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"Alliances and dumb things these hamsters too"

Posted by LadyT on 08-19-02 at 10:41 PM
As far as I can tell, the allinace between Dani and Jason has never been revealed. This may be the strongest one here, since no one is even trying to break this up. They whisoer a lot, and the Live Feeds don't always catch them. My gut tells me that they have a real strong shot at 1st/2nd.

Marci, Amy and Roderic? Um when did this happen? I think Roddy is going oh #####, Chiwhora is probably gone and I need a new person to allign with. They both think he's hot....

So where does this take us? Wild cards. Personally, keepGerry in but don'ty tell anyone you want to do that. He's up against any of them, the reminder of his farts and burps and he's a goner. Lisa is a strong ally with Dani now, does Jason see this and is he feeling left out, like the third wheel conversation he that one pulled out of his butt two weeks ago.

Dani/Jason and Dani/Lisa. Both strong.I would want to face Lissa in the end over any these hamsters.

Marci/Amy? No where near as strong unless they get Rodderic.

If they get their act together, get rid of Rodderic and keep the whore. SHe will self destruct.

I am really interesting what htis post really says tomorrow morning. Had me a dleeping pill and they told me tonight was a good time to do so,

Lady T-mean Uber b!tch

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by AyaK on 08-20-02 at 08:45 PM
A sleeping pill? I thought anyone watching the live feeds of BB3 wouldn't need a sleeping pill to doze off, no matter how much pain she was in...

"RE: Hah!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 08-21-02 at 09:23 AM
So I was reading the feeds and then Amy says to Roddy...Zzzzzzzzzzz

"RE: Alliances and dumb things these hamsters too"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-21-02 at 09:47 AM
The Dani/Jason alliance was revealed to the American People through television (but kept off the live feeds beforehand, as I posted about on another thresd). RODDY was getting suspicious about it, but didn't connect the dots totally. HOWEVER, I think that Marcellas at least partially spilled the beans about it (at least what he (Marcellas) knows for sure about it).

Last night (Tuesday night), Amy was told by Marcellas that they were going to eliminate RODDY. Amy got *VERY*, I mean **VERY** upset, even going to the DR (because Amy really wanted CHIWHORA out and thought she had promises from the others to vote for CHIWHORA).

As I go to press here, it was not clear to me if Marcellas had promised Amy to vote out CHIWHORA, and Marcellas is indeed the swing vote (Dani and Jason vote for RODDY, Gerry and Lisa vote for CHIWHORA is the scenario). One feed poster said that Marcellas had agreed to vote out CHIWHORA, another said that he promised to do so ONLY if Amy convinced Danielle to also vote for CHIWHORA.

What DID come from all this is that Marcellas and Amy agree that Danielle is a dangerous threat and is getting others to do her (Danielle's) dirty work for her. If Marcellas wins HOH, Danielle WILL be one of those on the block.

Danielle, meanwhile, is plotting to put Gerry up, and probably against Marcellas.

As to who to be with at the end? You'd THINK Gerry... but the way this "decoy-unfriendly" game is playing out, Gerry would probably walk away with the half-million (a'la Will last year).

IMHO: If RODDY goes, I think Danielle goes to the final three, and likely Jason and Lisa. If CHIWHORA goes, then look for RODDY to win HOH and nominate Danielle. At that point, it'll be Marcellas, RODDY, and probably Gerry in the final 3.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"Two Birds One Stone"
Posted by CSHS79 on 08-21-02 at 10:54 AM
We could get 2 birds with 1 stone since they could evict Roddy &
Chiapet is so unstable she could freak out & be escorted out.If you think about it that could happen since I'm sure you've seen how Roddy has helped Chiapet cool down.Then again the meltdown could happen before the vote & if Roddy just stays clear Chiapet could freak out BIG TIME & the show could pull her out of the house like they did Justin.Granted if the meltdown happens before the vote they'd have to put someone else up but that could mean they get rid of Chiapet & Roddy just the same.