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"The Don and The Veto"

Posted by Glass on 07-09-04 at 08:03 PM
Hey all, long time browser, first time poster. Forgive my presumptuousness in starting a new thread!

I hope I'm posting in the right place here, 'bites' and 'blows' are my favourite forums ever and I need to have something explained to me.
I'm confused about Mike. As a really competitve guy myself, I always gravitate to the Wills, Roddys, Danielles (and even the Alisons on occasion... but don't tell anyone).
On the show, we saw Diane suggest to Mike that he talk to Drew. So he did. And now he's nominated for eviction. What I don't get is, if he's really "a gamer out of everyone's league," why would he approach someone who was obviously going to fit in with Scott and Jase, as opposed to going to Will who
1) Is smart enough to fear the Knights, and
2) Gay enough to never fit in with them?

Is Mike really taking gaming advice from Diane, a lady who thought 'Nokomus' sounded Indian?
Has anybody seen anything in the feeds to suggest that Mike is actually stupid? Or was there some other rationale that television viewers weren't privy to?

Plus, has the Veto twist been announced on the feeds? I read on another thread that Jase might have won it. My guess is that the holder of Veto will now choose who goes up should they use it.
Afterall, as I remember the Golden Veto was introduced as the final Veto of season 3 and the holder could now veto themselves. That became the Diamond Veto in season 4 because at the final four, only one other person is liable to be nominated. The holder than therefore "choose who goes up". Plus, isn't it the only place left to go for Veto?

Thanks guys, and here's to a SIZZLING HOT SUMMER full of SHOCKING TWISTS and stuff.
Anybody else remember when it was enough just to compete and vote people out?

(I nominated Paul Martin for eviction, and everybody told me it was a sure thing. But my decoy lost his orange seats! Little Canadian humor for ya, eh!)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 07-10-04 at 07:21 PM

Welcome to the BB5 boards Glass. How presumptuous indeed!

I'm not quite sure what Mike's game plan is but by the looks of the screencaps he looks pissed! It also looks like The League of Extraordinary Knuckleheads are trying to recruit Lori, Karen, and Holly. If so that would make an alliance of Scott, Drew, Jase, Diane, Michael, Holly, Lori, and Karen with a possiblity of Adria. That would mean Mike, Nakomis (Jennifer), Will, and Marvin are sitting ducks.

The good news is, that alliance is too big. It can only last for a couple more weeks tops. There's bound to be some dissention especially where the HOH and POV are concerned. The sparks are about to fly! Speaking of which, it would appear that Holly and Jase may be hooking up pretty soon...hmmmmm.

A Kyngsladye Original ©2004
U.C.B. Local #69

"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by motormouth on 07-10-04 at 11:08 PM
Welcome Glass! You made some interesting points that I had not considered. It is my opinion that Mike will go (unless he gets veto) because of Jennifers relation to Michael. Although, that did not keep her off the block to begin with so who knows?
Also, I doubt that Mike is stupid, but maybe was a little desperate to connect with someone, as he stated he felt left out already. Just my .02

*Courtesy of Ice Cat*

"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by Loree on 07-11-04 at 04:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-11-04 AT 04:18 PM (EST)

It's really hard to tell exactly what Mike did to upset everyone so soon. We didn't get the live feeds till they had already been in the house for several days. And by that time Mike was already targetted. So hard to know for sure what happened. He is the oldest guy so I think he was the easy target.

"The Veto was NOT used"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 07-11-04 at 04:20 PM
Looks like the Veto was not used by Scott, who had thought about replacing Mike with Adria.

Welcome to SB, Glass!

"RE: The Veto was NOT used"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 07-11-04 at 04:27 PM

Please tell me that POV has not aired on TV yet. For some reason I was under the assumption that BB5 was being aired on Tues, Thurs, and Sats (I know it was last season).

A Kyngsladye Original ©2004
U.C.B. Local #69

"RE: The Veto was NOT used"
Posted by Glass on 07-11-04 at 04:43 PM
That's right, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Only it didn't air yesterday so the Veto competition and meeting will air Tuesday, followed by Mike's live eviction Thurs.

Thanks for the welcome, guys!

"RE: The Veto was NOT used"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-12-04 at 00:20 AM
Nice to see you posting with us again Rebel!
I also enjoy seeing you.

"Thanks, Buggy"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 07-12-04 at 00:49 AM
Ahh, gee, thanks, Ms. Buggy. I don't post often, but I'm here almost every day, enjoying the witty banter and, even more, the serious stuff.

But I'm following the written feeds, so maybe I'll have more to add soon. I was looking forward to following Mike since he's from Detroit, like me, but, with his nomination, that idea's all shot to hell now, I guess! (He's from the east side-they're snooty!) LOL

"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-12-04 at 00:19 AM

So Scott was too busy playing with his nipples to shake things up?
I heard ( or read) somewhere that Mike claimed to be the BB expert, that he had considered himself an expert on "The Game".

Bad form to let your playmates know that you have a plan.
Sad, I was expecting him to be interesting.

Clearly Jennifer and Michael are the misfits in the house, but having one of them voted out first would mess up the "drama" that CBS planned.

"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by minitroll on 07-12-04 at 02:08 AM
The part I can't understand is Mike's behavior after the nominations. If he's such a gamer, and a Big Brother expert, he should know that sitting around moping isn't the way to stay in the house. Considering how stupid the members of the tooliance are, it should have been easy to sway them away from voting him out, but he didn't even try.

Sigpic courtesy of the one and only IceCat.

"RE: The Don and The Veto"
Posted by stunnerphil on 07-12-04 at 04:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-12-04 AT 06:17 AM (EST)

this picture it doesnt look like the diamond veto looks like the gold veto.