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"Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."

Posted by JeffGator on 05-22-02 at 03:53 PM
Help me wise ones! I've mentioned it once or twice before, but this weekend I finally have my interview with Triple J Productions for the final cut to see if I get on a new reality tv show called "Exiled." It will air sometime in the fall.

It's kind of a cross between Survivor, Amazing Race, and Blair Witch Project. 12 College Students spend 2 weeks on an island voting one person off each night. The winner receives $3,500. Many of the challenges take place at night, with infrared goggles (to give it a Blair Witch effect). Out of several thousand who have applied, they have narrowed it down to 30. Then out of those 30 they will pick the final 12. I am in the top 30, and will have to drive to Savannah, Georgia on Sunday for my final interview to see if I make the final cut(maybe I'll stop by and say hi to Survivdawg along the way).

Anyway, I'm asking you guys for help for 2 reasons.

1. I need to bring with me a luxury item. I'm really trying to think of something creative. I was considering a stuffed gator (the mascot from my college), but I would like something a little more creative or perhaps funny. I have a feeling I'm being casted as the "funny" character, as that is what the producer has implied and my first interview basically consisted of me clowning around. Some things about me--I play basketball, I drive a very modified racing Honda Civic, I swing dance competitively, I'm Jewish, I attend the University of Florida, I am very close to my mom, and I have a golden retriever named Murray. I can't think of anything with regards to those things that would lead to a good luxury item. I was really hoping you guys could give me some good ideas. It may make a huge difference in whether or not I get chosen.

2.Another thing is I have no idea where the interview in Savannah is going to take place!! It's really cool, they won't give us directions, they only sent us 2 pictures of where we need to meet. We're supposed to find the places anyway we can (by showing people the pictures and asking for directions, buying maps, etc.) This is really cool, like Amazing Race, but I'm afraid I'm bad at finding things without specific directions. If we fail to make it to the interview on time (by 1 PM EST on Sunday), then we are automatically disqualified as a possibly contestant. Here are the 2 pictures:

I am going to do a search on "Forsyth Park" and find out everything I need to know, but I was hoping someone on here could provide some tips, hints, or insight on getting there. Maybe even some Savannah posters are here who could help me out. I am planning on going to Savannah on Saturday, spending the day looking for the interview spot, and then renting a hotel room that night so I have plenty of time the next morning to get there. This is going to be kind of scary because I've never gotten a hotel all by myself before, and it will be in a city I am not familiar with. I don't even know how to find a hotel, to be honest with you!

Any help, tips, info, or anything else from you guys would be soooo greatly appreciated. It's been my lifelong dream to be a contestant on Survivor, but as I'm only 19, this is the next best thing. And I could definitely use the $3,500! It definitely looks very amateurish compared to Survivor, but for now, like I said--it's the next best thing!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 05-22-02 at 04:09 PM
>I finally have my interview with Triple J Productions for
>the final cut to see if I get on a new reality tv show
>called "Exiled." It will air sometime in the fall.

What -- another B-list desperate media whore publicly posting all over the boards??? ...shakes, watch out, you might have company soon!

What network is this crazy thing going on -- I found a link on something called Zilo.com, but that's not helping me:


And is it just me, are does the third J in Triple J look a bit like Kelly Goldsmith:

>Honda Civic, I swing dance
>competitively, I'm Jewish, I attend

I thought shakes had proven to us all that this was an impossible combination???

As far as luxury items, I'd bring either a swiss army knife or something else that will really endear you to folks: toilet paper.


"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Kokoro on 06-04-02 at 02:15 AM

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Oh my heck"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-07-02 at 02:50 PM
>And is it just me, are
>does the third J in
>Triple J look a bit
>like Kelly Goldsmith:

She certainly doesn not. wow. What a gorgeous woman. Kelly looks like dog crap compared to that babe.

I wonder if Jeff will get to meet this fox.

Posted by JeffGator on 06-07-02 at 04:27 PM
Yes, she's very beautiful in person. I've seen her several times, but the last time she was wearing a cute pink cowboy hat.

Actually both of the 2 female J's in Triple J Productions are quite lovely.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Ayla on 05-22-02 at 04:11 PM
Go to: http://excursia.bestreadguide.com/savannah/media/flash/index.shtml

scroll part way down, then click on "Savannah Area Maps", on the left side of the screen. If you click on "print version" it will give you an Adobe PDF file. The large square at the bottom of the map is Forsyth Park.

Good luck!!!!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by janisella on 05-22-02 at 04:13 PM
Sorry, Jeff, I don't know anything about Savannah, but as a Jewish mother, I'm rooting for you to make the cut. Good luck!

How about a squirt gun for your luxury item?

Posted by weltek on 05-22-02 at 04:22 PM
My other post seems to have disappeared...

I like the tp & squirt gun idea.

I'm thinking controversial, yet something you can make funny....Playboy! It would be a good conversation piece. They'd see potential for controversey and sex type stuff. Could you ask for more amongst a college group?

You could make it funny by saying that you always told people you read it for the articles and thought it was time you actually spent the time reading one of them.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by tll on 05-22-02 at 04:46 PM
I don't know a thing about Savannah, however, I use priceline.com for hotel reservation often. I recently got rooms at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco for $60 per night. You might want to give it a try.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-22-02 at 04:53 PM
Some fun suggestions would be: Hacky-sack, beach ball, football, some kind of small board or video game, Mickey Mouse ears

If you want to be looked at as potentially someone who might cause some controversial story line: Bible (or Torah if you prefer), religious jewlery, poltical book or symbols

Good luck. Keep us informed on how things work out.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by sleeeve on 05-22-02 at 04:55 PM
Well... I know it's not funny and not really creative, but a deck of cards would definately be my first choice for luxury item... there's millions of games you can play with them, and there's gonna be a lot of time to pass... it would definately prove to be a popular item with everyone. (Make sure they're plastic, in case your pack gets wet).

As for funny/creative, you could take something like a homemade immunity headdress (remember Elisabeth).

I'm interested to hear how this show is structured... just make sure that you aren't violating any confidentiality agreements with what you post... I'd hate for winning $3500 to cost you a million!

Sounds like AyaK already found Forsyth Park for you, so I won't even bother to look... I assume you're supposed to meet by the fountain (with the sign given as a clue as to where the fountain is located)...

A thought... if this is the style of challenge that we have to look forward to, it's not gonna be an exciting show "Can these 12 contestants find our next secret location with only a photo of where they're supposed to go, and another photo of a sign that tells them where to look... stay tuned.

Good Luck with the interview!!!

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"good idea"
Posted by toddE on 05-23-02 at 11:52 AM
I think the deck of cards is a good idea, it will pass time and endear you to other players. Good luck! Wouldn't we all be desperate media whores, given the opportunity?

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by sittem on 05-23-02 at 12:05 PM
Good luck, Jeff.

I'm clueless when it comes to creativity on luxury items. The deck of cards sounds as good as anything.

Ayla gave you a good map to find the park. Any road map of Georgia should give you detail about Savannah itself and get you to the downtown area where the park is located.

Lodging - being cheap I look for the lower end hotels. There's a Super 8 located about 10 miles south of town. Go to super8.com and search for Savannah. Price is a little under $60. I also found a Quality Inn through expedia.com for $57, but when I went to qualityinn.com the prices were outrageous. Location of it was about the same as the Super 8 I think.

It's been kind of a weird day - first got an email from LC who signed off with his first name - same as my father (and same spelling). Then, your dog - well, let's just say the m in sittem stands for my first name. When I was your age I hated the name, but as I've aged I'm ok with it. It's actually kinda nice to have a name that most people don't have. I think I do know more dogs with the name than people. In fact, the only other one I can remember was from Canada.

"thanks buddy"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-28-02 at 03:37 AM
First of all sittem, thanks so much for giving me the hotel information. Anyway, if Murray is your real name that is awesome! I absolutely love the name Murray! And not just for a dog's name, I would definitely consider using it as one of my childs' names some day. I got the name from the dog off of the show "Mad About You." But hey, I know some people with the name too. And who can forget "Murray Lender's Bagels." Although I will admit, it seems like most "Murrays" I know are older Jewish men.

"RE: thanks buddy"
Posted by sittem on 05-29-02 at 06:09 PM
Glad to know all went well - I'm sure you'll make the show!

I realize that the name fits well into Jewish families - so when I married my wife 30 years ago the family felt a little more comfortable since her dad is Jewish.

"A journal of poetry and a pen..."
Posted by snoocharoo on 05-23-02 at 12:07 PM
Proven indispensible by DAW everywhere!!!


"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-23-02 at 12:11 PM
I'm not sure if you will consider this either useful or creative, but it is innovative and would be consistent for your funny guy persina. How about a book of cartoons? Examples come to mind include The Far Side, Anything by Douglas Adams, or a Calvin and Hobbes treasury of some kind.

Any of these books will succed in re-enforcing the funny persona they're identifying you with. If they allow writing utensils this could also function as a journal.

If not you could make mental notes about your competititors by developing some code--which only you would understand, and attempt to learn whatever you can about the other competitors, while making a habbit of constructing analogies base on the cartoons.

Another obvoius advantage of this is it will serve to disarm your competitors; they are unlikely to feel threatened by a guy who chooses a book of humourous cartoons as his luxury item.

I refer to this as the Rodger syndrome. If you recall everone believed that Rodger was but a simple farmer; they only realised at the final jury vote that he was a bank Ceo, who had a doctorate.

Still another use of this particular luxury item would be that you could share it with others, which will a very positive effect on your popularity--not that you need one--but it can't exactly do you any harm either. Make sure to seperate any written observations unless they are done in code from the other players.

The most important thing is to be yourself. I heard a story about how Jerry Mathers' of Leave it to Beaver fame, was competing with hundered of other child hopefuls from the same part. Jerry made it abunantly clear that he would rather be playing little League than on a studio set. The casting director gave him the part, because he wanted to cast a real person.

I don't know if any of this helps at all; I hope you will exibit the same degree confidense that the producers have shown in you, and you should make it far.

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 05-23-02 at 12:21 PM
(maybe I'll stop by and say hi to Survivdawg along the way).

Come on by, the party never stops at the Dawg House (pun fully intended).

"Pappy, you smuggled! I'm so proud of you!" -- Neleh Dennis

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Dianetic on 06-06-02 at 02:46 PM
>Come on by, the party never
>stops at the Dawg House
>(pun fully intended).

I don't know why but I find that statement incredibly hilarious.

Are you Spuds McKenzie?

"RE: Party On Dude!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 10:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 10:18 PM (EST)

>Come on by, the party never stops at the Dawg House (pun fully intended).<

Hey S'Dawg, are you going to Jeff's party at his appartment?; he invited everyone, but I can't come since I haven't a designated driver. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by katem on 05-23-02 at 12:31 PM
Hey Jeff, maybe you should pull a Varner. You should take a coloring book and crayons, and make all the other contestants take turns with it.

It passes the time, you end up with a nice keepsake and the girls will love you.

If the show ends up a hit, you could hawk it on e-bay for charity and end up a nice media whore

Good luck, I hope you get on the show, my fingers are crossed for you. Keep us posted.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by managerr on 05-23-02 at 04:23 PM
Practical: Sleeping Bag/Pillow, Journal/Pen, Camera, A large duffle bag, Lip Balm/Vaseline, Bubble Bath, Toilet Paper!

Fun: CD Player/CDs (do'able in 2 weeks); Your Favorite Board Game; Cards w/Poker Chips; Dart Board with Steve Spurrier's face on it; Scale

Weird: Superhero Cape (what Colleen wanted to bring in S1); Your Favorite Plant named Gerald (make one up); A Kite; Gator Mascot Suit; A gaudy hat knitted by your mom (You can be like your idol Colby!); Sparklers; Marshmellows; A book on "How to Sell your Items on Ebay"l; Richard Hatch Autobiography; Drinking Glass; Money; Butcher's Cleaver

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Crimsyn on 05-23-02 at 04:05 PM
Just off the top of my head, take a stuffed gator. You could talk to it, pretend its real, etc. It would be hilarious. Like an imaginary friend, but its not imaginary at all.

On a more useful note, take a compass if thats allowed. It will keep you from getting lost.

Or take your picture of you and Miss Gina. That would be cool.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Q on 05-23-02 at 04:18 PM
I'm not very good with creative luxury items either, but here goes. Also not knowing the structure of the game makes it difficult, but also two weeks is not that long so your item should most likely by purely enjoyment.

How about a survivor buff. You could show your love of survivor and wear it or even choke another player with it if you have to (or just want to)

Now, joking aside:

Both Pappy and Colby went far with flags as items in survivor, maybe you could a flag (U.F. Gators) a blanket, etc.

Or what about one of those portable shower bags they use on boats. You fill it up, let it heat up in the sun and wash off. You could let others use it as well. They may enjoy warm water after sleeping on the ground or something.

The best idea I have though relates to it being College Students.

Beer! Everyone will love you. Now if I can only figure out how to bring a 2 week supply you would be set.

So I am not much help. But think about the fact that they will all be college students and therefore should be around the same age. What can you bring to engratiate yourself to them without coming off as pushy.

Remember what Kathy said, if strategy is not working, shake things up.

Good Luck

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by SkyRaider on 05-23-02 at 05:40 PM
Oh, Jeff! This one is soooo simple!

You live in Florida, right? Get Jeb Bush to give you instructions on how to use it, then take one of the infamous Florida Voting Booths as your luxury item, to be used by the others when they vote someone out.

No matter who they vote for, it ends up being the person you want, not the person who was actually voted for.

Get it? Huh, huh?

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-24-02 at 01:45 AM
ROTLF!!! SkyRaider you crack me up. Anyway I'm sure that Jeff ended up voting for whom he really wanted to .

I think he should take a copy of the original vote list; oh and most importantly take as many hanging chads a possible. You never know when some of your friends might be in the mood for some bingo. LOL.

Good Luck Jeff--you probably won't need it--just keep the faith,
and remember as the great Dabo says, All things are possible through Veesus--or not.

Don't forget about my autograph .

Veesus: We can stop this charade right now . . .

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by dabo on 05-24-02 at 00:38 AM
Ouiga Board
Magic 8-Ball
Deck of Cards (but with naughty pictures or jokes or something on them, not just plain old cards)
Book of Jokes
Halloween Mask


"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-24-02 at 03:09 AM

Jeff, this is really great! I hope you make the final cut.

The luxury item that popped into my head was: Murray's dog collar, or something that belongs to Murray - his favorite toy or a dog feeding dish.

Sittem mentioned the Super 8 as a place to stay. We have stayed at the Super 8 closest to I-95 and it was okay. The Shell House restaurant is within walking distance from there and it is terrific. They serve mostly shellfish - crabs, crab legs, shrimp, etc. and the peach cobbler is really great.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by jkokoj on 05-24-02 at 12:18 PM
ROTFLOL!! Good Luck Jeff I am sure you will make the cut. Also, don't worry I think a 19 year old male student can find a decent enough hotel room and be away from home a couple of days!

Great luxury items listed above! I like the Murray dog collar or Murray favorite toy idea. I think playboy is good too. I think somone mentioned a magic 8 ball...hilarious!

I would not take the gator, just not funny enough!

Have a great time and keep us posted!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by MandyM on 05-25-02 at 00:13 AM
Congrats on making it this far! Cool! I like the magic 8 ball idea and also the deck of cards. Good luck!

MM "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! "
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-25-02 at 11:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-30-02 AT 07:37 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 05-25-02 AT 11:53 AM (EST)

Do you honestly think you can survive for any time without your computer???? You are all over the Amazing Race forum,now I find you here.If you look at my total postings I've got like 32 overall and you have how many???100? 200??? 300????? From what your total says its well over 600,so what I'm saying isn't just opinion it's right there in print. Do you honestly think you can survive without your computer????

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! "
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-25-02 at 01:13 PM
CSHS79 I find you post to be highly disturbing, not to mention deeply offensive. I don't see where you get the nerve to single out a poster and personally attack someone who has never done anything wrong to you.

Jeff is under serious contention to be on a reality TV show, which you would know if you had actually bothered to read his original post in this thresd. What I am saying is something that you obvioulsy already know, that if you were really interested in helping him; as opposed to bashing him; it would be far to late, because he is probably already packed if he hasn't already left for his interview in Georgia.

There is no reason for your unprovoked vicious attack, IMO; Jeff most likely won't be back on this board until after his interview has been concluded; thus he is not here to defend himself, so I will.

Jeff may have a lot of DAW's--so what's wrong with that? He has made significant contributions to this board: ie., uploading Survivor photos, and as you refuse to point out--many other valueable contibutions to this board.

He is a busy college student, yet he has still taken on the difficult and extemely time-consuming task of taking full responsibility for creating and maintaining an a Trivia Game which anyone who wanted to play; jumped at the chance to participate.

I have yet to even read one of your posts--except for this one, of course; I don't recall ever seeing your name before. So what exactly have you contributed to SB thus far? It must be a lot for just 32 posts, since you obviously feel that this qualifies you to be some sort of judge of posters which you don't approve of.

2ndly Jeff--like everyone else on this board--has a private email account and inbox; you could have made your complaints known to him privately without posting them here.
You may conter by saying that I am doing the exact same thing. Since you made this extemely personal attack public; my response to you needs to be also public.

I realise that you will judge me not by the contents of this or any other of my posts, but soley on my DAW level; I am assuming that your response to this post, will be to make me your next likely target, and no--I don't want your help anymore than Jeff will.

Did you ever stop to consider that posters who may have more DAW's as opposed to less; may have more free time on their hands?
I don't happen to have any children of my own--even though I'm love kids and happen to be very good with them. My point is that I have far more free time than a hurried parent would.

I happen to enjoy JeffGator's often witty and humourous posts. Judging soley from his posts; he strikes me as a very nice person as well, and certainly, one of the kind of posters that we need more--not less of.

I for one am tired of some posters who feel that they are somehow improving this board by unfairly putting others down.
That is a far greater concern for me than a silly thing like DAW levels.

Maybe Jeff should consult you before he makes another post; since you have undemocratically appointed yourself to be the onofficial SB Moniter. BTW, we already have one of those--Shakes the Clown--who I might point out has been doing an excellent job this far, and is well-qualified to be the unofficial screener of this board.

Unless a poster is in danger of violating one of the board guidelines, criticsim like yours is unwarranted.
BTW, what is it with the multiple question marks, anyways? Maybe Freud could come up with an interesting theory to explain it.

Rob Mariano: Hey Hunter, have yah stopped crying already?

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Preach on!!"
Posted by PackMan on 05-26-02 at 09:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-26-02 AT 09:40 AM (EST)

Here, here... I totally agree, Teddy Bear. Although I haven't been here for very long, I have quickly been able to figure out the posters I like to read versus those I can just pass on by. Jeff's notes have been interesting and funny, and I enjoy reading them.

As to how much time Jeff does or does not spend on these boards, who cares? From his posts, Jeff seems to be a pretty smart guy with a lot going for him, so who is anyone else to choose his hobbies for him? I personally think this board can be a lot of fun, if you let it.

Jeff was asking for the help of his friends on this board. I hope the positive suggestions he got in this thresd helped him. For those who tried to bring him down, if this were Never Never land, the Lost Boys would all be saying, "bad form!"

BTW, Jeff I didn't get a chance to chime in with my thoughts on your luxury item, but I hope everything went well in Savannah this weekend.

**Edited because I mis-type when my daughters on my lap, and I have to use one hand.

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

"I'm Sorry!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-28-02 at 04:14 PM
If anyone regarded my statement regarding the number of postings
Jeff Gator has as offensive, I'm sorry. He was out here asking what he should bring as his luxury item and I was trying to make him think about what he would miss most.When Colby brought his Texas flag he wan't thinking what purpose it would serve, merely that he wanted to wake up under it(In Colby's case it served them
well as protection). So that was my entire point,trying to get him to think about what he would miss most which to me should answer his question.

"RE: I'm Sorry!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by dabo on 05-29-02 at 00:53 AM
Well, okay, CHSH79, I can chalk it up to a misreading of intent, no problem. Like others, it seemed to me you had gotten on Jeff's case a bit, but perhaps there was a poor selection of words on your part as well. What I found amusing, actually, was that you had suggested a luxury item which almost certainly would never be allowed. I doubt if they'd allow someone even a cellular telephone on something called Exiled, you know, much less an internet connection to a board of reality show fans. Or even a bag of beef jerky.


"They won't???"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-29-02 at 01:13 AM
Damn... there goes my top three choices for Survivor luxury item...

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Is THAT what you've what you've got hidden under there?"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-29-02 at 04:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 04:51 AM (EST)

So let me get this straight, ever since I came to this board; I've continued to find myself day in, day out--confronted with a tantalising mystery . . . What do you have hidden up there, really?

Well mystery solved, FINALLY!!.

Now everyone knows ;

what you have hidden up your Sleeeve is actually . . . beef jerky!! LOL.

Jerri: I'm really a sucker for cowboys.

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! "
Posted by sleeeve on 05-25-02 at 05:54 PM
Wow... if he has a problem at only 600 posts, then I must really have a problem... I average less than an hour a day here right now (less time than it takes me to actually watch one of these shows), yet I average about 15 posts a day... go figure...

It always amazes me when people take the time to register an account, then use it to bash other people on the boards for posting... consider this your only warning... bashing other board members is never appropriate under any circumstances...

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"What did I do to deserve this?"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-28-02 at 03:26 AM
First off, much love and thanks to Teddy_Bear, Sleeeve, and Packman for coming to my defense. Packman, I like your name (assuming it is in reference to the Wolfpack). I was born at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, NC right after your team had won the National Championship (September 1, 1982). I was born and raised a Tarheel fan (both my parents are Tarheel alumni) but I respect the Wolfpack too as one of my uncles got his degree from there. And now I'm a Gator, 100%, but I do respect all NC teams since that is where I am from.

As to CSHS79, this is the 2nd time you have attacked me for no reason whatsoever. Are you perhaps a Seminole fan?

I really shouldn't even bother to defend myself, but I guess I will anyway. I actually feel kind of good after this attack, because now I officially feel like a regular here. CSHS79, I do have a lot of posts here at SBlows, although not nearly as much as some.

And I am still able to manage a very full load of life. I guess I'm just good at managing my time. I'm a full time student at the University of Florida where I hold a 3.8 GPA, I work part time at JC Penney, I volunteer at the campus TV station once or twice a week, I'm on the executive board of the jewish student union on campus, in 2 other clubs, and 2 Honors Societies. Once a week I: play basketball in the UF intramurals, take guitar lessons, swing dance competitively, and work on and race my modified Honda Civic at the local track. I have many friends that I party with and go clubbing with here in Gainesville, and until not too long ago also managed having a serious girlfriend. So I think I have a lot going on in my life.

Posting at Survivorblows is a great way for me to take a break from it all and relax. I love talking and writing about Survivor so this is the perfect place for me. I'm a Telecom major which is in the school of journalism, and I'm going to be writing for a living so posting on this site is right up my alley. I feel that the time I have spent here has made me a much better writer. I've also met soooo many awesome moderators, and fellow posters that I would love to meet in person.

And by the way, if everyone here had the number of postings as you do (32), what would there be for you to read or respond to??
I assume that you enjoy lurking here for the most part which is cool, but there wouldn't be too much lurking to do if no one posted more than 30 times.

Anyway, thanks for the advice on bringing my computer with me to the show, but yes I can survive without it.

"RE: What did I do to deserve this?"
Posted by Bebo on 05-28-02 at 12:35 PM
I was born at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, NC right after your team had won the National Championship (September 1, 1982). I was born and raised a Tarheel fan (both my parents are Tarheel alumni)

Jeffy! I almost missed reading about your connection to our fair state - knew there was something extra-special about you! And I'll forgive the Tarheel allegiance (have to, since I forgave Mr. Bebo for going there).

You just keep being you. And don't tell anyone I wrote nice things about you, because that would mess up my reputation and I'd have to mock you to put my rep back down in the dregs.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. And let's add mean, horrible, witch while we're at it.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!

"Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-29-02 at 01:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-30-02 AT 07:43 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 01:38 PM (EST)

J E F F A N D I A R E F R I E N D S!!!!!!!!!
We have cleared the air realizing we both took these boards too
seriously. So we have started over, tommorrow is a new day.

"RE: Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by dabo on 05-29-02 at 01:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 01:34 PM (EST)


The posts on each thread are numbered according to the order in which they are posted. Because of the nature of how these threads operate, a post to a particular reply appears after that post, rather than sequentially at the end of the thread. So, Jeff's post to which you are replying here, it was posted before the apology (look at the numbers). So, settle down. It took me quite awhile when I first came here (over a year ago) to become accustomed to how things work in these forums, these things happen. Just as a suggestion, I would direct you to the Help Forum to find answers to any questions you may have, and if you do not find answers there to any questions you may have then you should post those questions.



"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-29-02 at 01:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 01:51 PM (EST)

CSHS79, I believe JeffGator's reply to you was posted before your apology.

Relax, he's a very nice reptile once you get to know him; just beware of those Gator scales.

>I'm reminded these are basherboards and I shouldn't take
>it so seriously,and I think you've told me that yourself. So
>I think you should take your own advice, don't take what
>is said so seriously, these boards are all in fun.

Actually this is the Fanatics board; if you read Sleeeve's post above: #26, you will notice that SB has a ZTP (Zero Tolerance Policy) on all of the boards--BASHERS etc. included. This policy helps ensure that everyone is fair and plays nice; so that we all get to have fun.

P.S. If you really--REALLY want to have fun, there is a cyber-party in the SB CHATroom every night.

*Note: edited because dabo already explained it best--as usual.

Jiffy Probe: The jury is all wearing black. Do you suppose that means anything?

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"If Only I Had My own Computer"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-29-02 at 01:54 PM
As you can read from my apology you will see my comment was not a bash on Jeff merely trying to answer his question by gettting him to think about what he'd miss most.He also brought up that I
have attacked him in the past, which is not true.I was poking fun
at Gary & Dave,contestants on the Amazing Race and he takes it as a personal attack(see Gary & Dave Website Forum on Amazing RaceSucks.com). So as you can see it seems my words are always misread and is it my fault??????

"RE: If Only I Had My own Computer"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-29-02 at 02:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 02:48 PM (EST)

I did not misread your post. I simply replied to your reply, and then I realised that

dabo, had done a much better job of responding to you (So what else is new? ).

I strongly urge you to re-read his post, #46 above, again.

FYI, I got off to a rocky start myself; just go with the flow. Time takes care of everything.

The wise Dabo gave you some great advice; trust him, he'll never steer you wrong, okay ?

Veesus: We can continue this charade all night . . .

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"If Anyone Needs To Apologize it's Jeff"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-29-02 at 03:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-01-02 AT 11:22 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 05-29-02 AT 03:45 PM (EST)


"Why are you even here?"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-29-02 at 06:18 PM
Look CSHS79, I'm not sure why you are still here. First of all this thing should have been dropped long ago. You say you didn't attack me but here is what you wrote:

Jeff I would certainly agree you need help since your whole life seems to revolve around posting on these boards.

Now, how is that not a personal attack? You said I need help. And in my response to that, I was not mean to you at all, I merely defended myself by saying that there is more to my life than my computer.

And as far as the Dave and Gary post went you started that fight as well. I would post the proof over here, but I really don't care. This is getting very old. Let's just drop this and forget about it. I'm going to take the high road, so why don't you join me?

"RE: Thank you for being here"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-29-02 at 07:49 PM
Jeff you know that CHS79, doesn't know the first thing about you. Only you and the peeps who know you well really know the truth.

Judging by the numerous posters defending you, they are well aware that the assumption must be false.

As long as you and the people who know you best know the truth; is what really counts.

You have every right and reason to defend yourself, and no one questions your interpretation, and/or judgement.

The point is that you have many friends and defenders on this board, and I am honoured to be among them.

What I am saying is that I myself have had my feelings hurt by people who presumed to judge me without knowing the first thing about me.

If I rememeber correctly, you were among many people who made me realise it's what the people who really want to get to know me think, whose opinions matter.

I am greatful to you and numerous other posters who made me realise that whenever someone decides to judge me; I should determine the validity of that judgement based on the source.

If it were not for you and many kind posters who reached out to me; I would have made the awful mistake of allowing my descisions to be influenced by faulty reasoning.

It's the old, is the glass half empty or half full?. The kind posters who reached out to me played a far greater role in my descision-making process, because I chose to see the glass as being half full.

You were among those kind posters who helped set me on the right path, and thanks to you and others like you; I shall never divert from it again .

The Gospel According to Dianetic: TB went to the zoo and ignored the "Dont feed the wild teddybears" sign.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Again I'm misread"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-30-02 at 01:08 PM
Again I'm misread with Jeff emphasizing certain words, all taken out of context since to me it was a simple question. All I wanted
to know was what were you passionate about which would give you the answer you were looking for. Beyond that I apologized if I was misread.
Also if there was ever a personal attack it was the comment you made to me in the Gary and Dave Forum which is why you won't post it over here. I poke fun at Gary & Dave and you fire back explitives at me. Obviously if you posted those comments here they would see who's taken the high road, namely me since I've apologized and you haven't.

"RE: Why don't you take the High Road?"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-30-02 at 01:33 PM
CSH79, can you do me favour? Do you think that maybe you could give this issue a rest for even a little while?

JeffGator is one of the kindest posters on this board; I doubt he would ever knowingly intentionally hurt anyone.

You are trying to slander Jeff by inferring to others that your--well let's call a spade a spade--shall we?; are atempting to savage--albeit unsucsessfuly--Jeff's well-deserved reputation on this board.

I for one am getting sick of it--not to mention, extemely annoyed. Take this as a serious, but gentle warning; you are waging a posting vendetta against Jeff.

I know for a fact that such behavour won't be condoned on this board for very long; so please drop it already!

I am really getting fed up . You are not going to change anyone's minds about Jeff; you are only succeeding in ailenating other posters on this board.

Dabo, Bebo, and myself tried in vain to help you. you should be aware that Sleeeve doesn't issue warnings lightly.

You are asking for trouble if you keep this up. Jeff is my friend, and I won't stand still for any more of your mean-spirited slandering of this truly fine human being.

Consider yourself extremely lucky that no one has pressed the Alert button yet.

Please--for your sake and everybody elses, quit this posting vendetta NOW!!!

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Again I'm misread"
Posted by Crimsyn on 05-30-02 at 01:49 PM
Ok so you wanted everyone to check out the Gary/Dave posts and see who fired the first shot. So I did. In all fairness I'll post three posts, Jeff's, Your's, then Jeff's. Lets see who started it shall we? Afterall, thats what you wanted.

Post 1: Jeff Gator said: Lol, managerr. I emailed Gary and he actually emailed me back! He is such a nice person. He wrote a really awesome email back--what an cool guy! I wish Gary/Dave had won!

Post 2. CSHS79 said: It was a long letter because he has the time to write long letters---no one is asking them to make personal appearrances, a real test of celebrity. Also I'm sure it's true it's Kato Kaylon time at Wil's, they because they have no money(remember they had no trouble panhandling during the race)and Wil is on his knees begging for anyone who wil spend time with someone like him. So guys, get comfortable because it's going to a long lonely future for all of you.

Post 3: Jeff Gator said: Thanks for your hateful and mean spirited comments jackass. It really shows what a creep you are to make fun of someone when they are doing a nice thing. It's one thing to bash someone to just bash someone, but to bash someone for writing a nice long letter? I guarantee you that Gary and Dave are a hell of a lot cooler and nicer people than you.

Now, in all fairness, the sentance that started the whole mess in this particular group of posts was: So guys, get comfortable because it's going to a long lonely future for all of you. Actually it was probably just your whole post, but the last line is one that can't be MISREAD in anyway. You meant it in a mean and degrading way.

So. Conclusion: CSHS79 you started it. Now, can it end?

"Thanks for posting that Crimsyn"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-30-02 at 02:03 PM
I do apologize for using the word "jackass" (I don't even remember writing that) but let me explain why I was so defensive. At the time, Gary Rosen and I (from team Gary and Dave) were emailing each other back and forth. Gary confessed to me that he lurks very often at The Amazing Race Forum. He even has put quotes from The Forum on his official website.


I felt that CSHS79 mean attack on Gary was way out of line, and that he was attacking a fellow poster/lurker. I would consider Gary a friend, and from the emails he's sent me he seems like a wonderful person in real life.

"Finally the apology"
Posted by CSHS79 on 05-30-02 at 02:27 PM
Was that so hard??? It seemed to be since I apologized a long time ago and I was just waiting for you to do the same. I've been
told repeatedly when I try to defend someone to lighten up and get in the game this is all in fun.So I suggest you do the same.

"Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-31-02 at 01:50 AM
I read the comments on the TAR board, and frankly I disagree with the interpretation stated above.

It has always been alright to bash contestants and has never been alright to bash other posters.

For whatever reason,you have both bashed each other, and now you have both apologized... and this is the end of it... period.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-31-02 at 02:29 AM
Sleeeve, just to let you know--CSHS79 and I have already emailed each other, made up, and are now going fishing together this weekend. No need to tell us to knock things off. And on Friday we are going to the movies to see Star Wars together. I've already seen it, but CSHS79 hasn't, so I'm going to treat her to it. And yes CSHS79 is a girl (I just found that out).

"RE: Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-31-02 at 02:43 AM
Well... glad to hear it... I thought about saying earlier, but was hoping you'd work it out on your own... glad that you did

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

Posted by dabo on 05-31-02 at 11:09 AM
A match made in Blows! Pretty soon CSHS will be hanging out at Jeff's pad, borrowing his computer, tut-tutting the dirty socks he leaves all over the floor ... It's beautiful!!! Glad you two worked things out, hope this is the start of a long friendly relationship. Who knows, it may be the start of something more than that even. Jeff, ask the magic 8 ball! Oh, CSHS, you may want to check out the Off Topic forum; hard to keep up, but a lot of neat things happen there.


"RE: Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-31-02 at 11:54 AM
Oh my heck! That is so sweet!

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: A Toast To the Happy Couple!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-31-02 at 06:46 PM
Cheers to the blossoming romance between JeffGator and CSHS79! *sob* I guess I'm just a sentimental, incurable romantic at heart *sniff*.

It's just like on my foavourite soap opera; As the World Stands Still, one can deduce the obvious foreshadowing here.

Every soap opera couple starts out that way; At first they can't stand each other; the next thing you know, they're falling madly in love with each other.

This is soooh touching *wipes tears from Dianetics' handkercheif*. I'm so happy for you two lovebirds. Never in my wildest dreams would I expect this Love Connection to have happened on SB, of all places!

BTW, Jeff, I'll be checking my real mail daily for your wedding invitation.

I hope I'm not being too forward here, but I want you to know in advance; that I am honoured to perform the function, of being BEST WOMAN.

***When you receive your cheque from Exiled II, you can reinburse me for my hotel and flight expenses.*** LOL.

Gina: I'm soooh in love with Hunter.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by sittem on 05-31-02 at 07:02 PM
Isn't she a little old for you, JG? Maybe 3 years isn't so much, but I always liked 'em younger than me.

"RE: Alright you two.. knock it off"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-31-02 at 07:11 PM
Lol, actually I had no idea that she is 3 years older than me. I was of course kidding about the fishing and movies for anyone who really believed me. Actually I emailed her to say I would like to be friends, and I never got a response, but I'm still under the impression that we are "cool" with each other.

"If the truth be told"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-01-02 at 11:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-01-02 AT 12:01 PM (EST)

First off,I never mentioned my age on any forum. Yes, I have counted Gabe on Survivor 4 and Blake of the Amazing Race as men I consider HOT but I never said I was their age nor did I say if I was single or not.Also Jeff what made you think I'm a girl since I could be a gay man?Should I reveal the truth or can I have my secrets?
Also I do believe the topic of geography could play a part since Jeff is in Florida and I have stated in other forums that I'm from Boston. So where do we go from here?

"RE: If the truth be told"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-01-02 at 12:43 PM
Also I do believe the topic of geography could play a part since Jeff is in Florida and I have stated in other forums that I'm from Boston. So where do we go from here?
--CSHS79, I would be very suprised if anyone here believed that we were really going fishing and to the movies this weekend. It was meant as a joke. I was just trying to show everyone that we had made up and had become friends. That is what we'd both like, right? People did go kind of far with the joke, but they were just trying to be nice.

I had assumed you were a girl, but if you are a gay man I apologize. And as far as your age goes, I was wondering why people said you were 3 years older too, I had never heard that. Frankly, I don't know anything about you, but I hope all this drama (as Vee would say) will end.

Posted by CSHS79 on 06-01-02 at 12:59 PM
Yes, let us go back to the real topic, Jeff & Exiled.From what can tell your it is discussed below. Let us move on from there.

"RE: Are You Seeeeeeeeeeerrrius??????"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-31-02 at 07:59 PM
Sittem I am soooh shocked !

Would you really refuse to date a woman who happens to have a mere 3 years experience on you? Maybe she could teach you some new tricks.

Well I guess, It's really none of my business anyway. Just as long as you're not robbing the craddle. LOL.

The Gospel According to Dianetic: TB went to the zoo and ignored the "Don't feed the wild teddybears" sign.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Cradle Robbing"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 06-01-02 at 09:01 AM
Would you really refuse to date a woman who happens to have a mere 3 years experience on you? Maybe she could teach you some new tricks}. Well I guess, It's really none of my business anyway. Just as long as you're not robbing the craddle.

Well, I guess that makes me a cradle robber.... my boyfriend (of nearly 3 years now) is 8 years younger than me! Woo hoo!!

Honestly, I do think age CAN have alot to do with compatibility because you can have such different perspectives on life. Fortunately, it hasn't been an issue for us. He is much older and wiser than his years. And I'm so immature and childish, it's a perfect match!

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: Cradle Robbing"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 10:43 AM
You are a Vixen after my own heart .

I couldn't agree more Kermit the Vixen, there is nothing less important than the date of the year on one's birth certificate--unless you are into either western/eastern astrology or both.

{In case anyone cares, I am a Picsean Ox, with a Leo moon and a Sagitarius Ascendant.}

Out of all the things that defines individuals; all the things that determine compatibility; I can't think of anything more irrelevant than cronological age.

There are so many things that makes us all both unique and fascinating to others: personal values, spititual beliefs, political leanings, varying degrees of social concientiousness, sense of humour, and our basic hummanity.

We all need to be loved, belong, and feel cared for, and as long as any kind of honest and genuine connection is based between consenting adults; what right does anyone else have to place judgement?

{BTW, Kermit, you might still get my vote if you manage to convincingly distance yourself from LC . LOL.}

Jiffy Probe: The jury is all wearing black. Do you suppose that means anything?

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Cradle Robbing"
Posted by sittem14 on 06-01-02 at 12:44 PM
Whoops!! In my attempt to make a quick quip regarding age I made one assumption - then, even if the assumption were correct I made a totally erronous computation. Some days it just doesn't pay.

First - assumtion - CSHS79 stands for CS High School, class of 1979. That's not an unreasonable assumtion, though it's probably way off. Then, however the way off computation. Instead of working from the supposed year of graduation, I took it as a birth year. Aaaargggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!! So, of course, she is 23 is she is born in 1979, the year she graduated. Or, more like 40. So, sorry CSHS. Just playing around. And no offense regarding whatever age you are - it's all good.

Now, as for age difference - just kidding, of course. Though, back in those days when I was young, I did feel that "older" women were something I could only look at. So, I usually looked for someone my age or younger. (Except before I had a driver's license - dated two girls older with license and car so we could get around - OMH - ridiculous!!)

Anyway, now at my age, age makes no difference at all - in terms of compatibility it means almost nothing except I would be very cautious about going very much younger than myself - I'd like to be less than a whole generation different.

Of course, this is all moot point. I'm desperately happy with my wife, sittek, who is 6 months younger. She just had a birthday so we're now the same age. Of course, she has encouraged me several times to not hesitiate to find someone new if she should pass on. We are older with two younger adopted children (8 and 6) and raising them on my own would be a challenge, especially since we are home schoolers (yes, we've thought about socialization!!).

Anyway, JG, glad to see you're not jumping to quickly into something!! Gotta keep focused on finals and preparing for Exiled.

"Return to Topic"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-01-02 at 01:10 PM
The truth will remain my secret as we return to the topic at hand
Jeff & Exiled. Any updates?????

"RE: Are You Seeeeeeeeeeerrrius??????"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 12:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-01-02 AT 04:01 PM (EST)

Since I originally posted this by mistake, and it hasn't been deleted yet;

I might as well say something; so please don't delete it than.

CSHS79 you are right to be upset; I would be too if I felt my privacy was violated.

I began to regret choosing my ID, since it wasn't as cool as some of the others on the board, but after all of this mess;

I can honestly say I'm really glad that no one can infer anything about me except my feelings about Survivor.

We really should stick to the topic at hand, Exiled II, and Jeff's Hollywood debut in J'lo's upcoming flick.

BTW Jeff, great news! Hunter and Gina are no longer officially an item; now you can begin making plans with your true soul-mate.

Facts may weaken under exreme heat and pressure. TB

"RE: Are You Seeeeeeeeeeerrrius??????"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-01-02 at 09:46 PM
There's nothing wrong at all with Teddy_Bear! It's actually really cute (which I swear is what I thought the first time you posted ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Awww You're soooh sweet"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-02-02 at 00:45 AM
>There's nothing wrong at all with Teddy_Bear! It's actually really cute (which I swear is what I thought the first time you posted ;)<

Thanks Kokoro, *Hugs* You're such a sweetheart. Thank you. BTW, the dancing bear in your sigpic always cracks me right up .

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Giving the benefit of the doubt"
Posted by Bebo on 05-30-02 at 02:09 PM
Now, in all fairness, the sentance that started the whole mess in this particular group of posts was: So guys, get comfortable because it's going to a long lonely future for all of you.

When this was originally posted, the first question that popped into my mind was, "Which guys is the poster referring to? Does he/she mean Gary, Dave, and Wil? Or is this a slam against the people who wrote the letters?" I've reread this post multiple times, and I'm still not sure.

IMHO, this is a big misunderstanding that arose out of an unclear statement.

Now...CSHS, you've got a couple of options. You could let this rest, or you could continue to hijack threads to just keep making the same point over and over. My second piece of unsolicited advice would be to please move on and just join in the fun. Read what other people are writing and comment on that, instead of just harping on the same point over and over. Repeating your argument isn't going to win people over to it, it's just going to wear people down and make them less likely to read your messages.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"Some friendly advice"
Posted by Bebo on 05-29-02 at 03:53 PM
So as you can see it seems my words are always misread and is it my fault??????

Contrary to my sig line, I am sincerely offering advice vs. a flame.

Usually, when people on these boards are misunderstood, it's because two quite useful tools are underutilized.

The first is message formatting. It's amazing how some spacing and punctuation can improve the readability of a message. It's hard to read all that text jumbled up like it is in your posts, and a lot of folks may just gloss over your message instead of taking the time to figure out what you're trying to say.

The second is the Preview button at the bottom of the screen (aka Bebo's bestest friend). I know when I'm posting something that it can make sense to me while I'm typing it but would make no sense to anyone else. I might have misspelled something or left out a word or two (or, in my case, ten). Previewing gives you a chance to check that out before posting it for all to see.

Yes, these take some effort. But if you want others to make the effort to understand what you're trying to say, you need to put some effort into it yourself.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, witch while we're at it. And we musn't forget nasty.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-31-02 at 11:02 AM
*sung at the top of my lungs and showing off my killer abs*

"Can you feel a Brand New Day... Can you feel a Brand New Day..."

Posted by Bebo on 05-31-02 at 11:16 AM
Oh, that was too perfect.

"RE: Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 06-04-02 at 07:16 PM

what is this? the sucks forum on EZ board?

Too much DRAMA

Hail Kathy! the Sole survivor!

"This is turning into an ezboard"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-04-02 at 07:28 PM
what is this? the sucks forum on EZ board?
--the fight combined with the way things have gotten soooooo off-topic make me think I'm at ezboard, ivory! And I'm not too big of an ezboard fan either.

"RE: Didn't You Read the Apology"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-05-02 at 02:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 02:45 AM (EST)


I hope my eyes aren't deceiving me... but doesn't Vee look NAKED here?

Jeff... best of luck with the show, hope for great success and do let us know how it goes! Will definitely watch for any news of Exiled (never even heard of it until you got this thread started up!) and will gleefully cheer/bash the show.

And yes... way too much drama going on here. Now 'scuse me while I go bang my head on the wall once again in frustration over a certain poster's inability to comprehend what's going on around here and to take stock of my truly poor, pathetic, no-good life of 2200 posts if Jeff's getting flamed for having a mere 660 or so posts. (and yes, save it... I know what the so-called 'intent' was of your post but it still got said the wrong way)

Edited to add further comments after reading the rest of the posts here.

"Jeff & CSHS79 Are FRIENDS"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-05-02 at 01:40 PM
Please do not dreg up something that is over & done,there is no drama!Jeff Gator and I are friends and all is is the past so let it rest. Especially since Teddybear and I just may be invited to
Jeff's wedding once Gina realizes he is her perfect match.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! "
Posted by Kokoro on 05-30-02 at 08:32 PM
Well thanks for editing it - yes, it did sound very mean spirited originally and I'm not sure how something like that could be "misinterpreted" - unless, of course, you're just like one of our previous Survivor contestants who just loves to be "hoooneeeest" ;)


Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by heymikey on 05-25-02 at 12:33 PM
Hey Jeff, what channel will "Exile" be on?

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Swami on 05-25-02 at 08:39 PM
Oh darn, Jeff, I'm too late to offer you any ideas, or even wish you luck! I already said we're proud of you, when you first mentioned 'Exiled' over on Bashers.

We're still proud! Go JeffGator! I'll be sending my best positive vibes to Savannah at noon CST, 1p.m. EST.

Go Jeff, go Jeff, go Jeff, go Jeff, go Jeff, go Jeff....


"I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-28-02 at 04:02 AM
Well I'm back from Savannah, and things went very well
Not sure yet what I'm allowed to say (don't want to get sued for $5,000,000 as sleeeve mentioned)

Most importantly I want to thank Webby, Ayla (showing me the map was awesome), janisella (for the jewish mom support), weltek, tll, PagongRatEater, sleeeve, toddE, snoocharoo, Teddy_Bear, SurvivinDawg (for the big party we had at your house), katem, managerr, crimsyn, Q, Skyraider (for making me laugh my ass off, I would have used your idea but Jeb was still mad at me for not voting for his brother), dabo (very big thanks, magic 8 ball was the luxury item used!) Silvergirl, jkokoj, MandyM, and Swami (for the very enthusiastic support).

Forsyth Park and the water fountain were very very easy to find. It was a beautiful park, the nicest one I had ever seen.

I absolutely loved every luxury item that you guys suggested and it was soooooooo tough for me to make up my mind. I had to go with my mom's decision. So I called her on the phone and told her what you guys suggested. I actually was leaning towards the Playboy, but she thought it might be too controversial. She liked Dabo's magic 8 ball best. So I went with that (gotta go with what your momma tells you) Each of the contestants said the significance of their luxury item. I said that "All the important decisions I have made in my life have been based on the answers I have received from the magic 8 ball." I then looked at the 8 ball and said "Will I get picked for Exiled?" And after I shook it 3 times, I finally got the right answer. The producers and contestants laughed, and it provided for a lot of laughs later on, so i think it was a big success. THANKS DABO!

Anyway, the fun part was that they had us compete in an "Amazing Race" in Savannah, Georgia. When they told us to go, we had to run a mile to a gate at one end of the park, where we each found an envelop with our names on it. The envelopes told us which team we were on. We were split into 3 teams, and each team had a camera man following them the whole time. The envelope gave us clues on where to go in Savannah. The winning team was guaranteed to have one member picked for the show. Well first we had to go to a Tabasco Shop where we had to exchange the 3 quarters we were given in the envelope for a pirate coin behind the counter. Our team and one other arrived at the same time, and we got into a big argument on who was first. Our team just put the quarters down, took the pirate coin and left. The other tried to turn us in for cheating, but the producers let it go. Then we had to go to a graveyard where a man with a torch was waiting for us. We were the first team to arrive, and we picked up the torch. The trick was, we had to find someone to light it for us. So after a long time of searching and asking complete strangers, an old man gave us his lighter. After lighting the torch, I told my teammate Meg to throw the lighter in the fountain since the other team was right behind us and I didn't want them to get it. Well before she could do it, they surrounded her and took the lighter from her hand. We got stuck in the cemetery and could not find a way out. The team that stole our lighter climbed the gates and got ahead of us. So at the finish line (the water fountain) we lost by about 15 seconds. We got 2nd place. It was an amazing time. It took about an hour and a half to complete and we were exhausted. Then the producers had us do confessionals after that. Later on, we each did personal interviews. Everything went really great. That's all I have to say for now, the official word will come to me by June 15, and filming is July 14.

I got to see some episodes of Exiled 1 (I'm competing for Exiled 2) and it looks really great. It's definitely very low budget, but the editing is very well done and it's a very interesting show. It focuses a lot on the relationships that develop between contestants.

Anyway, regardless of what happens, I really did have an awesome time in an awesome city.

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by Femme on 05-28-02 at 08:20 AM
Yay for you Jeff, sounds like you had fun! And Yay, Dabo, that was a great idea for the 8-ball! Good luck!

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-28-02 at 09:51 AM
Oh my heck that sounds like so much fun! Good luck, Jeff - I'm sure you made it ^-^

Oh and congratulations on post #666

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Mazel Tov!"
Posted by janisella on 05-28-02 at 11:20 AM
Once you make it to the show (which you will), be sure to keep us posted re: when it's on. If it's not too raunchy, I may let my 10 year old write a summary.

Congrats. It sounds like a lot of fun!

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by katem on 05-28-02 at 11:59 AM
Congratulations buddy, this whole thing sounded like a blast. Also seems that you scored with the 8-ball, it was probably good that you had to shake it three times, it made the whole thing funny.

I'm sure they will have you on the show, and if they don't it's their loss, and ours cause we would have missed out on having our second official media whore, you would be sitting next to the Clown, you might still be. Good luck !!!!!

And as for the idiot that attacked you on this thread, he/she is just jealous of your DAW's

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by dabo on 05-28-02 at 12:18 PM
Yeah, Jeff! You're most welcome, of course, but it sounds like you made extremely good use of the magic 8 ball. You also acquitted yourself well in the race, IMO, with your idea to throw the lighter into the fountain, which the producers should take note of. Looks like you're well on your way to your 15 minutes, move over shakes! Let me know what channel this show is on so I can spoil the heck out of it. No, don't help me do that, I wouldn't dream of asking. Seriously, have a blast! (Hm, I have a serious lot of daws, I wonder what my problem is! )


"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-28-02 at 03:28 PM
Sounds awesome JG. Best of luck to you in your quest to be the next Shakes (does that mean you get to be surly with the newcomers, too? ).

BTW, perhaps I missed this earlier in the thread, but where will this show be available for our viewing pleasure? It sounds like it could be pretty cool! I really hope you make it and can't wait to hear your good news.

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-28-02 at 10:18 PM
According to the website, the show is airing nationwide on some University cable network - but I think the rest of us should be able to see it on the website (they seem to have all their other shows up there); or maybe someone who gets it can put it up for download online?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"Welcome back!"
Posted by weltek on 05-28-02 at 04:11 PM
Sounds like you had a great time. Even if you don't get on the show (But I'm sure you will!), what a great experience! The producers had to notice your wit, cunning mind, and athleticism. All those qualities should make you a shoe in. Good luck!

"RE: I'm Back From Savannah--You Guys Are The Best!"
Posted by snoocharoo on 05-29-02 at 02:26 PM
Jeff....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now that I know what you look like (from the Gina pic) I promise that The House that Snooch built will be tuned in to watch and cheer you on the entire way. Go JeffGator Go.................

Peace, positivity and pixie dust coming your way!!!!!

"Huge Summary Response"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-29-02 at 07:18 PM
First of all, let me offer my congrats, Jeff, on getting to the final 30. It takes a lot of guts and work to try out for one of these shows, much less make it to the final stage

I'm real glad that you finally found the place where you were supposed to go. And the magic 8 ball? What an awesome idea dabo. LMAO at your interview story with the ball, Jeff!

CSHS79, I'm pretty much gonna repeat what has been said a million times already. This is a place where we are supposed to "play fair and be nice." Jeff is an awesome guy and maybe you could lighten up a smidgen, k?

Jeff, after reading your post about all the stuff you do, I am in complete awe. You are one amazing guy, and I'm soooo honoured to be have "met" you here

Finally, the Amazing Race type game was soooooo cool! That sounded like so much fun, Jeff, and from your personality during the game, I'd say you're a shoo-in for the show

Good luck Jeff, and I hope I'll get to see your show soon!


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Huge Summary Response"
Posted by MandyM on 05-29-02 at 10:25 PM
YAY Jeff! Sounds like you did really well! And kudos to Dabs for the magic 8 ball idea -- you really made it work for you, Jeff! Please give us info on channel/time for this show. I will watch just to see you kick ass! As for the semi-nasty post..just ignore and it will go away. You know we love ya, kiddo!

MM "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Naked on 05-30-02 at 06:37 AM

I just wanted you to know that I'm pulling for you.... Good luck, and if you do get picked, I'll find the show somewhere and watch every EP.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Survivor Freak 1987 on 05-30-02 at 04:00 PM
HMMM, I would have to say a picture of the person you are closest to, just show show how caring you are, and also for you to remimber home.

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by survivormitsx on 06-01-02 at 03:52 PM
congats jeff! Hey, if you guys don't mind my ignorance asking, what did shakes get to do? I need the low down lol

"RE: Guys--I really need your help!! What Should My Luxury Item be? etc. etc."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 04:54 PM
Shakes the Clown is Michael the attourney on Love Cruise.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Are you sure?"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-01-02 at 05:16 PM
I always thought Shakes was Alicia from Survivor 2!

"RE: Are you sure?"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 05:45 PM
>I always thought Shakes was Alicia from Survivor 2! <

But Shakes only spins his head, I've never seen him wag a finger at anyone; because if he did it once, he'd always do it. LOL.

Did you check out my post ()? I said that we should stick to Exiled II and your new Hollywood debut in the upcoming J'lo flick.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Are you sure?"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-01-02 at 06:20 PM
Did you check out my post ()? I said that we should stick to Exiled II and your new Hollywood debut in the upcoming J'lo flick
--lol, no i didn't...where is your new post?

"RE: Are you sure?"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 06:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-02 AT 00:57 AM (EST)

I made a post by accident earlier today--#81.

I asked to have it deleted. When I checked back it still was there;

so I thought I'd add my unique brand of wisdom to all the commotion.

BTW, your new addition to your sig makes me think of Top Gun.

You and Gina, look like Tom Cruise and (a brunette) Kelly McGillis.

I really think you're much cuter than Tom 'though.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Are you sure?"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-01-02 at 06:39 PM
Comparing me to Tom Cruise!? Wow, I don't know what to say. Well I did hear a rumor that you look like Sarah from S4!

"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 07:00 PM
Wow all these rumours that have been floating around about me in the last few days:

First, Bebo asks me if I'm Nicole Kidman.
Second, Dianetic wonders if I'm Penelope Cruz.
Now you're wondering if I look like Sarah . . .

Well that's all very nice, but . . .

If anyone starts asking me if I look like Rudy, then I'll really get worried. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by JeffGator on 06-01-02 at 07:12 PM
Bebo says

Dianetic says

JeffGator says

And Don't worry--no one says

"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-01-02 at 07:40 PM
OMG!!! <click> I think I'm being cloned!!

Jeff I don't look like anyone but me. Stop this nonsence right now!

or I'll have no choice but to smack you on the nose with a wet puppy. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by dabo on 06-02-02 at 00:53 AM
I'm going to guess TB looks like Amber.
*giggles and tosses the ball to Sir E*


"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by JeffGator on 06-02-02 at 02:16 AM
Dabo says


By the way, anybody else here remember when Amber mooned us on the Early Show?
If you don't believe me click here:

"RE: Flattery will get you ALMOST anywhere . . . . . . . ."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-02-02 at 01:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-03-02 AT 12:11 PM (EST)

Teddy_Bear says:


Note: edited at the request of Dabo. I hope this works. I'm not the most computer literate poster on this board; so if you have any suggestions, D., please send me another email, and I'll try to fix it.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: In Dabo's Honour"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 01:09 PM
dabo, this one's for you. Thanks for everything. LOL.

>*giggles and tosses the ball to Sir E*<


Dedicated to the king of the Gufus. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"I Believe You Were Expecting me . . ."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-02-02 at 04:56 PM
Actually Jeff, you most definatly have Ewen Macgregor's deep and soulful eyes.

How's the CLONING Process going recently?

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Post 100"
Posted by magic_star on 06-02-02 at 02:46 AM
I just wanted to get post 100 on something and BTW congrats JG hope you win!

"RE: Post 100"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-02-02 at 03:32 AM
This is the longest Fanatics thresd ~ever~.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by spartan on 06-02-02 at 12:06 PM
Geez, I go out of town for one lousy week an in the interim Jeff:

- is trying out for a reality show

- is dragged into a war with another poster

- potentially falls in love with said poster


- it is determined that the poster may actually be a man in drag

Next week on The Guiding Gator:

- Will Jeff succomb to his feelings for CHS?

- Will CHS reveal his/her secret?

- Will Teddy Bear's real identity of Elisabeth Shue be revealed to the world?

No more business trips. I miss way too much around here.

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-02-02 at 12:57 PM
>- Will Teddy Bear's real identity of Elisabeth Shue be revealed to the world?<

Hey Spartan, what-the-hell ar you tying to do?

Don't you realise that the evil guiding Gator is trying to CLONE me? . . . me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? me? LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by spartan on 06-03-02 at 05:15 PM
Given that you are Elisabeth Shue, if he is successful in the cloning, can I have a copy? Pleeeaaassssee.

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-03-02 at 05:34 PM
>Given that you are Elisabeth Shue, if he is successful in
>the cloning, can I have a copy? Pleeeaaassssee.

No I am definatly NOT Elisabeth Shue; BTW, a girl can never receive too much compliments.

I have no doubt that The Guiding Gator will be extemely successful in his Dr. Frankensteinish cloning, and yes *sigh*, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to give you a copy.

Here's an idea:
Hey all you love-struck, starry-eyed celeb fans: if you're a guy; just tell JeffGator, that your female fantasy woman is me, and I'm damn sure that Jeff will be more than happy to annoy/clone me by posting a pic of your crush next to my sig.

Thanks for nothing Spartan grrrrrr.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Return to Exiled"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-03-02 at 11:11 AM
I thought we agreed that this forum was going off topic and that we should return to the real topic.So please let us get back to
the real point of this forum Jeff & Exiled.Unless Jeff changes it
this forum is about Jeff & his bid to go on a reality program.

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by Bebo on 06-03-02 at 11:37 AM
Next week on The Guiding Gator:

Oh my heck, that has me ROFLMAO!!!!!!

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-03-02 at 12:24 PM
I do believe this forum has jumped the shark, a term they use for tv shows when they change the plot in a way that marks the end of the show. The Guiding Gator was intended for the news of Jeff Gator's bid for a place on Exiled.Now unless Jeff is out of the running let that be the theme,please!!!!!

"RE: That's it, I'm quitting my job"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-03-02 at 12:34 PM
Um....are you feeling alright? ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"YEAH JeffGator"
Posted by jkokoj on 06-04-02 at 12:22 PM
Glad to hear you had a good time and made it through the weekend. I hope you made the cut and will be on TV. Please post all the details so I can watch the show in Ohio.

Does that bring us back on topic?LOL you guys crack me up! LOL at Teddy Bear. How do you get those wonderful pics!

"RE: YEAH JeffGator"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 12:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-04-02 AT 01:40 PM (EST)

Hi jkokoj, I assume you're referring to post #104?

Well thank you very much, I just thought that The Guiding Gator should know how it feels to be cloned.

>LOL at Teddy Bear. How do you get those wonderful pics!<

You mean these ? LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Guiding Gator"
Posted by jkokoj on 06-04-02 at 01:23 PM
I LOVE IT!!! Now if I could just get that little red x/squiggle box out of my sig!!

See what you started Jeff???? We just can't help ourselves!LOL

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 01:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-04-02 AT 02:15 PM (EST)

>I LOVE IT!!! Now if I could just get that little red x/squiggle box out of my sig!!<

jkokoj, I re-edited my post cuz the 5th one was missing the "that little red x/squiggle box"; I wanted to find out what I did diifferently.

I found out that the reason for the red x/sqiggle box; was the use of the letters "img/img, which you have BOTH in links, at the beginning and end of your sig.

I hope this helps; if not, I purposely left them in, and you can check it out if you press reply with quote.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Bebo on 06-04-02 at 02:17 PM
Sigh! I tuned in for the next episode of "Guiding Gator", only to see a new show called "Red X/Squiggle Box".

Please don't tell me "Guiding Gator" has been cancelled already - I didn't realize it was an ABC show.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by spartan on 06-04-02 at 02:48 PM

Unfortunately, it was determined that the Guiding Gator had jumped the shark, or slept with an eel, or some other archaic term and was put in hiatus.

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 03:16 PM
>Sigh! Please don't tell me "Guiding Gator" has been cancelled already - I didn't realize it was an ABC show.

>Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it.
>Got it down to a science.

>Card-carrying member of the PGSA

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-04-02 at 09:41 PM
>>Sigh! Please don't tell me "Guiding Gator" has been cancelled already - I didn't realize it was an ABC show.
If what you mean by Guiding Gator is what's going on between me (CSHS79) and Jeff Gator well that seemed to overtake what the forum was supposed to be all about. If anyone wants to know my
little secrets well email me directly and I will answer you only if you swear that it remains personal not broadcast out here.
So please let this forum be about Jeff & Exiled II.

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by LadyT on 06-04-02 at 10:26 PM
I for one agree with you!
Even though I really haven't paid much attention here.

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-04-02 at 10:43 PM
So if we email you we get what, a personal bio? Is this something that I would be all like "Wow I can't believe it's you" about or would I just be like "Hi, nice to meet you"?

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-05-02 at 03:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 03:25 AM (EST)

>>>Sigh! Please don't tell me "Guiding Gator" has been cancelled already - I didn't realize it was an ABC show.
For someone who keeps claiming to be misunderstood; you have completly misread my post. I was commenting on Bebo's post which I considered to be exremely funny.

This post has absolutely nothing to do with you.

I can only speak for myself, but I did nothing wrong by responding to Bebo's witty post, in kind.

I'm not even sure why I am being placed in a position where I even have to defend myself.

Joking around with other posters--in this case, Bebo--is not against the rules!! *sigh*

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Bebo on 06-05-02 at 12:35 PM
If what you mean by Guiding Gator is what's going on between me (CSHS79) and Jeff Gator

No, I don't. I'm one of the many who stopped caring about that long ago. Your secrets are your secrets and can stay that way.

But occasionally threads get hijacked for other topics. People will find something humorous in a comment made by another poster. Then the jokes will move on from the original topic to the comments being posted below it. I thought that "The Guiding Gator" was quite funny and was trying to make a joke based on that statement.

Posters got riled when this thread got hijacked by the drama earlier when it appeared to be a personal attack. But I've seen a number of threads go off on tangents and be enjoyed and appreciated by those who continue to post to them. That's what has ended up happening here.

Please don't take any of my statements as personal comments against you, because they're not. That matter is closed and was beaten deader than a doornail. Silly me just wants to get back to the fun.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-05-02 at 02:15 PM
While you may be using it as an affectionate term for Jeff, the term Guiding Gator first appearred in post 102 by spartan.Posts that followed seemed to confirm that it meant the soap opera that
this forum turned into recently.So what else was I to think?

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Bebo on 06-05-02 at 02:26 PM
So what else was I to think?

Well, since I was replying to a conversation about sigpics (as evidenced by the RE: in front of my message and in spot in my thread) and had not made any statements directly to or about you, it could also be concluded that I was commenting on the sigpics. Several other posters seemed to get that point without explanation.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-05-02 at 03:14 PM
Well the comments about sigpics differed from the rest of the thread and I never addressed the comments to anyone either.Also if you look carefully pictures have been used as a way to edit this forum instead of removing posts.So hopefully this forum will
return it's focus on Jeff's bid for Exiled II.

"RE: Guiding Gator"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-04-02 at 07:02 PM
jkokoj, I have ~always~ wondered what the hell that was supposed to be! I just figured that y'all could see it and there was something wrong with my computer ^-^;;

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"jkokoj's picture"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-04-02 at 07:19 PM
jkokoj, I have ~always~ wondered what the hell that was supposed to be! I just figured that y'all could see it and there was something wrong with my computer
--Thank god someone else said this--I thought I was going crazy! What is up with that first picture? I always see Minnie Mouse in the second one, but what is up with the first one?

"RE: jkokoj's picture"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 07:35 PM
>What is up with that first picture? I always see Minnie Mouse in the second one, but what is up with the first one? <

There is nothing in the first picture. You can get the exact same picture by typing the letters img, and putting links around it; like this: .

BTW, glad to see you're back slithering around. You should read the Tr5 thresd. Some misguided peeps have started the I looove JeffGator Fan Club.

But seeeeeerrriusly, how yah doing? You were missed around these boards.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: jkokoj's picture"
Posted by jkokoj on 06-05-02 at 09:35 AM
I see I have been driving you all crazy!! (sly smile)! I am just too dumb to know how to fix the problem. I will keep trying with Teddy's influence!LOL

As guiding Gator continues: any more details about the show?

"RE: jkokoj's picture"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-05-02 at 10:09 AM
<<I am just too dumb to know how to fix the problem>>

Apparently not - you did it! ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: jkokoj's picture"
Posted by jkokoj on 06-05-02 at 01:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 01:12 PM (EST)

I guess I am smarter than I thought Kokoro!! Thanks to Teddy Bear I was able to figure out how to get the little "drive them crazy" box to go away! LOL

"RE: Drive Them Crazy Box"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-05-02 at 02:24 PM
>Thanks to Teddy Bear I was able to figure out how to
>get the little "drive them crazy" box to go away! LOL

*Teddy is now blushing profusely* I guess this contradicts the old saying that mice and bears aren't suppose to get along.

It's good that you removed one of the img links; I removed both of them, but either way, it works.

I just find it highly ironic, that as one of the most computer illerate posters on this board; I was able to be of technical assistance.

Who would've thunk it? LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: jkokoj's picture"
Posted by Bebo on 06-05-02 at 02:28 PM
little "drive them crazy" box

I love learning the technical terms -- usually, I just call them "thingies".

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"Bring sausages"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-05-02 at 04:52 PM
It's all so clear now. I came of from OT to find a reference from a post.
Now I see all.

Bring sausages as your item.

"RE: Bring sausages"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-05-02 at 05:05 PM
Thanks Dianetic, I'll be sure to bring sausages. My interview was May 26th by the way. LOL Thanks anyway though.

Thanks so much for all the kind words and whatnot that everyone has given me. I've enjoyed this thread alot, including all of the off-topic ramblings. And I'll find out by June 15 if I make the show thanks for everyone's support

"Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-06-02 at 02:58 PM
Did Jeff give CSHS79 a ride in his Honda rice rocket?
Did Jeff's jewish mother approve of CSH?
Did they swing dance?
Will Gina ever understand that he fell for another?
What is CSH's "little secret" anyway?

Enquiring minds want to know.

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-06-02 at 04:18 PM
Would any mother understand their college age son bringing home an older woman,let alone one of a different faith?Yes,we tried but we realized a relationship between us was impossible.More than religion or age difference something greater stood in the way of any real happiness we could have had.It was something with
which no woman could ever compete,Jeff's heart was already taken by another.As much as it broke my heart, Gina was always not far from his mind or heart and perhaps for a long time to come.So we had a tearful goodbye and we promised to remain friends.

( My exact age is & will remain my secret. )

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by Bebo on 06-06-02 at 04:29 PM
Yes,we tried but we realized a relationship between us was impossible.More than religion or age difference something greater stood in the way of any real happiness we could have had.It was something with which no woman could ever compete,Jeff's heart was already taken by another.As much as it broke my heart, Gina was always not far from his mind or heart and perhaps for a long time to come.So we had a tearful goodbye and we promised to remain friends.

Oh, this soap is gettin' good! A tragic love triangle -- makes me want to grab the Kleenex box. Be strong, for in any good soap a new young stud will come along to make you forget ol' whassiname. And in a bad soap, you'll start dating his father to make him jealous (or, as it's usually spelled on these boards, gellus).

( My exact age is & will remain my secret. )

Of course! A lady never tells. Especially in the soap world, where ages change any time there's a recast or a reason to rapidly age an infant so he can graduate from high school in time for the hot teen story line.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by spartan on 06-06-02 at 04:42 PM
Next Week on The Guiding Gator:

Will Jeff realize that things will never work out with Gina and return to CHS?

Are sausages an appropriate luxury item, or is something bigger required?

Will Jeff's mother return from her European vacation to take control of Jeff's love life? And just who exactly is Jeff's mother? You'll have to tune in to find out, but suffice it to say, it's a name you know from one of the Survivor series.

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by Bebo on 06-06-02 at 04:58 PM
And just who exactly is Jeff's mother? You'll have to tune in to find out, but suffice it to say, it's a name you know from one of the Survivor series.

Please don't let it be Patricia...I'll get in trouble for not putting the tools by the Tool Tree. And I definitely haven't been keeping up with the Thread Tree.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-10-02 at 03:06 PM
>And just who exactly is Jeff's
>mother? You'll have to
>tune in to find out,
>but suffice it to say,
>it's a name you know
>from one of the Survivor

His mother is Debb and he is the ill-fated stepson?
Am I right?

"RE: Anyone know of a good 12-step program?--LOL."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 04:59 PM
>And just who exactly is Jeff's mother?
You'll have to tune in to find out, but suffice it to say, it's a name you know from one of the Survivor series.

Are you saying that Jeff has a mother named Vecepia?


It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Enquiring minds must know"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-06-02 at 06:47 PM
But a heart wants what a heart wants,especially
when what it wants has gone unexplored.

The heart does not listen to reason but only to it's own desires,
and right now Jeff's heart wants Gina. Even without thoughts of Gina,we realized we could never be more than friends.We've faced it, painful though it was. But tomorrow is another day and with it perhaps a chance for romance-----or at least find a dance partner who won't step on my toes(Jeff is a fine dancer but we could both tell he wishes it was Gina).

"RE: I Can't Believe I'm Missing The Y&R for This!!!!!!!!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 04:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 05:04 PM (EST)

>for in any good soap a new young stud will come along to make you forget ol' whassiname.<


I thought that ol' whassiname was a young stud.

>And in a bad soap, you'll start dating his father to make him jealous<

Ol' Whassiname has a father that looks like an older versian of Ethan--or so I'm told.

>(or, as it's usually spelled on these boards, gellus).
Of course! A lady never tells. Especially in the soap world, where ages change any time

Would that include Botox injections? LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: I Can't Believe I'm Missing The Y&R for This!!!!!!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 06-06-02 at 04:56 PM
I thought that ol' whassiname was a young stud.

Yes, but any good soap has multiple young studs. Yes, Jeff is cast as a young stud, but they are a dime a dozen in Soapland.

Would that include Botox injections?

Only their plastic surgeons know for sure...and it probably doesn't stop there.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

Posted by JeffGator on 06-06-02 at 06:02 PM
I didn't think I was going to be able to post today (that's why I had to post the questions for the Sblows Trivia game a day early) because I was on the phone with Zilo and Triple J Productions and after a final telephone interview I was informed that I made the show!!!! I don't know if you guys even remember anymore since this has gotten so off-topic.

The Producers said that the television execs loved me and loved my luxury item! Thanks so much again Dabo. Magic 8 Balls rule and you rule Dabo! Thanks so much to everyone else for their support and ideas, you guys have been amazing.

They made it seem like I wouldn't get on. They said Unfortately we have had to turn down a lot of the guys in the final round of interviews. Then there was a 10 second pause after which they said And you weren't one of them. Congratulations, you made the show.

I am so excited. Today starts my workout program. I am going to run every night as well as work out in my apartment's gym to get into shape. I need to gain some weight too. Anyway, thanks again to everyone for everything. You have no idea how grateful I am.

So I will be gone for 2 weeks in July. I'll miss you guys. Remember---don't post anything without me!

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-06-02 at 06:21 PM
Woo hoo, conga-rats Jeff! Don't forget to give us little hints here and there to see if we can figure out what will happen in the show.

Move over, Micow/Shakes... you've got company!

>Remember---don't post anything without me!

What the heck are we supposed to do in the meantime?

Posted by toddE on 06-06-02 at 07:07 PM
Congrats, Jeff! You da man!!

Remember, TV makes people look heavier, so don't worry about looking skinny. Although I haven't met you, reading these posts and seeing your picture makes me feel like I "know" you.

Kick @$$! Can't wait to see you on TV!

Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 07:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-02 AT 07:47 PM (EST)


Go JeffGator, he's our man;
If he can't win it,
No one can
Gooooooo JEFF!!!

Congrats Jeff, I'm so happy for you. See I knew you would make it. Was there really any doubt?

I want to know every single detail; cuz I know that there will be a huge email coming.

*Sniff* Our very own media whore; I think I'm going to cry *sniff*.

Best of Luck, Jeff; you really deserve it. I'm rooting for you to win;

cuz ya know that me and Swami will be waiting patiently for our shell neckalaces.

Please promise me one thing: In addition to getting your autograph avec frame;

don't return with a blue pointed thingie on your head.

It would just break my heart. *Teddy begins to sob uncontrollably--then stops abruptly.*

I'm over it now.

Don't forget about me, when you're frollicking with Nicole Kidman, okay?

HUGS to my favourite Gator!!

>So I will be gone for 2 weeks in July. I'll miss you guys.
>Remember---don't post anything without me!

Don't worry Jeff, I'm sure that everyone around here will keep your spot warm for you. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

Posted by PackMan on 06-07-02 at 00:38 AM
Way to go, Jeff!!! Woohoo!!! Go out there and kick some serious @$$!

We'll all be looking forward to a full report when you get back. Don't worry about those million dollar lawsuits... your secrets will be safe with us

And remember our motto, "Play fair. Be nice." Unless, of course, that strategy doesn't seem to be working.

Seriously, have fun out there. SB won't be quite the same while you're gone.


"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

Posted by s_man on 06-07-02 at 09:28 AM
That's great news. Keep us posted, w/o revealing too much though. We'd hate for you to "spoil" it for us.

B/t/w, where and when can we view "eXiled"?

Posted by Kokoro on 06-07-02 at 10:22 AM
Congratulations, Jeff! Now when this show is on you're going to tape it and make copies for all of us, right? ^-^

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Posted by Teddy_Bear on 07-14-02 at 05:36 PM
B U M P. I'm bumping this thresd cuz I miss you Jeff. Hope everything is going well on Exiled II.

Wishing you luck. Cya in August. *HUGS* Teddy.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

|=Unrepentant Hardcore Smiley Thief
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

Posted by Kokoro on 07-14-02 at 05:46 PM
Plus - hey, it actually makes fanatics look insanely popular to have all these huge thresds at the top ^-^

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Posted by Kokoro on 07-14-02 at 05:51 PM
Hey Teddy, have you seen the new Exiled clip!? It says 9 people but I only count 8....anyway check it out at Zilo!

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Posted by Teddy_Bear on 07-30-02 at 05:26 AM
Woohoo!!!! Jeff's Back YEAH!!

Actually Kokoro, JeffGator did Exiled II, not Exiled I, which he distingishes between in OT.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

|=Unrepentant Hardcore Smiley Thief
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

Posted by J Slice on 06-07-02 at 10:52 AM
::claps wildly for Mr. Gator::

Well, at least ONE of us has a future in reality tv!

Best of luck to you Jeff, please kick ass, don't be too polite, and don't be lazy either!

And remember, if you're ever thirsty, that sweet sweet Magic-8-ball water could sustain you... or is it poisonous?... I keep forgetting... Just make sure it's ripe before cracking it open for nectar.

::raises the roof::

At any rate, do your best... J-Slice says: YOU can do it!


WOOHOO! Hopkins here I come! (RCDS class of '02!)

Posted by janisella on 06-07-02 at 11:10 AM
Mazel Tov.

Be sure to let us know when the show is on. We'll be pulling for you to win the whole thing.


Posted by jkokoj on 06-07-02 at 11:22 AM
YEAH JEFF!!!! Have a great time! Please let us know where and what times we can view the show. I will be rooting for you all the way. Also, with this little show under your belt you should really put in your app for S6!LOL

****OMG who are we going to replace our Guiding Gator stud with????

Teddy/Bebo any suggestions????

"RE: Stud Alert!!!!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-07-02 at 01:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-02 AT 08:11 PM (EST)

>****OMG <click> who are we going to replace our "Guiding Gator" stud with????

>Teddy/Bebo any suggestions????<

Well, I really don't know how to answer this one . . .

I think that Superman is cute.

Kokoro is a real sweetie.

Sir Erist is a true gentleman . . .

and Dianetic--He has invited me to a number of barbeques.

I say we go with the magic 8 ball and choose the Gufu king, himself.
After all it was dabo, who chose our dear departing stud's luxury item.

So I nominate dabo for replacement stud--until The Guiding Gator glides back into our lives. LOL.

***Teddy now gives the floor to Bebo to get her input on this crucial decision.***

*Note: edited because I mistakenly said,
***Teddy now gives the floor to Bebo for get her input on this crucial decision.***

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Stud Alert!!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 06-10-02 at 09:06 AM
***Teddy now gives the floor to Bebo to get her input on this crucial decision.***

Woohoo! Our boy Jeffy makes the big time while I'm gone. And to think we knew he when he was just an aspiring media whore...sniff!

TB, I don't think we have enough information yet to make a decision on who gets to take our fav Guiding Gator's spot. I think we need any prospective studs to...ahem...plead their cases before us.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

Posted by spartan on 06-07-02 at 01:46 PM
Fantastic! Jeff, you must be really excited. Your mission is to:

1) Be the funniest character on the show
2) Find a girl to help you get over CHS
3) Kickass

Best of luck.

"RE: Tell Us All About it!!!!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-07-02 at 03:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-07-02 AT 08:01 PM (EST)

BTW Spartan, didn't I read somewhere, that you wanted Koko to slap you?

ENQUIRING MINDS WANT To KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

*Note: edited to add that I read this as a response to an non-functioning Sarcasm Meter.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Let it Drop!!"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-07-02 at 04:07 PM
2) Find a girl to help get over CSHS

Jeff & I are friends and that is all that can ever with any woman
until Jeff gets the chance he deserves with Gina.So do not cry for Jeff but Gina who does not realize what she missed by not giving Jeff that chance when they met at the autograph signing. So please until Jeff tells us otherwise this forum is about his chance on Exiled II.

Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 06-07-02 at 02:05 PM
Congrats on making the show Jeff! There's no doubt in my mind that you'd make the show!

And thanks to Teddy Bear for helping jkokoj get rid of her "drive them crazy" box. You have no idea how much that box bothered me

SPECIAL NOTICE TO EVERYONE: If you haven't signed up for the Petition to Mark Burnett yet, please sign up now before our favorite show goes down the ratings toilet. Remember that this site's future rests in our hands now!

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"I'll Be Wearing My SBlows T-Shirt :)"
Posted by JeffGator on 06-07-02 at 06:25 PM
To answer some of your questions...I'm a little confused myself about how my family will be able to watch it. It is on a cable network called Zilo. The bad thing is that only colleges and the towns surrounding them get this station. My mom lives in Jacksonville, Fl but not close enough to a college to pick this station up.

So the only place you can watched Exiled 2 is in a dorm, in any building on a college campus, or if you live within a couple miles of a major college.

Of course you can check up on me each week on the website, which should be updated after each episode. http://www.zilo.com/shows/ex/ Right now, it's just being built, so there's not too much to look at right now.

I wanted you all to know though that I will be wearing my Survivorblows t-shirt (yes I just ordered one and recieved it a couple days ago) so I can represent for Sblows. So even if you don't live anywhere near a college campus, check out the website for the dark haired guy wearing a shirt with a list of the "Top Ten Signs You Must Be A Survivor Addict."

Here's a little bit more about the show for anyone who is curious:







"RE: I'll Be Wearing My SBlows T-Shirt :)"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-07-02 at 08:21 PM
Jeff mah man, you da bomb!

It just warms the place I'll be saving for you; to hear that you'll be representin' us.

I just want you to know that I'll definatly be checking out that Zilo Website,

for the dark-haired guy wearing an SB T-shirt.

I have to do something, to help control my Gabe/Ethan fix. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: I'll Be Wearing My SBlows T-Shirt :)"
Posted by CSHS79 on 06-09-02 at 02:29 PM
We'll certainly miss you when you're gone since the forums I like
are not the same without you. Then again we'll probably be eager for news about you from those able to view the show. Good luck &
until then keep posting!!!

Posted by jkokoj on 06-10-02 at 02:27 PM
Maybe we should have a thread dedicated to JeffGator appearence on a reality show or possibly a whole new conference. Many of us will not be able to view the show.

All in favor hold up your hand or in this case type YEA!

"RE: I Want an 8X12" Size GLOSSY--and an AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-10-02 at 03:31 PM
>Maybe we should have a thread dedicated to JeffGator appearence on a reality show or possibly a whole new conference. Many of us will not be able to view the show.

>All in favor hold up your hand or in this case type YEA!<


It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!