I know it's late but I thought it might be fun to see how some of us think the placement will go down for the finals!
First place finishers: Joey and Kelsey. They haven't gotten first one time, but I think they can get it when it really counts! Fingers are crossed!2nd Place: Justin and Diana ~ They were just a little too full of themselves and even after slipping into the F3 by the skin of their teeth, Justin was still arrogant. If anyone can appreciate a "FAN" team, it's me, but this team is over the top.
3rd Place: Logan and Chris: They have argued and embarrassed themselves all over the world. Don't think they have what it takes to pull out the win.
Good ending.
Loved the ending! The right team won.Green team already won enough, and while I started out rooting for the 'FAN' team, I hated how he turned into a know-it-all who looked down on the other teams.
The other team that failed was asking for it with the constant fighting.
The only thing that would had made it better if the green team had been knocked out the previous leg because of taking the wrong ferry. Al it would had taken is the taxi driver going to the right place.
I would have ended it differently.
Was happy with the ending - did not want Justin to win. He can blame it on the cab all he wants, but he is from NY and has been to Randalls Island before, he should have known it is no where to hail a cab.
OH MY! I was THRILLED with the ending! For a while I was nervous about the paparazzi being in first, but those two....ugh! Didn't know any of the flags. Thrilled that the Reporters won it all. Justin, what a tool, and tight wad sending his cabbie on his way.Now, I'm afraid that someday Justin and Diana will be back in an All-Star season. I heard that the Cheerleaders would be sought after as well. Wouldn't mind seeing them again, just hope there aren't anymore underwater retrieval challenges....d'oh!
I was sooooo happy to see Justin leave!
Like the last season, this one ended as I would have wished.Now I'm waiting for Justin to claim that they were still the best team, and that really, they won.
Referencing their RTVW interview, Justin and Diana said they had compiled a list of 10 commandments after watching each season several times.Just a guess, but I would bet "don't be overconfident" wasn't mentioned anywhere in those commandments. As well as "don't be a douche".
Can I guess even though I never watched it?
>I know it's late but I
>thought it might be fun
>to see how some of
>us think the placement will
>go down for the finals!
ill go down for the finals!
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-21 AT 11:22 PM (EST)
each time i heard how tons disappointment the king will be, it changed into like a river of spring water