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"Ep 5 take"

Posted by Ra_8secs on 10-11-02 at 03:47 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-02 AT 09:57 PM (EST)


Sorry, couldn't figure out the answer to this clue.

Hello, I'm Jim Prufrock, a #2 Pencil Pusher from the IRS. I can't leave town, it's a network contract impediment. Same with Mary. No DisneyWorld for me until after 13 weeks. And I have to please Big Brother. I'm part of a joint task force from the IRS. Yes, that Big Brother, too.

And this is my story. Don't expect this to be a narrative of the show, watch it for God's sake if you want that, if you want to torture yorself, if you're that desperate. The full transcript shall have to come from elsewhere. Mostly I'm here to solve the puzzle, or to just get out of town. Strangely, I never can leave town. I'm a felon amongst felons. But I'm innocent. Ohhh, what was the title clue today?

And nobody ever comes to help me. Such is life.

It started with a fax, then a phone call, and then there was a woman. Grace? She's the only one I trust, but can I? And then a chilly person, a rude person, a helpful person, and some suspicious "Gaming Commission" persons, etc.: lots of strangers. And then my muse, a woman at the Sloman's; she takes it slow. She's an intriguing one. My wife, er mistress, er wannabe mistress, Grace, or the sultry Mary? Who's my woman? Take it slow, she said. And my ex-wife, but what about her, why does she keep calling? But then there were the killings, and now my back hurts, after the investigation that doesn't seem worth it. I'll pass over the repair man and the tattoo man. Enough pain.

The cute deputy Dawn comes on to me, and lets me go, after sending me to the fishes. But why did she throw me in the trunk? Life is good; I'm alive. Maybe she'll be an ally. I'm not counting on it.

Blessed are the meek. Sorry, but Mary and Shadrock don't qualify.

Grace is on mission impossible 3. I'd love to celebrate her birthday, though. Airplane detective! Dissembling. She's a cool customer, just this side of Eve. I liked how she stroked the barrel of the gun and the airport guy's arm: very ummm, very very. I'm confident that she will save me from this dusty grave. Secretly, I love her. But that's in episode 9. Isn't it amazing how I know all about the show even whilst being in only part of it? I'm the star, so I know I'll survive.

As Jim I am still tied to Push, what with the electronic anklet and all. (Dont' you think my "lawyer" is one of "them"? -- either lawyer?) It's a yin yang thing -- but I'm trapped in a Chinese Casino Factory. The cute dimpled deputy Dawn somehow lets me off. Cool. Must be my smile. Or her willing dimples. Hehe, I can maybe make some dimples for you. She'd probably shoot me first. OMG, Mary needs Mr. Sloman, what for? Question to be answered later. Mary is gauranteed trouble.

Everyone in Push knows everyone and everything. And I'm so clueless. "This isn't right," says Delilah. You're so right, Delilah; I remember you from LA Law, you're tort-uring me. And no one's filed tax returns in years! There must be a conspiracy going on! What happened to 9:15pm? At least I should get to join in at 9:15!

My Baby gets threatened. She's the ideal. But Mr. Sloman is the only one who sees her. And she needs him. Sloman says so. She'd never leave him. Never. Soft stroke on the jaw. Hmmm, where did those bruises come from? Let's take a break for .... something. Get the camera off us. The money, Mary, by sundown. He knows. Oh, how can we keep this up for eight more episodes? Isn't Mary the sultriest one you've ever swooned? er, seen?

Mary knows about the money, and where it is, maybe. Hmmmmm.

Commercials: I thought it'd be funny, but now, just a waste of time.

Big Brother Apple Superbowl moment. Not quite the 60 minutes of hate, but good enough. Shades of Max Headroom. Bowing heads of the elite was cool. Echoing cough was cool. Oh, my, we don't know who paid Prufrocks' bail! .... Our competition! (impending doom music) again.

Flashback again, me as a kid, with a satellite dish on the roof. (huh?) That's when my parents locked me in the cage like a dog.

Smooch. Grace goes undercover secret agent at the bowling alley or some such. She's sooooo cool.

Delilah again. Good eye candy. If you wanted a serious review and transcript, you should bail out by now. Oh, my, Jimmy is square? That's like thinking Robb in Survivor is an idiot. He should be on point, meaning, first one down. He's such the boyscout, eh?

I, Prufrock have a delivery. My sculpture is ready.

Grace is doing secret things. Isn't she your fantasy librarian? She sure is mine.

Shadrock the bum is uneasy, ... but technically proficient. I think Shadrock wins in the end. Oh, wait, this isn't Survivor. But at least he knows where the money is. Maybe.

Oh, No! Dark Suits! "Last place we would've looked. Last place we'll have to." Ha ha! Impending doom music cued.

Dang, another comercial break.

Is this The Practice? No, another promo. Can't tell the commercials from the show.

Porch front talk with Jim and the Babe. "Have I told you how I love you babe?" She dresses well.
He's out on bail now, isn't he?
He says, "You didn't set me up of your own accord."
She says, "No, I didn't."
Jim says, "Then help me, let me help you"
She says, "You are a good and decent man, Jimmy Prufrock, but in Push, those are weaknesses, traits to be exploited." Don't you love her? How shall I survive? What about my soon to be ex-wife? What shall I do at 9:15?
Missed some stuff. "I dont' have it any more." Dang, she's good looking.

Completely forgot the clue for this week.
Oh, yeah, "The Letter of The Law": hmmm, reminds me of Let It Ride. Watch, paper, time, love the fast foward editing.

I'm never gonna get out of Push, am I. I wail. I seek Grace.

Well basically, I guarantee that me, Jim Prufrock doesn't get out of Push, and doesn't die, for at least 8 more episodes. Otherwise, I have no clue. You can quote me on that.

--- Ra

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Ep 5 take"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 10-15-02 at 02:49 AM
Great Job RA. although the show is dead you did a good writeup.

-congratulations to Clay Jordan, the winner of survivor Thailand-

UTR Winner: Penny or Jake
Rooting for: Helen

"RE: Ep 5 take"
Posted by trigirl on 10-15-02 at 10:12 AM
If you wanted a serious review and transcript, you should bail out by now.

Nah...this is way better than the show.

"RE: Ep 5 take"
Posted by mattben on 08-27-07 at 01:06 AM

"RE: Ep 5 take"
Posted by Agman2 on 12-11-15 at 03:01 PM
Excellent post there mattben! It does have dull stretches though.

"RE: Ep 5 take"
Posted by Agman2 on 05-04-15 at 04:01 PM
I can't believe you wrote all that. You must have been bored!