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"East Cost Update "

Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-03 AT 08:12 PM (EST)

Bash, spoil, rave, rant. Just do it here before 12am. I'm starting this since Ice is not on right now.

-lets dedicate the updates to Moonie and our friends without power tonight.

edited to ROTFL @ East Cost. I'm such a doofus.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-03 AT 08:13 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 08-14-03 AT 08:08 PM (EST)

The teams set out for Fermy Hills - they have to find the clue in the Wool shed. It opens at 6:00 a.m

The wool shed is where the kangaroos are. Kelly and Jon find the clue first. Teams must now go to Brisbane airport, fly to Cairns and then go to the Wildworld Zoo in Cairns.

Edited to correct mistake.

"Good luck Nor'easterners with the power"
Posted by hookem on 08-14-03 at 08:07 PM
A buck for this race... lol

May the good news be yours.
-- Ralph Renick

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:09 PM
Teams start out with $1 for this leg of the race. Teams leave driving to Australian Woolshed which doesn't open until 6am. All teams arrive about 4 hours before it opens, and sleep in their cars.

Jon and Kelly have fun ribbing Chip and Reichen, since they're always so serious.

All teams rush in at 6am. They have to search through huge piles of wool for a clue. It's warm sticky and smells like ass. (so says Kelly)

Jon finds the clue first. Temas must drive to Brisbane airport and fly to Cairns, where they will go to the zoo for the next clue.

Chip and Reichen are in second. Dave and Jeff still searching through the wool, as the other teams are on their way to the airport.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:17 PM
All teams arrive at Cairns on the same plane and are now racing to Wild World. Kelly is having more worse fears. This time, she's the only girl and she's afraid of the guys on the other teams.

Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:20 PM
The Kodak Easy Share camera. One partner has to feed the croc and the other has to snap a pic of this. Next they have to rush to the souvenir stand to have the pic developed to see the next clue.
Kelly and Jon get there first but forget the camera. They have to go to the back of the line.
Dude and Bro finish first.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:22 PM
They now have to drive 15 miles to Wangetti Beach and the next clue.
D/J leave 1st
K/J 2nd
R/C 3rd

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:25 PM
DETOUR Saddle - ride a horse on the beach to find route marker and 1 of 4 clusters holding a clue. 1 cluster has a clue the others say try again.

or Paddle - paddle to an orange buoy with the clue attached.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:25 PM
Dave and Jeff finally find the clue after backtracking through all the wool. They say they are just behind Chip and Reichen.

Jon and Kelly arrive first at the airport, at 6:55am. They book what they're told is the first flight at 7:45am. Chip and Reichen copy Jon and Kelly's flight, as do Dave and Jeff. Jon whines about bunching. All three teams are on the same flight to Cairns.

All teams jump in cars and take off in a light rain to Wildworld. Teams race along a 2 lane road. Jon blocks the road and boxes Chip in. Chip fumes. Teams arrive in a line at Wildworld, and run for the clue box.

choose a camera and go to the croc pen. One feeds the croc, and the other team member takes a pic. They have to take the camera to get a pic developed, to get their next clue. Only on team goes at a time. Jon and Kelly didn't follow instructions, and pick up the camera, so they have to go to the back of the line. (they bicker and blame each other)

David and Jeff go first. Blonde one feeds fish, and brunette one takes pic. (I still don't know who is who on this team..LOL)

Chip feeds, Reichen snaps pic.

Jon feeds, Kelly snaps pic.

Kelly and Jon develop their pic faster than C&R.

Teams go to souvineer shop to develop pic and get clue.

Wangetti Beach is the next route marker. Teams must drive themselves there.

1st D&J to beach for detour. Saddle or Paddle. Saddle- explore 1 1/2 mile streach of beach for clues. (slow) Paddle- Inflate kayak and paddle to clue (demanding but quick)

2nd R&C- do saddle.

3rd K&J- get lost and lose a spot.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-03 AT 08:42 PM (EST)

David and Jeff found the clue 1st. They headed off to Joolatten(sp) to Off Road Rush.

edited to correct the name of the roadblock.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:34 PM
Chip runs over Reichens foot which sets off a brief arguement where Chip calls Reichen a ass@ole.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:37 PM
Roadblock - drive along a 7 mile dirt coarse with an instructor. When that driver returns, the team is given their clue.
The blond dude does the course and finishes just as R/C arrive.

The pitstop is next, drive 50 miles to Ellis Beach.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:39 PM
Chip crashed the buggy and dents the front so badly that he has to get another car and start again. They still finish before K/J arrive.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:42 PM
Reichen and Chip get several of bogus (try again) clue clusters. Dave and Jeff are also doing Saddle. They find a clue on the first try.

Teams must now drive 35 miles to Off Road Rush for next route marker.

Jon and Kelly finally arrive and also do saddle.

Dave and Jeff take off as the others are still looking for clues at the detour.

Reichen and Chip finally find a clue. Jon and Kelly are still looking.

Chip ran over Reichens foot as they were getting in the car. Then they start bitching at each other.

Kelly finds the clue, and off they go!

Reichen and Chip stop for directions, so do Jon and Kelly. Dave and Jeff find it first.

Road Block- One team member must run 7 mile course in a buggy with an instructor.

Blonde guy drives for D&J. The course is a dirt road with hills and mud.

Chip and Reichen find the Road Block next, just as D&J are finishing. Chip is driving. Chip hits a few tires and runs into a bunch of trees. Chip cries (literally!) when he bends up the car. Chip has to wait for a new car. ANd he's off! Chip finally finishes the course. They head to the pit stop.

Jon and Kelly pull in as C&R are leaving.

Pit stop is 50 mile drive to Ellis Beach. Dave and Jeff are first to head to pit stop.

Kelly wants to do the road block, but lets Jon do it. Kelly says "be careful Jon" The care dies on the start, but he gets it going again. OOps, Jon is all over the course, he takes a cruve too fast and flips the buggy. Kelly screams and goes running to the car.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:49 PM
Jon turns the buggy over. Kelly thinks he's dead but when she reaches him, he's upside down, laughing.

David and Jeff #1. They win a European vacation courtesy of American Airlines. They ran a near flawless leg.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:51 PM
Kelly freaks as Jon climbs out of the dirt laughing. Jon gets back in, and Kelly screams "be careful, I need you to win the million bucks"

Dave and Jeff arrive first at the pit stop. They are confident, and happy to be in the lead. They win a vacation to Europe for being first. Dave and Jeff plan on taking advantage of other teams mistakes to win the last leg.

Jon finally finishes the course in one piece. He's laughing like a madman. They head to the pit stop.

Chip looks like he is going to have a heart attack, he is so serious. C&R are second to arrive. Chip says he's luck to have Reichen on his team.

Jon and Kelly arrive at the pit stop last. The good news is, this is one of the predetermined non elimination legs. They have decided they can not have children, since they would inherit their stupidity. They hope to regroup so they can win. They like their chances.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:52 PM
Chip and Reichen are #2
Kelly and Jon #3. Non-elimination which they already knew.
I found them more likeable this leg.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by Spidey on 08-14-03 at 11:42 PM
Kelly and Jon #3. I found them more likeable this leg.

Indeed, the redemption has begun.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 08:54 PM
Next week, nudity and car crashes!

"RE: East Coast Update "
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:57 PM
Thanks for helping with the update MsShel! Hopefully, peeps who missed the show will get an idea of how it went from our updates.

"RE: East Coast Update "
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 09:00 PM
My pleasure The lights seem to be coming on slowly farther north from me. Hopefully everyone got through the blackout fine.

"RE: East Coast Update "
Posted by diamond on 08-14-03 at 10:07 PM
Thanks so much for the updates, you guys.

I didn't lose power, but I did stupidly forget to turn off my VCR this morning, so it didn't tape, and I missed the show!

"On the season finale..."
Posted by true on 08-14-03 at 08:55 PM
Next week, on Amazing Race, the season finale...

Skydiving! Naked hammering (Jon)! Jon falling! and a car spinning off the road! (?) Weeee!

"RE: On the season finale..."
Posted by MsShel330 on 08-14-03 at 09:02 PM
I thought I saw a quick glimpse of Kelly taking off a bikini bottom. I wonder if peeps outside the US will see the uncensored version or will they also get blanked-out bods too.

"RE: East Cost Update "
Posted by Puffy on 08-14-03 at 09:15 PM

Thanks for doing the east coast updates. I'm on the left coast and was worried that there wouldn't be any updates tonight. Thanks!

"Thanks, True"
Posted by Bebo on 08-15-03 at 08:48 AM
One more reason to talk about how awesome you are.

Our Ice Cat was in the dark for awhile, but he's got power back now. Glad you took care of this.

Bebo, Queen of the Backwoods and your American Idol PTTE co-champ

Posted by moonbaby on 08-16-03 at 08:25 PM
Now I feel like I didn't miss a thing!


"Episode repeating right now!!!!"
Posted by IceCat on 08-16-03 at 08:57 PM
9:00 pm Saturday night! NOW!

moonie this means you!