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"What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""

Posted by wephanie on 04-13-02 at 02:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 03:37 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 03:33 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 03:30 PM (EST)

In EP7 Jeff Prost says, "You can give up your immunity and give it somebody else." Well that's just plain stupid, and I can't see anybody who wins immunity doing something as lame and stupid as that. Especially if your giving up your immunity right out in the open.

This new "rule" could have been great for the show if more twist and turns were put on it..... I mean if Mark Burnette was trying to change things up a bit, he failed to change anything.

I just can't help my thoughts on this, so here are a few things that come to my mind on how the new rule SHOULD have been.

Now if Jeff would have said at TC "Here is the new rule change on immunity:

1) You can give up your immunity to somebody who needs it, but your decision is not revealed until after the votes are cast.

2) The person with immunity must write their decision on the voting ballet of who their voting against, and if you've given immunity to somebody.

3) This also means the survivors can still vote against you, but if you decided to keep your immunity, the votes against you don't count.

4) Voting will only be once per tribal council, and in the event of a tie, a question and answer will be the tiebreaker.

These rules would have made the show sooooooo much more fun and interesting. I get really bored with the same old alliance thing. Big Yawn. It just makes it to easy for these people.

So with that, the scenario would be something like this as it would have pertained to EP7.....

Kathy voted against Zoe, and she gave immunity to Rob. I know I'll probably get bashed for saying this. But I can't help it; I'm a true believer in routing for the underdog.

So with the votes falling where they were, we have 2 votes John, and 1 Zoe. That means John is voted out. I would have loved to see this happen.

Of course, this immunity rule leaves many scenarios open for debate. But it also provides much more suspense, chance, and luck for the survivors. It will also make winning immunity much more important and critical. Maybe if John had known about the rule change, he wouldn't have thrown his immunity out when he supposedly was reaching for his shirt.

I sure hope MB is going to pull out another twist this season, because now were left with a boring survivor for another 7 weeks.

Maybe Gina's radio show spoiler will be true. I can't remember which post she said it in, but she was asked on the radio if there is going to be a 14 person jury, and she said "if you are referring to the traditional survivor, then no there won't be." or something like that.

I sure hope so, because then everybody will have a say on who should win. As for K/N/P and even Sean, I'm routing for you guys. Long live the underdogs.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Fast Eddie on 04-13-02 at 03:04 PM
Wow - you are in serious need of a spelling and grammar checker.

But as to your proposition, the worst problem with it is that it will take half the show to explain in every episode. I've read it three times and still don't understand it.

This twist is very welcome to gamers like me, as it actually has possibilities for skilled use, as opposed to the other twists that are mere chance and thus undermine and detract from skill. However, I agree with the common belief that it's unlikely to be used as it now stands. Thus we'll probably see some sort of modification in S5.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by wephanie on 04-13-02 at 03:32 PM
Sorry about that. I updated my spelling and grammer.

Maybe it will make a little more sense now.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Kokoro on 04-13-02 at 03:47 PM
It'll be used when it doesn't matter - 2 people who are just waiting to get voted out; one makes the sacrifice to help a friend.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by wephanie on 04-13-02 at 03:56 PM
It can be used enough to matter, because with the above scenario John would have been booted, thus breaking up his 4 alliance. This leaves the tables turning and twisting based on who wins immunity each week. The chance and luck factors are increased after the traditional merge. Because as we all know, once the tribes merge, everything is predictable and boring.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-13-02 at 04:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 04:26 PM (EST)

Only possible use I can think of for the rule (other than what Koko said) would only apply if the previous votes still counted in ties and would be the final four when it was a 2-2 split. This way, a stronger person could protect a weaker alliance partner who had votes.

If there was only a way to steal immunity, now that would be interesting...

edited to add a word that was missing...

"Okay, work with that eyeball right there..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by mrvoodoo2002 on 04-14-02 at 00:57 AM
I also don't see the point of this new rule.

I mean, if you think about it:

You win immunity. You give it to a friend that a majority of the tribe wants to vote out. He gets immunity. You don't.
Won't the other tribe members get very angry with you for spoiling their plans? Chances are they'll vote YOU out then.

Who would want to give away immunity then? I admit it gives great opportunities for fun, backstabing, twisting and etc, but in a sense... it's not practical.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Kokoro on 04-14-02 at 02:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-02 AT 02:44 AM (EST)

<<Chances are they'll vote YOU out then.>>

That's the point; it's obvious that you're both out next so you sacrifice yourself for a friend - it's in the spirit of goodwill.

And Erist - edited because you already knew that lol ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

Stop Discrimination Now

"Boot #14"
Posted by dabo on 04-14-02 at 03:23 AM
So far the person who has won immunity and made the final boot, sending the last member to the jury, has never won the game. If you won immunity in the final three and were certain of getting to the final two by giving it away, put the onus on the other person's shoulders and guarantee yourself a vote to win. Of course, that would only work if you knew the person you were giving it to would take you to the final two, but what ass wouldn't.

"It WILL be used; other improvements"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 04-14-02 at 11:51 AM
I'm now thinking that we will see someone use this new rule at some point. The only reason is that, if nobody did, what would be the point of showing it at all? They could easily have edited out all references to it.

We'll have to see what the players do, but I think they will have to add some incentives. How about, if you give it away,:

1) you automatically win if you are involved in a tie vote that round.

2) you get some kind of advantage in the next RC or IC.

3) you get something guaranteed, like money or a new car.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by JR on 04-14-02 at 03:45 PM
I think it would work better if the winner was allowed to share immunity, that would lead to all sorts of deals and ass kissing.

I don't it will be used the way it is. The only person I see doing it would be Pascal giving it to Neleh. But that means he would have to win it, and I doubt that will happen unless the challenge is mental.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Icis on 04-17-02 at 11:33 AM
I don't think that immunity actually has to be given to someone in order to affect the game. We have paranoid people (read: John) this season who are very 'in your face' about loyalty, alliances, etc.

What if Tammy, Robert, or Zoe wins immunity and John starts lobbying to have immunity transferred to him? We all know what an a.ss he is and how open he is about being the leader. I could see any one of them refusing to give him the immunity. The conversation alone could cause strife in the alliance.

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Cin on 04-17-02 at 12:06 PM
It could also come into play during a tie breaker. The person with immunity could give one of the two tied their immunity.


"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Kokoro on 04-17-02 at 12:19 PM
Although I think the implication is that you need to do it when he asks you (ie. before the vote)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: What's with this "New Tribal Council Rule""
Posted by Cin on 04-17-02 at 12:26 PM
That is what I thought too, but what if after a tie, he asks one more time if they'd like to save someone? that would be one helluva twist and would stir things up good
