My favourite challenges were...

5. Blind Leading the Blind. (S2) Yeah Koko, now that I think of it, it was the funniest challenge ever.

4. Survivor Auction (S2) This was good the first time they did it because it introduced a challenge where everyone could win something.

3. The Fafaru Challenge (S4) Seeing Neleh kick Rob's butt was priceless.

2. Coconut chopping Challenge (S4) Never have I seen a challenge have so much effect on the game as this one did. Props to Mark Burnett for thinking this one up.

1. Squared off (S1) Great combination of intelligence and politics. My favourite challenge ever because you did not have to be the fastest nor the smarted to win and it was truly anyone's game.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by magic_star on 06-27-02 at 03:14 PM
I liked all the food/drink ones.Like the bugs,the bug wheel thing in S2,the blood drinking in S3,and whatever that was in S4.

I also liked the challenge in S2 when they had to jump off the cliff,then swim to the crate.That's the one Rodger was afraid in but eventually did it.There haven't been any challenges like that since S2,but I think it was the best challenge ever.

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by ejm92 on 06-27-02 at 03:48 PM
Of course all the gross food ones, but I always liked the Auctions in S2 and 3. I also loved the coconut challenge, BUT my favorite of all would have to be the post-merge challenge, which in S2 was the log standing one, S3 was the water bucket, and S4 was the water platform. It's also always fun to see the family member challenge.

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by BMH on 06-27-02 at 04:47 PM
Survivor 1
1.I really like the Relay Race challenge that Tagi won..when Ramona was voted out..it looked like a fun challenge.

2.I also liked the pre-merge military style relay challenge that was really cool

Survivor 2-I personally liked the challenges in this season the best..they were really cool..and memorable

1.Loved the jumping off the cliff challenge..one of the best!

2.The Wheel for the Food Auction was definitely the most creative gross food challenge ever!

3.The blind leading the blind challenge was really funny and hilarious..i still cant believe Amber couldn't follow her master Jerri's voice!

4.I also really enjoyed the tug o war challenge, the maze challenge, and the matching challenge for the final four!!

Survivor 3-The only challenge i remember was the cow blood..this was a dumb season with boring people..and nothing was memorable

Survivor 4-Cool Challenges!

1.farfaru sounded gross!..but entertainin esp. Rob

2.I loved the coconut in the maze challenge it was cute, also the rocks in the boat was cool..looked hard, the other maze challenge was cool too..Kathy was hilarious!!

3.Who couldn't inclue the coconut chop challenge this changed the entire game!!

4.I also thought the stilt walking was creative and entertainin even though most of the castaways could stay on it for only a little bit

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by katem on 06-27-02 at 05:03 PM
The encircle the words challenge where Lex won the Avalanche on S3. It was played so late in the game that the final 5's mental ability had gone to hell, and it made them work for the prize. Only Lex seemed to be able to handle the pressure.

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 06-28-02 at 08:54 AM
Gotta go with S4 for these:

2. The coconut challenge. Kudos to MB for picking this challenge to reveal alliances.

And the no. 1 challenge of all-time:
1. The relay challenge with New Maraamu winning. I've never been so happy with an RC winner as this one. Kathy and Gina kicked major butt!!!

SPECIAL NOTICE TO EVERYONE: If you haven't signed up for the Petition to Mark Burnett yet, please sign up now before our favorite show goes down the ratings toilet. Remember that this site's future rests in our hands now!

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by Cin on 06-28-02 at 09:02 AM
one of the ones I liked the best was the one in S3 where they had to roll the huge ball up the hill. Just the comments about Indiana Jeff were so funny, everytime I think of that one I giggle


"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by Q on 06-28-02 at 09:30 AM
I have had lots of favs. Here are a few.

S1: The mud challenge. I loved seeing them roll around in the mud. Kelly (?) using her hair was Brilliant!!!

S2: Plate game. I like the slingshot challenges.

S3: The ball rolling. I will never forget Kelly and Kim J. being rolled over.

S4: Go Fly a Kite. It was not the most exciting, but the survivors had to make their own kite and then fly it, so They controlled the whole process. Also Kathy won, so I liked the challenge.

Later all,

We should also have a least favorite challenge thread! Or would we all just say "Log Standing"? Talk about boring.


"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-28-02 at 12:02 PM
>>>We should also have a least favorite challenge thread! Or would we all just say "Log Standing"? Talk about boring.<<<

I don't know, there were some other ones that I found kinda boring too. For example...

1. Meet the Family Challenge (S3) First of all, I really didn't like the contestants nearly enough to care all that much about their families. And the video tape format was really kinda out of it too.

2. Tribal Trivia Challenge (S3) Moving down a set of bleachers? Most boring concept ever and ruined my love of trivia challenges until MB's brilliant coconut one in S4.

3. Life's A Tapestry (S4) This one was really close to being an uber-boring challenge. Without the ineptitude of New Maraamu, it probably would've been too.

4. Mastermind (S2) This one was really kinda stupid because, in reality, it's just a huge McDonald's puzzle. Perhaps a lack of creativity on the part of the Survivor Challenge Makers.

Anyways, you get my point. Just like there were a lot of winners, there were a lot of losers too.


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"Least Favorite"
Posted by BMH on 06-28-02 at 01:10 PM
I gotta agree..I also have alot of least favorite challenges

However most of them come from Survivor 3..because either the challenge was just plain stupid or it had sumthin to do with the contestants that I could care less about so..so to make a long story short Survivor 3 challenges sucked!!

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-28-02 at 12:46 PM
I like the Auction but I would have liked a twist to it since how
they do it now covers food they have to eat now.What I'd like to
see is an auction with things they must eat now and some they can save for later.I think it could go far in powerplays like I could have bid for an item for me alone right here or I was thinking ahead & of not just myself.What's your opinion?

"RE: What is your Faveorite Challenge?"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-28-02 at 06:55 PM

S1: The Military Obstacle Course - Ep 6 IC

Jenna. Pink Bikini. Falling off. Cool challenge.

S2: Blind Leading the Blind - Ep 6 RC

Unintentionally beyond hilarious.

S3: Flaming Arrows - Ep 6 IC

Some funniness, it's in Ep 6 so it pretty much goes here automatically. Not many other memorable challenges....Actually I was really hoping Samburu would win this. As soon as Lindsey was gone the show sucked major a$$.

S4: Jungle Relay - Ep 6 RC

I have never been so into challenge or exited about a certain team winning as I was here.

Note - episode 6 challenges kick a$$



Snake Island Relay - Ep 7 IC

In this "breath holding/underwater race", the women obviously had no chance - plus, it's just not interesting at all watching to see which guy can stay under the longest....Note: In Survivor: UK, actually it was ~only~ breath holding and actually Zoe (I think) came in third....

S2: Matching Game - Ep 13 IC

What a horrible final 4 challenge. I mean, wouldn't MB be thinking, "Gee, we should probably be giving the 'obviously-going-to-be-fan-favourite' Elisabeth a chance to win - Time for the fixed 'Fallen Comrades' game" by now? It was pretty much tailor made for Colby to win and with her going first and him last it was pretty obvious who was and wasn't winning it. Oh and episode 14 proved to be an extremely horrible idea, anyway.

S3: Family Videos - Ep 11 RC

My family. My kids. My family. My kids. Ringing any bells?


None - and even if they were, the Survivors' actions made them interesting to watch.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Worst Challenge"
Posted by magic_star on 07-06-02 at 06:51 PM
I think one of the worst challenges ever was the S4 SOS challenge.They could have just handed it to Maraamu and not even did the challenge.After the raid Rotu didn't stand a chance.I think it was a pointless challenge and they should have done it before the raid.In the other seasons the SOS challenge was ok because no tribe was guaranteed a win.Also I think Rotu did a better job anyways with what they had.All Maraamu had was 2 things waving in the air and 1 thing moving on the ground.Rotu had a huge background and they were waving things too.

I have 1 more thing to add for best challenge...
S4-The blindfold challenge.It was pretty funny.The only thing I didn't like about it was the reward...Raid...terrible time to do,it should have been done earlier.

The Cubs win the World Series!Cubbies Win!Cubbies Win!

"RE: Worst Challenge"
Posted by Survivorerist on 07-06-02 at 08:43 PM
>>>it should have been done earlier<<<

Actually, I think that it was placed when it was intentionally. S1-S3 all had one pesky little thing in common; Pagonging. Viewers could pretty much watch up to episode 7 and then figure out who the final 4 or 5 would be from there. Even with S3's tribal twist it was the same way. So what MB and friends decided was that they had to find a way to make tribe members hate their tribemates enough to vote against them. So what better way to do that than to have to watch your old tribemates, who you used to love so much, swoop in and steal all your stuff? That's why the raid challenge had to be done e5, right after the twist.

Oh btw, Happy birthday


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Worst Challenge"
Posted by magic_star on 07-06-02 at 09:39 PM
I didn't have a problem with the timing of it.I just didn't think it should have been before the SOS challenge.I think it would have been better to do the SOS challenge for the RC(raid) and the blind game for the IC.

The Cubs win the World Series!Cubbies Win!Cubbies Win!

Posted by CSHS79 on 07-15-02 at 01:49 PM
Twists & turns are all part of the game,got to have some reason to come back week after week,it could also just as easily have gone the other way.Just keep tuning in to CBS because there's a lot more where that came from,YAH!!!!!!!!

"RE: Worst Challenge"
Posted by Kokoro on 07-16-02 at 00:01 AM
There's no way they could've reversed them. Maraamu didn't have anything at that camp besides fruit so there's no way MB could've justified an RC win based on the SOS signal. If they hadn't manipulated the challenges, Gina probably would've gone, followed immediately in the next episode by Kathy. How great would S4 have been then?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.