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Forum: DCForumID34
Thread Number: 66
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Posted by Squarepants party of one on 08-18-02 at 05:40 PM
Can someone help me? I was just watching the live feed of Roddy, Lisa and Kiki talking when Roddy said "hey guys, we're about to talk about the DR, so maybe you should cut it." Two seconds later the feed went to the picture of the front door with that annoying music. What is this all about? Isn't this an uncensored feed? Is Roddy one of the directors? I don't get it.

Long live Sponge Bob

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"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by ejm92 on 08-18-02 at 06:49 PM
CBS is going to censor anything that may hurt their credibility....ie talking about what happened with the diary room....it proboably was going to have something to do with when CBS supposedly told Amy about operation revolving door, and told her that she really needed HOH. Also, they'll cut to FOTH when you see people talking about a friend or family member who didn't sign a release to have their name and alias mentioned on the show, because they could sue if they wanted to.

"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by Squarepants party of one on 08-18-02 at 09:01 PM
So it is true that CBS is manipulating the game. What's worse is that the houseguests know. How will CBS avoid being sued by Kiki for "unfairly" letting Amy back in the game. Especially when she was briefed on operation revolving door. Long live Sponge Bob

"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-19-02 at 06:44 AM
How will CBS avoid being sued by Kiki for "unfairly" letting Amy back in the game. Especially when she was briefed on operation revolving door.

ChiWhora would have no legal legs to stand on, for the following reasons:

First, CBS had this (the return of an evictee) planned from the beginning. The proof: the sequestering of the first 4 evictees (and the others knew that some kind of sequestering was going on).

Second, I imagine the contracts the players sign basically allow CBS to do anything they want to the players. Did ChiWhora sign a big "X" by her name on the contract? (or in HER case, a big "W" for WHORE by her name...). Unfortunately, this will also cover the manipulation, including informing Amy of Operation Revolving Door.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-19-02 at 06:40 AM
Let me back up what ejm92 is saying by adding that CBS has cut the feeds (by showing the Front Of The House (FOTH)) so much more often than last year, that I again ask why anyone would pay money to watch these feeds.

Last year the nominations were shown live, this year, they FOTH so that you have to watch TV. Same with the POV competition and ceremony. It's ludicrous, since we can figure out from the conversations just about everything that goes on, anyway.

Again, CBS's involvement, interference, and poor editing are destroying what would've been a decent show. But I guess that's what we're coming to expect from the "Tiffany network."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by Q on 08-19-02 at 01:20 PM
This show is called Big Brother. That does not simply mean watching all that happens, but listening as well. The DR has always manipulated the HGs by asking leading questions, etc. They are Big Brother and they Control the Game. The way to win is to beat the other HGs and Outsmart the people running the game. Stay one step ahead, do not get stuck in one strategic direction. You must adapt to survive.

Also, Kiki has no legal leg to stand on, I agree. She signed contract to join game without knowing the rules, so to bad. Also if Eric came back, it would be Gerry going out and Kiki and Roddy would be quite happy. Since the HGs voted to let Amy in over Eric, its just too bad for Kiki and Roddy that they aligned with him and not Amy. They choose their strategies and now that an unknown event has caused them problems they cry. To bad for them. Its a game and they choose a dangerous course, and now they will pay for it.



"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-19-02 at 01:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-02 AT 01:37 PM (EST)

Never mind. (message erased)

"RE: censorship!!"
Posted by Squarepants party of one on 08-19-02 at 09:35 PM
Thanks for all your input guys! I figured CBS had a legal plan. Also, I have yet to shed a tear for Chiara. You see I am from Louisiana (not east or west coast) so I guess she would consider me trash. But thats ok. Next week she will get watch my fellow southerner, Amy, comfort a lonely Roddy... ON THE INTERNET!!!

Long live Sponge Bob