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"Is Neleh Ambidextrous??"

Posted by ivoryElephant on 05-10-02 at 04:22 PM
Whenever neleh goes up to vote It shows her getting ready to write a name down with her RIGHT hand, but in this picture she is shooting the slingshot with her left.

Hail Kathy! the Sole survivor!

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"RE: Is Neleh Ambidextrous??"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-10-02 at 04:58 PM
I don't get this picture, if you look at it--everyone except for Neleh is left handed! Maybe this picture is somehow backwards which would go on to support that whole "Neleh Helen backwards" theory that points to a Neleh win.

"Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by sittem on 05-10-02 at 05:23 PM
Unless I'm blind, everyone is shooting right handed except for Neleh. Maybe the notoriety has gone to your head and you're a little dizzy.

It's not all that unusual for people to get mixed up like Neleh. My oldest son throws left, bats right, eats and writes right. He didn't use a slingshot, but he did shot left.

Someone told me today that everyone is born left handed and stay that way until their first sin when God punishes them and they become right handed. Needless to say she was left handed. For that matter so is Mrs. sittek. Now I understand it all.

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-10-02 at 05:27 PM
I'm perfectly fine. Maybe it's just me, but when I use a slingshot I hold the slingshot with my right hand and pull back with my left. And I'm right handed.

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by sittem on 05-10-02 at 05:36 PM
Then you are shooting left handed. OMGosh - you are ambidexterous! Do you do shot left handed or do anything else left handed?

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-10-02 at 05:53 PM
Geez, I guess I've been shooting a slingshot the wrong way! I guess that's why I've never been a very good shot. And no I don't do anything else left handed. But since we're on the subject of being ambidexterous I'll add in a line from a Ludacris song: "You see I'm ambidexterous, I slap a$$ with both hands." This is revelant to the post as it deals with being ambidexterous and because Kathy's son Patrick likes Ludacris.

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by managerr on 05-10-02 at 06:05 PM
Look at how sloppy's Neleh's writing usually is at TC. She could be writing with her right hand in order to disguise her handwriting for future votes. (You never know)

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-10-02 at 06:18 PM
>>>Geez, I guess I've been shooting a slingshot the wrong way!<<<

I guess you and me both, Jeff! I hold the slingshot with my left hand and pull back with my right, and I am left handed


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"I mean to see that we had just turned around like that at the last second and beat 'em at their own game...I think it's just hilarious! Like, I just laughed my head off! Ah ha ha ha..."
-Neleh Dennis

"Oh for cute!" (Courtesy of Strider )

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-10-02 at 06:22 PM
Thanks Survivorerist--I feel better now! Can anyone else tell us what hand they hold the slingshot with and if they are right or left handed. Maybe Survivorerist and I are on to something!

"RE: Are you OK, Gator?"
Posted by ejm92 on 05-10-02 at 06:30 PM
Well, I'm in the same club...I write left handed, but I do everything else like a right handed person....yet any writing I do with my right hand is illegible.

"RE: Is Neleh Ambidextrous??"
Posted by Q on 05-13-02 at 02:59 PM
I agree about Neleh possible confusing others with her writing. She may do that to confuse others. It would not be difficult to write a name down using your left hand (if right handed)

In regards to the picture, It appears they are all right handed except for Neleh in this photo. I am right handed and would pull with my right (the pull hand controls most of the path of the projectile, not were you hold the slingshot). But I also golf and bat like a lefty?

Who knows for me it was probably my dad's influence. When he would stand over me to help me swing a club or bat, he "forced" me to stand that way, since he was lefty. I never notice and just got used to swinging that way.

Late all.

Also, Gator why are your new posts now devoid of your Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Ethan, Kathy predicition?

Are you now saying you are bailing on Kathy? You of all people should know we can spot an alliance jumper four episodes away!

"Hey I think I hear a dingo eating your baby" - Bart Simpson

"RE: Is Neleh Ambidextrous??"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-13-02 at 05:05 PM
Also, Gator why are your new posts now devoid of your Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Ethan, Kathy predicition?

Are you now saying you are bailing on Kathy? You of all people should know we can spot an alliance jumper four episodes away!

--Haha actually I do think that Kathy may be the next boot, but that is not the reason I took down my prediction. One of the moderators told me that I had too much in my signature. He said I had to take out the Lex picture or my gator picture and I of course chose to keep my gator logo. I must have deleted the Kathy prediction as well as my other quotes. I'll probably put the quote and prediction back when i get the chance. Thanks for asking