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"Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"

Posted by Queene1979 on 08-12-06 at 11:32 AM
Just thought I would start the discussion for todays feeds off! I am guessing there will be POV competition today.

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Messages in this discussion
"Veto Comp"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 01:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 01:39 PM (EST)

Veto comp should begin around 11:30 BBT.

Only James and Danielle are up. Others got up and went back to sleep. Some barely lifted their heads.

OOPS, George is up.

"RE: Veto Comp"
Posted by kingfish on 08-12-06 at 02:23 PM
Went back to SHEEP?

(rubs eyes, looks again).


"PoV Players"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 02:43 PM
Flames are gone and it sounds like Marci, James & Will are the 3 playing for veto.

Dani/Erika are happy Howie isn't playing. Marci said he will use the veto if he wins. Neither are sure that James or Will will use veto if they win it.

"Will & James Strategy"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 02:49 PM
Will Boogie & James discussing PoV strategy. Both are going to throw the competition and not chance winning it. Will asks James, "What if it is arbitrary and you actually do win, what will you do?" James worried about this, because he knows J/H will be pissed if he takes Dani off. He will work out some story that Dani made an offer for them if he takes her off and he has to do that. Will said if James wins & takes Dani off the block, they have his back.

"RE: Will & James Strategy"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 02:52 PM
They want Danielle or Erika to win POV, so they'll take themselves off and Marcellas is the replacement.

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 03:10 PM
Janelle and Marcellas are having it out in HOH. Marcellas is yelling at her and said he's been true to her.

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 03:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 03:26 PM (EST)

How can this guy live with himself. He keeps saying he never said anything about her and she went against him. Their deal was to take each other to the end and he still plans on honoring it.

He also brings out that everyone feels the HOH was rigged and that she made wrong decisions when she was HOH again.

Jani keeps questioning him about being in an alliance with Danielle & Erika. He says BB6 forced them because they came after the floaters and not the CT.

Now he tells her she lied to him because she told she would nominate CT, but put up Boogie and Erika.

Jani says she can't understand why they are so upset that she got rid of Diane. She says the floaters always talk about numbers and she feels that was because Diane had to be with them because she didn't have any friends.

In truth he does make some sense, but I don't trust him. He says he stopped coming up to HOH because he didn't want the others to think they had a deal because he knows everyone will try to break them up. That only works when you tell the other person what you are doing. But he never talked s**t about her. Oh, really?

He paced around HOH in his white robe acting like the drama queen he is. As he was leaving Jani said she still loved him. He came back and hugged her and said he always loved her and that they can't confuse what is said and what happens in the house with their relationship outside the house. She said ok, he can continue to hate her. He said he never hated her.

Now he's telling Erika his edited version of what was said.

"Janelle FINALLY Calling Marci out"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 03:27 PM
Flames finally went off and Marci & Janelle are in the middle of an argument.

Janelle is calling Marci out on his "sh!!t talk" and acting differently around Janelle. Marci keeps denying it. I never said anything and everyone says things about everyone. Marci tells Janelle that she was the only person he made a deal with in the 1st week.

Janelle says, but you are in an alliance with Erika & Danielle. Marci says "I HAVE to be." Marci claims that he "distanced" himself from Janelle to take attention away from the two of them so people wouldn't think he and Janelle are in an alliance. Janelle says, that's fine, but why do you keep talking sh!!t about me. Marci denies it.

Marci says Janelle has been throwing him under the bus. Janelle said that's not true, she was trying to protect him, but he is making everyone in the house mad.

Marci says he sleeps on the couch with his mask on so he doesn't have to talk to anyone. Janelle asks why are you telling people you hate me. Marci denies, denies, denies.

Marci says the whole house is mad that the HoH was redone for Janelle. Janelle said, it wasn't redone for me, it was because the game DIDN'T WORK. Marci replies, "Yeah, well it didn't work for me either!" Janelle then retorts, "And you got to play again the second time." Silence from Marci.

Marci goes on about how it's not fair to poor Erika to have HoH ripped from her the way it did. He is mad about it and it's not fair.

Marci pulls the guilt trip, I need you to believe in me. I need you to trust me, like you want me to trust you. I thought we had trust. Marci insists that he would have used the POV on Janelle if he won last week. Janelle asked him if she was gone if she wouldn't have saved herself last week. Marci insisted that even if Janelle was on the block, HE would not have voted her out.

Marci tells Janelle that James is in an alliance with Will/Boogie/Danielle. James is working every angle in the house.

Marci said he felt threatened and that's why Danielle, Erika & Marci "came together." It was to protect themselves. Marci told Janelle she lied to him by not putting up CT. Janelle is trying to get Marci to say why they are so mad that Janelle got rid of Diane. I wasn't coming after you, Marcellas. I think you're mad, because I got rid of one of your numbers! Diane didn't have allies and wasn't in an alliance that Janelle knew about, so why are they all so mad at Janelle because of Diane?

Marci says every week BB6 did not go after CT and they felt threatened and just wanted a chance to play, so that's why they came together. Marci says he's only working with Danielle to the point where I needed to get rid of men. I don't want girls to leave this house, but you are going after the girls. Janelle says, because they keep coming after me, especially Danielle.

Janelle tells Marci if one of the 2 come off, she is putting CG up. Marci thanks her for that. Janelle says her target is Danielle, but if Danielle saves herself, it's Erika.

Marci does the hugs/kisses, what goes on in the house can't affect friendships outside of the house. Janelle says, fine, keep acting like you hate me. Marci runs back and says he never acted like he hated Janelle, it's just he doesn't want people to think they are in an alliance and the rest of them felt attacked by the others in the BB6 alliance.

Marci heads downstairs and joines Erika in the red room, both getting dressed for the PoV comp. Marci starts spilling to Erika about his talk with Janelle.

"Oasisfan and Catty Chat"
Posted by LadyT on 08-12-06 at 04:02 PM
Oasisfan Can you get the youtube.com version of this? I hope to God this makes the broadcast. But if you can somehow work your magic for us that would rock. I always enjoy them.

Thanks Catty Chat for getting as much as you could for this. I understand they were talking very fast and it looks like you got a lot done. Do you transcripe for a living? Damn you are good.

"RE: Oasisfan and Catty Chat"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 04:30 PM
The whole thing was pretty intense and if I knew how to bring over the YouTube stuff, I would look for it and post it. It is definitely a must see.

And, as a matter of fact, I do transcribe for a living now. I quit my job as a paralegal working 60-80 hours a week for the same salaried pay and hardly time for a life and became my own boss and work from home now transcribing for the federal and state courts. My typing skills quadrupled in speed and my fingers are in great shape .

Posted by ARnutz on 08-12-06 at 04:19 PM
Some excitement in the habitrail! Thanks for the details, Catty!

I sure hope they air this on TV too!!!

"RE: Finally!"
Posted by samboohoo on 08-12-06 at 04:20 PM
Me too!

Where have you been?

Thanks Tribe!

"RE: Finally!"
Posted by ARnutz on 08-12-06 at 04:25 PM
Ummm... in the corner. Over there --->

I usually just read here. I don't want to clutter up all the live feed thresds with too many comments.

...but once in awhile, I gotta throw my $.02 in! Especially when something good happens in the house. Which hasn't happened too much this season! *rolls eyes*

"RE: Finally!"
Posted by samboohoo on 08-12-06 at 04:38 PM
Ooh, oooh, look down there. I see clips.

Thanks Tribe!

"RE: Janelle FINALLY Calling Marci out"
Posted by okaychatt on 08-12-06 at 04:28 PM
<Marci tells Janelle that James is in an alliance with Will/Boogie/Danielle. James is working every angle in the house\

Did Janelle believe him? If so, that would be good news.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Janelle FINALLY Calling Marci out"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 04:31 PM
We've been back to flames, so I am assuming they are finally playing the PoV. I don't know yet whether Marci's little confessional about James will finally get through for good with Janie, since she hasn't talked to Howie or James alone since Marci's drama fit. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

"Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 04:32 PM




(processing) link to follow as soon as it's there


"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by marius on 08-12-06 at 05:14 PM

"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by LadyT on 08-12-06 at 05:20 PM
What spoiler value does this have? Mike Boogie has a rap sheet too.

"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by marius on 08-12-06 at 05:27 PM
it kind of spoils the Janelle lovers opinions,or has about as much value as yours.

"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 08-12-06 at 06:15 PM
From a self-confessed Janie lover, nope not really, same old opinion. Actually same old news. Janie herself has even spoken about it.

"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by Elaine0 on 08-12-06 at 06:17 PM
It doesn't change my opinion of her. It's old news.

"WARNING - marius "
Posted by Bebo on 08-12-06 at 07:40 PM
Please read our community guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. Posting the same message multiple times on the forum is a violation of our guidelines.

"RE: Jani/Marcellas Clips"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 08-12-06 at 06:13 PM
This is old news.

BUT -- the good news for Janie is she has the right resume to get hired on for a one-season stint on LOST.

"Janelle & James Fighting"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 06:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 07:25 PM (EST)

It's finally happening . . .

ETA -- Apparently Janelle knows James threw the veto comp, though James keeps saying "I screwed up" and Danielle won the veto. Apparently it was something where you eliminate another and Dr. Will eliminated Marci, instead of Danielle and James eliminated Erika and later handed Dani the win by guessing a number way off or something.

James & Janelle fighting about the alliance. James does the everyone went against me every week and when I was HoH I went with the group even though I didn't want to. James does the you all lied to me and no one listened to me or included me in the decisions. Janelle said that she protected James when she was HoH last time, because she wanted Danielle out and she put up Diane instead, because of James. James said, No, you wanted Diane out. Janelle repeats it was Danielle, but she didn't put up Dani because of James. Janelle said she took James' feelings into consideration because he would have been pissed at her if she put up Dani. James says, I don't believe that. I don't believe that, because you would have told me that.

James tells Janelle, "I've been protecting you, the whole f-ing house wants you out." Janelle says, "Yeah, I know and thanks for helping them." James gets more angry and swears a lot.

Janelle tells James keeping Dani in the game is not helping her in any way, she only kept Dani in before because of James. Janelle tells James he is giving dumb reasons for what is going on.

Janelle tells James he F'd it up for the alliance. Why are you protecting Dani? You know she is the leader, why are you protecting her? James says, "I f'd up!" and he goes into detail that they told him what to do and that's why he screwed up. Why are you telling me I threw the competition? Janelle tells him, you knew Dani was the main target and you took out Erika and gave it to Danielle.

Howie basically says, let's just shake hands and put this behind us and move forward. Erika goes, THEN Dani, THEN Marci.

Janelle asks James why he has been doing all this. They trusted him and now his trust is down here and she motions with her hand. James then goes into a "none of you trusted me to begin with" pity party. Janelle says that's B.S.

James tells Janie that she screwed Kaysar by not picking him for Veto last week. Howie says that was a major F-up, but it's done, let's move forward.

James keeps telling Janelle she is the leak in the alliance telling Marci & Will everything. Janie says she doesn't talk to them anymore. Said she told Will about the fact she couldn't play veto after everything. James mad he wasn't told first. Janelle claims she didn't tell James because he gets mad at everything and didn't want him yelling at her. James basically claiming he's not leaking info, it's all Janelle's fault and they need to quit talking to everyone and keep the alliance.

Janie asks who she should put up in Dani's place. James says Marci or CG. Janelle is worried who she puts up, because Erika is the one that has to go. Howie suggests one of CT and Janelle agrees she should put up Boogie or Will to ensure Erika is voted out. James says, or just get CT to agree to evict Erika, they gave agreements before. Janelle still thinks it might be best to put up one of CT.

DARN, feeds timed out and I have to refresh!!

James is such a slime, I hope Janie & Howie will just get it already that HE is the biggest turncoat/spy in their alliance.

"RE: Janelle & James Fighting"
Posted by Queene1979 on 08-12-06 at 06:39 PM
Does anyone have a youtube of this? Also, is it happening in front of everyone? I hope when Danielle takes herself off she backdoors James, I also hope that Janelle can win the Coup d'Etat.

"RE: Janelle & James Fighting"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 08-12-06 at 07:23 PM
I did a quick you tube search and haven't found anything...

Isn't Kyngsladye wonderful?

"RE: Janelle & James Fighting"
Posted by Tonya_Harding on 08-12-06 at 06:40 PM
Fill us in!!!

"RE: Janelle & James Fighting"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 06:49 PM
See above, post 24. I had to absorb it all and then type it out. This all happened in the HOH room, just the 3 of them.

James is in the exercise room with Will & Boogie telling his edited version -- total B.S. "I told them if they think I threw the comp, they should just put me up on the block." "I told them I would kill the both of them if they didn't shut up."

"Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 06:58 PM
CT walks into HOH room and Will says: "James came down to talk to us. Can I just point something out? James is throwing competitions."

Will asks, "James is supposedly in your alliance and he throws the competition?"

Janelle says they all knew Danielle was the target and even Will didn't go after her and took out Marci instead. Will says, I was going to win POV and not use it, that's what you told me to do last night and that's what I was going to do.

CT agree to vote out Erika. Will says he's fine with being in an alliance with BB6, "But if you can't trust James, then how can we trust James?" (Will is a master manipulator. He really knows how to work the angles.) Will beating around the bush about James, but not coming out and saying that James is not trustworthy or selling out Janelle & Howie. Basically just saying, you two don't trust him, so what's up?

Janelle wonders why Erika was so happy Danielle won POV when Erika is on the block, too.

Will asks what are you going to do next week if Dani wins HoH. Janelle says, "We're F'd." Will says, you know James won't put Danielle up.

Will says, "I understand you have a beef with Marcellus, fine. I just feel that no one is supporting you that James is not supporting this 5 alliance."

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 07:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 07:09 PM (EST)

CT working the "put up Marci" angle. Howie says why waste an HOH when there are powerful players still in the game? Marci is just annoying.

CT is obviously trying to keep Erika in the game and talking about putting up CG. H/J -- No.

Put up Howie as a pawn? (Yeah, right.) Put up James as a pawn, you don't trust him.

Janelle tells them she wants to put up Will or Boogie. Will tells her to put him up, he trusts them. Howie & Janelle say they are voting Erika out. Janelle backs down and says she won't put CT up, but Will says it's okay to put him up. They bring up James again Will doesn't trust James. Janelle says James is the only one she's suspicious of. Will tells Janelle they trust them 100% and they want then to trust CT 100%.

They talk about CG again, no one will vote out CG. Janelle says, but what if they do vote him out?? Will says he'll go up, but Janie says it's "too risky." Will says, we should test James and put him up. If he's really trustworthy in the alliance, he'll understand and be the pawn.

Will is manipulating and keeps alternating other people or for Janelle to put him up, he trusts them and is fine with it.

Will & Boogie are basically doing a good cop/bad cop. Will talking about how untrustworthy James is proving to be and that he understands that Janie & Howie are emotionally attached to him because of last season and history, but he is untrustworthy and how can the 5 of them work as an alliance if James is a loose cannon. (Will doesn't let on that James is working WITH CT at all.) Then Boogie comes in sort of defending James. Let's not jump to conclusions too quickly about James, he hasn't really done anything that bad to prove untrustworthy, just a little suspicious. (Boy are they good.)

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by true on 08-12-06 at 07:26 PM
Wow, Will is really throwing James under the bus.hehehe..It's almost like reverse psychology with the two dimwits in HOH. Howie will never be the first to directly strike at James, he has so much guilt from season 6, as did Kaysar. I think Janelle is a bit more willing to dump James, but unless Will gives them some more solid evidence, they aren't going to turn on James this week despite the HUGE seed of doubt that Will is giving them. Idiots.

Oh, and apparently Busto was part of the Veto competition.

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by EmandSarahsmom on 08-12-06 at 08:12 PM
Just listening to Will and Boogie wispering to each other about what has been going on. Their current plan is to go along with Janelle and vote out Erika. Boogie says something like he has been making out with her all week and now he is going to evict her! THat will make the show! THey are wispering and then James walks in and says the next to go has to be Janelle then Marci, Howie and CG. Will and Boogie agree whole heartedly. As soon as James leaves Will and Boogie talk seriously and say the final four needs to be Danielle, Janelle, Will and Boogie. Danielle and Janelle can fight it out to the end, then it will be Will and Boogie.

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by EmandSarahsmom on 08-12-06 at 08:36 PM
Will is back up in the HOH and talking with Janelle again. HE is telling her he wants to be friends in the house and out of the house. He tells her he has her back and will keep her safe. HE would like to take her to the end with him and boogie. They are also talking about each other. They keep saying they are nervous around each other and it is hard to talk to each other. At this point Will says he has no choice to trust James but he got to, but his gut tells he he should not trust James.

I like how he always tells everyone what they should do even if it means he may end up going out. No one ever takes him up on his plans, but he tells it like it should be. He told Janelle that every one is underestimating what he and Boogie can really do, They are much more capable of doing more, and please keep underestimating me.

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by EmandSarahsmom on 08-12-06 at 08:39 PM
Will just said the only person he is loyal to first is Boogie, but then it is you. It is a non issue, You do not have to worry about anything. IT does not even have to be discussed anymore. If he figures out the clue he is going to tell Janelle and Boogie, but she can not tell anyone else especially James or Daneille.

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-13-06 at 09:58 AM

>and vote out Erika.
>Boogie says something like he
>has been making out with
>her all week

There goes breakfast.

And any respect I had for Erika....

Uugghh....what a loser magnet.

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 09:09 PM
Followup to the big pow-wow between CT and BB6. After the big meeting, Will, Boogie & James met downstairs and discussed what they would tell Dani. Will said they would explain to Dani that she is just going to have to sacrifice Erika this week to save their alliance. Janelle wants Erika gone, but Dani was her real target. They need to make sure Dani understands it to keep things under wraps.

James then says, Janelle has to F-ing go! Will agrees that Janelle is next to go, because she is smart and suspicious of things. James says, yeah, because she's the biggest liar in the house, of course she can figure things out. James, Will and Boogie name their "target" list: Janelle first, Marci, CG then Howie.

This was all before Will went back upstairs to have his one-on-one talk with Janelle to "bond" with her and figure out why there is so much "nervous energy" between the two of them.

I have to say, Will is so good at playing everyone, I don't know what his ultimate alliance is (other than Boogie). I'm guessing he'll ride whichever 2 go the furthest/has control (ie either James/Dani or Janie/Howie). He's in the cat bird seat!

"RE: Chill Town Working Janelle"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-13-06 at 10:01 AM

>I don't know what his
>ultimate alliance is (other than

He can save his pretty brains for that one. WHo better to go to the final 2 with.

"Plan at the Moment"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 07:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 09:01 PM (EST)

CT, Janie & Howie saying they will put up Marci. Will says everyone has to tell Marci he is getting voted out to break him down and make him cry and destroy him. Then, on the live eviction they will all vote out Erika instead.

Will put out that from here on out, EVERY week, no matter who wins HOH, the plan is to put up Marci & Dani until they are both gone, Dani first and then Marci.

Will just keeps adding that he trusts Janie & Howie, but James has been shady and done nothing to make Will trust him. Will asks, if I win HoH next week, what would you say if I put up Dani and James.

James then walks into the HOH room.

ETA: After all was said & done, Janie is torn between putting up CG or Marcie. Janelle is leaning towards CG, because she doesn't think anyone will vote out CG and it ensures Erika will be booted. Howie very upset with that and thinks none of those "F-ers" care about CG and would vote him out. Howie wants Marci to go up, because even if the plan to get out Erika backfires, at least Marci is gone. Will says he doesn't care, whatever Janelle wants he & Boogie will follow.

"RE: Plan at the Moment"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-12-06 at 08:58 PM
Sorry i have been gone out all day. But boy o boy have i missed a tone. Sorry for those who asked for clips earlier. We went to the beach.
Since someone already posted the marci jani arguement here is what he told Erika after


I hope jani replaces Dani with James. Thats what she need to do.

"2nd CLue"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 08:58 PM
HG's are scattered around the BY pondering the meaning of the second clue . . . a giant white spool of thread with a giant needle propped up against the side on a purple blanket.

Will tells Boogie, "If we don't know it, no one else does." Let's wait for the next clue. They discuss Marci being really smart with games & movies.

"RE: 2nd CLue"
Posted by Taduhhhhhhhhhh on 08-12-06 at 10:22 PM
Ummmmm....do you think it could be "You reap what you sow"?

"RE: 2nd CLue"
Posted by Savahnna on 08-13-06 at 10:05 AM

>Will tells Boogie, "If we don't
>know it, no one else

I'm glad he's not overly secure.

"Howie Taking Shot at Phrase"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 09:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-06 AT 09:22 PM (EST)

Janelle thought of something (whispering and I could not hear it). Howie told her to run it by James. Whispering, couldn't hear. James said to wait until next clue. Janie told Howie to guess and if they're wrong, she'll guess the next time. Howie rang the bell and walked into the DR. Waiting results.

ETA: Howie & Janie went inside & the others are in the yard discussing everyone's guesses. Will says Danielle's DNA is a good guess & "Pull the wool over your eyes" a good guess (I think the latter is what Howie is guessing). Boogie says he still likes "Wolf in sheep's clothing." But Danielle says, "But why the pink bow?"

James takes the chance to trash Janelle again. Will says, I like how Janelle has Howie make the guess. James: "Yeah, because she's selfish and Howie is dumb."

HGs talking about how it is a phrase used by HGs or is it a phrase to describe the game. They are not sure.

"RE: Howie Taking Shot at Phrase"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 09:26 PM
Apparently, Howie's guess was "Spool of lies." Obviously, wrong answer.

"The Flirt"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-12-06 at 09:45 PM
Someone has to post the clip of Janelle & Will in the HOH room flirting, I can't stop laughing. Will asked Howie to leave them alone and then Will asked Janelle why he makes her nervous and they are just flirting. Janelle is calling him "Dr. Delicious" and Will tells her he LOVES it and they laugh and Janelle keeps calling him "Dr. Delicious, you're so dreamy!" It's cute & funny.

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by how do people miss these things on 08-12-06 at 09:47 PM
I'd prefer to see the blow up between james and janelle

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-12-06 at 10:11 PM
i have found a clip of the new clue

Here is James and Janelle with Howie on the side

Boogie, Will, Janelle and Howie

AND I found the clip finally where Erika and Booger expose themselves as a couple

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by how do people miss these things on 08-12-06 at 09:52 PM
seriously does anyone have a youtube clip of the fight after the POV

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-12-06 at 10:13 PM
Which fight are u talking about between who. Some has posted with Marci and Jani already, scroll up.

"Live feeds"
Posted by robindobindoodledoo on 08-12-06 at 10:38 PM
I am so sick of all 4 cameras being on the same thing this year!

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 08-12-06 at 10:54 PM
I think the fight people want to see is the fallout after the POV between James and Janelle.

Posted by robindobindoodledoo on 08-12-06 at 11:20 PM
George cooking the steaks and Ribs that have arrived. Will whispering to Howie and Janie "don't let CG cook man" this discuss alternate food... Will wants chicken and Janie took some to marinade
talking about comp today
talk about the clues again... different guesses they have already talked about.

"RE: The Flirt"
Posted by how do people miss these things on 08-13-06 at 10:19 AM
exactly the james and janelle scrap

Posted by DrKegel on 08-12-06 at 11:18 PM
>Just listening to Will and Boogie
>wispering to each other about
>what has been going on.
> Their current plan is
>to go along with Janelle
>and vote out Erika.
>Boogie says something like he
>has been making out with
>her all week and now
>he is going to evict
>her! THat will make
>the show!

Yuck!!!!!!!! You shouldn't just post these things without a warning of some kind. I might have just had dinner or something. Luckily, it's been a few hours so nothing came up when I started dry heaving.

Is Erika that desperate for male companionship? Is that why these girls go on these programs? Not to win the money, but to meet men?

Cheesshh!!! Very clever.


THey are
>wispering and then James walks
>in and says the next
>to go has to be
>Janelle then Marci, Howie and
>CG. Will and Boogie
>agree whole heartedly. As
>soon as James leaves Will
>and Boogie talk seriously and
>say the final four needs
>to be Danielle, Janelle, Will
>and Boogie. Danielle and
>Janelle can fight it out
>to the end, then it
>will be Will and Boogie.

The Evil Dr. is right on the money. He and Boogie are in the best position. They are letting everyone else do their fighting for them and somehow Dr. Will has dropped off the radar.

Brilliant. Just brilliant. I have to admit it, but he's good. I could never have pulled something like that off.


>Someone has to post the clip
>of Janelle & Will in
>the HOH room flirting, I
>can't stop laughing. Will
>asked Howie to leave them
>alone and then Will asked
>Janelle why he makes her
>nervous and they are just
>flirting. Janelle is calling
>him "Dr. Delicious" and Will
>tells her he LOVES it
>and they laugh and Janelle
>keeps calling him "Dr. Delicious,
>you're so dreamy!" It's
>cute & funny.

Dr. Delicious is playing Janelle like a fiddle. Read this along with the post where he wants to remain friends with her "outside the house!" Yeah, right! Can see it now. After the show, Janelle will call him up and say, "Dr. Delicious, can I come by and see the money that I helped you win by being so stupid?" And he'll say, "Janelle, who?" and hang up.


And as for the Coup d'Etat thing, just been catching up reading these posts and want to make sure I'm getting it right. The first clue was a sheep with a pink bow and the second was this white spool of thread, giant needle and purple blanket? That's it. Just these two clues? Was it announced how many clues they're getting? Do they just keep getting them until someone gets it? With this bunch it may take awhile.

The consensus here seems to be that the sheep with the pink bow indicated a girl sheep and therefore "ewe" or "you." What about this needle and thread. Can't be "sew" or "so" can it? You so ... ???? You so stupid? Sounds like something Boogie would say. "Sow?" You reap what you sow? But then why the purple blanket?

I'm not doing much better than the hamsters.

"RE: OMG!!!!"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 00:23 AM
Here is will flirting with Janelle
pt 1
pt 2

And here is the Janelle and James fight

"RE: OMG!!!!"
Posted by Snidget on 08-13-06 at 06:22 AM
I believe there are to be a total of three clues and that was announced to the Hamsters on Thursday's show.

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 08-13-06 at 00:17 AM
I have no idea who CT really wants to be in an alliance with. And I don't think they do either.

They're making it seem like they're getting rid of Erika but with the whole Boogie thing, will they really? I mean neither CG nor Marci has put out a BoogRub yet.

They have an alliance with James and Dani, yet they seem to be throwing James under the bus. Just good reverse psychology?

But if they had been true to their alliance with Janie/Howie wouldn't Will have taken out Dani?

Good Gawd, they're giving me a headache.

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by chevy man on 08-13-06 at 01:05 AM

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by Joyav123 on 08-13-06 at 01:53 AM

I love this Erica just went into the
supply room and asked for more booze, she offered to
flash her boobs to get it!!!!!!!
She was talking to producers!!!!

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-13-06 at 01:56 AM
I was jsut watching the same thing.

They cut to flames, but left the audio on. You could hear her say she would show her boobs if they could have some more booze.
(But of course Janie is the slut in the house remember.)

Will, Mike, Erika, and Janie are all in the hot tub, slightly drunk. Might get interesting if Dani wasn't sitting out there like a mother hen.

Most of the talk has been about shows they've been on, and other meaningless stuff.

You'd think BB would call Dani to the DR to make things more interesting

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by Joyav123 on 08-13-06 at 02:11 AM
Danielle sounds like she's drunk she can't stop laughing, Will
I guess is so entertaining.

Poor Janelle sitting in the midst of evil.

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 02:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-13-06 AT 02:22 AM (EST)

Here is Booger and Will's latest stratagy talk

and here is Erika asking for beer if she flases her boobs

Will and Dani in Red room chat

Dani, Marci, Erika and James on internet fans

ETA: Marci, marci, marci, marci, marci, marci, marci, marci is that enough disrespect lol

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 02:34 AM
Now James is telling howie that everyone is after Janelle because she lies to everyone

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by how do people miss these things on 08-13-06 at 10:28 AM
there not in any alliance they are playing all sides, they don't care who finishes third

"I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-13-06 at 02:37 AM
He's alone in the hot tub with Janie and Erika.

The girls tell him if he takes his shorts off, they will take their tops off.

And he is saying NO!

Janie and Erika are really flirting with him bad. He's acting really uncomfortable, it's relly funny.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-13-06 at 02:46 AM
OMG, I hope someone gets a clip of these three in the hot tub.

Will is cracking me up. Now they are talking about going up to the HoH room and taking a shower together.

Will thinks this is some teen movie where he's going to go up there and its going to get dark, and he's going to be naked with a goat and all his high school buddies are there..

This is way to funny.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-13-06 at 02:50 AM
Will just ran inside and woke Mike up to go up to the HoH room.

The girls got there first and kicked Howie outside saying they needed to talk. Howie goes outside as Mike and Will come upstairs and go inside. Howie is standing outside the door looking like a lost puppy.

Unfortunatly James is in the HoH bathroom taking a dump.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 02:52 AM
I have about 25 subscribes on youtue and no one has posted it yet. I refresh about every 5 mins so as soon as i can find it i'll post it.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 02:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-13-06 AT 03:20 AM (EST)

Ok i got it here is the Hot tub action

and after all that Will and Janelle get left alone in the shower

ETA: all the clips

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-13-06 at 03:22 AM
Well, that should give all the Janie bashers plenty of ammo for the rest of the weekend.

Of course we won't hear anything about Erika in any of this.

They were trying to get Will to kiss Janie. Erika said if Will kissed Janie, then Erika would kiss Janie. Mike says "You are definatly doing it now!"

Will kept trying to get out of the shower the whole time (jokingly) and they kept pulling him back in.

Too Funny.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-13-06 at 03:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-13-06 AT 03:53 AM (EST)

now we start after the shower pt 1

For who ever wanted the Dr. Delicious clip here it is

Anything else happens will have to wait until tomorrow. Its 4 am where i am and i have to wake up at 8am.

"RE: I just lost all repesct for Will"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-13-06 at 09:02 AM
Thanks for posting the clips, Oasis. Everything really good always happens after I fall asleep. Those were fun to watch.

I have to say, when they headed up to HoH and Howie got booted, I almost felt sorry for the poor "Big Boy." No wonder Howie needs to utilize the shack so much, he is left out of this stuff. If he didn't act like such a big dumb dog, he could have hooked up with Erika, after all, she has poor taste in men as it is (*coughBoogiecough*)

"RE: Live Feeds Saturday 8/12"
Posted by DrKegel on 08-13-06 at 10:54 AM

>I believe there are to be
>a total of three clues
>and that was announced to
>the Hamsters on Thursday's show.

Would you or someone please tell me what it is or give me a link?



>They cut to flames, but left
>the audio on. You
>could hear her say she
>would show her boobs if
>they could have some more
>(But of course Janie is the
>slut in the house remember.)

You really need to wait a little bit before you start defending Janie Bird Brain 'cuz then this happens:


>He's alone in the hot tub
>with Janie and Erika.
>The girls tell him if he
>takes his shorts off, they
>will take their tops off.

>And he is saying NO!
>Janie and Erika are really flirting
>with him bad. He's
>acting really uncomfortable, it's relly

Obviously this year, Janie has company.

That's right, Dr. Will! Defend your honor! Don't let them ho's get yer shorts off! After all, you've probably seen silicone before.