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"TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 07:13 PM
Last week, Jamie/Cara, the Cheerleaders, were made extinct by the Roadblock of building a life-size dinosaur replica in China...

We have a spoiler on who'll be eliminated tonight as we are advertised to be heading to Kolkuta/Calcutta, India this week... Won't mention it here, but it's in the voting thread...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:18 PM
Started at 7:00pm in Canada, I missed what they had to do to get to India where they get to experience taxi driving at night.

Taxis vs Trucks is fun!

Ron does the tea tasting and is great! (Is the world ending?) He uses his sense of smell instead of looking at colour or taste.

Cowboys do the same!

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:21 PM
R&C and Cowboys open bottle of Snapple (product placement?) to find the clue, the black girls instead try to find where Snapple is made.

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:25 PM
Why is it with so many teams clearly smelling the teas and finding the right ones that the other teams are not smelling their teas?

In particular, why don`t their partners at the side not notice how the winning teams are working?

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-11 AT 07:30 PM (EST)

R&C and the girls dump their bad taxi drivers, but the girls are still looking from the wrong place. One of the girls opens the bottle on the advice of the other. Boy, are they mad.

"Goths like"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:32 PM
Goth like the colour choice in their task.

"RE: Goths like"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:39 PM
They are enjoying this job.

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:35 PM
I thought Luke was smarter than this! This is a task (tea search) where no-one had an advantage over him.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:43 PM
Both his mother and the monitors encourage him on, and he finds the tea soon after.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Loree on 03-27-11 at 07:50 PM
Luke and Margie always seem to get someone to help them with their tasks. They follow others and get the answers given to them. At first Luke was not even tasting the teas he was standing there acting like he thought someone else would tell him the answer. They finally had to do a task themselves.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:02 PM
I have to look at the American feed and see if I see that. If so then I have no pity that he had such a hard time at the task. If Ron the Mouth, Mathless Cowboys, and the HGT can do it, then so can he.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:37 PM
You are right! At the early point he just stands around, and he seems to have no method to searching.

Others use smell (best method), taste and colour. Luke seems to be picking at random.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-27-11 at 08:42 PM
I didn't see that where he was "standing around like he was expecting someone to tell him the answer", but he did express his frustrations a couple of times and say it was "hard, hard, hard".

Remember, he's a visual person (as a deaf person) so that kind of person tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves in a visual way while hearing people voice it out loudly in certain cases.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-11 AT 08:54 PM (EST)

But he is wasting time expressing his frustration instead of doing the task.

I have seen other people do this, when the task is important to get done they waste time wanting to talk about how they feel, note I mean they feel it necessary STOP working while they do this.

Twice in my life, my own life was put at risk by this behavior on the part of another person, that is why i can't stand it.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-27-11 at 08:51 PM
Still, I'd like to see him grow a set of balls and just find a way to do the task without breaking down into tears.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by dabo on 03-28-11 at 00:36 AM
Luke was always highly animated, emotionally on edge, but that was tough to watch. At least they got out of this one without getting caught up in a bitter rivalry or Margie collapsing from exhaustion.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by Karchita on 03-28-11 at 03:12 PM
There seems to be something much more going on with Luke than just a momma's boy living in a hearing world.

"RE: Luke"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-28-11 at 06:12 PM
I'm waiting for my co-worker to watch last night's episode on TV tonight, then will discuss with her about Luke and whether he has something more going on with his wiring up in his brain than simply "just a momma's boy living in a hearing world". My co-worker was one of Luke's roommates at the Rochester Institute of Technology for a couple of semesters back in about 2006 or so, so she'd know a thing or two about what makes him tick.

I can tell you that Luke certainly isn't representative of the Deaf community in general, so yes there's something more than what you put it.

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:38 PM
Ron is complaining as usual, but I noticed that I too as I get older can`t stand loud music anymore. Is it an age thing?

"RE: Ron"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:40 PM
He Discos?

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:44 PM
The kids at the school are cute.

"Winners prizes, no names"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-11 AT 08:06 PM (EST)

Yes Snapple is doing product placement.

But they give the winners:
(1) The first taste of their newest teas (what the @#$% is that as a prize)?

(2) A Bollywood feast (better but still not that great).

(3) And one million ruppees (now we are talking).

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:52 PM
I missed it, someone kicks the bucket?

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 07:55 PM
How could they be so bad at math??????

Phil had just told them their position, the other teams were right there and they still got it wrong!

"Finish Order?"
Posted by samboohoo on 03-27-11 at 08:03 PM

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Finish Order?"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:12 PM
I don't want to spoil it for those watching right now, if no-one else does it I will post at the end of the present showing.

"RE: Finish Order?"
Posted by samboohoo on 03-27-11 at 08:14 PM
Will you PM me.

No patience whatsoever. I will not tell, I promise.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Cowboys"
Posted by dabo on 03-28-11 at 00:40 AM
Cowboys who can't count heads get swindled at the end of the cattle drive. Just sayin'.

"Departure times"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:27 PM
Cowboys: 2:14pm
Gary/Mallory: 2:16pm
Margie/Luke: 2:18pm, and Luke's complaining about them staying in China....

Teams must head to a tea shop, but they don't know that the mango-payaya tea will appear later... After the tasting's over, they get a brick of tea and their next clue... which is fly to Kolkata (Calcutta), India!

Sista Act: 3:43pm
Goths: 3:52pm
Trotters: 3:59pm
Ron/Christina: 4:09pm and they found out from the tea master what flavor it actually is... (Mallory thinks it's peach of somesuch...
Zev/Justin: 4:10pm

After they get the flight, it's an ugly running of the Racers toward the Taxi Stand....

Midnight taxi riding and CRAZY DRIVERS!

"RE: Departure times"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:30 PM
Cowboys: 2:14pm
Gary/Mallory: 2:16pm
Margie/Luke: 2:18pm

Talk about tight timing.

"Hours of Operation and Roadblock!"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:32 PM
and the last couple of teams are joking run ragged by the rest of the group....

Town Hall doesn't open until 10am... and it's a Roadblock!

Who's ready to drink in the scenery...?

Team members must take a papaya and a melon, and after giving them to the auctioneer, along with their brick of tea... Then they have to find the exact same flavor as they tasted in China... Once they're successful, they'll get a bottle of iced tea, with a clue under the cap...

"RE: Hours of Operation and Roadblock!"
Posted by Snidget on 03-27-11 at 08:34 PM
Mango,not melon.

Some of the teams got that pretty quickly.

"RE: Hours of Operation and Roadblock!"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:36 PM
You'd think I would remember that after typing it 5 or so minutes ago... *sigh*

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:34 PM
Ron completes it first and then finds the cap clue, which apparently sends them to the Janshanko area...

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:40 PM
Ron, a man with mouth also has a good nose. Who would had thought he would do so well?

Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:38 PM
Zev smashed the last up that got denied.... possible penalty, perhaps?

Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:42 PM
Zev's wearing silver pajamas for this leg of the Race...

"RE: BTW..."
Posted by ARnutz on 03-27-11 at 09:29 PM
Those are his tea tasting pajamas!

Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:46 PM
Hindu Art or Bengali Literature

Hindu: Paint, and decorate a statue of Genashia.... matching the demonstration version exactly...

Bengali: Take 8 stacks of books and then squeeze both the books and themselves into a rickshaw... they then have to deliver it to a school where the schoolmistress will give them their next clue...

A note about the statue: It's Goth pink!

"RE: Detour!"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:55 PM
Don't forget the music. Goths think it is just like thier morning routine. And once again, Ron Discos?

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:49 PM
Meanwhile, back at the Tea Roadblock, the Trotters finally escape, leaving an emotional Luke in Roadblock Hell... and he breaks down...

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 03-27-11 at 08:58 PM
Those Indian guys were so cute supporting Luke to get it finished.

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by michel on 03-27-11 at 09:26 PM
We're they congratulating him or just relieved that they could FINALLY go home!!!

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 03-27-11 at 09:33 PM
Whatever the reason for their joy, it was cute.

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by ARnutz on 03-27-11 at 09:30 PM
That was so sweet! They felt bad for him, I'm sure.

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 08:59 PM
I think having a big body makes it easier to drink all that tea.

"Pit Stop!"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 08:58 PM
Fountain of Joy.

Turns out that the delivery task is kinda quicker... if you can get all the directions and such correct...

Gary/Mallory have completed it. Zev/Justin just found the bookstore, and the Cowboys have just found it...

We get a check-in on Luke and after both some encouragement with a hug from Margie and some applause from the monitors... he finally finds it!

Goths are the first to escape Hindu!

"Finish Order"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 09:03 PM
Gary/Mallory are 1st and win: First tasting of limited edition TAR tea, Bollywood party during the Pit Stop, and 1 million ruppees, which is approximately $20k US

Everyone's stuck in Major Traffic Hell! Exceptions to that are Trotters who're almost done with Hindu, and Margi/Luke who have just arrived at Hindu...

Trotters kicked a bucket of paint over and royally screwed up their statue...

"RE: Finish Order"
Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 09:13 PM
We return to see the plight of the Trotters having to re-do parts of Hindu due to a paint bucket getting knocked over...

Mass arrival at the Pit Stop!

Cowboys 2nd
Ron/Christina 3rd
Zev/Justin 4th

They also get some tea to taste...

Goths are 5th, even though the Cowboys tell them their 4th...

Trotters escape Hindu, and give Margie/Luke a hug before leaving...

Sista Act 6th

Looks like it'll be a Taxi Race to stay alive....

Trotters 7th and they bare their souls being told they're still alive...
Margie/Luke 8th and are eliminated...

"RE: Finish Order"
Posted by Max Headroom on 03-27-11 at 09:53 PM
Margie/Luke 8th and are eliminated...

Woo hoo!!!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled reading.

"RE: Finish Order"
Posted by ARnutz on 03-27-11 at 09:34 PM
By the way, I saw that tea in the grocery store yesterday and was wondering why they had Amazing Race tea next to the Bret Michaels Apprentice tea. Guess I know now.

Wonder if there will ever be a Survivor tea?

"RE: Finish Order"
Posted by kidflash212 on 03-27-11 at 11:00 PM
Russell and Rob Iced Tea - Would you drink it?

"RE: Finish Order"
Posted by Bursar on 03-28-11 at 01:54 PM
Russell/Rob Kool-aid may be more appropriate.

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 03-27-11 at 09:04 PM
Snapping defeat from the jaws of victory, the GlobeTrotters kick the bucket and ruin some of their work.

Posted by vince3 on 03-27-11 at 09:17 PM
Sista Act get their hands dirty in the holy city...

Meanwhile, Zev can't stand what he's hearing... (lots of traffic horns?)

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by michel on 03-27-11 at 09:28 PM
Fummiest parts of the evening were when the teams tricked Mallory and got her running around to find a place to log in and then the Cowboys unable to count to 5!

"RE: TAR 18 Ep6 ECST"
Posted by ARnutz on 03-27-11 at 09:36 PM
Listening to Mallory shriek is never, ever fun.

Of course, the shrieking at the pit stop was much worse!