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Thread Number: 962
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Original Message
"TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"

Posted by IceCat on 01-18-05 at 07:56 PM
Please discuss tonight's episode only on this thread until the folks on the West Coast have a chance to see the episode. Thanks.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:03 PM
My ears are hurting from watching AI but now I have to listen to Victoria whine about arsehole!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:08 PM
TAR has to be better than AI auditions.

"Here we go!"
Posted by IceCat on 01-18-05 at 09:03 PM
I hope the the Dysfunctional Duo get the boot tonite!

Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:06 PM
But somehow I don't think we'll get that lucky

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:07 PM
does Mary Adam have on his head?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:09 PM
Kendra and her researching is getting on my nerves. Does she have to research going to the bathroom.

MY EYES! Jonathon shirtless! MY EYES!

"Ferry to Nice"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:10 PM
The teams hae to take a ferry to Nice. Hotels for the night....

Hayden and Aaron and begging for Euros (lol)

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-18-05 AT 09:11 PM (EST)

Aaron and Hayden are very embarrassed having to beg for money, but they are doing okay.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:10 PM
Everyone is going to get on the ferry execpt Mary Adam...he is looking for a fairy.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:11 PM
I bet he finds him, too.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:13 PM
Going to Ethiopia. Jonathan and Victoria are first, Lori/Boleo are next.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:13 PM
Must be tough to be Bolo. Could he possibly mangle the name of another town tonight?

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"In Nice"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:14 PM
Have to go to the statue of Albert I

ARGH! J/V are there first.
Lori/Bolo 2nd (he cannot pronounce ANYTHING)
Adam & Rebecca 3rd
jerk model alliance 4th/5th (and Kendra opens her trap about 3rd world countries again
Jon & Kris last

We're headed to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:14 PM
Kendra is thrilled about going back to Africa. She can't wait to get there, Not!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:26 PM
Kendra what a CU%t!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:16 PM
Lori and Bolo are on the first flight.

"Leaving for Addis Ababa"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:16 PM
Lori & Bolo cut in front of Complaining Kendra and get the only flight that leaves today

"Freddy: They wouldn't do that to me..."
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:20 PM
Come on, what is that skinny little model boy going to do if either Lori or Bolo cut in front of him. Break them in half again ?? LOL

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:17 PM
Lori and Bolo are the only racers to make the first flight out of Nice.

"Bolo the clown"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:23 PM
Goota love Bolo, not only can't he pronounce cities, but can't walk onto an airplane without hitting his head either.

"The world has ended"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:17 PM
Jon used Victoria and flawless in the same sentence

Bestill, my heart!


"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-18-05 AT 09:19 PM (EST)

WOW! Mary Adam gets an earlier flight and loses his girl in the same minute. LMAO!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:20 PM
somebody...please...kill him! Im glad shes finally telling him what a loser he is.

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"Rebecca is the helper"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:18 PM
She helps Kris & Jon so they are on the same flight - Adam is pissed (okay role reversal)

"RE: Rebecca is the helper"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:19 PM
She is out of the relationship. She wasted two years on it and did not even realize he is gay.

"Rebecca is delusional"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:20 PM
Wow. She said MaryAdam is 'abusive' (you're just as bad as Jonothan and Victoria). He couldn't be abusive if his life depended on it!

"RE: Rebecca is delusional"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:23 PM
It looks like they kiss and make up.

"RE: Rebecca is delusional"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:25 PM
Being passive-aggressive IS a form of abuse. His constant remarks about killing himself whenever he makes a mistake can definitely wear down a person's self esteem. It's how he keeps her in his life, by making Rebecca feel more responsible for him than she should be.

"RE: Adam as an abuser"
Posted by ceedee on 01-18-05 at 09:53 PM
You said EXACTLY what I was thinking!!

(Naturally I think you're brilliant - heh heh)

"RE: Rebecca is delusional"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 10:02 PM
Well, somehow I've missed the suicide threats (my three year old always seems to pick TAR or Survivor to want to 'do my hair' - lol), but if she calls him abusive, then she's got to realize that she's abusive as well (not that I really blame her, LOL)

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:20 PM
Whoa! Rebecca is really giving it to Mary Adam, telling that she's wasted two years of her life with him and isn't going to waste anymore time. They'll probably make up a little after the commercial.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 01-18-05 at 09:22 PM
so do Kris/Jon have a deal with Rebecca/Adam?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:25 PM
Nope, they just said they didn't want to go to the end with them, and they helped Lori/Bolo get to the charter flight before them

"Most. Flights. Ever"
Posted by Jims02 on 01-18-05 at 09:22 PM
Geez, I've never seen so many airlines. They should call this show "The Amazing Airport."

Jims02: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate. Jims' Random Thoughts

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:34 PM
The Amazing Airport...I like it!

"In Rome"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:25 PM
Lori/Bolo, Adam/Rebecca, Jon/Vic, Jon/Kris all on same flight to Ethiopia.

Then they have to get on separate charter flights to (missed name of smaller town - Lalibela???)

Adam & Rebecca and Lori & Bolo are on first flight

"RE: In Rome"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:27 PM
And Jonathan/Victoria are third on the plane. They have a guide to help them.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:27 PM
SHUT UP! Every time she opens her mouth she looks uglier.

"RE: She ain't pretty"
Posted by ceedee on 01-18-05 at 09:56 PM
Every time I see her, I have the Northern Pikes "She ain't pretty, she just looks that way" song go through my head.........

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:27 PM
What is up with Kendra's hatred for less fortunate people?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:28 PM
kendra is just mean and close minded.

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:28 PM
Here is where Victoria gets hurt.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:28 PM
Raise the Roof - join group of locals and carry thatched roof to place on small house

Mud the hut - they must 'plaster' a wall on traditional Ethiopian hut

"RE: Detour"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:30 PM
Mud teams: J/V, Lori & Bolo, Freddy/Kendra

Roof teams: Adam/Rebecca, Hayden & Aaron, Kris & Jon

"Adam & Rebecca"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:31 PM
In first place
Have to go to St. Georges church and ride donkeys

Freddy has a gash on his hand and Kendra is 'baby' and 'honey'ing him talking about first aid

"RE: Good Lord!"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:28 PM
Does Kendra have more than one brain cell?
Obviously she keeps herself in shape by constantly swinging her foot into her mouth.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:29 PM
Raise the roof or mud the hut. It looks like most or going the slow route of mudding the hut.

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:30 PM
Jonathon stripped to his boxer briefs...EEEEWWWWW!

"John shows how much of a man he is"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:32 PM
He walks alnog side as Vic drags the mud all by herself. What a man..NOT!!!

Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:34 PM
YUCK, jonothan in his undies!! all stretched out and baggy. probably has sweaty balls and the sweaty ball stench too.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:31 PM
Freddy cut his finger pretty badly.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:36 PM
OMG Freddy didn't even make half the fuss that Victoria did. What the heck did she do??? Stick her finger in acid?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-18-05 AT 09:32 PM (EST)

Move your a$$ you a$$.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:34 PM
Mudding the hut is dangerous, first Freddy now Victoria are injured.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:34 PM
cuts her hand - but we don't see how bad it is (I don't think it's as bad as Freddy's from what I could see)

Kendra yells "Jonathan help her"

"she is Queen"
Posted by moonbaby on 01-18-05 at 10:06 PM
of the blood curdling scream. I bet she does that when she gets a hangnail.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Jims02 on 01-18-05 at 09:35 PM
What on earth did Victoria do to herself? Seemed really subtle.

C'mon Kris/Jon and Hayden/Aaron... I need your help in the Casino Game...

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:36 PM
My bet is that she broke a nail

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:35 PM
I wonder how badly Victoria cut her finger? Freddie had a pretty nasty cut and kept on going so what happened to Vic? Or is it just histrionics, as usual?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:36 PM
We'll see after commercial.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:37 PM
histrionics. Its a tiny cut.

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"This is the best leg ever"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:37 PM
J/V and Freddy/Kendra in 5th/6th place!

Whoo hoo!!!!!

"RE: This is the best leg ever"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:38 PM
Hopefully one of them is gone

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:39 PM
Why can't Victoria please shut the fvck up! She is just as annoying as Jonathon! URGH!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:40 PM
Hayden/Aaron elect not to yield

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:41 PM
What a cool task!!!

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"Hayden & Aaron first at yield"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:40 PM
Road block: "who has an eye for detail"?

they must search for the priest with the matching pendant (at the base of the church)

"Pivotal Mistake?"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 01-18-05 at 09:41 PM
Besides the fact that they might get yielded, do Jonathan and Victoria only have one donkey tagging along with them? They need two. I smell elimination!!!

"RE: Pivotal Mistake?"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 01-18-05 at 09:42 PM
i saw that too- too good to be true?

"RE: Pivotal Mistake?"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:43 PM
my thoughts exactly!

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"RE: Pivotal Mistake?"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:45 PM
why didnt you help me read?? says victoria

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:41 PM
Kendra is having an asthma attack.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:42 PM

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:42 PM
has asthma attack - kids help carry her bagsShe says the kids are great and that she wants to take them home with her.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:43 PM
Looks like Hayden/Aaron will be first to the pitstop.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:44 PM
Hayden said something nice about a "3rd World" country. Now I can't breathe.

Victoria and Jon only have 1 donkey, which neither of them walked.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:45 PM
Jon & Vic - didn't have two donkeys - they need two.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:45 PM
Jonathan and Victoria have only one donkey, they are in bad shape.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-18-05 at 10:10 PM
Actually, Victoria does have two donkeys... the second one's name is Jonathan.

Scratch and sniff

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 01-18-05 at 10:11 PM
Do you know the only difference between Jonathan and that donkey that they brought?

Me neither.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-18-05 at 11:27 PM
The difference is that the donkey they brought had enough good sense to not bother wearing boxers. And it didn't try to blame or bite Victoria.

Scratch and sniff

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by okaychatt on 01-18-05 at 10:11 PM
<Jonathan and Victoria have only one donkey

Too bad they can't count J. as an #####.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"I need help please..."
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-18-05 AT 09:46 PM (EST)

I am going to be ill for days! Jonathon has been almost nekkid for more than half of this episode! URGH!

Mary Adam/Rebecca yields Freddie/Kendra. OMH!

"Yield Question"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 01-18-05 at 09:47 PM
So then, can Freddy and Kendra yield Vic/Jon?

"RE: Yield Question"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-05 at 09:49 PM
I don't think they can. It wasn't shown if they could but I think the yield can only be used on one team.

"RE: Yield Question"
Posted by seahorse on 01-19-05 at 00:52 AM
It can only be used once in a leg.

"RE: I need help please..."
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 09:48 PM
And of course the yeild will last just long enough to let the evil/annoying team time to get their a$$ in gear and catch up.

"RE: I need help please..."
Posted by Jims02 on 01-18-05 at 09:48 PM
I can't believe I'm saying this: Man, I'm ticked off that Freddy/Kendra were Yielded. I want Jonathan/Victoria GONE!

Do you think they can yield Jonathan/Victoria while they're standing there?

Jims02: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate. Jims' Random Thoughts

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:46 PM
Adam and Rebecca yield Freddy and Kendra. Will that give Jonathan and Victoria time to catch up?

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:50 PM
One of the two evil teams is going home.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 10:11 PM
I wonder if Freddy and Kendra will try to yield Adam/Rebecca when they first get the chance.

"A Curse on Thy House - Adam/Rebecca"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 01-18-05 at 09:47 PM
They made a deal with the devil and yielded Freddy and Kendra to help out Jon/Victoria. One can only hope that it is too little, too late.

"RE: A Curse on Thy House - Adam/Rebecca"
Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:48 PM
yep. they only wanted it so that F&K wouldnt yield them.

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

"RE: OT..."
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:49 PM
Those pendants in the Detour were beautiful! I wonder where you can buy them.

"Nope... it's illegal"
Posted by IceCat on 01-18-05 at 10:07 PM

'... The purchase, or even the intent to buy, manuscripts,
hand and processional crosses, books and scrolls is forbidden...'

"RE: Nope... it's illegal"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-19-05 at 06:45 PM
Hmmm, what are these then?


Maybe these are replicas? They are still beautiful.

"The ban is probably limited"
Posted by IceCat on 01-19-05 at 06:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-19-05 AT 06:50 PM (EST)

... to antiquities. Looks like the little ones made for personal wear are fine.

Posted by Esbea on 01-18-05 at 09:51 PM
"Never send Mary Adam to do a mans job".

Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

Posted by popeave on 01-18-05 at 10:19 PM
gotta be the best line of the whole night!

Posted by Bebo on 01-18-05 at 10:34 PM
My favorite was Aaron's comment about being used to dealing with asses, then looking at Hayden.

I make this look good.

Posted by seahorse on 01-19-05 at 00:55 AM
That was a good one too.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:51 PM
Hayden and Aaron are first team. Another last to first.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:53 PM
Freddy and Kendra are still ahead of Jonathan and Victoria even after the yield.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:54 PM
Adam is crying about his poor performance.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:54 PM
Wow, that was quite a "feminine" freakout from Mary Adam.
Currently Jon and Vic are last. Hopefully they go home tonight.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 01-18-05 at 09:55 PM

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by KittenHerman on 01-18-05 at 09:56 PM

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 01-18-05 at 09:57 PM
Woo Freaking Hoo!!!

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 09:55 PM
Adam and Rebecca are 5th which means....

J/V are going home...let the fireworks begin

"RE: Hallelujah!"
Posted by MsShel330 on 01-18-05 at 09:57 PM
YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS! The Evil Two are going home!!!!!!!
And Victoria, please return that guy's shirt.

"Ding! Dong! The Witches are Dead!"
Posted by VA Slim on 01-18-05 at 10:02 PM
There will be a big party in Oz tonight!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:56 PM
Jonathan and Victoria are last. Is this a non elimination leg. No they are finally gone.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by tweets on 01-18-05 at 11:18 PM

"I am weeping with joy!"
Posted by IceCat on 01-18-05 at 09:56 PM
Yee frikkin' HAW!

"There IS some justice in the world"
Posted by The_Black_Mamba on 01-18-05 at 09:57 PM
Mamba does his happy dance!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 09:57 PM
Jonathan and Victoria lost because of not reading a clue.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-18-05 at 10:01 PM
and I'm sure it was all Vic's fault. John does nothing wrong ya all know.

Posted by moonbaby on 01-18-05 at 10:00 PM
That is all.

"RE: yay!"
Posted by motormouth on 01-19-05 at 01:24 AM
Just wanted to second your YAY! That is all.

*Courtesy of IceCat*

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 10:00 PM
It looks like the teams are going to explode next week.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 01-18-05 at 10:02 PM
a much better episode than the one last week...

"Next week"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-18-05 at 10:00 PM
MaryAdam wants to quit (no...you're kidding!)
Hayden freaks out in a tree (tight rope-walking)
Lori blasts Bolo for not reading a clue (uh gee..you know how well he reads, maybe you should have read it yourself)

"RE: Next week"
Posted by seahorse on 01-18-05 at 10:10 PM
Oh the drama

"And just like at all truly happy events:"
Posted by Estee on 01-18-05 at 10:00 PM
Can't talk. Dancing.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 01-18-05 at 10:06 PM
In other news, it looks like the Middle East or maybe India next week.

<-dancing with joy

Posted by Bebo on 01-18-05 at 10:13 PM
Woohoo! I don't even care that I'm losing chips in the Casino game.


Now I can enjoy this Race instead of wincing every time those idiots are shown.

I make this look good.

Posted by dabo on 01-18-05 at 10:50 PM

And I love being right! YES!!!

For awhile there I was afraid Kendra's redemption (such as it was) during this episode was the producers' way of editing towards their final words, and then MaryAdam/Rebecca yielded them ... AAUUGGHHHH!!!!

And in the end Jonathan couldn't even be edited better, they could only edit Vic worse.

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-18-05 at 11:30 PM
Great ending, yessssss!

But... what are we gonna do in the next week and for the rest of the race? Who are we gonna bash? Bashers is going to be a ghost town, even with Mary Adam and Kendra still around...

Scratch and sniff

Posted by seahorse on 01-19-05 at 00:49 AM
Those two will just have to take up the slack.

Posted by Bebo on 01-19-05 at 08:24 AM
>Who are we gonna bash?

Pepe, shame on you! With Kendra's insensitive comments, Hayden's griping, Lori and Bolo being Lori and Bolo, Mary Adam and Rebecca, and Kris and Jon just being too damn perky? You've gone soft, basher friend. Good think those easy targets are gone so you can sharpen your skills again.

I make this look good.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by hiwen on 01-18-05 at 10:15 PM
Thank god there gone!!! Good Luck Jon and Victoria, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. Next let's hope it Kendra and Freddy. Kendra needs to grow up and fasted, but I guess she doesn't need to worried, because her face gets her everwhere, well please loose. She would never survive in India.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by beatball2k1 on 01-18-05 at 10:36 PM
What was Jon's quote at the end about traveling the world? I'm desperate

"Peeks in...."
Posted by true on 01-18-05 at 10:57 PM

That is all.

"That yield was a bad move"
Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 01-18-05 at 11:12 PM
I don't get why A/R yielded Freddy and Kendra and not J/V (or even used it at all with J/V so far behind everyone). Now they have a yield over their head at a crucial time. I wouldn't put it past F/K to get some revenge. I just didn't get the strategy, it wasn't like Chip and Kim w/ Colin and Christie, which, I think, threw them off for the rest of the race. Glad to see the Nutjobs go regardless.

"RE: That yield was a bad move"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-18-05 at 11:31 PM
And A/R didn't even finish ahead of F/K, anyway! Isn't that one of the points of a Yield? What a waste. I agree; it'll only come back to haunt them later.

"RE: That yield was a bad move"
Posted by volsfan on 01-19-05 at 09:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-19-05 AT 09:11 AM (EST)

I am an idiot...just keep movin on!

"Yield Rationale"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 01-18-05 at 11:54 PM
I think Adam decided to yield Freddy & Kendra for two reasons. First, I think he quite rightly assumed that Freddy & Kendra would be tougher competition than Victoria and Jonathan in the long run. Second (and less convicing), J/V would supposedly owe Adam and Rebecca a favor later in the race. What he didn't realize when making the decision was that J/V had only brought one mule with them. He thought that they were right behind and didn't know that J/V had to venture back.

In retrospect, a hasty decision that will probably come back to bite them.

"RE: Yield Rationale"
Posted by dabo on 01-19-05 at 00:26 AM
It would have been right up there with all the classic dumb moves, a genuine Marcellus, had J/V also caught up and passed Adam/Rebecca, which looked like a possibility for awhile.

"How about Jerko's attempt..."
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-18-05 at 11:39 PM
...to lead the locals into the Pit Stop looking like some sort of rally supporting Nelson Mandela, or Haile Selassie, or Salami, or the President of Synagogue, or the President of Sweaters*, or whoever.

As if any one of them would be wearing skivvies in the process.

*Check out OT from about a week ago.

"RE: How about Jerko's attempt..."
Posted by dabo on 01-19-05 at 00:28 AM
LOL! And that was actually one of Jonathan's best moments.

"RE: How about Jerko's attempt..."
Posted by dragonflies on 01-19-05 at 08:09 AM
The really scary thing is he seemed almost "normal" at the mat! Saying all the right things! Don't worry, we all saw through it Jonathon!

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-19-05 at 09:19 AM
Wow! Oh the irony, eliminated because Vic totes the wrong "#####."

BTW: Gus and Hera were on Elliot in the Morning last week. Much of the interview was pretty blah. But interesting enough, Gus said that he and Jonathan got along very well off camera. Now I know where they spent so much time off camera.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Loree on 01-19-05 at 10:16 AM
I did my happy dance and celebrated lastnight. But Adam and Rebecca scared me for awhile. I was scared that Jonathon and Victoria would catch up to Freddy and Kendra when they were yielded. But it all worked out well and I got to celebrate.

I knew Jon and Kris were safe lastnight because they were barely noticed. And they are not mentioned in the previews for next week. Could they sneak in and win? The others always get all the screen time.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by mjames1229 on 01-19-05 at 11:37 AM
So, how much of a beating did Victoria take at the hotel in Ethiopia after being Philiminated?

Evil Jon may have said the right things on the matt, but I would have much rather heard what he said as soon as the camera was turned off.

"RE: TAR6 EP10 East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by yensid on 01-19-05 at 12:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-19-05 AT 12:30 PM (EST)

For me one of the best parts was when I went back to rewatch a couple of things and realized that althought Jon blames Victoria for not reading the clue correctly, it was actually Jon that read the clue, including the part that says 'two donkeys'. So it was all Jon's fault that they came in last. Gotta Love It.

"Better late than never?"
Posted by citygirl on 01-19-05 at 03:15 PM
I was too exhausted last night to come here after I saw the show but I can't believe no on ehas mentioned Freddy the Klutz. After he cut his hand, my husband said, "Isn't he the guy who got hit in the head with the gate?" And then later when he slipped down a ramp, we were in hysterics!

"good enough to bring me back!"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 01-19-05 at 05:34 PM
yesyesyesyesyes!!!! there was much happy dancing last night!!!!

now if whiny Adam and stupid Rebecca get eliminated next week, I'll be alright with any of the last 4, though I don't really care for any of them, either

and notice the worshipper hiding his pendant from Adam? anyone wanna bet it had something to do with the horns on his head? hahaha! beautiful.

i'm finally getting into this season, after stupid rain coverage preempted the first episode, and a stupid spurs game preempted "part 2"/gus&hera's boot (the only team besides the sisters that i really liked ), and missing another episode and a half all on my own. it's just a shame everyone left is such a group of clusterf***s, although collectively less so today than they were 24 hours ago