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Forum: DCForumID37
Thread Number: 191
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"China Transport Relay"

Posted by mark grace on 12-19-01 at 06:08 AM
I know this is a bit old but I was wondering how long it took for both Team Guido and the Festers to finish this task. Fester left in the afternoon and by the time they got to the resturant it was DARK...

The table tennis didn't take long at all.. probably 20 minutes at the most hhaha.. the traffic relay looked like it may have taken some time but I was wondering if anyone knows how long it took..

I think that this was the biggest mistake made by the festers.... if they did table tennis they would have destroyed team guido.. hahah

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"RE: China Transport Relay"
Posted by travelingbetty on 12-19-01 at 10:15 AM
I don't have a definitive answer for you but in their interview with Rosie, they stated that the transportation relay took as long as R&B playing pingpong. That may have been a defensive response, but that is what they said.

"RE: China Transport Relay"
Posted by Ruthless on 12-19-01 at 10:20 PM
I thought the same thing myself. The teams had to go the market after the detour to get the food. Festers and Guido got there after dark, so naturally it was closed and they had to come back the next morning.

With the Lawyers and Frangarita they seemed to go straight from the pingpong to the foodmarket and then to the restaurant to get the food cooked - it seemed like it all happened on the same day, but they were only 24 hours ahead of Guido going into the last leg, so they must have had an overnight wait for the foodmarket to open as well, otherwise they would have been more than 24 hours ahead.

I'll have to watch the episode again to see if it is any clearer as to what time they went to the foodmarket and what time they reached the pitstop.