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"B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Estee on 08-10-06 at 07:44 PM
Please keep all details of the Coup d'Etat twist on this thread until the West Coast gets a chance to find out just how the thing is going to work. Right now, the most popular theory is that it's going to be just like the hidden idol on Exile Island: a potential gamebreaker if used by the right person at the right time -- although the game probably won't remain broken for more than a week, since this is B.B.A.Stards and long-term planning is a joke. Personally, I feel it's going to be exactly like the hidden idol. That's right: it's going to be found by someone with absolutely no grasp of strategy who will never bother to use it. Whee!

Come on, people. It wouldn't be a Big Brother twist if it actually did something...

(Oh, and don't worry about Kaysar going out tonight, because the producers will find a way to get him back inside within seven days. Again.)

(Special note: some of our Central watchers will not get to see this episode at their normal time, because it's being pre-empted by preseason football. And a lot of them won't be awake when the thing finally comes on around three a.m. or so. As such, going into detail on cage events in your post will help them. Share the pain!)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Lasann on 08-10-06 at 07:49 PM
This EST person would greatly appreciate details as the Browns prempted BB.

My cursor is on refresh beginning now!

It a Tribe original!!!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kathliam on 08-10-06 at 07:51 PM
Yet another poster who has BB prempted by Cleveland Browns football. Sorry I can't contribute. Please keep me updated ('cos I doubt I can stay awake until 1:35 am!!)

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 08-10-06 at 07:57 PM
*smooches* to the east coasters with the live updates. I have to work tonight and will be watching the show even later then normal. I can't wait till I'm on the east coast again and can join the spoiling...

Isn't Kyngsladye wonderful?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-10-06 at 08:02 PM
i feel you pain about not being sble to watch. Last season we had 2 major storms that kncocked out our cable right before BB started. i will try to get on and post when i can but people steal my computer when im on the tv.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:00 PM
limbers up the fingers *crack*

Will do my best to help keep all the lucky bastages poor peeps who are pre-empted informed.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-10-06 at 08:03 PM
I'll also help in the details of the former hamsters returning to the house to "assist" in the competitions for the week.

Because 3 Vinces are better than one.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-10-06 at 08:14 PM
Recrap, recrap, recrap.

Details of Kaysar's vote campaigning with Erika and Chicken George

Also more of James's "acting" with him DR'ing himself an academy award for Best Acting, BB7 *blech*

Voting Situation:

James has a eviction vote nullification, which means that Kaysar's probably going to need 5 votes to evict James to survive......

If the vote would be 4-3 James, and James nullifies one of the votes against him, it would be 3-3 and Danielle would cast the tiebreaking vote, and unless she backstabs James...... Kaysar's toast.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:14 PM
Lots of previously on BB. Although the "Legion of Stupidity" failing to keep Janelle from winning the veto was fun to see again. James' whining, not so much.

For the first time, the houseguests will have an opportunity to win an unpresidented power.

But first, what will *cough* friends James and Kaysar do???

Kaysar not happy about being on the block. Kaysar says to Erika he won't beg for her vote, but he is working her pretty hard.

She says she hasn't made up her mind.

James knows he can nullify a vote and he is going over his numbers. James thinks he is a great actor making SOV's think he believes he is going home.

Kaysar works Chicken George. George won't commit, but he does like how Kaysar has treated him, and thinks he is a really good guy.

Boogie asks Kaysar if he is fighting to stay and he says he is. Tries to work a final 5 of CT and remaining 3 SOV's. Boogie likes accepting offers.

Ok, now based on BB editing Kaysar is a dead man walking.

Checking in with the houseguests.

Were you shocked by the number of prizes taken. Some are not shocked (mostly those that went for prizes).

Talks to CG about being off slop because of the pass. He says he can make it to the end on slop.

Coming up, we meet the mothers of Chill Town.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:17 PM
Clips of Kaysar "not" begging for votes. Works over Erika who is left with "head vs. heart" decision. She likes Kaysar more than anyone else in the house, but Dani wants him out, but that may not be best for Erika.

Kaysar with his "respect" speech with George. Mutual admiration and respect.

James gives himself an Oscar for his acting performance. Assures Janelle if he's still in the game, he has Janelle's back.

Kaysar talking to Boogie, who remarks in DR that CT has the power all of a sudden and likes receiving the offers. "CT is in a win-win situation. Kaysar proposes the 5 way alliance if CT keeps Kaysar.

Kaysar figures he need 2 votes and all out war on the "floaters."

Chenbot asks the HGs if they were surprised that the others took the prizes. The only ones who said they were surprised of the "greed" of the others were Dani & Janelle. Dani adds she was angry.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:21 PM
Judy (Will's mom) Even as a little boy Will was thinking and plotting and planning. Will always had girlfriends. If Will is talkinng to Janelle, it is for strategy. Wishes that Howie would keep his hands off Will

Boogie's mom was 19 when she had him. He was a speedskater. Mike the flirt. She knows that Erica and Mike are friends. She feels their secret alliance will come out as a surprise.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-06 AT 08:23 PM (EST)

Judy and Bonnie are the Moms of these two (how did they get them to be on TV??)

Even as a little boy Will was plotting and planning. Even though he was shy he always had girfrinds. She wants Will to stay away from Howie.

Over to NH. Mike and Mom were Special. Her words not mine. He was a speed skater and stopped being chubby. Mike has always been a flirt. Mom thinks Mike has an alliance with Erika.

MMom's think they are fun. Oh and Mike's power animal is a Yorkie. Mike is a Cobra.

ETA. looks like James can end up nullifying the wrong vote?? So maybe he has to say which person's vote he is going after?? I'm not clear how that thing works.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:22 PM
Moms of CT.

Will's mom -- Will was always thinking, plotting & planning. Will was shy in HS, but always had girlfriends. Guarantees the Wiill/Janelle thing is strategy. Mom worried about Howie getting so close to Will & wants Howie to keep his hands off.

Mike's mom -- Boogie was a fat kid. Mom had him when she was 19. Boogie was a speed skater. Mom says she knows Boogie & Erika are friends & she thinks they have a secret alliance.

The mom's think CT are hilarious together & work well together. They "enjoy being evil."

Mom's are proud of their sons.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-10-06 at 08:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-06 AT 08:24 PM (EST)

By the sounds of things, James's vote nullification is that he must name somebody, probably after everyone has voted to nullify their vote. If he guesses wrong, he could potentially be toast! I'd be ROTFLMAO if that happens.......

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:26 PM
Julie talking w/ Danielle in HOH bedroom. In week 1 you said you came on too strong. D says she came in this game to play and she says she will go out swinging. D says the only one she can still trust is James. She is hurt that James took the phone call from home.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:30 PM
Nominees final words:

James up first: thanks America for putting him back into experience. Tells HG's to vote for whatever is best for them individually.

K echoes James thanking America as well as telling HG's to vote for what they feel is best.

James is going to DR to tell whose vote he is nullifying. No surprise: he cancels Janelle's vote

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-10-06 at 08:30 PM
James cancels Janelle's vote.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:30 PM
Time to talk with HOH. You came on too strong week one than backed off, why ask for HOH when Erika looked like she could keep going.

Is there any ally you can trust? She says James.

How does it feel knowing he took the call. She was hurt by that and appologies to the family.

Tonights live vote and eviction moments away.

DR clips

Marcellas. Trust James most
CT wants to shock the legion of doom
Erika close to both hard to compare
CG doesn't wantto see Kaysar gone
Janelle wants Kaysar to stay
Boogie says it is win win either way as CT not going home.

Now it is talk with the two nominee's time.

James: Thanks America. Thanks everyon for it being an awesome time and vote for what is best for you.

Kaysar: Thanks america, and thank the peeps in the house. Played the game best I can being honest and transparent. Vote what you feel is best.

James won power to cancel vote, he goes to DR to say whose vote he is nullifying.

Cancel's Janelle's vote.

Voting when we return

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:31 PM
Talk w/Danielle.

WHy did you ask for Erika to give you HoH. I had to come out swinging and take it. Only one in the house she trusts is James. Hurt James took the phone call, since she sacrificed it. She apologized to her family. VERY short convo.

Marci happy with the noms. Marci trusts James the most because James did the least against Marci.

Will would love to shock the house & take out James. James untrustworthy.

Howie wants Kaysar to stay.

CG really likes Kaysar. Wants to see him play the game.

Janelle would hate to see Kaysar go, he is her support & alliance might crumble.

Boogie figures it's win/win either way. Just happy CT isn't on the block.

James gives his thanks to all and asks people to vote as an individual and do what is best for them individually.

Kaysar thanks all, talks about being honest, transparent, feels he earned the respect of some in the house. Vote how you think is best.

James goes to nullify a vote. SURPRISE it's Janie's.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:36 PM
Live Vote:

Marcellas: Kaysar
Howie (kisses Marcelllas on way in): James
Erica: Kaysar
Janelle: James
Will: Kaysar
George: Kaysar
Mike: Kaysar

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:36 PM
Votes to evict:

Marci -- Kaysar (shocker)
CG -- Kaysar (George, why???)
Erika -- Kaysar (Spineless)
Will -- Kaysar ()
Boogie -- Kaysar ()
Janelle -- James (That a girl!)
Howie -- James (Good Boy, Howie!)(

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:38 PM
Marcellas up first. votes to Evict Kaysar
Howie up next. votes to evict james
Erika votes to evict kaysar, unfortunately she says
Janelle the nullified vote votes to evict James
Will votes to evict kaysar
CG votes to evict Kaysar
Mike votes to evict Kaysar.

Chenbot almost says James is evictec, but Kaysar is evicted on his birthday

tune: "Volga Boatmen"

Happy Birthday! <thud!> Happy Birthday! <thud!>
1. Now you've aged another year
Now you know that Death is near
Happy Birthday! <thud!> Happy Birthday! <thud!>

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:40 PM
Howie and Janelle staring at Kaysar's pic on the HG pic wall.

Julie reveals to K that James is in secret Legion of Doom alliance and that James called Janelle some despicable names then asks K what he thinks of James now. K's response: all class.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by ARnutz on 08-10-06 at 09:23 PM
Now that Kaysar knows about James, that pretty much guarantees they will not have anyone voted back in who's already out this year.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:42 PM
Janelle and Howie watch Kaysar's picture turn to black and white.

Was it hard to be on the block with James. He wanted to fix things and be on the same team and wanted things to be cool.

Chenbot tells James was in the alliance of doom, and tells Kaysar some of the nasty things James says about Janelle.

Kaysar says goes to show I am not cut out for this game.

Housemates Goodbyes

Erica you were my best friend
Janelle you were loyal
Mike says get down with CT eariler
Will says I told you so. For the time being I have James
James says can't watch Janelle destroy the group and I was stabbed in the back at every turn.

Chenbot says I hope your birthday gets better from here. He says he just couldn't avoid the daggers.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Fishercat on 08-10-06 at 08:42 PM
As a sporadic viewer, that goodbye video could be the definition of an owning with the exception of Janelle's part.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:42 PM
James acting sad to see Kaysar leave. Janelle gives the shout out to Kaysar. They applaud him out of the house. Howie wishes him a Happy B-Day.

Chenbot interview:

Was it hard on the block next to your "friend" James. Kaysar found it hard, didn't want to campaign against him.

Chenbot tells Kaysar that James is in a secret alliance. Kaysar's face says it all. He is shocked!! "Goes to show I'm not cut out for this game." "It's disappointing."

Erika crying in her goodbye message.

Janelle talks about Kaysar's loyalty and that Janelle will go after the others with the remaining alliance.

Will "told you so won't cut it." "I told you James was going to peel off of your alliance."

Boogie says you should have gotten aboard CT.

James claims Janelle wsa taking down the alliance & he was sick of sitting back and letting it happen. James claimed every week the BB6 alliance was stabbing James in the back.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AugustGirl on 08-10-06 at 08:46 PM
James claimed every week the BB6 alliance was stabbing James in the back.

James is so full of sh!t. Delusional too. There was definite backstabbing, but James was the one only onw doing it.

Kaysar did not deserve to hear those things.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by realityshowgeek on 08-10-06 at 08:47 PM
And James was right!! Why didn't Julie tell K about Janelle's relationship w/ Chilltown? I really liked K last year and was happy to see him again, but S6 are making me sick.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:49 PM
they're showing the faces in the mirror now. Erica first seeing Allison. Will tells her it was a slop hallucination.

Janelle now screaming and kicking. Danielle tells her to stop lying.

Now Boogie, Janelle and Erica all go screaming after seeing jase in mirror.

they have former HG's as ghosts moving objects.

BB All-Stars seance. Danielle hosting.
Bunky from season 2 up first. talking about spider that was named after him.
Allison telling Erica and Janelle not to worry because she's not real just like their ....

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:50 PM
Kaysar is in the seance so obviously taped before the eviction.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:54 PM
HOH Comp up

True/False questions:

Marcy with the afro wig.

If everyone answers correctly, the one who answered the slowest is eliminated.

The devil duck was stolen by Allison FALSE. everyone correct CG the slowest.

Marcelle slowest on question2 he's out

Janelle gets 3rd question wrong.

Howie slowest on 4; he says he hit it.

Josh loved Danielle like he loved bagels TRUE Will gets wrong and is out.

Boogie out on next question.

Erica beats James on last Q and is new HOH.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 08-10-06 at 09:08 PM

>Howie slowest on 4; he says
>he hit it.

I tivo-d it and replayed it right away. Howie definately moved his hand to hit and and thought he had - it was very obvious he made the attempt to hit it. I wonder if there was any way they could tell from that side if the "hit" took. James said he also had to hit it twice so I guess they could tell?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:53 PM
Chenbot talks about "Haunted" BB house. Shows clips of faces in the mirrors.

They show the "ghosts" stealing things from the house.

There WAS a chicken in the house!!

They hold a seance and the faces speak from the mirrors. Bunky took his spider from the cage. Says Dr. Will can take care of spider bites.

Allison took the striped shirt and says I'm not real, Erika and Janelle, just like your, you know whatsw.

Some guy took Marci's stinky robe.
Holly took a devil duck
Cappy took the black night.

The chicken appears in the mirror to CG's glee, wearing CG's chicken necklaces.

Out to the HoH competition. The ghosts hold the answers to the HoH comp. It's a T/F.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 08:55 PM
CG first out. Slowest to answer.
Marci out, slowest to answer.
Janelle out, wrong answer.
Howie out, slowest.

Poor J & H.

Will out -- wrong answer.
Boogie out -- too slow
Erika WINS, James too slow to answer.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:54 PM
The BB house has been haunted. These HG's hold the answers to the HOH competition.

Erika sees Alison's reflection in the mirror. They think it is a slop hallucination and look there is elvis.

Janelle sees a face. Then Booggie Erica and Janelle see one in the bathroom mirror.

We see "gosts" of various past house guest stealing things from the house.

Welcome to the BB sceance. Everything hapens for a reason.

Bunky season 2 named a spider after me, you may find it but it wont' be in the cage.

Alison. I'm not real just like your...well we know.

Joshie Macesllas this robe smells like defeat

Holly paging Dr. delicious. I took the devil duck.

Cappy is back took the black knight.

Lights out Bitches.

They see the Chicken with George's necklaces.

This concludes the sceance.

Again with the week's worth of competitions this week's theme blasts from the past.

They are in the question booths.

True or False questions about last night's sceance. If you get it wrong you are out. If everyone right, the slowest one eliminated.

Q1 The devil duck was stolen by allison. Everyone right George the slowest.

Q2. Holly paged dr. delicious. True and Marcellus is the slowest.
Q3. Bunky was sure will could treat snake bites. False. Janelle got it right.

Q4. The black nigt was stolen by Eric. Howie is slow on the draw and slow on the draw. He says he hti it.

Q5. Josh said he loved Danielle like he loved bagles. Will is incorrect it was true

Q6. The neklace that the chiken stol belonged to Janelle. Mike rang in last.

Q7. Bunky revile himsel befor holly.

Erica is fastest and is new HOH.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 08:55 PM
coup de tat up next.

prom night titles can be voted by fans: like class clown, etc

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 08:55 PM
Coup d'eta (sp?) next and next Thurs is prom night. Sounds like we get to vote for most annoying, etc for that.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by trillium on 08-10-06 at 09:00 PM
Only the person who wins the power will know what it is.

They will be given clues over the next several days.

First one to answer correctly in DR will win the power.

Only one chance to answer correctly.

First clue in house, it's a sheep with a pink bow around neck.

"Coup d'Etat"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-10-06 at 09:01 PM
In any of the next 3 eviction episodes, someone may get the power to overthrow the HoH and replace the nominations.

Clues will be given as to a BB game phrase. First person to report the phrase will get a "special power" to be revealed next week. Be careful, you only have one chance at the phrase.

HGs go into the house to see a sheep wih a pink bow standing there.

America's Choice --

Choose prom king/queen. Winner will have an advantage in competition.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-06 at 09:01 PM
America's vote for prome king or queen gets an advantage in next week's HOH competition.

Coup d; Etat. The winner for the next three weeks can replace nominations right before the voting takes place. No one will know what it is until it is used. The competition will be shown later.

Reveal the news to HG's.

Begining tonight there is a new power up for grabs. Only the person who wins it will know what it is. And it will remain a secret until it is use.

Over the next few days get clues to the phrase. Once you know, give the answer in the DR. Be careful you will have only one chance to give your answer. The winner will find out who they are and what it is one week from tonight.

First clue is in the house.

There is a Sheep eating from a bowl in the living room. It doesn't like the hamsters very much.. Now it lets them pet it, but it still is complaining a bit about it.

"First guess at the phrase."
Posted by Estee on 08-10-06 at 09:02 PM
'But first...'

Y'know, the way this is set up, it's very possible that no one will win?

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by Jims02 on 08-10-06 at 09:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-06 AT 09:08 PM (EST)

The only thing I could think of was "wolf in sheep's clothing" as the phrase. But I like your "but first" theory better. We hear it at least five times a week, right?

Edit: Did anyone else notice that Mike Boogie never really rang in on the question that Janelle was eliminated on. I could've sworn that his light wasn't on. Either way, he got eliminated though.

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by Estee on 08-10-06 at 09:17 PM
I noticed. I think he did ring in, but he had the same problem Howie did -- and the Chenbot didn't notice.

You know who would be a good host for this show? The My Big, Fat Obnoxious Boss monkey.

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by MarkP on 08-10-06 at 09:18 PM
><>Edit: Did anyone else notice that [BR>>Mike Boogie never really rang
>in on the question that
>Janelle was eliminated on.
>I could've sworn that his
>light wasn't on. Either
>way, he got eliminated though.

Just watched it again and you are 100% right - Boogie NEVER answered the question. Actually it looked like as with Howie he did but it never registered. With that said if Chenbot would have told him the same thing she told Howie his answer could have been false and Janelle could have still been in it. Howie and Janelle could have gotten screwed here, and it looks like Chenbot blew it by not realizing Boogie's answer did not register. This one one flawed HOH.

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by MarkP on 08-10-06 at 09:19 PM
>Just watched it again and you
>are 100% right - Boogie
>NEVER answered the question.
>Actually it looked like as
>with Howie he did but
>it never registered. With
>that said if Chenbot would
>have told him the same
>thing she told Howie his
>answer could have been false
>and Janelle could have still
>been in it. Howie
>and Janelle could have gotten
>screwed here, and it looks
>like Chenbot blew it by
>not realizing Boogie's answer did
>not register. This one
>one flawed HOH.

My bad - Janelle had the wrong answer so she would have been out anyway....but the competition was still with some quirks there.

"My first guess"
Posted by LadyT on 08-10-06 at 09:41 PM
Pull the wool over one's eyes

And its being speculated all over the net that Howie was robbed.

"RE: My first guess"
Posted by true on 08-10-06 at 10:18 PM
Well, he's been whining about it for the past hour, and I'm sure he'll continue to complain for several hours to come.

"RE: My first guess"
Posted by MarkP on 08-10-06 at 10:20 PM
>Well, he's been whining about it
>for the past hour, and
>I'm sure he'll continue to
>complain for several hours to

Lets just be thankful it wasn't James!

"RE: My first guess"
Posted by true on 08-10-06 at 10:40 PM
LOL! He'll probably start whining about Howie's whining.

"RE: My first guess"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-10-06 at 10:32 PM
And I'm sure there will be numerous thresd started tomorrow about how BB fixed the comp to make Howie lose, or that this is payback for Janie cheating last season, etc.

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-10-06 at 09:07 PM
George the sheep is now in th BB house? I can not escape that sheep for anything.

Boo for James. Poo faced turd head

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by rjrabbit on 08-10-06 at 09:17 PM
Hey gorgeous! How are you?
Got Wine?

*smooch* for knockers

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-10-06 at 09:24 PM
*smooch* I've always got wine for you, babe.

"RE: First guess at the phrase."
Posted by rjrabbit on 08-10-06 at 09:28 PM
I didn't know you had wine so (I should have known) I'm drinking a White Russian" "Cheers". I don't have to work tomorrow YEAH!!

"An apt guess..."
Posted by JuniorTheorist on 08-10-06 at 10:13 PM
... is that Chenbot led Howie and Janelle into defeat
like lambs to the slaughter

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Lasann on 08-10-06 at 09:06 PM
Thanks all. It sounds like a very busy show. I can't wait to watch it!

"I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by rjrabbit on 08-10-06 at 09:13 PM
Female sheep is a Ewe or You. so the phrase is "You are evicted" or "You are safe"

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by rjrabbit on 08-10-06 at 09:18 PM
I bet you it's "you are safe" they can put a big 'R' in the house then put a safe in the house.

"Ewe is my hero. Good work."
Posted by Artemus on 08-10-06 at 09:28 PM
no message

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by ARnutz on 08-10-06 at 09:28 PM
Ewe are one smart wabbit! It has to be a ewe. It had a pink bow!

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by rjrabbit on 08-10-06 at 09:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-06 AT 09:44 PM (EST)

Come in Janie! Figure it out. You're a smart girl!!

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-10-06 at 09:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-06 AT 09:51 PM (EST)

I pray that janelle can figure this out. Chenbot said it was a popular phrase and my first guess while watching with my mom was "you are safe". come on Janelle

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-10-06 at 09:52 PM
Oh, I have no doubt that Janelle will claim the coup d'etat. She will almost certainly win the America's Choice Prom Queen prize and so have a leg up on the next HoH competition. I always kind of shook my head when people said the game was rigged in her favor, but it seems a little that way tonight.

Erika will surely nominate her for eviction and she cannot play for the Veto. If she can't claim the coup d'etat, she will be gone on Thursday.

And, as a meaningless aside, Julie looked great tonight. And I love the way she says 'coup d'etat'.

"Speaking of "things being rigged" in someone's favor......."
Posted by Artemus on 08-10-06 at 10:20 PM
I haven't read any speculation re the "grave yard" contest and the fact that we all watched it "blind". Not only did the contestants not know their scores, who beeped in first, and who won what until the very end, but we didn't either. What better TV than for our princess to win the veto and the black widow to spend the night alone? Planned by the gods? or by the producers? Either way it makes for good tv and I'm happy.

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by JuniorTheorist on 08-10-06 at 10:15 PM
Of course, I'm still hoping it's "like lambs to the slaughter" 'cause I really wanna see BB dump a buttload of raw mutton into their living room.

Maybe I'm just sadistic.

"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by Estee on 08-10-06 at 10:37 PM
Nah -- you're just prime summarizer material.


"RE: I think I know what the phrase is"
Posted by corcam on 08-10-06 at 11:01 PM
Perhaps the phrase " A wolf in sheeps clothing" that seems more survivor.... however I would just want to see a wolf in the house to eat James. ;)

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #15 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by DrKegel on 08-11-06 at 08:01 AM
>Oh, I have no doubt that
>Janelle will claim the coup
>d'etat. She will almost
>certainly win the America's Choice
>Prom Queen prize and so
>have a leg up on
>the next HoH competition.
>I always kind of shook
>my head when people said
>the game was rigged in
>her favor, but it seems
>a little that way tonight.

Seems a little? Written that way is my guess. It's why I've lost interest in this show.


>Erika will surely nominate her for
>eviction and she cannot play
>for the Veto. If
>she can't claim the coup
>d'etat, she will be gone
>on Thursday.

Of course, she will. In terms of reality, Erika winning HOH one of the worst things that could happen to Janelle ... and Howie 'cause he's out there alone. But here comes the riggin'. This week Kaysar went because he didn't make "great TV" this year.

I'm afraid at this point I'm not even watching anymore. Hated the competitions and mean-spirited challenges this year. Want the show to concentrate on strategy, but that's me.

Oh, and a big thanks to those brave souls keeping everyone posted. You all do a great job reporting on the live feeds and shows.

Great work!