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"TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-23-11 at 08:12 PM
On time up here as usual...

Please keep your comments on tonight's TAR episode right here in this thread until the West Coasters have had a chance to get caught up on the show.

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"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-23-11 at 08:13 PM
The trek to the first clue is particularly why I love to watch TAR, what makes the show so fascinating for me -- teams have to climb onto an elephant and navigate along the edge of a river to get to their next clue.

This would be something I'd love to do...

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-11 at 08:14 PM
On time at least here as well.

The elephant ride looked really cool

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-23-11 at 08:17 PM
I'm amazed that it started on time. So amazed that I wasn't in the living room to watch it.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 10-23-11 at 09:06 PM
But this time I could not get on the internet to post.

I miss another chance to post along with everyone else.

"What a coincidence."
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:21 PM
I just felt The One True Nausea.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-23-11 at 08:32 PM
What's with the teams having money issues?

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-11 at 08:35 PM
I thought it was about the we are OK with the temples, barely, because we know the one true God thing...


"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:37 PM
It was. Jennifer was considerably more respectful.

I should make out a Love List just to send the 'But not greater than MY church' duo to the bottom of it.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:28 PM
I dare you.

Mostly because I would dearly love to read an Estee lvoe list.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-23-11 at 08:38 PM
>I thought it was about the
>we are OK with the
>temples, barely, because we know
>the one true God thing...

Yeah, that threw me off too. Good job disrepecting your hosts. Not too mention making Jennifer look good in comparison.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:56 PM
Wonder why they waited five legs before letting us in on the fact that Andy & Tommy are bible thumpers.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by featherfish81 on 10-23-11 at 10:49 PM
Eh, that wasn't that disrespectful.

"We don't mind being around these temples, because we know that they don't really have any power" is not that bad.

I can easily imagine someone like the Weavers. "Oh, it's so sad to be around these temples. These people have been deceived by the powers of darkness, etc etc." It could have been much worse.

Though I agree with someone else, it's weird that they never mentioned it before now, and suddenly the editing was all about their (all the racers, not just the snowboarders') religion.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by Starshine on 10-24-11 at 05:14 AM
Back in TAR 3 (yes I am that old) we did have a team (Forgotten their names, but they were the brother and sister who were waaaay to into each other) praying for the souls of the ignorant savages (to paraphrase) whilst burning a car in a temple.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:35 PM
The taxi drivers are fleecing the tourists of their fresh green wool -- and the locals seem to be in on it. Then again, the teams had their taxis for hours: the rates could legitimately be that high. If so, the fault belongs to whoever decided what the leg funds would be.

"RE: What a coincidence."
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 10-23-11 at 09:17 PM
I think is both a fleecing and caution. The ones with problem seem to only have (mostly) America money. If you don't know the day's exchange rate you want to quote high, but that woman seems to be inflating the rate even more than it needs to be to be safe.

"No first-class bus?"
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:34 PM
My understanding was that the restriction against top-rate travel only applied to flights. So now Racers are rules-mandated to get only the svckiest forms of transportation possible? 'Hey, could you tell me who the worst taxi driver in this country is?' That explains so much...

Or maybe Zac blew this one. We're waiting for Phil to rule at the mat.

"Phil Rules"
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-11 at 08:54 PM
Air Travel Only for the First Class thing.

"And I rule"
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:58 PM
that between this and the no-notes not-my-fault issue at the temple, Zac is desperately trying to cover his idiocy -- and failing.

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by ARnutz on 10-23-11 at 09:11 PM
Zac did suggest they write notes. Laurence told him they didn't need it, then wanted to blame him... after Laurence told us that HE is the DAD and Zac will listen to him.

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:15 PM
Laurence came off as a big jerk tonight. Didn't want to take notes, then blamed Zac. Get the feeling he is not an easy father to please.

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 09:28 PM
My fault -- I switched names between father and son. (Which may say something about how I feel about the teams this year. I can't even be bothered to remember which snowjobboarder is which.)

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:31 PM
Could be worse - in the first week I mixed up Amani and Marcus.

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-23-11 at 09:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-11 AT 09:40 PM (EST)

Complete speculation here, but I'm wondering if Laurence is a mega 'pushy parent' type. Not many parents would let their 16-year-olds attempt a round-the-world navigation and even after Zac had an encounter with pirates, Laurence and his wife still allowed Zac's younger sister to go ahead with her own navigation attempt. Such an achievement is often the result of a parent(s) who demand the best from their kids and usually wouldn't accept a "good enough, you tried" effort.

"RE: And I rule"
Posted by michel on 10-23-11 at 09:38 PM
The trip around the world was probably not Laurence's idea alone.

"Detour, anyone?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 08:41 PM
Did I miss something?

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: Detour, anyone?"
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-11 at 08:43 PM
Two Roadblocks this time, so I don't think time for a Detour as well.

"RE: Detour, anyone?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:11 PM
I like the idea of two Roadblocks, each having to do one but I'm not sure this was the leg I would have chosen for it.

"RE: Detour, anyone?"
Posted by michel on 10-23-11 at 09:40 PM
Thanks for explaining. I was watching the baseball game at the same time so I was confused about "your partner has to do it".

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-23-11 at 08:43 PM
>On time up here as usual...
>Please keep your comments on tonight's
>TAR episode right here in
>this thread until the West
>Coasters have had a chance
>to get caught up on
>the show.

Team #1 Amani & Marcus
Team #2 Bill & Cathi

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 10-23-11 at 08:49 PM
The groups from the various buses really have no idea where they are in relation to each other -- there's way too much freaking out at the various stop points for any knowledge of your place in the pack.

Meanwhile, the snowboarders may be getting introduced to an Eastern concept they don't believe in: karma. I still think the twins are too far back for any hopes of catching up (and note that Phil did not give Ernie & Cindy any penalty for riding what might have been another first-class bus), but at least our latest Fraud Squad is in a light panic.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-23-11 at 08:53 PM
>The groups from the various buses
>really have no idea where
>they are in relation to
>each other -- there's way
>too much freaking out at
>the various stop points for
>any knowledge of your place
>in the pack.
>Meanwhile, the snowboarders may be getting
>introduced to an Eastern concept
>they don't believe in:
>karma. I still think
>the twins are too far
>back for any hopes of
>catching up (and note that
>Phil did not give Ernie
>& Cindy any penalty for
>riding what might have been
>another first-class bus), but at
>least our latest Fraud Squad
>is in a light panic.

The twins keep "lucking" into free cab rides.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:26 PM
The luck didn't extend to staying in the race. I wanted to give them some respect for not begging from poor people but isn't begging for free cab rides the same thing? Those drivers aren't exactly the 1% and the time and gas they are giving you is taking money out of their pockets.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by michel on 10-23-11 at 09:42 PM
I bet this was editing though. The producers knew they were dead last but they wanted them to get to the end anyway. I bet the camera crew paid the cabs.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:48 PM
I think you are probably right, that somehow those drivers were paid. But that brings up a question, was it done because all other teams had already checked in? That's the only way it would be fair. If the lady who took Andy & Tommy's clue hadn't come back and then they got lost, it could have actually affected the outcome.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by ARnutz on 10-23-11 at 09:57 PM
I think that's a very good possibility because they left the pit stop about 2 hours after all the others, plus had to do the speed bump... and finally we got real speed bump! Come in last? OK, we'll let you stay, but you have to shovel $h!t on the next leg.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by dabo on 10-23-11 at 10:47 PM
isn't begging for free cab rides the same

Actually, it's smarter; the free cab rides are probably a lot quicker than normal cab rides.

"Bad move by Andy and Tommy"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 08:47 PM
Give your clue to someone who disappears with it.

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: Bad move by Andy and Tommy"
Posted by ARnutz on 10-23-11 at 09:14 PM
Yup. A lot of bad moves by several teams this week. Who would've thought Amani & Marcus would be #1 and even more shocking... Bill & Cathi at #2!!!

Jims casino just raked in all our JimsBucks.

"RE: Bad move by Andy and Tommy"
Posted by michel on 10-23-11 at 09:44 PM
Yep, this week was great for Jims bank. I stayed at the exact same total by having teams #4 and 5 but I think I gained ground!!

"RE: Bad move by Andy and Tommy"
Posted by featherfish81 on 10-23-11 at 10:56 PM
A lot of them seemed to forget the basic rule - check for which bus (plane, boat) arrives first, not which one leaves first.

"Next Week"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-11 at 09:23 PM
We are finally moving to a new continent - Africa. And the teams will be playing some form of bumper car game with tobacco - I think.

"RE: TAR 19, Episode 5 ... East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kingfish on 10-24-11 at 04:47 PM
Well I'm sad. Just caught up with DVR of last night's episode.

Those two girls were just adorable, eliminating them was kinda like stepping on a couple of puppies.