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"Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"

Posted by Survivorerist on 04-11-02 at 09:33 PM
Spoiler Warning: The answer is the show. The question...What will be talking about in this thresd? That's right, if you have not seen episode 7 of Survivor: Marquesas and don't want the show spoiled, then the answer is reading this thresd. The question...what should you stop doing until you've the seen the show?

Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7 - "Stick a fork in me, I'm done"

I swear, another episode like this and I'm done with the show. You see, I have a little problem with Survivor in that I get too emotionally involved. This week, if anything, was a total shock to my system (Kathy, mah sistah, I know how you must have felt). This game has definitely reached new heights, and not in a good way. What did you think about the lies and scheming? Tell us by listing the 9 remaining contestants in the order you like them and then, if you feel like it, why you ranked them as you did. I'll be sure to read it...I give you my word

Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Neleh (2)
2. Kathy (3)
3. Paschal (1)
4. Zoe (4)
5. Vecepia (8)
6. Sean (5)
7. John (9)
8. Tammy (7)
8. Robert (6) (tie)

Rob was tied for #9 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- First of all, a little message to Rob. Throughout this week's show, I was more than ready to see you go. But, when it finally came time that your torch got snuffed, I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I now know what it was. It is the bidding farewell to a great player. You did everything in your power to stay in the game, and I repect that. If you had survived, a GGA would most likely have been next to your name. Rob "Robfaddah" Mariano, you will be missed

- Now onto a happier note. After a brief hiatus, Neleh recaptures the #1 spot, making it a total of 6 weeks at the top. I truly mean it; you've got it all. You've been put in the middle of all these lies, (if you're actually involved yourself, I'll be quite shocked) yet you still keep on smiling. You looked calm and composed while I was staring wide-eyed in disbelief. In short, to steal a quote from Lonestar: "Baby I'm amazed by you."

- Our greatest gainer this week is Vee, jumping 8-5 on the charts. I'm glad that we actually got to see some face time from you this week. I think you're maybe one of 3 people who don't want to get into all the lying and scheming business, and I am totally good with that. In fact, you've done an excellent job in staying out of the drama, and I think you may be one of the few who come out without the need for some serious therapy Great job Vee, you deserve whatever place you get.

- Finally, I will end with a little message to "the moms." Kathy, what an improvement. All I can say is wow. I really thought I'd dislike you after the first episode, but you just keep getting better and better. And Zoe, the "water block shake" was priceless. Here's hoping some of the love from the love tribe will come back with you two

As you may have been able to tell, I was still in a bit of shock when I wrote this list. That's why I love writing them right after the show; it lets me express what I really thought of the show and the contestants instead of just what I remember the show being about. Ciao my friends!

"Okay, work with that eyeball right there..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-11-02 at 10:09 PM
1. Kathy (3)
2. Neleh (1)
3. Paschal (2)
4. Sean (9)
5. Tammy (5)
6. Vecepia (4)
7. Robert (7)
8. Zoe (6)
9. John (10)

Rob was #8 last week.

* Well it's a miracle. Kathy has gone from the most hated Survivor to the top dog in 7 weeks. And she really deserves it - she's made a complete turnaround, she was able to win immunity when she needed it most, and she hasn't lied to anyone. I felt bad for her when she found out that her "best friend" Zoe was lying to her.

* Neleh/Paschal, as always the sweet ones....they were hardly there this week but they're still better than most of the others.

* WTF? ~Sean~ in 4th? You betcha!

* Well here's Tammy, the new millionaire - she's "playing the game and making inspirational speeches....the only reason she's so low is her alliance with almost everyone below her.

* Well Vee, you've managed to ditch your old team when they needed you. Good job. Unfortunately the inordinate amount of useless clips you had this week means your new strategy will fail miserably. Erist, you're right - Vee ~does~ deserve what she gets.

* How do I say....? Okay: Zoe sucks/Robert sucks/John sucks

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-11-02 at 11:38 PM
Zoe never lied

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-11-02 at 11:35 PM
S'rist, didn't even bother to read your full message.
I'll wait till later.
But the turmoil is very very cool. Interfuge, conniving, etc.
The editing showed that Rob was gonna go, but still, much fun.
MB has to distract us from the fact that Old Rotu is gonna win

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-11-02 at 11:37 PM
Oh, also, whose review would you rather see?

Robin Hood, an 18th century British sea captain, or Mark Twain?

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by bubbastan on 04-12-02 at 00:25 AM
Well, I very well may be in the minority here, but I for one am NOT sorry to see da Robfatha go.

1. Kathy (3) - I must give you props for hanging tough in the IC, and also for not falling for the Robfather's con hook, line, and sinker. You're not quite as dim as ol' Rob thought, are you?
2. Neleh (2) - Sweet, kind, supportive. Great team member. I'm thinking you got some game too (you were pretty snuggly with Rob, I bet he didn't see your vote coming). We'll see next week.
3. Paschal (1) - Calm and level headed. Your "wait and see" approach was perfect this week. Like an old time gambler, you are keeping your cards nicely close to your vest.
4. Robert (4) - For some reason, I still like this guy. He didn't fold under questioning (although he did make the mistake of saying that there was "one person" he was keeping true to). I will be a bit disappointed if you do keep to your word this time out, because I think the "King's" ship is sinking.
5. Vee (7) - Welcome back! You did what you had to do girlfriend. You keep playing this smart, and you could go far.
6. Zoe (6) - Zoe, Zoe, Zoe.... You can't lie, so don't bother trying any more. I understand not wanting to give up your game, but you need to be a weeeee bit more convincing. Kathy sent you a wake-up call. Try to mend your fences if you still can.
7. Tammy (6) - You just tend to rub me the wrong way about every other week for some unknown reason. I've grown a bit weary of hearing that you came to play the game. I think that everyone else (except for Gabe and possibly Sean) has as well. Wish you'd come up with a new line of patter.
9. Sean - Just watching your seething anger makes my blood pressure go up. You might have had just cause this week to be angry, and I have no problem with someone expressing his/her feelings, but could you possibly turn the vehemence meter down a few notches?
9. John - Looks to me like all you are the King of is wishful thinking. If something drastic doesn't happen to turn the tides, I think you are going down sooner rather than later.

Rob was my #11 last week (yes, I know that there were only 10 folks left). I haven't given you credit thus far for well.. anything, but I will echo Survioreist's sentiment that you worked damn hard to try to stay in the game. Maybe the experience of actually hearing yourself uttering some of the pretty $hitty comments that you made about a bunch of folks that you barely knew will cause you to rethink your outlook on people in general. Somehow, I kind of doubt it, but you never know...

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 04-12-02 at 00:28 AM
1. Neleh (1) Still as cute as ever, wish ya hadnt voted for Rob. I think i am gonna like u next episode!
2. Tammy (4)SOOOO close to top spot. Out of you four idiots i actually like u a lot!!!!
3. Kathy (5)Great IC challenge, sorry that Zoe is such a liar
4. Sean (6)Way to speak your mind!
5. Paschal (3)Quiet and wish ya would have listened to Rob
6. Robert (8)Good way to handle Rob
7. Vecepia (7)LIAR!!! BACKSTABBER! KISS ASS!!!!! Ughh, i hate these two ranked lower but you are just as bad!
8. Zoe (9)You are the biggest liar in Survivor history
9. John (10)You are the biggest jerk in Survivor history

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 04-12-02 at 00:41 AM
I can't remember how they were ranked last week except that Kathy and Tammy were 1 and 2.

1. Kathy
2. Tammy
3. Paschal
4. Neleh
5. Zoe
6. Robert
7. Vecepia
8. Sean
9. John

Kathy- That was a great Immunity challenge win! I knew she could do it! She is hanging in there and trying to sort things out without becoming too emotional.

Tammy- talked like a winner and most defineatly has her game face on.

Zoe- I felt the IC was tailor made for her. She spends all day on a boat she had no excuse to lose that challenge.

Vecepia- How many times has she said "too much drama"? I swear she has said it at least twice an episode.

Sean- Although I have him ranked low he is very entertaining

"I know I don't know you, and you're probably not what you seem, but I sure would like to find out so why don't you climb down of that TV screen"

Gina Crews, the Sole Survivor!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by JeffGator on 04-12-02 at 00:35 AM
9.Sean--One angry SOB. That comment that "five years ago I would have pushed John into the fire" was the final straw for me! What the hell were you and Rob mad about? John broke his promise with you (about voting off Kathy/Paschal/Neleh one by one) because you guys broke your promise with him and tried to turn Kathy/Neleh/Paschal against John/Tammy/Robert/Zoe.
8.Kathy--I'm not sure why you guys like her all of a sudden; she seems just as loud, obnoxious, and condescending as ever.
7.Tammy--just something about her I don't like. Seems like a witch in real life.
6.Neleh--she moved down pretty far on my list. She'll probably be back near the top next week but I didn't like the fact that she screamed things during the Immunity Challenge to try and make other contestants fall.
5.Robert--He said that he would never do anything that go against his morals. I hope he means it.
4.Vecepia--well this was the biggest change in my list! I've been looking for a reason to like her, but I just couldn't becuase of her Rob & Sean alliance. Well she finally broke out of that alliance tonight and all i have to say is "you go girl."
3.Zoe--I'm really beginning to like her. I felt bad for her when she had to lie to Kathy--what was she supposed to say? She seems like a really nice and awesome person in my eyes. And she looked pretty good up there in the immunity challenge. I really thought she was gonna win it. I think she's going to be in the final 2.
2.Paschal--There wasn't much on him this week, but he's still the nicest and classiest guy on the show right now in my opinion.
1.John--I know he's egotistical, but to see him beat out Rob felt great. I've got my money on him. I think the guy's going to make the final 2.

19 year old Student at the University of Florida--Go Gators, Go Gina, and Go Gary and Dave!
"I may be alot of things, but I ain't no Hershey Bar."

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by katem on 04-12-02 at 00:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-02 AT 02:44 PM (EST)

First time I do this on this forum. Here we go:

1. John. He's playing the game, has made mistakes but is not fooled by any of this people, I like that. He's cute too.

2. Tammy. Love this woman, she seems very smart and really wants to win, unlike idiot Gabe.

3. Kathy. The woman has grown on me, she's trying hard, go Kathy.

4. The General. He's starting to come out a little bit, but I guess he's this high because the others are dull, nasty or I just don't like them.

5. Zoe. She used to be right up there, but for the last couple of episodes, I do not know what to make of her. If she is playing the game, she is doing a poor job, she is not a good liar. If she does not know where she really wants to align, then she is running the risk of pissing her already formed alliance. Shape up Zoe.

6. Vee. This woman is playing, I like that in Survivors, just as long as it is intelligent play. She has vanished under the radar, she will go far. But, I still can't forgive her for stupid play early in the game.

7 (tie). Paschal and Neleh. So saccharine, they are annoying. It does look like Pixie will wake up next ep. Cross your fingers, just as long as it doesn't ruin it for John and Tammy.

9. Sean. He actually made a good speech this ep., about his feelings about John, and the talks they had had about being outsiders, but he still is a total drama queen.

OUT: Rob. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. And as for your comments at the end of ep.7, I don't believe a word you said.

Edit: Ooops, I forgot Zoe, sorry I was tired when I did this. Thanks, I_AM_HE

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-12-02 at 01:08 AM
you forgot Zoe

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-12-02 at 01:00 AM
what an episode!

1) Zoe (1)
2) Tammy (5t)
3) Vecepia (5t)
4) Kathy (3)
5) Paschal (2)
6) Neleh (4)
7) John (5t)
8) Robert (5t)
9) Sean (9)
<OUT> Rob (10)
Zoe- that's 5 straight weeks at #1. loved the dance on the platform with Sean. also the stare of death you gave Rob

Tammy- liked your confessionals this week. back up to #2 after some time a bit further down, although i'm still not sure you'll stay up here, because there's just something about you that makes me wary...

Vee- loved that you turned on Rob! that's deserving of a #3 in itself. highest ranking since your #2 in Ep1!

Kathy- great job in the IC! you were a bit too believing of Rob though

Paschal- liked that you tried to temper Kathy a bit, but didn't see much from you this week

Neleh- amazingly, you had been rising slightly every week until this one. but not much from you this week. previews for next week show you could be a player though, we'll see

John- did like your conrontation with Rob, but overall just kind of a negative vibe this week

Robert- not much from you, though I did like the way you told off Rob

Sean- back to the angry man schtick, eh? *sighs* did like the dance with Zoe though

Rob- hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! (need i say more? )

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by true on 04-12-02 at 01:00 AM
I shouldn't be doing this while it's still so fresh. IMO, the show has just gone down the crapper. Here is my first list, I don't know if I'd call it a love list, maybe a bad to worse list.

10. Vee-This woman makes me gag. Praying one minute, and backstabbing the next. Disgusting.

9. John- You are just an @ss.

8. Zoe- Nothing worse than a bad liar. (except Vee and John hehehe)

7. Robert- you aren't in an alliance? LIAR!

6. Tammy- Congrats on winning the million, I guess you are the lesser of the evils. *yawn*

5. Sean- you would rank higher, but frankly, you scare the hell out of me. (bonus points for loyalty, and not taking any crap from John)

4. Neleh- Quit hanging on Zoe! Wake up and start playing the game.

3. Paschal- Quit hanging on Neleh hanging on Zoe. Wake up and start playing the game.

2. Kathy- she annoys me less each week. (bonus points for winnning IC when you needed to)

1. Rob- yeah, I know he's gone, but he won't be forgotten. He made the show much more interesting, and added a new dimension to the game. A real playa. *sigh*

Thanks Sir, I feel much better now!


True friends stab you in the front -Oscar Wilde

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Mitrelleum on 04-12-02 at 02:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-02 AT 02:44 AM (EST)

Oh baby! This one just get better and better! Another good episode with lots of personality!
Here we go:

1.Tammy Leitner(1)-Without a doubt, a class act. The truth is, you can't tell the truth all the time if you wanna play Survivor. I do believe that Tammy is playing her own game, albeit behind John, but if John is gonna put himself in that position, that's his problem. It's pretty obvious to me that Tammy is an "Alpha Male" in her own right. I just hope she's upfront like that with her tribemates all the time. Also, now that Zoe is the focus of the lies and deceit, Tammy might stick around past her if she can keep up the good work. Oh, and nice dive of the floatie board, that looked like fun. It was much better than watchin' Peach toss heself on a bamboo raft on TAR2, I mean ouch! Peach, that looked painful!
2.Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien(6)-You go girl! Serious props to you for an amazing comeback. You are a major player, and good work on winning that immunity, you fought for it and you deserved it! My impression of you since before E1 had widened incredibly, and I like the Kathy I see right now. I'll bet your family are thrilled for you.
3.Paschal English(2)-Not alot of Pappy, but kudos to making the best of a bad situation.
4.Neleh Dennis(3)-Ditto. Pappy and Sweet Pea have not done me one bit of wrong since the beginning of the show. Good dispositions, and friendly attitudes. Look for Neleh to spice things up next week.
5.Robert DeCanio(4)-I like Robert for the same reasons I like Tammy, but you can clearly see the anguish on The General's face. General has to be sweeter than Neleh to get any higher.
6.Vecepia Towery(5)-"Ceppie". Hmm...First off, man! You couldn't wait to get rid or that Rob! You practically had the doobie rolled before the last vote was read! I mean congratulations and all on your freedom, but damn! Somebody must have made you a sweet deal. You are lucky Rob won't be on the jury, but you and Sean are gonna have some choice words next week. No drama, Ceppie, no drama...just like Mary J. Blige, God rest her soul...oh wait a second, she's not dead!
7.Sean Rector(7)-Ooh! Did you tell John or what! I was like "Push him! Push him into the fire!" Man, if anyone knows how to argue it's a black man and a gay man! (You know those straight white guys are such wussies) Seriously, not to offend, but John and Sean are such dramatic examples of the demographic MB chose to put them in. Please read that last sentence carefully before you think I'm a bigot. Just being realistic about reality television. I thought John and Sean bonded too, and Sean and John went at it like boyfriends caught cheating! I mean "Rowwwrrr!!!" Anyway, that was fun.
8.Zoe Zanadakis(8)-Lets see now. 7 episodes and still only TWO face-time confessionals, however, there was still ALOT of Zoe this week. Here's the problem, she's making herself out to look untrustworthy and evasive, and she will NEVER receive a million dollars from 7 (or 14) people who know her as a liar. What I would like to see someday is what the hell Zoe is thinking! What are her behind the scenes thoughts? I have no idea, so I don't want to prejudge her. Also it is totally clear that Zoe does not understand that you write the vote, hold it up, say something and put it in the urn. Maybe JP didn't explain that very well. I really am starting to think that Zoe has no entity at all, and is an empty, go with the flow woman. But look at those abs! Damn! 35? She has the smile of the Joker, ya know.
9.John Carroll(10)-Dude, you totally gave Kathy that immunity so you could vote out Rob. It was so obvious, the way you casually reached down and touched the board. I mean, the bugs on the beach could've seen that. That was sneaky. Good hustle though, you almost bit it a few times. My only problem is, I don't trust you. I dunno, maybe you are right, but I think the ganging on Gabe and your general paranoia will keep you low on my list a la Lex from S3. Sorry John, but I hope you don't win. And you were my favorite pick before the show. Long live Jeff Varner!

And finally, Rob Mariano. Ha! You deserved it. First, you totally put Zoe on the spot and try to throw stones at her for lying, and then you admittedly lie to both John and Kathy. What a hypocrite. Rob, you have this cuddly friendly guy exterior, and yeah, you fought hard, but you have got to be the most juvenile minded 26 year old I've seen on (Realty) TV. I mean play the game yeah, but do you really think you got everyone figured out? Oh yeah and here's a "Congratulations" for losing the IC because you had to be a wise-ass and splash people. I was betting on you to win and have Kathy booted, but when I saw you splash, I was like "YOU IDIOT!!" Serves you right. Now go back home and make fun of fat people like I'm sure you do all the time. Loser.
Well technically, he didn't win. Therefore, he is a loser...

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-12-02 at 03:19 AM
Question: What am I doing up so late?

Answer: Submitting my love list while it is fresh in my mind.

1. Kathy: You've gone from me bashing the heck out of you to me rooting for you to win that IC. Your determined attitude really shows. I do agree that you should not be braless, though.

2. Neleh: I find you refreshing and sweet. I hope you stay that way, although, the game just might change you.

3. Zoe: I wonder why Rob only called her out and didn't bother Tammy. Could it be that he was afraid of Tammy? I still like you, though, and can't wait until we see more of you.

4. Tammy: I think you will go far in the game.

5. Paschal: I usually group him right after Neleh, but I guess I like the women better this week.

6. Robert: You seem too nice to have a voodoo doll. I liked how you handled Rob.

7. Veecepia: Lowest woman on my list, but you seem okay. I thought you looked like a little girl when you said, "Too much drama".

8. John: Your day will come and I don't think you will make the final 4.

9. Sean: Too angry to be here trying to win money in this game.

Billions and Billions Cloned

R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Cin on 04-12-02 at 09:16 AM
After a lot of bitching at my T.V. last night I've come up with my list. I am not very happy with the Rob vote out like some are. He actually was playing a good game and I commend him on being in the game 100% of the time. Good job Rob! You will be missed. Now on to my list...

1. Neleh (1) - What a sweetheart she is! Go Neleh!

2. Pappy (3) - Way to use the wait and see approach. I like how you told Kathy you'd see if you could find anything out.

3. Kathy (5) - I started out hating you Kathy, but you have grown on me. Way to win the IC last night! I was so happy for you that you beat John!

4. Sean (9) - You were right in your anger last night! I don't care if it was Rob who went and talked to Kathy, from what you said John made promised to YOU also and in all his "honesty" he's lied to you as well. I hope you go on a big IC run !

5. Tammy (6) - I can't not like you Tammy. I like that we've seen more of you and that you are playing the game.

6. Robert (4) - Robert you drop this week cause of what you said at trible counsel. "my word is my bond" who are you kidding? You gave Rob your word that you hadn't made and alliance (or givin your word to anyone else), yet I seem to remember when John was on his recruiting mission you gave him your word..... what's up with that?

7. Vee (8) - I kinda understand why you did what you did, but I'm not happy about it. You could have probably helped your team out, but I guess if your stratagy is to kiss ass and stay low you are doing ok.....

8. Zoe (7) - I really wanted to like you Zoe, I really did. I didn't like your smugness when you were trying to lie, you didn't fool Kathy and you didn't fool anyone else.

9. John (10) - John you will always be last on my list from this day forth. First Gabe and now Rob. You have made too many promises to too many people. Hopefully next week some people will wake up and you'll get what you deserve.

The Robfather was #2 last week and would have been #1 this week. I loved his speech at TC and then after he got the boot. He was in the game 24/7.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by zulu227 on 04-12-02 at 06:50 PM
First posting, not too explicit.

1. Neleh, into the game now.

2. Zoe, Tammy, Paschal - don't think he can keep
up physically, but I love him.

3. Robert - kind of unknown quantity.

4. Vee - credit for pulling away from the scheming
lazy whiners, working harder, being independent.

5. Kathy - Yes, credit for winning immunity and for
the boat race with Gina, beating out the guys. But
why did she always leap into the leadership role,
when she bungled it more than once? They might have
had a chance in the maze contest, particularly with
a sharp cookie like Gina in the lead, and would probably
have done better with Paschal or Neleh too. Abrasive,
annoying, Kathy. I miss you, Gina.

6. John, you're a self-important creep.

7. Sean - scary that someone so angry, hating others'
work ethic, whiny, out of control, is a mentor to kids - !

8. Bye-bye, Rob, I'm glad you're gone, but you were a
wonderful villain. Why that smart-ass splashing? You
might have won immunity.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Bebo on 04-12-02 at 09:23 AM
1. Tammy (2) - Did your confessional foreshadow your victory? I wouldn't mind, as I put you back into the top spot. Good for you for being honest about the part that lying plays in the game.
2. Kathy (6) - Ooh, I used to hate you, but I was screaming for you to win that IC last night. Bonus points for grabbing Jeffy's shirt the way you did, and you would have vaulted to the top spot if you'd made him take a bath with ya.
3. Paschal (1) - Still like you, still cheering for you.
4. Zoe (4) - Way to go with the hippy hippy shakes during the IC. And loved you telling Rob it was none of his business who you were voting for. Now get Kathy over her paranoia before she roasts you on a spit.
5. Robert (7) - Thought you'd be annoying me like crazy at this point, but nope, I like you.
6. Neleh (3) - Loved watching you cheer for Rob to fall during the IC. Just dropped you down because I had to move some other folks up this week.
7. Vecepia (5) - Glad you finally ditched the bozos. Now let's see how you can play the game.
8. Sean (10) - Finally out of the basement thanks to the hippy hippy shakes with Zoe. Almost stayed in the basement for calling Rob his boy.
9. John (9) - Falls into the basement for stupid loss in IC. And for being the show's drama queen.

Rob was 8th last week, and I did a little dance when his torch was snuffed. It was cute - Mr. Bebo liked it.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ptaz on 04-12-02 at 09:52 AM
Neleh - she's a sweetie who I hope begins to show a little more spunk.

Paschal - I think he's witty and it's enjoyable when he gets screen time.

Kathy - gone from one of the most hated to one of the most respected. I sure do hope she goes far in this game.

Tammy - I admire her tenacity, but question her choice of bedfellows.

Zoe - I really was pulling for her initially, but have shelved my opinion to wait for more information. What people forget is integrity is great, but these folks are playing for $1M and the game is to outwit. She may or may not have lied, but no one can fault anyone for their friendships.

Vecepia - She's really an enigma. In an office setting, I'd call her a political player. Time will tell if she gets more aggressive to stay in the game.

Robert - Time will tell if his "integrity" holds fast. I look for something between he and Kathy before this is over.

John - His arrogance really turns me off. I put him in a Lex category. From his perspective, he's the only one that deserves to win and from my perspective, I'd love to see someone with that much arrogance taken down.

Sean - He just needs to chill out. Someone with that much anger just needs a good dose of valium.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by managerr on 04-12-02 at 11:08 AM
1.)John -- Haha! Bite me Rob fans! If John did indeed throw the immunity challenge, that was a clever move.
2.)Tammy -- With the Robfather gone, it appears only John and Tammy are truly playing the game.
3.)Kathy -- Emotionally unstable, but impressive. Her paranoia actually brough down the Robfather more than anything anyone else did. Way to blab to John!
4.)Neleh -- Didn't do much this episode, look at the group clips, looks like she's bonding with Old Rotu again.
5.)Robert -- Ditto for #4.
6.)Vecepia -- Not playing a stupid game yet. But if she doesn't make a move next episode....just call her Amber, Mama Kim II.
7.)Paschal -- I have no idea what his angle is. Didn't do a good job of reassuring Kathy.
8.)Zoe -- Worst. Liar. Ever.
9.)Sean -- Just too angry. Next time, get some finger waving action going on John, and we could have had a spat better than Kimmi-Alicia.

Last Week: Rob(10): I hated you, but I admit it was kind of sad to see you more desperate than Silas this episode.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by chin_sg on 04-12-02 at 11:33 AM
Ep 7 was an interesting episode... Well, at least more intetresting than last week's episode.

1 (1) John
I don't care what others say about him. I like him. He's cute too...

2 (2) Neleh
Neleh is looking sweeter every episode. Sigh... if only there was some way she could be in the final 2 with John...

3 (4) Tammy
Really like her. Hope we get more shots of her in coming episodes.

4 (6) Zoe
Was entertained by her dance on the floats. Hope she patches things up with Kathy.

5 (3) Paschal
Not much of him in this episode...

6 (5) Vecepia
Finally a reason to like you! Good on you for voting for Rob although he would have still been voted off even if you had not.

7 (8) Kathy
Beginning to know more about you. Only thing is that you shouldn't have trusted the Robfather. Stupidity...

8 (7) Robert
Still don't know much about you. Moving down because Kathy moves up.

9 (10) Sean
What can I say. Oversensitive b******. Hope I won't need to put you on my list next week.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by cutie on 04-12-02 at 03:29 PM
I am coming back after several weeks:

1. Kathy: liked u in the first few weeks, why not now?
2. John: hate u last few weeks after booting gabe, but u r smart to find excuse to eat your word and boot rob. not as dumb as i thought.
3. Neleh
4. Pascal
integrity, but u 2 cant win with it
5. Tammy: she knows how to win
6. Zoe: neutral, she doesnt know how to lie, but not a fault
7. Sean: i hate u less when u stand by ur man rob, never thot u could be "this" high on my list
8. Robert: how boring
9. Vee: boring + betrayal

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-12-02 at 04:16 PM
Previous rankings are from the last time I participated on the Fanatics list...

1. Tammy (1) - Playing a good game to stay reasonably under the radar, yet her presence is known and obviously a strong player mentally and physically.

2. Robert (5) - The General tells it like it is! I've been pleasantly surprised by the low-key persona so far in the game and believe we're going to see much more eventually.

3. Vecepia (3) - I like the fact that she's in a potential power position (depends on whether others allow her to exercise that control, though) and also that she's trying to play with her smarts instead of blindly following tribal loyalty.

4. Neleh (2) - Not having as much of an impact on the game as I'd like to see from participants at this point, so she falls a bit on this list. Still high because she hasn't openly lied or backstabbed anyone so far.

5. Paschal (6) - Same thing as Neleh.

6. Kathy (8) - Slowly shown being redeemed, although we all can definitely do without her wet T-shirt show and that drunken performance undressing for bed in the tent with Rob!

7. John (7) - I really think he could have handled things much better than what we've seen from the editing, but who knows? It might actually turn out to be a winning strategy... but right now he's not impressing me all that much.

8. Zoe (4) - It shows that she doesn't know how to handle being put on the spot. A better response to some of the tricky questions being put to her could really have had a greater impact on the game for Zoe -- unfortunately she's now looking weak.

9. Sean (10) - This guy just grates on me.

Rob was 9th ranked on my previous list.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by mr_bananaman on 04-12-02 at 08:52 PM
I bored and I need something to do so I decided to give this ranking thing a shot.

1. Tammy - Looks to be a strong competitor. One of the few women left that I like. If only she wasn't in that rotten alliance.

2. Sean - Speaks his mind. If he goes next week I'll have to give up watching. Who will be left to add drama to this show? Neleh, Pashcal, Kathy and Vee will all take their turns getting voted out. Just wish Sean was smart enough to try group the rest together and stand up to the JTRV alliance. Still find him entertaining.

3. Neleh - On the cuteness scale she is leads this pack of survivors which is why she is this high. But compared to other cuties in the past I would rank her last.

4. Pashcal - I really don't care what happens to this guy.
He's #4 because I don't like the rest.

5. Robert - At the start of the show I had high hopes for this guy. He looked like he could cause some havoc among the tribes. Needless to say I'm disappointed.

6. Kathy - Slowing starting to grow on me. Still annoying but not as much as before.

7. John - This guy is a smart player but he's too arrogant for my liking. That may be his downfall if their alliance gets to the point of cannabalism.

8. Zoe - There something about her that I just don't like and I can't pinpoint it. No only that she's bad liar.

9. Vee - Who??

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by shakes the clown on 04-12-02 at 09:57 PM
I post one of these every few weeks so I have no idea where I had these people ranked previously...anyway, onto the hate fest...

1. Kathy: Not even close, far and away my favorite on teh show now that Rob is gone. I don't understand why there is so much anti-kathyism on the boards..imo, she has been likeable since the Rotu tribe sat her down and told her to relax. Of course, if she falls back in with Zoe next week expect her to plumet.

2. Tammy: Hey, as long as she's gonna win this thing I might as well give her a shot. Actually, despite the fact that she obviously wins I like the way she is playing the game. She is clearly the leader of the alliance and is calculated enough to get rid of John if she feels the need to.

3. Sean: The only intersting person left on the show. So what if he sucks in the challenges, doesn't do crap around camp....the guy is in your face entertaining and right now is the only person other than Kathy who is capable of providing fireworks.

4. Paschal: I have no complaints with you, but I am reserving judgment on giving you a higher ranking until I see if you are serious about being there to play the game or if you are content to be this season's Rodger. Avenge your son and make a move against John and you will sky rocket up the chart.

5. heleN: See above.

Tie for last. Robert, Zoe, Vecpetica, John:

Robert, you obviously have manhood issues based your men don't wear pink remarks....and anyone who would actually say my word is my bond is obviously from the Michael Milkin school of bond trading.

Zoe, you are so friggen annoying to watch and I would love to play poker with you.

Veceptica, if you hate drama then what the fvck are you doing on a reality show? In other words, shut the fvck up and please leave with your dumb useless fat ass.

John, for someone who is such a fan of this show that you even have cheesy Survivor tatoos, you're an idiot. You clearly want to be Rich Hatch, and then you preach this bullcrap about playing the game with a new level of integrity and no lying. Get over yourself.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-12-02 at 11:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 00:11 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-12-02 AT 11:37 PM (EST)

I beg to differ, Survivoreist. This was a cool show: intrigue, reunions, non-unions. Everthing but the AFLCIO. Sean is lucky he didn't get his A** voted off. Kathy's not going for another 3-6 days.

First item: The prayer meter: Vee led one of them. I counted two. Whoever prays is either really good hearted or scared to death. Notice how Rob snickered? He laughs at death.

1. Tammy (1). The force is with you, babe. Smart, wise, knows when to be quiet like a good woman, and guily. Mother Earth herself.
2. Neleh (4). The niceness meter is off the scale and is probably broken now. As Babe #2, I like her, too. She's playing well with others, whilst Zoe and Vee seem to be a little short on that aspect. Everyone above the bootee moves up one, so moving up two is good news.
3. Robert (3). The General's hanging in there. Steady commander in the field. Let the underlings do the dirty work, right, General?
4. Zoe (2). She stays very hidden, unearthed emotions (what do you expect from a sea-farer?). Doesn't seem to have regrouped w/ Kathy. A horse of a different color.
5. Paschal (7). Somehow you keep moving up the list. You're a kindly old gent with quiet power.
6. John (6). Well, someone's got to the do the dirty work management stuff of the alpha male. I think John realizes now that he's very OTR. Lex was never so up front. John may think he's holding the reigns, but Tammy's got hold of the bridle. (Just some horse sense, ha ha.)
7. Vecepia (9). She's just along for the ride, can't stand the drama.
8. Kathy (5). Has become far too whiney, and getting far too much air time about herself -- impending doom. MB's editing omen: she's off next week. She's become the "comedy" character to Vee's "drama" diatribes. Alzheimer's has now set in about old tribal loyalty to compound her ineffective sense of direction.
9. Sean (10). The only reason Sean hasn't been voted off yet is that everyone knows he can be voted at any time, and there's been other business to attend to. Besides, some may secretly be trying to get him to the last two to have an easy win.

in memoriam: 10. Rob (8). I'd say you did the best you could do, Robfather. Good play.

and love and sunshine to all -- Ra

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-13-02 at 00:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-02 AT 00:08 AM (EST)

May I present the Queen Mum: (Hand wiggle/wave).
You may never set over our empire, dear Sir Ra, but I now look over you from heaven. Please be nice.

Hereunderwith are the bethrothals and dubbings and awardings from the Queen Mother of England and of the Realm and the Defender of the Faith to those Survivors remaining: (Stamp stamp; trumpets) (Posthumous honours in the margin)

1. Tammy. Princess of the Westchester. You are very much the right and good lady, well enough to be Queen after 'Lissy joins me. Pomp and Circumstance never cut so well; be good. Stay with us and love us forever.

2. Zoe. Princess of the North Sea. Find yourself a swarthy Viking so we can rejoin with the heretofore invading Norsemen. Alliances are very important considerations; do you have any daughters we could sell off?

3. Kathy. The Blue Plate Special Ribbon. Fine servings, bad direction. Just don't get lost on the way back from the kitchen. But the Royal Court is all about connections; unfortunately, you have none.

4. Robert. Meritorious Order of the Pub. Such a sturdy fellow. We could play bouncer and the wench together. (He He) I love his darts. (But I blush now, a royal flush.)

5. Neleh. Golden Princess of the High Castle. One so pure and honest shall never descend to be sullied by political or public life. A good land such as ours must have it's fairy tales.

6. Vee. Commonwealth Defender of the Faith Ribbon. Thank you for your service.

7. Paschal. Minister of No Little Importance. Your charge is the Golden Princess, your duty is to stay close and say diplomatic things.

8. John. The Churchill/Chamberlain Combined Medal. We are so confused. Are you a brilliant motivator and leader of those of the English tongue, or a low German appeaser? We shall see, we shall see.

9. Sean. Noble Order of the Boer. (The Dutch were with us, once.) (We spelled it this way for your honor, but we don't pronounce it that way.) You are dismissed. Please don't spit on the carpet on your way out.

10. Rob. You've been uplifted by death. Like the Sheriff of Nottingham Forest. You meant well, selfish pleasure, but you accomplished so much more.

(Hand wiggle again)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-14-02 at 04:18 PM
For anyone who's interested:

The first incarnation of the "LoveList" (don't hold the Kimmi thing against me ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Don't worry y'all, Gina and Bob will be back just in time for the final 3.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by dabo on 04-15-02 at 01:09 AM
1. Paschal (1) * hey, you held on to the top spot, WTG!

2. Neleh (3) * the only two people not affected by Rob's shenanigans grabbed the top two spots this week, and that's why

3. Zoe (2) * whom we can now officially crown the world's most incapable liar, which is a good thing really although it is painful to watch

4. John (9) * big move up for the player this week, even though his game is chock full of dumb, but at least he stood his ground with Rob and Sean

5. Tammy (4) * love that attitude

6. Vecepia (10) * broke ranks with Rob and Sean, and the jury is going to be loaded with Original Rotu anyway so that was smart

7. Robert (6) * hard call, it is a game where #1 is what it is about, but saying it openly and in the form of a lie???

8. Sean (7) * for being in lockstep with Rob even though it was clearly not going to work

9. Kathy (8) * down at the bottom of the list for allowing herself to be played

Rob was #5 last week.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-15-02 at 08:23 AM
My list from #1=most liked to 9=most despised.

#1: Kathy. She has a soul, is entertaining, and plays both strategically and emotionally. Go Kathy ! !

#2: Paschal. Plays the game with dignity; keeps his intelligent observations to himself; was good to our prodigal "son," Gabe.

#3: Neleh. Kind, honest, finally starting to wake up and smell the Java.

#4: Tammy. The only one I can stand in the Rotu 4. She may be a snake, but--as far as snakes, go--an ethical one. Hasn't got on my nerves, yet.

#5: Sean. Still needs to sue to get a refund on those failed anger management classes. LOL. Honest, funny, sensitive, and loyal (voted with Rob at TC).

#6: Vee. Seems like religious hypocrite and backstabber--could be an act. Extemely adaptable, mysterious--don't know yet,where her loyalties lie. Will see if she stays loyal to Sean.

#7: Robert. 2nd least annoying of Rotu 4. Irriatated me with hillariously ludicrous statements: ie., "I'm the General . . .," and "Real men don't wear pink."

#8: Zoe. Conceited, insensitive, liar--could be a victim of editing ('though I doubt it).

#9: John. Combines the worst traits of Jerri/Sue Hawk, Kelly Wigglesworth/Brandon, Silas/Keith, and Lex/Mike. He has make way too many promises to too many people.


Note: An ode to the dear departed in order of A=most missed to G=most irritating.

#A: Gabe. You're a sweetheart with convictions, funny--love that laugh. The world needs more people like you.

#B: Gina. Sweet, loyal, and intelligent; you cared more about making friends than the 1 mil.

#C: Hunter. Charming, responsible; tried to play game as a team. You was ROBbed by the Robfadduh and co.

#D: Rob. I hated you in the beginning, but you grew on me. You--with a doubt--are the most entertaining of all of the survivors. I was rooting for you to dethrone evil King John. I really wish you could have called it, "Bernie's Tribe. You will be missed--sigh .

#E and F: Pat--bossy and Peter--weird. Didn't get to know either of you. I have nothing against either one of you, however, I don't regret either of you leaving the game early.

#G: Sarah, while you are far less annoying than some still in the game; J/Z/R; you're clueless and contradict yourself at every opporunity. You may be a very nice person, but--you're way too much of a media whore for me. I hope your 15 minutes are now up.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 04-15-02 at 11:49 AM
The curse continues…3 #1’s in 3 weeks. And it looks like 4 weeks in a row is a good possibility…

1. Sean (5) – As long as the “R” word doesn’t come into play, I’ve got no problems with him. Especially since he and Robfaddah were the ONLY ones with their eyes open last week. If he’s gonna bow out this week, I hope he does it just like the Don.

2. Kathy (4) – I love how she can’t keep a single thought to herself. There is no subterfuge with Kathy. She is what she is, and says what she thinks. Annoying or not, you gotta respect that (even if it’s going to be her undoing). But Kath…Zoe? ZOE?! That may be the single most wasted vote in the history of this show. You might as well have played the “conscientious objector” card, and said to Jiffy “If it’s alright with you, I’d rather sit this one out.” C’mon Kath, grow a backbone and pick a side.

3. Paschal (2) – The first of the “No Evil” crew. Speak No Evil chooses his words too carefully, and like his 2 counterparts, wouldn’t deign to sink to the level of Sean and Robfaddah. Not wanting to get your hands dirty just cost you any shot of winning. Enjoy the jury.

4. Neleh (3) – See No Evil can’t bear that the Love Tribe has become so ugly. I’m sure Pappy will be more than happy to save a seat next to him on the jury.

5. Robert (7) – One of only 2 people who didn’t damage their chances this week. Very PC of him not to get in the middle of the melee. Robfaddah wanted to call him out, but the General handled himself the best he could under the circumstances. Lying dog. Zoe, take notes on how it’s done.

6. Tammy (8) – The other person to not hurt herself by staying out of the fracas. She’s clearly the leader of the Rotu 4, and is playing the shrewdest of all. I still just can’t stand that she puts up with PJ. All part of the plan I guess, but…yechhh.

7. Vee (6) – Hear No Evil just bought herself 5th place with her 30 silver coins. She probably didn’t want the “drama” of winning anyway. I spent weeks wanting her to come out of hiding. Now, I wish she’d just stay there.

8. Zoe (9) – I’ve grown weary of her constant scowling and plastic “charm”. Don’t want to get put under the gun? Then don’t enter into deceptive, back-stabbing alliances. Robfaddah called her out, and she folded like paper napkin. Now we’re going to see her try to be all “lovey-dovey” with Kathy. <shudder>

9. Prince John (10) – Talk about your paper tigers. Every episode he becomes more and more a parody of himself. Nice deer-in-the-headlights look when the trying task of picking an ambassador arose. If there was any doubt who’s “running the show”, there isn’t anymore.

Robfaddah (1) – Now that’s an exit. Can’t say that I agreed with your “Berserker Strategy”, but it made for good TV. I’m not quite sure why you thought that scaring the bejeezuz out of Neleh, Pappy, and Vee would get them to see it your way. Regardless, you will be missed, my facial-hair-deficient friend.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by jjayg on 04-15-02 at 02:31 PM
Ok. Let me weigh in on this here. This is my first time here on the boards but this represents standings based on the last episode, not necessarily how I feel overall.

1. Tammy: I am finally recovering from Tammy backstabbing my boy Gabe. She is sitting in a good spot now, leading the Rotu 4 but doing it quietly and letting John piss off all of the jury members. Unless the un-allianced five get it together and break up Tammy's little group, this whole show is hers to lose
2. Paschal: Why is he up this high? I really had him picked to be one of the first three off the island but he's still there. Way to go Pappy. He is playing the game the only way he can and is succeeding to this point. Laying low and being nice. His confession showed that he knows what's going on though, so he isn't just along for the ride.
3. Neleh: She is hanging out with pappy and riding the Kentucky Joe/Elisabeth formula to this point. It's got her this far, but it's not enough to take her all the way.
4. Sean: I don't think Sean is smart. I don't think he is playing the game well at all. He latched on to the Robfather and rode him this far. But I loved seeing him call out John on the last show and it was maybe the first time that I agreed with most of what he was saying and the way he was saying (without the throwing into the fire stuff of course). It's nice to have somebody animated and entertaining left, even though it may not be for long.
5. Robert: The only other member of the Rotu 4 that I can even stomach. He managed to play off Rob's valiant survival attempt for the most part and that's why he is number 5.
6. Kathy: I'm sorry, I can't jump on the Kathy bandwagon. Though this would be the highest I would have ranked her yet. She just does nothing even remotely intelligent but gets lucky enough to stick around. She did a good job on the challenge though and it was fun to watch her level of effort and concentration. I think we will consider to see how badly one can play the game again this week though.
7. John: I hate this guy so much! I will be fair and give him some props for getting himself a airtight group to help him get to the final four and maybe even the final two but is he that naive or stupid not to see that his constant megalomania and obvious deceit is going to sour everybody on the final jury? I don't get it.
8. Vecepia: The sooner she leaves, the sooner she can be free of all the drama. Does she think it's a good thing to be the odd man out, the fifth wheel? I have an idea Vec, lets betray our friends, help the Rotu 4 get rid of everybody else and then wave goodbye to them when they vote you out! What a great strategy.
9. Zoe: She kind of reminds me of old lady Kim the way she is probably going to hang around till the very end having done absolutely nothing except that she has done worse then nothing. She has to be the worst liar of all time. And given that she was already called out on that fact once, why doesn't she just make a stand instead of just looking like a fool? I had higher hopes for old Captain Zo but she is destined to scrape the barnacles off of this list for a long time to come.

That's Just the way it is.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by curveball on 04-15-02 at 03:37 PM
1. Gina - yea, I know she's gone, but she's still #1
2. Sean - hated him before, but when he's not edited lazy (yea, I'm sure he IS lazy) he's not too bad.

3. Neleh - too cute to fall too far, but come on, Colleen and Liz knew when their time was up...
4. Paschal - thought you were too smart to fall back in line with John - prove me wrong now, ok? You have one shot left to avoid 6th place...

5. Robert - you did ok when Rob had you under the spotlight
6. Tammy - how many episodes in a row have you been bending over into the camera?

7. Zoe - it's ok that you lied, stop pretending to be Neleh
8. Vecepia - you are still there because you are weak. Notice how nobody cared when you fell into the water?
9. John - I hate you. and it's not the editing.
10. Kathy - I was giving you a second chance, and then you voted Zoe. You really are stupid.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by magic_star on 04-16-02 at 10:50 PM
1.Sean(1)-I think he is getting even better as the episodes go by.

2.Neleh(2)-Sweet and nice

3.Paschal(5)-Is nice to everyone

4.Kathy(6)-Alot better than she was in the beginning

5.Tammy(7)-Better than the rest,doesn't let John control her

6.Robert(9)-No where else to put him.

7.Zoe(8)-Dumb liar,she can't even lie right

8.John(10)-Can't stand him,I hope he is gone soon

9.Vecepia(4)-She goes here because she left Sean/Rob.I can't stand traiters.

Rob was #3 last week.I really started to like Rob too.Too bad Neleh and Paschal didn't go with him on the alliance to vote off John.
Future quote in the year 2002: "The cubs win the World Series"!
Cubs record:5-7
Final Four: Sean,Kathy,Neleh,Paschal

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by ejm92 on 04-17-02 at 12:15 PM
Oops, can't believe I almost forgot to do this.....

1. Tammy (1) - Staying at #1.
2. Neleh (3) - This cutie moves up like a spot every week.
3. John (2) - Glad he got rid of Robfather.
4. Paschal (4) - Staying the same.
5. Kathy (5) - Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Stayin' Alive!
6. Zoe (7) - Moves up on the General.
7. General (6) - Only drops because Zoe gains.
8. Vee (T-10) - I still can't stand her.
9. Sean (T-10) - He's the only one worse than Vee.

"Week 7 Results"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-17-02 at 05:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-02 AT 04:54 PM (EST)

Position. Name (Position Last Week) (Total, high, low, average)

1. Neleh (1) (98, 1, 7, 3.16129)
2. Tammy (3) (107, 1, 8, 3.451613)
3. Paschal (2) (110, 1, 7, 3.548387)
4. Kathy (4) (118, 1, 10, 3.806452)
5. Robert (6) (179, 2, 8, 5.774194)
6. Zoe (5) (183, 1, 9, 5.903226)
7. Sean (10) (194, 1, 9, 6.258065)
8. Vecepia (8) (202, 3, 10, 6.516129)
9. John (9) (207, 1, 9, 6.677419)

Rob was #7 last week.

Well, the tribe has spoken again. Neleh is still #1 after tabulating all the lists for the week (whoo hoo! ). Here's something you may not know though; she did not get the most #1 rankings this week. While Neleh had 5 people rank her #1, the leaders this week were actually Kathy and Tammy, with seven #1 rankings each. Also, notice Robert's rather impressive #5 finish this week, despite never being ranked #1 at all. So congratulations to everyone (contestants and fanatics alike ) and here's hoping y'all come back for Thursday

edited to include sittem's list

edited the second time to include SmtW's list


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"Okay, work with that eyeball right there..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7 -Aarrrggghhh! I'm late."
Posted by sittem on 04-17-02 at 05:31 PM
Well, to late to be included in the summary numbers - funny, I was just reviewing them myself and then Survivorerist posted the results. It's been a busy week and I never recovered from the hours of watching the Masters over the weekend and then the White Sox winning the last couple games!!

So, this'll be brief this week. I wanted to review my tape so I could bring some fresh insights, but that aint' gonna happen, so let's just get it done for the record.

1. Sean (2) I'm impressed that he's finally out of last place in the rankings barely edging out Vee and John. Anyway, he goes to my number one ranking after losing Rob for taking on John. I can't believe how many of the people here think Sean has issues with anger. Anger, what anger? That's called righteous indignation!! At least he adds some spice to the show and he's about all that's left after Rob left. Whoops - last week I ranked Rob #1, now Sean. Oh, well. See ya.
2. Tammy (7) Reclaiming #2. Seems to have the best overall plan and stragegy for the game. I think she's going all the way - just please move on from the J/R/Z/T alliance.
3. Vee (3) Still love her. So she abandoned Rob - after all this is SURVIVOR - she wants to survive so I can't hold that against her. She may be boring, but she is still playing a game and keeping fairly quiet.
4. Neleh/Paschal (4,5) - it's time to step up guys. You can only float around so long in the middle of the pack. DO SOMETHING!! Please take John down, I implore you.
6. Kathy (6) Also treading water. It's time to step to the plate, though I sure hope she doens't last into the final 4. Too much drama with this girl (she's younger than me so I can still call her a girl, right??)
7. Robert (8) the best of the rest - if he distances himself from John Thursday he could move way up.
8. John (10) Moved up out of last only becuase I just can't stand Zoe.
9. Zoe (9) Girl!! I know this game is about lying and that's fine with me - ya gotta do it. But, if you're gonna play the game get a clue about playing and lying and what you need to do to survive other than kissing John's butt. You had to know Rob was gonna call you out, but you just swallow your tongue. I'd love to see you go just as much as John, but my biggest fear this week is that you and Kathy will patch it up and you'll float for another 4-5 weeks. I've really tried to give you a chance and have looked for some redeeming quality but it just ain't there for me.

It's interesting to me how people can see things so differently. Zoe is the darling of a bunch of people - now, I really don't like to see people evaluated on pure physical appearance 'cause there's is so much more that goes into the value of a person. But, come on. When there's a void where the personality is supposed to be (like Sarah) at least give me something semi-attractive to look at. If Zoe is attractive, I really don't get it. And, don't think I'm holding up Sarah as the model of attractiveness here 'cause she doens't do it for me either.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 4.7"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 04-18-02 at 01:09 PM
Me, me,... I haven't done my list yet! Survivoreist, sorry I took so long to reply to this post. I didn't know there was a deadline and I hung out at the Spoilers section more often. I have done the list for 3 weeks in a row and I want to continue my list. I hope it still counts

1.(2) Paschal-- Good wait-and-see strategy when Kathy informed you of Rotu 4's plans. Don't want to start trusting sneaky Rob too early. Hopefully P/K/N will do something next episode though.

2.(1)Kathy-- I gotta love the underdog! She's the most three-dimensional character in Survivor history and I really feel like I know her in real life. Insecure and humble about herself and her lack of leadership skills (unlike a certain someone). Points for winning immunity but deductions have to be taken off for not playing the game well and letting emotions rule over her too much by voting against...

3.(4) Zoe-- Being a bad liar just goes to show that she's a nice person and doesn't normally lie. To have her lie there and then despite her discomfort earned her loads of points because she knew that she had to lie to stay in the game. Anyway what was she supposed to say to Kathy? "Oh yeah... sure Kath. Your best friend and her allies are voting you off next". D'UH!!! She'd move to the bottom of my list if she said that in Rob's and Kathy's presence!

4.(7) Tammy-- Too bad she's stuck with John or she'd have been higher. Love her confessional about having to tell white lies to stay in the game. I agree.

5.(2) Neleh-- She's soooo sweeettt I hope Paschal's not diabetic. No reasons for her ranking drop, it's just that others moved up. I hope she does something great next week so I can put her at number 1.

6.(6) Robert-- I'm over his voodoo doll. And I smiled at the "real men don't wear pink" comment.

7.(10) John-- I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he threw the IC to vote out Rob. A risky play but good job! It'd be much more difficult to get rid of Rob next episode if he voted Kathy this episode. Gotta lose that cockiness before he moves out of the bottom tier though.

8.(9) Sean-- Give him bonus points for loyalty even though it may cost him the game.

9.(4) Vee-- Biggest drop since I started my list. Backstabbing to stay ahead in the game is one thing, being stupid by settling for 5th position when she has a shot at winning is the WORST game-playing strategy ever! She'd better have a good strategy to win but it sure doesn't look like it. I predicted in last week's spoiler vote thread that she'd pull a Brandon (and for the worst reason no less, whereas Brandon had final 4 in mind) and that is why she's at the bottom of this list.

R.I.P: (8) Rob-- good riddance! Your unfunny, idiotic comments will not be missed.

"Better late than never?????"
Posted by LionChow on 04-18-02 at 06:40 PM
Just realized that I wrote this up but never posted it...

This past episode is exactly what I always expected the whole series to be like. From S1 on, I never expected to see things like a Love Tribe and Pagong sheep walking carefree to the slaughterhouse. I always thought that with $1 million on the line, that there would be a lot more upfront, in-your-face confrontations, name calling and angry accusations. Seems that civility prevailed and I underestimated people. But last night was a doozy, and from minute one, it was obvious that Rob wasn’t going down without exhausting every angle. As Fester wrote earlier, wasn’t John’s mannequin impersonation priceless when it came time to name an ambassador? If not for Rob, they’d still all be standing there. Maybe Rob came on a little too strong for Valium-deprived Kathy, but he sure applied the pressure, and probably wouldn’t have fared any better with Nelly. Pappy? That would have been interesting. I’ll definitely miss his gamesmanship. Entertainment-wise, I’m really hoping that the implied waking up of Nelly leads to more battling for position. If she and Paschal don’t get it in gear immediately, they are done and the “drama” is on hold until we get down to the final four.

1. Robert (3) – The big man finally makes it to the top spot. I think he has handled Rob’s attacks well and is playing fairly smart. I only worry that he is lacking that one unbreakable alliance that gets you to the end. I can’t get a good feel for his physical conditioning either. Is this a guy capable of putting together some challenge wins?
2. Tammy (1) – Remains a strong, smart player. I look forward to her getting more camera time, as she usually has interesting things to say.
3. John (8) – No, I don’t like him, but the guy’s dopey antics and misadventures crack me up. He wants so badly to be the master strategist it’s pathetic, and, he’s REALLY bad at it. Can you imagine this guy being your boss? What a nightmare! Anyway, I’ve come to realize that regardless of his lack of finesse, I must acknowledge his entertainment value. I love when this guy is on camera because I just know that something funny is about to happen.
4. Kathy (10) – Ditto for Kathy. She is a walking comedy. She, too, would make a horrible leader of any kind (as she has proven many times), going in ten directions at once, but the woman makes me laugh.
5. Paschal (6) – Were it not for my two prior “entertainment value” picks, Pappy would be at #3, which is WAY higher than he’s been all season. He jumps over Zoe and Nelly because it seems like he has started to show some interest in the game. Happy to see him come to life. He’ll drop quickly if he takes no action this week.
6. Neleh (4) – Finally ran out of patience for Neleh. Yes she’s cute, but in a puppy kind of way. I don’t see the comparisons between her and Lis, Colleen, Kim P or any of the other MB sweethearts. If she can manage to start playing the game this week, maybe she can rise back up.
7. Vee (7) – On the bright side, she made a smart move in voting against Rob. Sticking with Rob was a losing move, so why not try and last as long as you can? It was a true Theresa move, but I think it may be too late for her, just as it was for T-Bird.
8. Zoe (2) – Why the huge drop? First, she got played sooooo badly by Rob. I don’t know what caused Rob to pick her to attack, but he really made her look bad. Second, I’m just tired of waiting for MB to show her. I still like her and hope she does well, but I’ve got to see something from her before she moves back up. And why didn’t she win that challenge??? That was like revisiting Tom with the goats, or Frank with the bow and arrows.
9. Sean (9) – It’s gonna take a hell of an immunity run…

Out: Rob (5) – Fought tooth and nail in the end, but it was too late. When you have to depend on Kathy to do something right, you’re in deep doo doo. Hopefully they’ll throw this guy into the “All-Star” version. He’s one of the most entertaining people they ever had on the show.

"RE: Better late than never?????"
Posted by zulu227 on 04-18-02 at 09:31 PM
Unbelievable! What a great challenge, it really set
schemes in motion, reminds me of the "Clue" characters.
I wasn't too specific last week, so I'll start new.
1. Tammy. Nice going, level headed.
2. Neleh. Too sweet, eh? Playing like a tiger now!
3. Paschal. Ethical, trustworthy - but as he was
honest enough to say, 'playing the game for the
first time'. But you should have boned up on
island lore, you might have won immunity!
4. Robert - playing it pretty cool, I'm not sure if
you're for real, or just lucky. I agree with the
last post in questioning your ability.
5. Zoe. Nothing against you, really, but maybe you're
not slick enough.
6. Kathy - that annoying cackle, and too talky. I
have to reluctantly acknowledge smart play (for
a change).
7. Vee - oh, enough from you!
8. Sean - I still can't stand you, O lazy one, claiming
to have 'played the game'. So I still have to place
you last, though I have to bow to your incredible
comeback tonight.
John - I won't really miss you.