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"Big Brother #15 Week #2 Live Feeds"

Posted by Snidget on 07-03-13 at 10:20 PM
I'll start it, but I don't know if I can stick it out.

HOH competition playing out at the start of the feeds, and I don't have a good feeling about this.

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Messages in this discussion
"It's armaggedon (....outta here!)"
Posted by tribephyl on 07-03-13 at 10:29 PM
Jokers posters have been claiming...
Aryan and Jerkemy are the winners.

The HOH is supposedly Aryan while Jeremy was rumored to have been the one to decide who was Have-Nots for the week.
Elissa is, of course, a Have-Not. (So is Helen.)

I never thought in a million years I would be rooting for a Reilly. But ... hang in there Elissa!

"RE: It's armaggedon (....outta here!)"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-04-13 at 11:51 AM
When I heard that, I thought "Great! Just what I need -- an absolute bigot and witch in charge of things!" I hate this!

On the bright side, she won't be HOH next week, so she can be gotten rid of then!

And yeah -- hang in there, Elissa!

"Firing #3"
Posted by Snidget on 07-04-13 at 08:49 AM
Aaryn fired from a second modeling job.


At least she can't blame it on the editing.

"RE: Firing #3"
Posted by michel on 07-04-13 at 12:59 PM
Now those articles are what they should put in a DR envelop when she goes to the DR. Watch that reaction!

"Union Pacific"
Posted by Snidget on 07-06-13 at 06:11 PM
Knows about Spencer's commentary.


They may have to deal with the union if they want to get rid of him, but they have said they don't agree with him.

"RE: Union Pacific"
Posted by KwietOne on 07-06-13 at 07:48 PM
I'm mostly in the Amazing Race forum and I'm a major lurker in the BB forums. I know someone who works in a government job and he used to work in HR. The most Spencer will get is a slap on the wrist, if in fact he's "union". Sure, it'll affect his reputation, if he in fact does have any to begin with, but this isn't something that'll get him fired.

I don't understand how these BB contestants, after 14 seasons, don't realize the live feeds see everything. -smh-

"RE: Union Pacific"
Posted by Snidget on 07-06-13 at 08:11 PM
Maybe that is why they recruit a lot of the cast rather than cast serious fans of the show.

I find it amusing reading the feed reports of discussions that people are certain will not be seen on the feeds. Like was it the Nerd Herd? who was certain that nothing in the HOH room got put on the feeds so they could be as nasty as they wanted to be up there because no one in America would see it.

"RE: Union Pacific"
Posted by Estee on 07-07-13 at 06:26 PM
One of the last things I saw on Jokers before beginning to verge into feed silence was that this assemblage has forced an updating of the old nickname to accommodate their own level of quality.

Aaryn's happy fun alliance? Is the Turd Herd.

"And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Snidget on 07-07-13 at 09:57 AM
From Dingo

minutes after "we're being watched all the time" Jeremy says about veto costume "what kind of a gay color did I get jewed with?"


"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-07-13 at 11:10 AM
And then he wins Veto! I hope he goes down in flames soon!

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by kingfish on 07-08-13 at 11:44 AM
So, Jeremy manages to insult a minority that (I think?) isn't even represented on the show? Kudos to him for that, who’s next, Eskimos? Native Americans? And kudos for turning Jew into a verb, however as a Hollywood DAW he might be surprised to learn that Jews aren't a small minority among the power brokers there. Poetic justice.

Were you thinking of an acting career, Jeremy?

Another verb infinitive he may be forced to recognize is "to be Jeremy’d", or "to Jeremy" oneself.

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-08-13 at 11:50 AM
In defense of Jeremy, Aaryn, GinaMarie and the others...

If CBS is going to reward people like Colton from Survivor for his behavior what's not to stop CBS from rewarding these people in the future?

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Snidget on 07-08-13 at 11:55 AM
I think Jeremy making comments about what the 1/16th Cherokee does to make him fierce could be insulting to Native Americans.

I don't know if Amanda is actually Jewish, but there have been some comments about her possibly not needing the money at all because she is Jewish.

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-08-13 at 12:59 PM
Probably all the more reason to do a parody of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" -- only I'd be singing "You're a Mean One, Jeremy". Let me know if you want me to do one.

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by kingfish on 07-08-13 at 02:23 PM
Doing another parody? Heck yeah, go for it. Except that I'd suggest using a different tune to do it to. For variety?

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-08-13 at 07:13 PM
I would, but I'm so familiar with "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" and it'd take a bit of effort for me to find another tune when I'm so comfortable with this one!

"RE: And the filth just keeps spewing"
Posted by Snidget on 07-08-13 at 07:24 PM
I added a parody to the thread.

Still about Aaron, but to the Despicable me theme. I watch that this weekend. What a fun movie.

"Hatred: the lowlight reel."
Posted by Estee on 07-08-13 at 07:24 PM

Approach at your own risk.

"I lasted 1 min 45 seconds"
Posted by suzzee on 07-09-13 at 11:37 AM
that was it

They are such a credit to themselves, any of their parents should be proud. Imagine what they're family dinners are like. yikes

Coolest Siggie Ever thx Tribe! 2008

"RE: Hatred: the lowlight reel."
Posted by Lasann on 07-11-13 at 09:06 PM
The link was taken down?


"RE: Hatred: the lowlight reel."
Posted by tribephyl on 07-12-13 at 01:59 AM
CBS copyright issue. They can do that.

"They do know she's Korean, not Japanese"
Posted by Snidget on 07-09-13 at 01:55 PM
I mean not that the Chenbot is any better at knowing there is more than one ethnicity of East Asians...

From Jokers...

Jeremy, talking to Sp about Helen: "Do you think she's offended when we call her H-Bomb because of like, Hiroshima?" NT - VanWinkle


"RE: They do know she's Korean, not Japanese"
Posted by kingfish on 07-09-13 at 04:34 PM
Not live feed related, but BB bashing goes with everything:


So, Mrs. Chen, aka Mrs. Moonves, would have us believe that the racial utterances which include a fair number directed at a Korean houseguest, are being revealed because they are relevant to the game this season, and has nothing to do with the fact that Mrs. Chen might be personally offended as an fellow Asian (as we all are, Asians and non-Asians alike), and has the power (remember the aka?) to change the time honored practice of sweeping inconvenient things like this under the rug, and make sure that this particular season’s racial slurs are brought out.

I can't blame her a bit, but this is (IMO) a case of power wielding to satisfy a personal pique.

Lesson: Do not insult Asians on Julie’s show. She can change the rules to ruin your life. Mexicans and Black people are probably still insult-able though. And I guess Native Americans too, Jeremy seems to do a mighty fine job of portraying “his” people as idiots.

"RE: They do know she's Korean, not Japanese"
Posted by suzzee on 07-10-13 at 09:56 AM
Now that's what it means to cut to the chase on all sides. Well done Kingfish.

I should be watched....closely.

"Human biology does not work that way."
Posted by Estee on 07-09-13 at 07:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-09-13 AT 07:19 PM (EST)

Aaryn was complaining that Jeremy's body radiates a lot of heat in bed, making him uncomfortable to sleep next to. Then she decided it was because he's part Cherokee and therefore retains heat within himself for later redistribution.

She is also in the progress of deciding McCrae is McGay. Amanda's experiences to the contrary are obviously meaningless here, because Amanda is Jewish and cannot be trusted.

Oh, and how racist is Aaryn? When taking care of the HoH pets, she has admitted that she's deliberately avoiding feeding the black fish.

I am not joking.

Jeremy, unaware he'd been outdone and possibly for all time, decided Andy would win MVP due to being gay and Howard's status as an African-American male automatically gives him poor communication skills. Because, you know, the heartland just loves homosexuality and Jeremy is totally the kind of person Howard would enjoy talking to every day.

Also, Kaitlin believes Beyonce is...

...well, let's just say all crosses are upside-down at every performance and leave it at that.

Naturally, Aaryn bought it.

All this comes because I peeked in on FHags and tuned in to what Jillian calls The Neverending Douche Report.


There is no escape.

"RE: Human biology does not work that way."
Posted by Snidget on 07-09-13 at 07:24 PM
And here I thought he radiated extra heat because the stupidity it burns.

who knew.

"RE: Human biology does not work that way."
Posted by kingfish on 07-09-13 at 11:12 PM
Oh no no no no, everyone knows that it's idiocy that burns calories and makes one hotter.

Wait, idiocy is stupidity.

I'm beginning to sweat.

"RE: Human biology does not work that way."
Posted by tribephyl on 07-10-13 at 01:42 AM
You're both wrong. It's ignorance that burns hottest.

What is it that they say, "hot body, cold heart"?

"She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by Estee on 07-10-13 at 06:59 AM
Howard finally confronted Aaryn on some of her remarks, ultimately accepting her reason in order to keep some degree of cage peace.

Her reason was that her comments had been taken out of context.

In this case, you might guess 'context' means 'her entire belief system'. But no, she blamed Candice for spreading false stories about her. In fact, according to Aaryn, Candice has been making up stories about everyone in the cage. So everything you see on the feeds? Candice created. Wow, Candice is the most amazing contestant ever.

Oh, and Aaryn herself is a victim of discrimination. Eecause she's blonde and there are no blonde activists.

...okay, that last happens, but still, Everything Is Candice's Fault. And now you know -- the excuse.

I don't think she's capable of seeing what's awaiting her on the outside -- other than praise from those who believe as she does, which are naturally the only people who count or are 'people' at all. And it makes me wonder what would happen if someone flew a banner plane over the cage.

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by newsomewayne on 07-10-13 at 08:27 AM
praise from those who believe as she does

I doubt Fred Phelps even watches Big Brother.

Tebow Time is over. We prefer to win games in the 1st quarter.
Trade managed by GM Agman, 2012

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by Estee on 07-10-13 at 08:47 AM
Brings up the fun question of just what the DVR in that house is recording.

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by suzzee on 07-10-13 at 10:02 AM
Maybe her cable has a Hate channel.

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by suzzee on 07-10-13 at 10:02 AM

I don't think she's capable of seeing what's awaiting her on the outside .

Exactly what she's earned although the best thing would be shunning by the rest of the human race.

Thanks sweetie! You brite up my world

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-10-13 at 11:34 AM
Sounds like the last thing Aaryn and BB needed was her winning HOH. She is becoming a big focus than she already was.

"RE: She has her excuse lined up."
Posted by Belle Book on 07-10-13 at 12:05 PM
You're right. She's so immature, and too twisted in her mindset to realize that everyone hates her! But she's not the only one -- Jeremy and Spencer are also too immature and maybe too twisted in their mindset to realize that their actions will come back to haunt them.

"RE: Big Brother #15 Week #2 Live Feeds"
Posted by KwietOne on 07-10-13 at 05:24 PM
Not sure where to post this, but an open letter from the Anti-Defamation League to Les Moonves:


"It gets worse."
Posted by Estee on 07-11-13 at 09:18 AM
Aryan has now admitted to intentionally outing a gay male in front of a fraternity in the hopes that they would beat him up.

How low can we go? Because this is not rock bottom. Not even close. And Aryan will drill.

"RE: It gets worse."
Posted by Belle Book on 07-11-13 at 11:35 AM
I hope everyone gets rid of her next week! She's worse than Connie from your Survivor fanfic, Estee!

"RE: It gets worse."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 07-12-13 at 00:43 AM
Ok, where are the live feed updates ths season...even after dark stuff?

Last I saw here, people were saying Elyssa was a moron for nominating Nick and then Boom Nick is out.....caught me by complete surprise.

"RE: It gets worse."
Posted by tribephyl on 07-12-13 at 01:58 AM
Last I saw here, people were saying Elyssa was a moron for nominating Nick and then Boom Nick is out.....caught me by complete surprise.

Ummm...wasn't here. No one called Elissa a moron nor even commented on her replacement. Although I was surprised as well.

But with regards to your question. Jokers Updates, Dingo's Hamster Watch and Reality BBQ are great places to read up on live feeds.
We've been too wrapped up in the color-commentary to notice much else.
And without Estee to suffer for our benefit, I think all of us care a little less than normal.