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"Big Brother 12 Live Feeds Week 5: Paint Can HoH to Stabo?"

Posted by vince3 on 08-05-10 at 09:16 PM
Well, with Kristen gone, we're down to our Jury and F2, and the Brighade is 4 of the 9...

The 8 that are eligible for HoH this week are on a spinning paint can that they have to stay on the ledge on... with a giant paint brush *whacking* and spraying them with paint...

The first one off of the can will be the one and only Have Not for the week. (The Pandora's Box will take up the rest of the time for the Sunday episode...)

Pandora's Box will tempt the new HoH with a "game-changing power" to open it... but if it's open, then the Saboteur can come back in play! America voted... and Ragan barely beat out Enzo to be given the chance to win $20k, if he chooses to accept it, and he survives two weeks... (which is already unlikely with his current standing in the house...)

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"RE: Big Brother 12 Live Feeds Week 5: Paint Can HoH to Stabo?"
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 09:30 PM
And that unlikeliness is why he won the job. 'Big Brother: we're sure as hell not paying for this.' Besides, what if he became the HoH and had to decide whether or not to unleash himself? And that's not a joke -- he did very well in the last endurance, and given his suspicions about the alliances in the house, he's got to know he needs HoH a lot more than he did the last time. If the Brigade drops out, he's arguably fine. But the longer they last, the more he needs that room key. Brendon & Rachel are the next pair up, sure -- but who's the target after they're gone? And, given Kathy's status as believed auto-evict substitute, who's the most likely pawn in case of veto?

For the moment, there's no way to tell what Ragan's thinking -- because, as typical for a Julie pass-off, there's no feeds.

"RE: Big Brother 12 Live Feeds Week 5: Paint Can HoH to Stabo?"
Posted by Fishercat on 08-05-10 at 09:33 PM
Enzo, Kathy, Brendon all down. Either Enzo or Kathy is the have not. Hahahaha.

It's about time for BritBrit to throw the challenge

"Put your Mute button on standby."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 09:35 PM
The feeds came back, and Brendon went off.

Enzo and Kathy are also down. (No reliable word about who went first, but you could get some very short odds on Kathy.)

Ragan claims that the paintbrush treatment is sexually energizing him. He wanted us to know that. It would be a dishonor to him not to pass it on to as many people as possible. It would also be shameful not to check the IMDB to see if anyone's shooting the script yet.

"And now that it's officially safe..."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 09:38 PM
...they're all yelling "Bring it!" at Rachel.

Hayden & Lane looking very miserable up there: another challenge that doesn't really favor those with more body mass. This could easily come down to Matt as Last Meow Standing again. Anyone want to try and predict the next Genius plan?

"I say it and it happens."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 09:41 PM
Lane and Hayden now out. (Has anyone noticed that the Meows very much challenge-svck?) Matt is once again their Last Best Hope, and Ragan's not in a position where he'll be as willing to consider deals. In fact, given his place on the paint can, I'm not sure he can make any deals -- at least, not quietly.

The brush may be out of paint. Good old BB long-term planning.

"Not again..."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 09:45 PM
And just like that, it's down to two. (Ibid. For details, see last HoH competition.) And they are in fact deal-making, right now. We may be about to see Genius Part II: This Time, There's No Possible Way You Can Understand The Brilliance.

Matt's thrilled that the rats keep rigging the comps for them. I'm not.

For the record: Kathy was the first one off. And Rachel's already at resignation: she told Brendon to be sure and win the veto. Brendon naturally took that personally and stalked off, telling her it was a horrible thing to say.

Gonna be a fun week.

"RE: Not again..."
Posted by vince3 on 08-05-10 at 10:04 PM
Well, it's been Brigade/Radon back and forth in the HoH, and Brendon and Britney have been trading the POV...

If the pattern holds, it is time for Brendon to win it again... and the fact that last year's Showmance are probably hosting might be a help to him...

"Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 10:07 PM
He drops. Matt wins HoH. Season effectively over. Brigade wins.

Let me know if the methane ever clears.

"RE: Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by Snidget on 08-05-10 at 10:19 PM
Hydrogen sulfide, since they are complaining of the smell. Methane is odorless and people usually make one or the other.

"RE: Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by michel on 08-05-10 at 10:20 PM
The thing with HOH format is that an alliance cannot pagong the other side just by having the numbers. A floater can force an alliance to eat itself.

"RE: Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by Estee on 08-05-10 at 10:33 PM
Gee, if only someone outside the alliance would admit there was an alliance.

I'm starting to think Ragan's so afraid of reprisal, he'll allow himself to be told what to do for eliminating other people right up until there's no one left but himself to eliminate. His goal may actually be 'Become the last one they come for.'


"RE: Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by michel on 08-05-10 at 10:39 PM
I'm afraid you could be right. We need the rats to run interference!

"RE: Ragan: Hero Of The Stupid."
Posted by vince3 on 08-05-10 at 10:43 PM
They tried this past week, but they didn't bring a big enough ClueX4

Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 08:20 AM
...the nomination targets remain Brendon & Rachel, but Rachel has moved to primary. She's achieved her dream: the Meows are afraid of her brains. (Oddly, it sounds like Ragan originally proposed this. Hello, self-destruct button -- especially given that Rachel wants to be Ragan's friend & ally.) If another quiz competition comes along, then she's a threat, and the odds are against two endurance in a row -- better get the payback out of the house before it strikes. (This is also happening because Enzo wants Brendon as a backup alliance.) This should mean both them going up through the front door, but Matt's Genius could strike at any time.

The rest of the cage is openly fine with the plan. Britney has some minor regrets: she feels that Rachel is the more tolerable of the two (and couldn't say much else after spending part of the day calling Brendon a giant douchebag) plus she's probably worried about the dearth of females in the house. But for now, the Giant Douchebag is safe.

...Ragan has, as expected, sealed his fate with the Meows: the time to seize power was last night and he took the coward's way out, right through the door marked EXIT IDIOT. They're talking about jury threats now -- he's next. (They're also tracking his movements: it was openly noted that he had the 'longest DR ever' last night -- and guess when he was probably offered Stabo?)

...under the current plan, Britney and Kathy will be the last two non-Meows evicted: entertainment value and competition-harmless, respectively (although there's some suspicion that Kathy threw HoH). Kathy's also on standby for her eternal backup role if Brendon or Rachel get this week's veto.

...the re-reveal of Matt's HoH room was deliberately overplayed with hamsters squealing at absolutely everything until the mics gave out. (Hayden broke his at some point. Who knew he could hit that kind of high note?)

...as expected, Rachel's looking for friends. Sympathetic ears. People she can talk to about the horrible situation she's in. With nearly half of the house as Meows, it's not going well.

...Kathy claims she can arrest anyone who says something that offends anyone else. Anything at all, as long as someone could find it offensive. Again: do not stop in her town. For anything.

...all the tension triggered another Brendon/Rachel fight, this time about her discussion of past boyfriends. There was also something with Britney which only seems to be coming across secondhand -- it sounds like Rachel was asking whether Britney had ever made out with girls, didn't believe the 'no', didn't believe it, and then thought Britney was offended by the question. Everything seems settled for now, at least between the women. With Brendon & Rachel, everyone else in the cage is waiting for the final explosion.

...other reality shows were discussed. None of the current crew wants to be on Survivor.

Small favors.

"RE: Overnight..."
Posted by michel on 08-06-10 at 06:13 PM
Didn't Hayden apply for Survivor first?

"RE: Overnight..."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 06:25 PM
His agent told him it was the Hell's Kitchen season.

"Let's all play 'Slander!'"
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 03:45 PM
Today's expression: 'I'd rather shoot myself in the face.' Britney originated it and a lot of people have been repeating it. Matt told the rats he'd rather have that than a one-on-one with Rachel. And I'd consider it an optional activity to take my mind off listening to these hamsters -- using a water gun.

All that's going on today is bashing, and everyone is letting their Mean Girl side out. Matt's asked the DR about taking the Natalie road: grabbing Rachel's $5000 in exchange for not nominating them -- followed by nominating them. He's having some open worries about the ethics of this (or at least California law), but it still came up. He's waiting on the DR's answer.

Rachel has been bashing everyone in the house, and it's probably not because she loves them all so. (Brendon appears to be agreeing with everything: all he's really said on his own is to caution Rachel on public speaking and make the 'they all whine about how much they miss the ones they voted out' speech. Oh, and Kristen going out may be Matt's fault.) Britney is fake because she's rich and never had to worry about anything, Britney is a bitch, Britney can't claim to be religious while still living with her fiancee. Ragan is a cockroach who has to be squashed. (This was said in front of Lane, who has passed it on to Ragan. Imagine Ragan's happiness.) All Ragan does is cry and act like a baby. Everyone is fake. Everyone who isn't her, their real lives svck. The unknown Meows are fake. Britney was fake for laughing at Matt's letter from home. Britney's fiancee came up for insulting 'cause he's certainly been a presence in the cage. Britney's boring because she's never been to a sex party. Oh, and Britney has a flat butt.

(Yes, most of this is about Britney. I wonder if Britney is now perceived as coming between Rachel and HER MAN instead of Rachel and HER BUBBLES.)

Meanwhile, in another part of the cage, Britney is not to be outdone. She happily says she could have a figure like Rachel's if she was just willing to eat the entire storage room. (This may include the shelving.) She wants Rachel to get pregnant with Brendon's baby just so she can not throw a baby shower -- apparently Rachel said something about people being greedy for having them. Ragan thinks Andrew was coached on his Fatal Last Words by Rachel & Brendon, as those are the only people who benefited.

Back to the showmance, and now they're complaining about HoH. It would have been so much more fair if those who had fallen could pull people off. And if Rachel had been given a paintball gun and allowed to shoot people off. Presumably in the face...

As Lane said, the game here might be to approach people, listen to what they all say about each other, then call 'Slander!', say something worse, and dare them to top it.

Sounds like a fun HoH competition.

"Matt locked out of HoH."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 03:47 PM
His suspicion here is the most likely result: he thinks they're installing a Pandora's Box choice. And as far as that goes? I quote:

Lane: Are you going to open no matter what?

Matt: Yea, I won't even read the card, I'll just kick down the door...

He's promised Britney that if she doesn't play for the veto, she can host. He wants to see if that announcement makes Rachel roll her eyes.

"RE: Matt locked out of HoH."
Posted by vince3 on 08-06-10 at 03:54 PM
I want to see Britney's reaction if she's not picked to Matt then not giving anyone hosting duties for the POV... (because more likely than not Jeff/Jordan are hosting it...)

"RE: Matt locked out of HoH."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 04:10 PM
Do you think we're on track for another Day Of Pointless Fish? If Jeff's staying overnight, the rats could block the feeds for a full twenty-four -- or more.

"RE: Matt locked out of HoH."
Posted by vince3 on 08-06-10 at 04:52 PM
Who knows? Especially considering the rats and hamsters...

"RE: Matt locked out of HoH."
Posted by Snidget on 08-06-10 at 05:04 PM
Because what, after all, is the point of being a genius if you actually use that brain to think things out before you do them...

"Matt tries his NataLIE impersonation..."
Posted by vince3 on 08-06-10 at 04:57 PM
He asked the DR if he could reneg on a deal if Rachel tried to bribe him with the $5k to not put the Showmance up? Much like NataLIE last year, they're NOT gonna allow it... If he accepts her money to not put them up, he can't... at least for the Front Door...;)

The Stabo Suggestion Box has opened up, so the speculation is that Ragan accepted the Stabo role... and will be unleashed as soon as Matt opens up Pandora's Box...

"Rachel talks to Brendon: 'acceptance' is out the window."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 05:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-06-10 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

Gratefulvw of Jokers transcribed this latest mess. I've edited in a couple of places to keep it within our own PG-13 standards, but otherwise left it untouched. (Some of this was mentioned in Post #15 -- this provides the context and some of the lines.)

We now return you to the nervous breakdown, still in progress.

"Rachel is sitting in the cabana room with the door closed and the blind closed, feeling sorry for herself. After about five minutes Bren walks in to talk to her and check on her. Here is the conversation:

Bren walks in and hovers over her. Rachel continues to sulk and doesn't look at him, just continues to pick at he nails. She does not acknowledge Brens presence even when he sits down next to her.

B: what is wrong?

R:: I don't even want to talk. I really hate everyone. I REALLY hate everyone right now. I really like, dislike, like I am not going to be friends with anyone outside of this house.

Bren has moved his arm around Rach's back and is sitting next to her. After she says this, she moves away from him, still not looking at him.

B: well, I will say this.....

R (interrupts) and I can't wait til I go to Vegas and tell them all how much they suck!

She now begins to look through the community nail care stuff.

B: Well Rach, I will say that I actually do like Hayden, Enzo, and...

R: (interrupts again and says in a very condesending voice) Well that is nice, that is good for you. I can't stand them.

B: Hayden, Enzo, and Lane?

R: Well I don't even know, I have never talked to them. But I will tell you that I do know that Britney is the fakest bitch in the entire world. (she is now playing with her extensions)

B: Yeah, well I spotted that week one.

R (attitude in her voice) And ****, like Ragan are you kidding me?

B: He is just as bad. they are all fake. All the fake ppl as soon as HOH changes you see their true colors

R: Even worse is Ragan, like really? (huge sigh of disgust) And he sucks! He is not even cool.

Rachel continues to talk with her voice full of attitude and whining. While she is talking she is taking nail clippers and clipping off little pieces of hair extensions.

R: All he does is whine.....and complain.....cuz he doesn't have a boyfriend. (voice changes to cocky now) Yeah! Why would anyone want to date you?

B: (smiles) That is some good stuff right there

Rach whips her head around at him and this is the first time she has actually looked at him since he walked through the door.

R (laughing) It's true!

B: No, well I told you....

R: (interrupts again, voice is vengeful, angry and full of cockiness) And he is best friends with Kristen because she has no personality? Well obviously if I had no personality, then....I would be best friends with someone that sucks that bad too! (still playing with her extensions)

R (continues, voice very "valley girl" and whining: And now they are all mad at meeee??? Like realllyyyy? (trying to capture the valley girl affect with my spelling) Um, okay! I am sorry that I play a game and I am good at it and I won HOH twice and I had to make decisions!!!! You voted them out tooooo!!!!! (she is again clipping the ends of her extensions with the nail clippers)

B: it's okay, who cares?

R let's out another huge sign of disgust

B: Don't let it bother you

R (very sing song voice, whining still but more of a whisper): I just can't staaannndddd this stuuuupppiiidddd drrrraaaaammmmaaaa.

B: I know but but but all the more reason for you

R: (completely ignoring bren) And brit is up there laughing right now oh hahahaha matt your letters so funn (her voice gets loud and angry now) Your letters so funny? You didn't f'in mow the lawn, that is really funny???? (when she says this last part, her head whips around and she looks straight at a camera) When is that ever funny? (looks at B, voice attitude again) Am I in a parallel f'n universe where that is funny?

B (still calm and soothing): Well, don't let this **** bother you, just ...

R: (interrupts with a cocky laugh): I am not!!! (it obviously is bothering her quite a bit and that is why she is acting out) I just think it's funny, it's hilarous! (while she is saying this, she is looking in the mirror and fixing her hair. she is trying to fake laugh her way through this to show that it is not bothering her and this is all a big joke, but you can tell B isn't buying it)

R: They are just so stupid!! (contining with the forced fake laughing) Like are you kidding me???? Like...did we enter loserville and then like (fake laughing again) like.....

B is not happy about where she is going with this and his face is telling her that he is not buying her act and to quit being nasty.

B: Rach, come on

R: (whispers) oh my god

B: Don't let **** bother you

R (playing with hair, fake laughing still)

B: I know you are upset and...

R (interrupts and starts "over acting" to prove she isn't upset): i am not even upset! It's just so funny that they are just such Lame ##### losers!

B: Well that is fine...

R: Like what are you doing to.....

B: But don't reduce yourself to...

R interrupts yet again, goes back to the valley girl voice with attitude: Reduce myself??? are you kidding meeeee???? I can reduce myself and still be above them. (Lets out big laugh)

While rachel is saying all this, she is over acting way too much. She is giving a lot of eye rolls, flashy looks at the camera, fake laughing, etc. This is either to cover up how upset and hurt she really is or to call attention to herself from BB. Whichever it is, Brendon is not buying any of it and he is now getting annoyed with her attitude.

B (much more stern voice): Rach, come on......trust me, yeah I agree. (whispers) i told you about Brit the very first week. (rach starts laughing again, although nothing that was said was remotely funny. Her laughing is extremely forced, like a child acting almost). I called that a mile away.

R (starts the exaggerated laughing again and then instantly turns angry and full of attitude, showing that she really doesn't think this is funny at all)

R: Ragan was like, i don't want to be the nerd herd (voice louder and more vengeful here) NO! Cuz you are the lame ##### losers.... (gives bren a smirk and a shrug of the shoulders) You don't have to be the nerd herd cuz you are lame losers.

R starts aggressively playing with her extensions and begins the forced laughing again. Every time she forces out a laugh she is ending it with a sigh, another sign that she doesn't find this funny at all. Bren is giving her a light look of disgust at her attitude.

R: I am going to call them the double L, cuz that is what they are from now on. They are so lame and such liars, it's like triple L....Lame,Liar, Losers.

B isn't saying anything and there is a long period of silence.. Rachel continues to clip the end of her hair extensions.

R (very quietly, hard to hear): There will be a double eviction and i will be around (she is using the sing song voice again)

Long silence and then B says: A double eviction what? What were you saying?

R: that I will still be around and I get to call their asses out ...on the spot....in five minutes....

B: (stammering) well, I mean if uh

R (whispers) I might even use my terminology

B: Babe I know, but it's going to be (rach lets out a snicker) real hard to make it through this week

R: No brendon! Don't worry, we are fine.

B lets out a sigh of fustration and then says "so I can go out there and say whatever I want to?

R (cocky) sure! It's just way harder when it comes from a guy. People think you are being mean.

Long silence and then R says under her breath " Oh little Britney how you change...alliance my #####"

B: i knew it! I told you (whispers) she's a f'n snake, she's just like Matt!

R: well, that is her other bff now

B: yeah, for sure

R: It's like....(long pause)...I mean really like ....maybe I am being naive, but I dont think I suck, but every other girl this season has sucked, but I don't think Monet sucked. But i never ereally got to know her

B: well she was just as bad as britney in terms of being fake and ****, only being nice when....Britney is just fake. Really, really fake. I told you she comes from a rich spoiled family and she tries to pretend like (imitates brits voice) everything is good and blah blah blah you know?

R: I just can't believe she would seriously, like, turn the tables....in like 30 minutes.

B: or less! (R snickers) That is her personality! That is not just game play that is who she is as a person. She is not genuine, she's not ....she's a spoiled rich kid who doesn't know what it is like to struggle, who has to work for ****, you know? her arguments consist of I'm right, you're wrong

R (whispers) Oh Brendon

B: 400 girls who and 8 of them who have kissed other girls, okay it's like...

R (interrupts, still clipping her hair btw) are you still on that?

B: well (stammers) I am saying like, f'n you don't know! Just like I don't know ! Okay, maybe you are right, maybe it's 100 but you don't know just like I don't know, so don't say it is. (pauses) No of my friends do that, none of my friends do that! Well, you probably only have 2 friends and that is it.

R: Well I would love to know how like...

B (interrupts) and Nick? Nick sounds like a f'n pansy!

R: (continuing) How she is so perfect cuz she lives with her boy...she is so perfect but yet she lives with her boyfriend and bangs all the time.

B: Yeah, no ****

R: all the time

B: And they have been together for 8 months

R: yeah

B: And lived together for two months

R: yup

B: Yeah, a real holy roller. But that, that is what is called bible beaters.

R: Bible beaters????She just tries to be lame

B: Well, like I said ...

R (ignoring b) Oh matt, your letters are sooooo funny. hahahaha

B: it's the religious thing, like when ppl try and act high and mighty. Esp. when they are not!

R (back to valley girl voice): I mean, I am religious, I go to church. but I still have fun and I don't go around pretending like

B (doesn't let her finish her thought): That you are a hard core Christian. That doesn't do anything wrong.

R: i mean, I wish I was a hard core christian that doesn't do anything wrong but.....

B: that is not a reality for anyone

R (ignoring him again) Opps, how do I break everything? (referring to the nail clippers that she was clipping her hair extensions with)

R: God, i suck! Brendon, can you fix this?

B: Yeah, let me melt it with my mind. WTF, am I superman???

B (voice a lil whiny): Rach, as upset as you get please dont, please don't turn on me and..

R (snaps and whines right back) I am not turning on you

B: I mean not turning on me but just....

R (interrupts) Quit being so emotional and I don't mean that in a mean way, but seriously (turns to look at him, attitude coming through) this is a game and I am going to get upset and ...

B (snaps) I GOT IT! but when, but when you tell me that we don't have to hang around all the time okay. My bad! Like should I not......want to hang around you? I am sorry, but that does suck.

R (whispering, totally changing subject): You know what sucks? Listening to Britney laugh at Matt's letter and who.. (forced laugh) gets dead cat fur????? What is that????

B: I don't know

R: Are you kidding me????

B: that is kinda weird

R Weird???? That is like dead cat fur

B: well whatever, you know

R (snaps at him, loudly) WHATEVER???? Are you kidding????

B: Whatever, I don't care

R: (whispers and gets up) dead cat fur

B (irritated again) Can we get out of here? This is their lives not mine.

R opens the blind to the door and says "Yeah, how much do their lives suck?"

B: No one here is above anybody else

R (attitude full force) Oh really???

B: yeah!

R REally? Cuz I really doubt that!!!! I mean at this point...

B I don't think that you believe that, I think you are upset...I think that you are very bothered by everything that is going on (bren is calling her out but she doesn't want to hear it)

R (interrupts) What is Britney going to be doing after this? Sitting around...

B: (huge sigh) having babies

R (really condesending tone) having babies and having her little husband have missionary style sex and (snickers) wow!! that sounds like such an interesting, passionate, fun life that I want to lead.

Rachel playing with the nail polishes and Bren just sitting there. Feed cuts to bubles and then

R: What do these ppl do? Like, do you live life every day? Do they just wake up and say like wow my life sux? cuz I wake up everyday and say wow my life is awesome!

B (very fustrated and obviously doesn't like her attitude): I know Rachel but come on....you are like f'n, I know you are upset and (rachel gives him a look) I get upset and Iwant to hit ppl hear you know? but that is just an emotion you know?

R (full of attitude and obviously very upset at the situation) I don't want to hit them I just want to laugh in their faces because they suck so bad!

B: I know but, this is you in the moment, like I don't think that....

R No brendon

B (continues) I dont think that you really think you are better than ppl

Rachel starts flipping her hair around and gives a face and attitude like a 12 year old girl that is not getting her way

R well, no....just better than ppl that suck!
She smirks and then opens her eyes wide, full of attitude and Brendon just looks at her with disgust

R: (very loud) just better than ppl that are fake and say they are my friend and take a bath with me and wear...do masks with me and the talk **** and I think we are friends and we are like bonding and then she is friends with someone with dead cat fur. That is really cool

B: (stammering) and I , I told you that she was a fake person but say THAT! Dont say ........I don't like the way it sounds........it sounds........mean (he was obviously looking for a word that wouldn't offend her)

R: Bitchy?

B (he wants to say yes, but stammers) well, I am not I well, I am not going to ....

R (starts paying with her hair again, defiant attitude again): I dont' even care, I am not going to lie at this point. I am so far away from like.....who I really am.......like.....

B: I know but I am still in this house with you. If you were hear alone I would say do whatever the f you want. but I am here with you! I would think that that would give you are reason not to say F this entire house! Cuz I am right here next to you.

R (whiny) except for you!

B: Yeah, but it doesn't sound like that ....you are just so burnt out that it is ......Trust me! Everything that you feel I feel right there with you! I am at the point where I dont' give a f anymore

R tells him "shhhhhhhhh"

B: Are you are you kidding me??? You just went on for twenty minute

R: I know but we can't be loud. I can be loud because everybody hates me and thinks I am a bitch, but you still need to be the nice guy.

B: Enzo said the same thing He said that he wsan't going to kiss any ##### and I told him I said the same thing, I said a long time ago that I won't suck anyone's *****

R (attitude again) Yeah I hear all that but enzo doesn't have to wrry abut anything because nobody wants to put him up! And Enzo's not going to go home. (big sigh)

B So are you going to want to talk to Matt later on?

R: Well, i already asked him if I could talk to him but apparently the HOH room is locked and apparently he has already made up his mind I am pretty sure so .....

B: He said that?

R No but he's like sure you can talk ...I know he is putting me on the block, it's like totally obvious! They were having a we hate rachel party last night come on! (sigh, then imitates fellow HG"S) Rachel took away Monet and then she took away Kristen and she lets the HOH power go to her head...

B: they were saying that?

R: I told you I went up there and they were like, we were just talking about losing friends (she makes an attitude filled face, again think 12 year old girl to get the mental picture)

B (stammers, all I can make out is the f word)

R: Losing friends (yelling) they were your friend for a week1 Lose them??? B F D !!

B: No it's the fact that they voted them out

R: Yeahhhhhhh!! And you voted them out!!!

B: Um, is that called a hypocrit or what?

R: I mean I am so sad that Kristen is not here, okay yet you voted for her to go home (long pause and then) Kristen played with her heart, SHUT THE F UP! Are you kiddin gme?

B: Is that what they said

R: Are you serious right now? Played with her heart??????

B: Kristen was a coniving b8tch, hands down.

R: She came like after me! What am I suppose to do????

B: Yeah and everybody would have done the same thing

R (attitude) uh, yeah!

B:If it was theirs shoes, but everybody (he keeps changing thoughts)

R (attitude full force) I am sorry if you were HOH want would you do? OHHHH, that is right nominate Brendon and I ! Duh, What am I thinking....

b Yeah but again you gotta think that even when we get out of here we are okay, we are going on to bigger and better things

R Oh I know. I feel bad that Nick has to deal with Britney, that would suck

B: I feel, Yeah....that dudes got no f'n testicles whatsoever. She dresses him, she f'n....calls him 24/7

R I have called boys 24/7 when I dated them

B (make an excuse for her) Yeah, but not to the point.....you are not going to inadate them ..you can tell, you like to hear from them because you are interested but you are not like boom boom boom boom.

Rachel does not say anything and looks away, which tells brendon that she does do that, so he quickly says

B: I like hearing from you too! That is not a bad thing, esp if we don't live near each other, then it is even more important. but you are not calling to the point that they feel like they need their space.

Rachel has mentally checked herself out of the convesation and is now more interested in her cleavage then what bren is saying.

B: Right????

Rachel says absolultey nothing and bren sighs. Feeds go to bubbles come back at...

B: I would like to have that oppertunity

R: I call and txt a lot

B: and that is fine....I really like texting

R: regardless, I just feel bad for him because....he is being...

B: well I will tell you what I will tell you this much....

R: His life must suck..

B: He will never make enough money for her. Period.

R: well

B: bottom line

R: He has to have missionary style sex for the rest of his life and be bored (12 year old girl face) She has never even gone to a sex party!

B: It's not that...that doesn't even matter

R: Yeah it does

B (he is still failing to realize that money does matter to rachel and that is why she is changng the subject to sex)

B: bottom line is when a girl is spoiled, she is accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and you can't provide it for her, she is going to get real bitchy. (rachel is zoned out of this convo mentally) and she is not going to make the money herself so....not to mention Medical Technologist? (he scoffs) that is like, you f'n check urine???? That is not being a doctor!

R: Well, I don't know about all that but I do know that their life is going to be really boring and I feel bad.

B: Well I do agree ....I am really glad you think that way because i do think it's great to have a family, but I also think that you should want a lot more than just settling down, having a family and waiting to die. So....that is not what I want

R: I bet they only have sex once a week (side note, remember Rachel said earlier in this rant that they were banging all the time, now it is reduced to once a week) Ewwww...I bet Britney never even does anything fun.

B: well that doesn't even matter

R: Yeah it does

B: (stil doesn't want to see, although its clear to him, that rachel is concerned about money and sex) but It's odd how ppl are trying so hard to convince you that you have their own insecurities...so....

R: And that does matter (back to sex)

B: well I know but not to me

r: would you want to date someone like that?

B: F no! Boring and bitchy??

R: I am like, way more fun that that (as she does a back bend)

B: I know

r: i just an't believe she turned on me this fast.

B: I can! I told you, er uh, A mile, er I told you she f'n bitchy, right in the fir, in the first week I spotted it.

R: (whining) she didn't turn on monet

B: cuz her and Monet are the same, Monet was just like her

R: that is lame

B: No, just like two faced, like do whatever. They were both so fake, right off the bat I could tell. They were both young girls, well brit was a little younger but just as immature......just don't , I mean I know you are upset and heat of the moment, just don't don't, this being out and this is being recorded. (looks at camera) I don't want ppl thinking you are this petty person, you know?

R: They probably think it's hilarious because they see everything

b; Oh, I know! I know they do and these...

feed cuts to bubbles.

B: I still have my pride, no matter what. Half a million dollars I will not sell my pride. I will be nice to ppl cuz that is who I am I am nice. that is not uncharacteristic. but I am not going to be fake nice and everytime someone wins HOH I am not running f'n up there to give them f'n handies...you know?

R: Unless I win

B: huh?

R: Unless I win

B: Unless you win...(big smile) then I might get (mouths the word) freaky

Rach gives him a look "Oh brendon brendon brendon

B: oh rache, you are crazy

R: I know. (She begins to do leg lifts??????)

B:L This is what you have been doing in here?

R: No, I should be...I should be doing squats and leg lifts.

Okay, I am done. Hope you enjoyed and sorry I can't do more but this was extensive and quite frankly I can't take anymore of this nonsense lol"

You and the entire Internet.

"RE: Rachel talks to Brendon: 'acceptance' is out the window."
Posted by Lasann on 08-10-10 at 02:06 PM
I couldn't get through the entire transcription because my eyes glazed over. What an idiot.

Sharnina has outdone herself this time! Bounced by IceCat!!!

"Wonder what Rachel would do with this one."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 05:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-06-10 AT 05:55 PM (EST)

She and Ragan (with Brendon vulturing) managed to create the public appearance of mutual apology, but she may have missed this ultra-fast one-two sequence. If I've got the details at least semi-right, then in very light paraphrase:

1. Lane kills a giant cockroach in the kitchen.

2. Ragan & Britney, chorus: "NO! THAT'S OUR BROTHER!"

We are now on trivia -- either nominations or a luxury competition.

"RE: Wonder what Rachel would do with this one."
Posted by vince3 on 08-06-10 at 06:17 PM
or Pandora's Box?

"Yep -- Pandora."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 06:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-06-10 AT 06:30 PM (EST)

We have a winner: Matt came out and told them that's just what happened. He also said he got money out of it -- namely, one dollar. Which brings him to a grand total of two. He claims he can't give them any more details beyond that. There's some suspicion over this, largely regarding the dollar.

No one's sure what this has unleashed. Revive-A-Hamster has been mentioned, but not Stabo. (Rachel was hoping for an 'HoH role reversal'.)

ETA: Quoting Caseypeace at Jokers on what Matt told the others:

"Matt says the card said," You may uncover great wealth." This was before he chose to open PD. When he opened door there was a brief case. The brief case was in this glass that you need to unlock. Inside the case a card said, "This is the wealth you have attained." The wealth was only one dollar according to Matt. Then it said," Beware of the consequences this power will unleash on the house." Ragan thinks that it will be a returning house guest or Coup de tat. Brit doesn't think it's a returning hg unless there were 2 double evictions."

This was the story given to Ragan, Hayden, Britney, and Kathy. There's some fear here of the Coup, especially if it winds up in Brendon or Rachel's hands -- but the others can't convince themselves that America would ever vote those two anything positive. At least, not for more than a few seconds at a time.

"Another country heard from:"
Posted by vince3 on 08-06-10 at 08:56 PM
A place that has been getting BB Alumni to blog for them... This time, it's BB9's Natalie... http://tinyurl.com/3y6z8kz

"That's not another country."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 09:01 PM
That's another planet.

"RE: That's not another country."
Posted by kingfish on 08-07-10 at 08:14 AM
I would vote for an amendment to the constitution that took away any former BB'ers right to tweet.

"RE: That's not another country."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 09:07 AM
Hamster rights! Hamster rights!

But at the same time, this particular hamster fell for dear drug-dealing woman-assaulting Mattie. I don't think she's qualified to render judgment on anyone else's showmance.

...actually, I don't think this one's qualified to tell if it's raining.

"Nominations are in."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 10:29 PM
Take a wild guess.

"RE: Nominations are in."
Posted by michel on 08-06-10 at 10:45 PM
Enzo and Lane?

"RE: Nominations are in."
Posted by Estee on 08-06-10 at 11:06 PM
@!#$. I was sure no one was going to get that.

Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 08:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-07-10 AT 08:56 AM (EST)

...everyone found out there's a new saboteur in the cage. What. Ever. (Britney did work out that it's being done for money -- and the exact amount. Ragan's insisted money isn't as important as getting any kind of power. Of course he has.)

...Stabo spoke directly (with Ragan working from a script). As rendered by Jokers:

"Hello Houseguests, guess who's back. Annie may be long gone but my reign of terror is about to begin.

I want to thank Matt for opening Pandora's Box and unleashing a new Saboteur into the house.

My mission is to destroy all of you and cruise towards the half a million dollars.

Watch your back before I stab you in it."

Stabo's dialogue provided by the NCIS writing team.

...the Meows became so full of themselves, there was no room left in the house for anything else. 'We are the Brigade, so we're Final Four!' 'We are the Brigade, so we will control the jury!' 'We are the Brigade, and even America is afraid to vote against us!' 'We are the Brigade, and the game will be rigged for us to win!' 'We are the Brigade, so the producers will tell us who the saboteur is!'

No, really. They tossed that one around for a while. Of course, they are actually the Meows, so they don't believe Ragan could ever be the new Stabo. (Matt: "The saboteur is either stupid or desperate, so it's Kathy or Rachel.") And they remain idiots. With one Genius. Who happens to be an idiot.

Oh, and they're taken to yelling "Brigade!" at odd moments. I smell a drinking game... or at least the after-effects of one.

...a bowling-style game appeared in the backyard. Since everyone believes this is a preview of the Veto style, Brendon & Rachel spent a lot of time playing it, practicing into the small hours while Brendon muttered about this being his (censored) house. Britney failed to see the point in all their efforts -- after all, if one wins veto, the other just gets sent home.

...Brendon continued to demonstrate his intelligence by telling Rachel about how Enzo and Hayden are on their side. (Next week, Brendon proves how Iran acquiring nuclear weaponry is the true key to world peace.) He also lost control of his language last night. He went to places Adam used to be very fond of. (From Jokers: 'He then says he didn't mean to say that word. Then he says well accept for the people it applies to. Then he apologizes again and asks Rachel "Do people really get offended when you say that?"') He termed Matt & Ragan as "the midget and his boyfriend". And then kept going.

Brendon's plan is to get the Veto, then save Rachel in the hopes that she can take HoH and get revenge. After all, what's a chance at $500,000 compared to the love of his life?

Yes, he actually said that. And he trusts Enzo, because Enzo talks to him. Maybe they can hold a double wedding.

...Rachel's emotions were all over the place. She's accepted her fate. She's crying. She hates Britney and Ragan. No, she doesn't -- they're her only hope in the game. Actually, she does, so let's watch her go seek comfort from Kathy, who's never had a chance to tell the devil everything's going to be okay. Let's practice the bowling game some more! No, let's cry because she svcks at bowling. The rules are unfair: why can't the outgoing HoH play the next week... Repeat until exhausted, then sleep.

The entire house thinks she's just doing it for attention.

...oh, and Kathy thinks Rachel is the new Stabo. Because Rachel is the devil. And nudged Brendon during nominations. Twice. Despite the person pushing this theory, most of the house does seem to think Rachel's it this time around. There's also some light fear of her holding a Coup, but the theory on that is if she did, she wouldn't cry as much. In order to get attention, of course.

...the Meows did not approve this post.

"RE: Overnight..."
Posted by Belle Book on 08-07-10 at 10:20 AM
Looks like Ragan accepted the offer. I'm glad -- I think he'll be smarter about being the Saboteur than Annie was.

"Everybody up."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 12:09 PM
Sounds like they had Lady Gaga as their wakeup music, but no one's IDed the song. Can anyone think of an appropriate one?

This should be veto chip pull (only two, as Ragan's automatic) and competition today, but a lot depends on Jeff's schedule. If suspicions are correct and he's not just there for the night, then nothing goes off until he shows up to launch it.

The season has gone so far south so quickly that getting Jeffoon (and possibly Jordumb) back for a night feels like an improvement. We are officially in a place beyond sad.

"RE: Everybody up."
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 12:19 PM
Since Matt's in the HoH spot? Poker Face

"RE: Everybody up."
Posted by Snidget on 08-07-10 at 12:36 PM
"Bad Romance"?

"Seven Veto players."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 01:59 PM
Matt, Rachel, and Brendon are joined by Enzo, Britney, Kathy, and Ragan. So it's the minimum possible number of Brigade members for the pool size, which Lane is already complaining about. (Earlier in the day, he declared that real men don't cry. Could someone tell him real men don't whine about random draws and see what happens?) Enzo is already planning to blame not using the veto on being afraid of looking like Stabo.

Irony is listening to any person in this group saying someone else is acting immature.

Newest brilliant Brigade plan: tell the jury the DR forced them to ally.

"RE: Seven Veto players."
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 02:14 PM
I'm surprised that Lane/Hayden aren't complaining that they're not hosting the POV...

"RE: Seven Veto players."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 02:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-07-10 AT 02:34 PM (EST)

*checks Jokers* Nothing about a host pick -- they may have been told they're getting a guest. They're not really discussing it, though: everything is either Brendon's toe, general Rachel bashing, non-toe Brendon attacks, or Stabo talk.

Enzo's venom at Stabo II -- saying taking the role is a punk move and he's going to call whoever it is out at the finale -- is a little extreme, especially when you consider Ragan hasn't done anything. At a guess, his real issue is that he suspects the part was picked by public vote -- and knows he didn't win. Enzo wants to think the public loves the Meows and their leader (or else). This is the first sign that they might not.

"Veto possibility breakdown."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 02:45 PM
Brendon will use it on Rachel.

Rachel will use it on herself, with accompanying drama.

Kathy will never, ever use it. She will barely play for it. And she will claim this is her master plan. Hers or her deity's: it's one and the same.

Britney will not use it, but will have a selection of choice remarks to make about not doing so.

Enzo will not use it, lie about why, then boast for three DR hours about how this means the Brigade is meant to win.

Matt will not use it. And smirk.

Ragan will not use it because movement towards the intended recipient would require the possession of a spine.

So it might look like a straight two in seven shot -- but if this is a format where players can directly target each other, it's actually a slaughter.

"RE: Veto possibility breakdown."
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 02:47 PM
Yeah, 5 weapons aiming at 2 targets...

"RE: Veto possibility breakdown."
Posted by Belle Book on 08-07-10 at 03:48 PM
Well, let's hope Brendon doesn't win the POV so that he avoids a Hall of Shame induction. Let's also hope that Rachel doesn't win it either.

I also don't think that Ragan will use it because he knows he'll be in danger if he uses it. He needs common sense more than he needs a spine.

"RE: Veto possibility breakdown."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 03:52 PM
I just think Ragan has to assemble an alliance of his own now. He's running out of numbers, the Brigade has targeted him (too close to Matt, jury threat), and he might actually be the next one out if they decide to hold off on a toothless Brendon for a week. Ragan's had a couple of chances to get the power on his side -- and he's passed on every one of them for fear of offending people. And not having offended people? Turns him into a jury threat.

He has no protection. Under the current house structure, he's two weeks away from having that demonstrated. Maximum.

"RE: Veto possibility breakdown."
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 06:11 PM
The POV was an elimination competition, "knockout" style...

and Jeff/Jordan did host the thing.

"POV is underway"
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 04:14 PM
and Hayden is supposedly hosting it... whether that means that Jeff/Jordan are either running late or are coming in later is anyone's guess...

"Start the countdown"
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 06:05 PM
... to Showmance destruction... Britney won POV, her 3rd of the season.

"RE: Start the countdown"
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 06:17 PM
And in the knockout format, Kathy removed Rachel (to cheers). The religious connotations on that one are still being worked out.

Britney claims she may not talk to Brendon or Rachel for the duration. Good luck with that.

"RE: Start the countdown"
Posted by Fishercat on 08-07-10 at 09:08 PM
A horrible strategic decision by Britney, who has to be target #1 after Brenchel now for the Brigade.

With that said, the gutsy move would be to save Rachel and force Matt to either put up the Brigade's preferred #5 (Kathy), his non-brigade ally (Ragan), or a brigader. The smart version of Matt puts up Lane (or threatens to), which would either leave the nominations the same or probably ensures Brendon goes home without tipping off anyone in the house to the brigade (if Lane is unoffended). The dumb Matt tells the truth, which Brit promptly tells to everyone as the floaters solidify opposite the Brigade. Even if that fails...it may not be a horrible idea to team with Rachel, who she can beat in an F2 and who would probably keep her back.

"Ultimate Irony"
Posted by vince3 on 08-07-10 at 06:16 PM
Kathy eliminated Rachel in the POV competition, which caused everyone else to give Kathy cheers, while Rachel/Brendon had *eyeroll*s

Remember, Britney wanted Kathy to be eliminated if she saved Hayden last week...

Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 06:22 PM
(Near-)Ultimate irony is if Matt's Genius orders him to use the veto, puts Kathy up to ensure the Radon removal of his choice, and Kathy goes home. But since Matt would go onto Lane's agenda under 'next animal that needs shooting', the odds on that one are a little low.

On the other hand, this did just turn Kathy into a game threat. Look, kids: she can win something! (Maybe it was a 'who quits first' race?)

"Cue fight scene."
Posted by Estee on 08-07-10 at 06:32 PM
Rachel vs. Kathy. It was choose your opponent, the former picked the later, and now she's screaming about how could Kathy have the lack of morals to beat her when Rachel let Kathy sleep in the HoH room for a whole week. (Come on, Rachel -- Kathy tries to sleep in the HoH room regardless of who's in there.) Kathy points out that Rachel picked her because the matchup looked like a Rachel win. Rachel doesn't argue this, which just offends Rachel more -- can't Kathy throw one in the name of all that mattress space?

Britney finally rescues Kathy from this by saying she's wanted in HoH, and Rachel fumes about how she's not speaking to Kathy and her feelings are hurt and she's been fighting for her life since Day One and isn't going to apologize for it and ibid, ibid, ibid.

This could be a very loud week.

Popular opinion is that Jordan didn't like Rachel. Jordan doesn't like anyone she can't spell.

"RE: Cue fight scene."
Posted by Belle Book on 08-07-10 at 07:13 PM
Jordan probably doesn't like Rachel but I doubt it's because she can't spell Rachel's name. I think it's because Rachel's not half as nice as Jordan was. And who can blame her?

So I guess Rachel's out the door. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I always said!

"State Of The House."
Posted by Estee on 08-10-10 at 08:37 AM
Everyone is bashing everyone else. (If they were a message board, they'd have about eight hundred threads with seven hundred of them locked.)

Britney didn't use the Veto, and Brendon spoke to her about it -- during the meeting. Apparently he called her a spoiled brat, among many other things. And then he kept going for a while. Brendon is deliberately trying to pull an Andrew and get himself thrown out of the house. The rest of the cage plans to let him think this is working. They'll be nice to Rachel to the point of helping her prepare for the HoH competition, and then they'll vote her out anyway. Because jury votes mean nothing. (Only Britney has the presence of mind to keep a public peace while keeping up the verbal assault -- she's said she's going to "vote to evict herpes.") And they all seem to think she put him up to it anyway. From all evidence, she didn't, had no idea what he was going to do, and is mortified. But they see what they want to.

As does Rachel, who spent a lot of time mourning about how sad it is to go in the house, find yourself really attracted to someone, and then wind up suffering on the block with your partner while everyone else decides which of you to send out. Which would normally be an understandable topic (if one we're sick of hearing about), but she kept saying all this to Hayden.

So right now, whenever they're alone, Rachel & Brendon insult everyone else. The hamsters they're not with use the time to insult Rachel & Brendon. And 'insult' is a weak word here. We're heading into 'Natalie talks about Michelle' territory, only with slightly less open slander.

Oh, and Britney's hosting a talk show. Backyard or HoH, showtime is whenever she can get guests, topic, and seating. (The monologue is ready to go at any time.) General subject? Bashing!

But at least she's got a house band.

Britney to Rachel: "He loves you but he doesn't like women." Maybe if she expressed it as a formula...

"RE: State Of The House."
Posted by LFJ on 08-10-10 at 09:42 AM
Speaking of overnight...

What is up with Haydon's hair? He looks like a Muppet. Last night he was trying to keep it out of his eyes while he shot some pool. He had his sunglasses on, in the dark, pushed up onto the top of his head to hold the hair out of his eyes. He needs a headband.

If the house has two live axons firing at the same time (both in Matt's head, of course) they will get rid of Rachel, have a peaceful week, and then Brendan can go on a comp. run. What else will he have to drain him of energy?

Personally, the only person in the house I can tolerate is Enzo.

"RE: State Of The House."
Posted by rayjj on 08-10-10 at 04:11 PM
I would love to see them send Brendon out of the house, just so they can torture and taunt Rachel for a week, then hope like heck Rachel doesn't get HOH, so Matt can use his diamond veto to send her out the door next week.

"RE: State Of The House."
Posted by Estee on 08-10-10 at 05:29 PM
Scary Thought Of The Day: Rachel is everyone's ideal F2 partner right now. (She gets Brendon's vote -- and that's it.) But no one in this group can think that far ahead, and protecting her for the duration would be just about impossible. Still -- if she had the brains of an S5 Brian, this would be the time to make the 'anyone can beat me' move.

Actual result: Clay.

Posted by Estee on 08-11-10 at 08:38 AM
I'm just gonna let Hamsterwatch tell this one.

"It took 39 days but we finally had a major fight... it started with Rachel finally cornering Ragan at the hammock (he'd been avoiding her for two days), with Britney... Ragan gave her the goods, the real stuff about why he was tired of her and her drama... he stayed calm and very rational, and pointed out that she'd been involved in every spat so far except Andrew vs Kristen, but they're both gone now"

From Jokers: the rough transcript of that talk.

"Ragan says she was looking at him and laughing.

Rach says several times that she doesn't now what he's talking about and that she was laughing about something that was said in the DR.

Ragan keeps saying she was laughing maniacally.

Rach keeps saying she is sorry he thought that, but she is honestly wasn't laughing at him.

Ragan: I'm done, Rachel. I'm done. I can only work within reality.

Rachel trying to explain she was not laughing at Ragan, Ragan not believing her.

Brit adding something about Lane seeing her...says she can leave the convo if they want. They don't ask he to.

Rach says she wasn't laughing and says it would make no sense.

Ragan: We clearly operate on 2 different levels and I just don't get what's going on in your head.

Now he's telling her that she's been the common denominator of every argument. She is defending herself. He says she is the only person to say any cross words to anyone in the house. Rach asks if he forgot about Andrew/Kristen.

Rach also asks if he forgot the her calling out Matt was after Matt volunteered to be a pawn and he was there for it.

Ragan saying he's seen a lot in life and on the show and doesn't understand the behavior...he doesn't engage in it. Rach is looking at him sort of strangely...sort of like she doesn't understand.

Ragan says some of her behavior is "beyond the pale"

Rach wants to know examples.

Brit interjects that they should probably not worry about past events. Neither Rach or Ragan respond.

Ragan says when people don't own their actions or aren't aware of ho people will interpret their actions, it's not his to make "you see what's going on in this house."

Ragan says he wants them all to have fun and play comps and never talk trash about each other or call each other (small felines).

Ragan: I'm saying that I don't think you're a good sport.

He says she pouts and cries. Rach trying to talk, but Ragan keeps talking.

Rach: There's nothing I can say to you that you will listen to...and now I am getting upset. I will bow out. I'm the bad person. I'm sorry I ruined your game and am ruining your time here.

Rach walks away...starting to cry.

Brit immediately says Rach is a bad sport and in denial. Ragan asks if he did OK. Brit says he did."

Back to Hamsterwatch.

"He finally said he was done with her, she'd exhausted him, and she went off to Diary but not before Brendon got wind of it.. he strode out to the backyard and laid into Ragan and Britney... all kinds of angry stuff flew in every direction, culminating with Brendon shouting "You have been an (censored, anatomical)... **** YOU!!" to Ragan... Ragan called Brendon a neanderthal and Brendon corrected his pronunciation... Britney laughed at that and then imitated his (Brendon's) walk as he was leaving, and he said her boyfriend Nick was sleazing around right now and she should take his balls out of her purse

Britney cried a bit over that when they replayed it in the backyard, and Brendon sat outside Diary telling his story to the door since they wouldn't let him in... Britney came inside and scored a direct hit with "No wonder your family doesn't support you, you humiliate them""

Brendon's main insult to Britney was to call her a 'three-foot nothing.' (Height jokes work?) The others comforted her and Enzo told her that if she wanted Brendon gone, he was gone. This, of course, is a lie -- as far as we know, the plan is still to evict Rachel, and Enzo was discussing the implications of keeping that going long into the night.

One of Britney's other responses to this was to admit she's a mean girl, but she could never just attack someone unsolicited. (Note: existing counts as solicitation. If you don't want Britney to attack you, don't exist. If you don't want Brendon to attack you, hit him first.)

Jokers transcribed some of Brendon's 'I don't care' open DR...

"Says Ragan is fake and an opportunist...full of crap...was a friend to Rach and then turned on her...says they tried to help Ragan when he had his slop break-down and as soon as the tides turned, he isn't Rach's friend anymore.

"You don't conveniently pick when to be friends when want to be. These people are ridiculous, maybe I look like a tyrant because I went out there, but I cant..I can't handle it any more. I can't deal with how they behave. I can't stand by and pretend something is OK when its not."

Bren saying these people can't even be nice to them...aren't even half-way decent...

Bren says Brit throws people away like kleenex and Rach doesn't deserve it.

"I'm tired. I'm exhausted and I won't stand for it. She is an amazing person and doesn't deserve to be talked to like that. Even if it makes me look like a crazy lunatic, I won't stand for it."

He says he's OK with Enzo and Hay...says he thinks Lane is the sab.

"Whoever stays is going to fight to win and put these people in their place"

"I don't want to look like an a$$hle on TV, but I'm not going to stand by and let people treat people like that."

Talking about how Brit was in the bath with Rach last week and then turned on her. "These people are poor human beings. It's inexcusable. Maybe I shouldn't have been as crazy as I was out there right now. But I'm sorry. You pushed me to the brink."

Now he's sitting outside the DR door...appears to be waiting for Rach."

And Hamsterwatch for the time stamp and future fight forecast.

"Flashback to 10pm to watch it unfold and/or 11:10pm for Just The Tip talk show episode 3 for the replay - both are well worth the watch... I seriously doubt Brendon would take on any of the other guys, but he sees Britney & Ragan as easy prey - he's shown his misogynistic side and has let more than a few gay slurs fly

Flashback also to 8/11 3:21am F1 for Matt's duckie puppet theater.. in other news, Enzo won the corrugated pool trophy tonight."

The rubber duck theater (sorry, Snidget) was Matt using them (gifts from his HoH package) to plan out hamster scenarios and see how his ride to the finals might go. Matt might have a little more reason to worry about that, because he thinks someone went through his luggage -- and earlier, Rachel was checking the rulebook for the legality of pulling that level of RussHell. No one's been able to find any camera footage of the Dysfunction Twins going into HoH alone, let alone through Matt's suitcase, and the Blingie is still there -- but there's a chance its presence is now known by more than one person, especially with suspicious bubbles covering up part of Rachel's rule search.

The bottom line to all this? Thursday may be very, very loud...

"All bashing, all the time."
Posted by Estee on 08-11-10 at 01:58 PM
Is it possible that we've been so light in Bashers this season because the hamsters have taken over the entire workload? Right now, it's Ragan, Matt, and Britney in HoH, trashing Rachel & Brendon to the point where the blue recycling bins are going to be taking shredded material.

Matt's obsessing over his luggage having been touched (or so he claims). Admittedly, with the Blingie in his possession, he has reason to worry, and even more reason to blame Dysfunction Junction -- but I'm staring to wonder if that was Ragan's first-and-only act of sabotage. Take that out and Ragan doesn't seem to have done anything -- with the first week about to expire.

Rachel remains the target: everything which happens in the house remains her fault. And a lot of things are -- but this is getting very close to Michele-Land.

"New Stabo message just in."
Posted by Estee on 08-11-10 at 06:53 PM
Very fresh news from the boards: this was just a few minutes ago.

Ragan probably choked a few times before getting this one out. Jokers is still trying to work out the exact wording, but it seems to be "True love conquers all: don't sweat about who goes home tomorrow as neither may leave."

The hamsters have been talking about how quiet it is on the Stabo front: apart from (maybe) Matt's luggage, nothing's happened. But this video qualifies as, if not sabotage, then at least a major paranoia enhancer. Rachel & Brendon already openly thanked Stabo, and the reactions should start setting in around the cage right about -- now.

Personally, I think this is sabotage -- of Rachel & Brendon. Go ahead, get their hopes up: they've got twenty-five hours left to enjoy it.

"RE: New Stabo message just in."
Posted by Snidget on 08-11-10 at 07:02 PM
Here is the updates from jokers.

Wed 3:57 PM BBT Matt, Ragan and Lane in HOH room watching others HG with spy cam. They all seem depressed NT - Falbalila

Wed 3:44 PM BBT Rachel and Brendon seems really happy...they said aloud: thanks saboteur! NT - Falbalila

Wed 3:43 PM BBT The Sab apparently said "True Love Conquers All" and mentioned that it's possible that neither nominee goes. HGs speculate. NT - FireSpike

Wed 3:42 PM BBT Enzo says the sab msg said "True love conquers all, dont sweat who goes home tommorow as neither may leave" or something to that effect NT - Gorf

Wed 3:39 PM BBT HGs received another Sab msg NT - genx

Wed 3:35 PM BBT FOTH NT - genx

"Sweet, sweet delusion."
Posted by Estee on 08-11-10 at 07:20 PM
From Jokers:

"Brendan remarks that the sabo message has revealed how the house has split. "Interesting," says Brendan. He,Rachel, Enzo, Hayden, and Kathy in the living room. Matt, Ragan, Lane, and Britney upstairs in the HOH. Brendan further speculates whether they will extend this BB season since neither he nor Rachel are leaving (he assumes).

Rachel, smiling, heads to the kitchen. Brendan brings up what happened in the back yard last night.

R & B head to the Taj, where they declare their feelings of vindication from the sab message. Brendan notes that Lane has made his true allegiance clear (it is not to them). Whatever happens, says Rachel, she's happy about the sab message. It sent all the others scattering scared. They return to their studies . . ."

The Stabo message also may have said something about someone having been voted a power: this is unclear. (It's starting to sound like not every hamster made it to the living room in time.) But they are getting nervous: there's already discussion of what'll happen if the Coup gets pulled out.

But we know there isn't one...

"Ragan's fears."
Posted by Estee on 08-11-10 at 10:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-12-10 AT 08:46 AM (EST)

Putting tonight's episode together with the feeds reports, he seems to be restricting his sabotage attempts to things he can do in the safety of the DR. Anything which involves being out in public and taking a risk doesn't factor into his personal equations.

Currently? He may be down at the halfway party with everyone else (including Kathy, who was taken off slop for one hour) -- but before that, he was hiding in the HoH room, trying to avoid any potential bullying from -- well, anyone, but mostly Dysfunction Junction.

He hasn't been throwing HoH to Matt. He's been giving it away because he's terrified of the responsibility and retaliation that would come from actual power. Ragan may be the ultimate floater: let him be with anyone this week as long as he doesn't have to do anything.

Just what we needed: Kevin with more internal terror.

ETA: Ragan had an open confessional last night in which he said the saboteur message was your basic total lie, so that's confirmed: it's just a touch of Radon torture which spread out. It also might have been the only printable thing he said about them all night.