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Forum: DCForumID37
Thread Number: 415
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"Read the Rules, then VOTE!!!"

Posted by sleeeve on 12-02-02 at 08:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-02-02 AT 08:56 PM (EST)

Your attention please: The rules are different this week due to the scheduled double episode on Wednesday night... please read the revised rules before voting!!!

Last week, only 6 of our 46 voters did not predict the non-elimination leg of the race. So while over 80% (we've gone from a grade of C- to B-!!!) get the chance to celebrate, it won't last long, because we have twice as much to predict now...

This week, we have a special two hour episode, which means that there will probably be two (or more???) legs of the race. As such, the rules have been revised. Please read them carefully!!!

1a) Post the initials of the team or teams that you think will be eliminated from the race as the subject line of your message in the order that you think that it will happen. That means hilight and delete the area that says "RE: Read the Rules, then VOTE!!!" and replace it with an appropriate combination from the following (separated by slashes):

Derek/Drew (DD)
Flo/Zach (FZ)
John Vito/Jill (JVJ)
Ken/Gerard (KG)
Teri/Ian (TI)

1b) If you think that no team will be eliminated a leg of the race, put "NONE" in the subject of your message.

If you think that there will be a total of
three legs during the course of the double-episode, then you probably need medication. However, if you think that Derek and Drew will be eliminated in the first of those legs, that the second of those legs will be a non-elimination leg, and that the third will result in Teri and Ian's demise, your subject line should read:


Remember that there is a limited space in the subject line of the message... if you try to use cute nicknames or spell out the team names, part of your vote is likely to be cut off, and it will be difficult to tally... so please use initials only!!!

There is no change to the rest of the rules, but you may wish to review them:

2) Reply to this message only (That means click reply at the bottom of MY post, not at the bottom of some other vote or a vote tally).

3) This is not a discussion thread. Only posts containing votes should be posted... if you want to comment on something someone said, do it in another thread.

4) Make any other predictions (who will get the fast forward, who will finish first, etc) in the body of your message.

Good Luck!

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by sleeeve on 12-02-02 at 08:55 PM
...in other words, I believe that there will be a total of two pit-stops during the double episode... at the first one, John Vito and Jill will be eliminated. The second one will be a non-elimination leg.

See how easy it is!!! Now try it for yourself .

No one will use a Fast Forward.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

Posted by corcam on 12-02-02 at 09:14 PM
I believe that JVJ will go for the fast forward (if they are dumb enough not to after a non-elimination then too bad so sad)

I also think one of the male/male teams will go this week... just a feeling... probably wrong but eh, when aren't I. LOL

Posted by IceCat on 12-02-02 at 09:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-02-02 AT 09:34 PM (EST)

Just cuz I hate 'em!


Posted by jenbug on 12-02-02 at 09:36 PM
While it seems strange to have two non-elims in a row- it would be anti-climatic to have an elim followed in the next hour by a non-elim.

JVJ take the fast forward after a close call last week- but basically due to bad luck end up eliminated in the second hour.

Did I do it right, Sleeve?

Posted by clemsonbeav on 12-02-02 at 10:05 PM

Posted by cmaybur on 12-02-02 at 10:27 PM
I think that the producers have a surprise for the teams, and the surprise is that the next leg ending in Switzerland will also be non-elimination. Jack and Jill will go for the fast-forward expecting an elimination round, but will unfortunately be eliminated at the end of the subsequent leg in Singapore.


"Ten countries, four continents, forty-six thousand miles... Derek and Drew, you are the winners of The Amazing Race."

Posted by johnthemod on 12-02-02 at 10:47 PM
I really hope Ken and Gerard win this thing.

Posted by survivormitsx on 12-02-02 at 10:53 PM
My whole falling theory is still in the works...remember Jill falling? Yea, I think so. Ken and Gerard will then be the next eliminated (they fell down the hill). It only counts as a fall if they fell themselves-if they fell off of an object (like a jetski/bike) they fell off of that, not by their own doing. Congrats final three: Flo and Zach, Derek and Drew, Teri and Ian.

Posted by ejm92 on 12-02-02 at 11:00 PM
Call it a "GUT" feeling, but I think K&G are next....Alternate Pick: KG/NONE

2002 NFC North Champs

Posted by Loree on 12-02-02 at 11:11 PM
I don't like this vote. I would much rather see Ian & Teri leave. But I think JVJ are too far behind and will be eliminated first. And I doubt they would have 2 non-eliminations in a row so I think the first half will boot someone and the second half won't.

Posted by travelingbetty on 12-02-02 at 11:18 PM
OK, it boils down to two teams with the chance of going based on the spoilers, JVJ and the "older brothers". As much as I don't want either team to go, I am going with Jack and Jill just because the brothers have more of a build up at this point in time (meaning they will stay) which is consistent with the editing of the last two seasons.

I don't think that there will be two non-elims in a row, so the suspense is on for the next week.

Posted by sjunkim on 12-03-02 at 00:14 AM
Hmmmm, maybe the producers will decide to mix it up.. I highly doubt it though... but its worth a shot...

I noticed that a few people were saying that JVJ were pretty far behind and I tend to disagree because seeing as how everyone walked to the pitstop it wouldn't be that big of a time difference...

I want FZ out... now.... just go already, I wanna vote for someone else...

remember for us canadians in mountain time (Alberta.) CTV is having it at 8pm-10pm....

Posted by magic_star on 12-03-02 at 01:22 AM
After John/Jill get the FF, they are the weakest link. I would rather see John/Jill get eliminated though.

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

Posted by terio on 12-03-02 at 02:27 AM
Flo is just sooooo whiny and irritating (and I feel so sorry for Zach) that I'm gonna pray every night that she's gone in the next episode. Remember there's gonna be bungy jumping ? If it's not the Roadblock (where most likely poor Zach has to perform again), then I think Flo's gonna freak out big time this leg.....costing them time and elimination.

Posted by icarus1502 on 12-03-02 at 02:56 AM
flo always tries to find a way to bungle up everything

1st part:
FZ (elim)

2nd part:
TI (saved by non-elim)

Posted by railfan on 12-03-02 at 06:35 AM
Two non-elims in a row shake up the racers and possibly spell a big mistake for JVJ if they go for the FF too early.

Posted by Cole on 12-03-02 at 02:13 PM
John Vito and Jill do not use their fast forward because they think they are only a minute behind Ken/Gerard and can catch up. They want to save it to get into the final three. Unfortunately, they arrive at the Detour last. They are last in line to bungee jump, and each jump takes 15 minutes to reset. They make it to Lake Geneva, where John Vito does the water-related Roadblock, but it's too late.

In the "Phil's photos" section of the CBS site, the section which has the Lake Geneva Switzerland pics also has a pic of John Vito and Jill. They are the only ones in this set of pictures. In the Germany set, they are wearing the same clothes and Jill looks angry/upset. I think this was their elimination interview.

In the second leg, Derek and Drew come in last.

Posted by smiles on 12-03-02 at 02:15 PM
I think jvj will go for the Fast Forward and kg will be eliminated in the first leg. However, I don't think the FF will help them out much and jvj will be the last ones on the second leg, but luckily it is a non-elimination round.

Alt pick: If jvj doesn't use ff, then it is jvj.none.

Posted by QueenP on 12-03-02 at 02:18 PM
I hope I'm wrong about the brothers. They're the only comic relief on the show.


Posted by Bebo on 12-03-02 at 02:25 PM
Since JVJ just barely survived, courtesy of non-elimination, and they didn't like finishing last, I think they'll go ahead and use the FF to try and get back with the pack.

I'm in favor of 2 non-eliminations in a row because:
- The producers want to mess with the heads of the contestants. Last year, it was anti-climactic when Tara announced that it was no big deal to finish last since the clue didn't mention elimination. What a fun way to mess with their heads.

- Ratings. As those of us who have written non-elimination summaries can attest, they're about as much fun as kissing your sister (if you're not Blake). We TAR viewers know that there's only going to be one elimination tonight, since we've been told there are three in total and only one has been shown. So if the elimination occurs at the end of the first hour, how many of us are going to turn off the TVs...or worse, change the channel? (raises hand)

They want us watching until 11 pm to keep our local news and Mr. Letterman happy that they're getting ratings support. After all, if the second episode is non-elimination, why not just wait and do the double episode next week? Then we could be treated to some lovely holidays specials tonight, like Rob Lowe spooging over somebody's shoes. (thanks to Landru for providing the funny)

"JVJ/NONE !!!!!"
Posted by katem on 12-03-02 at 02:28 PM
Unfortunately JVJ do not use the last FF and get bounced in the opening segment. The last hour is non-elimination, in preparation for next week's big showdown, to see who will finish the race and who won't.

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

Posted by Esbea on 12-03-02 at 02:58 PM

"I prefer the wicked to the foolish. The wicked sometimes rest."

Posted by ulalame on 12-03-02 at 02:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-03-02 AT 03:00 PM (EST)

I think there will be two non-elimination rounds in a row, (E8 and Leg 1 of E9), to shake up the contestants, and also because I think it will make for better programming for the two hour E9 to end up with an elimination. They stay in Switzerland for Leg 1, and either JVJ jump the gun and uses the FF in the first part, which puts them at risk of elimination in Leg 2, or they decide to save it to carry them into the final three, and blow it. They go in Leg 2, in Singapore.

Alt: Ken and Girard.

Posted by Bucky Katt on 12-03-02 at 03:04 PM
"I'll have you know, I rock!" BA

Posted by Spidey on 12-03-02 at 03:25 PM

Posted by managerr on 12-03-02 at 04:47 PM
If you believe the Phil's Photos thread, posters have narrowed down the 1st half episode to them still being in Europe for one more ep. Perhaps still in Switzerland. If that's the case, then the first leg must be non-elim again.

In TAR2, the non elimination legs were those in which you had a short distance to travel. (Thailand to Thailand or Australia to Australia) If they are staying in Switzerland for the 1st half ep, it will be a non-elimination as I can't imagine a leg from Switzerland all the way to Singapore being non-elim.

So, I am voting NONE for the first leg. As to the 2nd, I flipped a coin between Ken Gerard and John Vito/Jill. Ken and Gerard's lack of screen time in the last couple of episodes worry me. They have come close to making big mistakes in the past--I think they could easily do one here.

Posted by bobstew617 on 12-03-02 at 04:50 PM
This is a tough week to predict as JVJ are the only ones left who have NOT used their FF. Since that is the case, I don't think they will go--YET.

FF: (1st leg) JVJ
Eliminated: Ken/Gerard first leg, but it's a coin flip.

I think the second leg/hour will be non-elimination.

Posted by snoocharoo on 12-03-02 at 05:26 PM
Voting in absetia for my husband who is out of town this week.


Posted by VA Slim on 12-03-02 at 06:55 PM
Haven't been right yet! Why start now?

Posted by Goober on 12-03-02 at 08:17 PM
H'okay, Mystic Meg is getting strong vibes that all signs lead to Team Zoolander's downfall. Be forewarned though, she has never managed to pick the winning lottery nos...

Posted by rucksack on 12-03-02 at 10:09 PM
The picture of the chairs in a circle at the castle on Lake Geneva leads me to believe the first round is non-elim and there is a small chit chat with the contestants at that pit stop...too much focus on John Vito/Jill last week, so it is time for them to go.

Posted by PlaneJane3 on 12-04-02 at 00:25 AM
It will be most likely JVJ win the FF, then get eliminated on the next leg.

Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-04-02 at 02:20 AM
I hope it isn't JV and J...

The Reality Show Queens!!


"Vote Totals So Far..."
Posted by sleeeve on 12-04-02 at 03:54 AM
In an unsurprising result, everyone thinks that there will be two legs in this week's double episode... Furthermore, everyone so far believes that one (and only one) of those legs will be a non-elimination leg.

As is tradition here at RealityTVWorld.com, when an episode features many possibilities, we give you more statistics than you could possibly want, so here's what the voting looks like so far:

This is post #34 summarizing 33 votes and 1 tally.

Net Results
John Vito/Jill - 16
Ken/Gerard - 9
Derek/Drew - 4
Flo/Zach - 3
Teri/Ian - 1
No One Eliminated At All - 0

Results By Leg Of Race
First Leg
Non-elimination - 13
John Vito/Jill - 8
Ken/Gerard - 7
Derek/Drew - 3
Flo/Zach - 2
Teri/Ian - UTR

Second Leg
Non-elimination - 20
John Vito/Jill - 8
Ken/Gerard - 2
Derek/Drew - 1
Flo/Zach - 1
Teri/Ian - 1

Results By Combination

DD/FZ - 0
DD/JVJ - 0
DD/KG - 0
DD/TI - 0

FZ/DD - 0
FZ/JVJ - 0
FZ/KG - 0
FZ/TI - 0

JVJ/DD - 0
JVJ/FZ - 0
JVJ/KG - 0
JVJ/TI - 0

KG/DD - 0
KG/FZ - 0
KG/JVJ - 0
KG/TI - 0

TI/DD - 0
TI/FZ - 0
TI/JVJ - 0
TI/KG - 0

Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 12-04-02 at 08:34 AM

Posted by FesterFan1 on 12-04-02 at 11:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-04-02 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

I'm so freaking pissed at this season. What did I do to deserve a final 3 that includes the worst team in the history of this show and the most annoying team since "Leeennnnyyyy!!!"?? The only thing saving this season for me was Jill. She's awesome. But now, she'll be leaving us, and I'm not sure if I'll watch the last two episodes. Oh well...

JVJ go for FF in the first leg, but it won't matter since it's a non-elim. Their fate is sealed in the second leg...


"None - JVJ"
Posted by bondt007 on 12-04-02 at 11:22 AM
Well... this time I do hope I am WRONG!

Posted by vsuri on 12-04-02 at 11:48 AM

Posted by Ronnet on 12-04-02 at 11:53 AM
But I wish it was TI and not JVJ

Posted by moonbaby on 12-04-02 at 12:34 PM
We shall seee

Posted by GTmike on 12-04-02 at 01:16 PM

"change: JVJ/NONE"
Posted by GTmike on 12-04-02 at 01:17 PM
sorry. put them backwards: JVJ/NONE

Posted by wildchickenhunter on 12-04-02 at 02:22 PM
May be the best team (read: easiest to like) left....but I am afraid they are gone.

Posted by Sophie on 12-04-02 at 02:52 PM
I know...Wishful thinking...I want JVJ to win!

Posted by realitybites on 12-04-02 at 03:17 PM
Though it seems weird to have non-elim legs back-to-back, I think it's better than the alternative.

As for who gets eliminated, there's really just two choices, and I picked the one in the worse position.

Posted by Lisapooh on 12-04-02 at 03:24 PM
Hoping we're wrong.

Thanks for the awesome summaries landru and AMAI. You rock!

convertible courtesy of Ice Cat Motor Company

Posted by muckyduck on 12-04-02 at 04:43 PM
JVJ/NONE is what I think it will be
FZ/TI is what I would like to happen!

Posted by greeneyes on 12-04-02 at 05:45 PM
Just a guess -- I'm probably wrong again, but why change now, I haven't guessed right yet.

Posted by L82LIFE on 12-04-02 at 05:58 PM
Hope I'm wrong. I would like to see this team win, but I think they'll try to save the FF and it will end up putting them in last.

Posted by AyaK on 12-04-02 at 07:38 PM
I'd like for JVJ to get the FF, but I'm afraid that even that might not get them to the PS on time to beat PK's announcement that they have been E'd.

Second leg ... is here because CBS wanted the show to end on a certain date ... and they want to see if a double leg with the elimination first has less viewer loss than a double leg with the elimination second did last year.

Posted by Femme on 12-04-02 at 07:49 PM
Do I get extra credit if I say EEE is hot? Just askin'...


Posted by mystic on 12-04-02 at 07:56 PM
with the spoilers has to be them or JVJ.

Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-04-02 at 08:20 PM
First leg: Ken and Gerard.

Second: Non-elimination round

OSU Buckeyes-the next national champions!!

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-04-02 at 08:59 PM
Not going to have two no-eliminations in a row, so I'm banking on Ken/Gerard to get the boot in the first part, then a no-elimination in the second.

A close back-up choice in my mind would be John Vito and Jill -- but I have a feeling they'll grab the FF and make it in time to save their arses for next week when they'll be eliminated.

My Final Three (not that I want it to happen that way): The Twits, Flozac, the Bunkers.

"FINAL Vote Totals!!!"
Posted by sleeeve on 12-04-02 at 09:39 PM
Everyone voted for two legs to the race with only one elimination in the course of the night. John Vito and Jill is the lead pick for elimination, followed by Ken and Gerard. A majority of our voters feel that the elimination round will be the second leg of tonights race.

Thanks to everyone for voting, and enjoy the show!!!

This is post #55 summarizing 52 votes, 1 vote change, and 2 tallies.

Net Results
John Vito/Jill - 29
Ken/Gerard - 13
Derek/Drew - 5
Flo/Zach - 3
Teri/Ian - 2
No One Eliminated At All - 0

Results By Leg Of Race
First Leg
Non-elimination - 21
John Vito/Jill - 15
Ken/Gerard - 11
Derek/Drew - 3
Flo/Zach - 2
Teri/Ian - UTR

Second Leg
Non-elimination - 31
John Vito/Jill - 14
Derek/Drew - 2
Ken/Gerard - 2
Teri/Ian - 2
Flo/Zach - 1

Results By Combination
KG/NONE - 11