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"Don't know much about the lying game..."

Posted by Estee on 08-19-09 at 07:32 AM
List and keep track of the minor distortions Natalie keeps trotting out for review here and see how long it takes us to reach a hundred posts. (In real time, at one lie per item, that would be about two hours.)

Posted to Spoilers because most of her more glorious inventions haven't made the broadcast.

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Messages in this discussion
"Five to start."
Posted by Estee on 08-19-09 at 07:37 AM
1. She's eighteen years old. Really she is. Really and truly and honestly beyond all doubt, and if you doubt Natalie, you're a meany poo-poo head.

2. Despite being eighteen, she has managed to play in the World Series Of Poker by using a fake ID.

3. Natalie routinely gambles in casinos, but it's not with the help of the fake ID: it's a magic wristband which prevents anyone from ever asking her for the fake ID, which presumably stands ready as a backup at all times because it was good enough to get her into the WSOP, wasn't it?

4. It's all Michele's fault! Everything in the world is Michele's fault! You just pulled a muscle from staring in disbelief at that statement? That was Michele's fault too!

5. Jessie told Natalie that he loved her. Tru Luv. It's very special. It's also editing out the boring stuff and going only with the good parts. Which never existed in the first place.

"RE: Five to start."
Posted by Snidget on 08-19-09 at 08:11 AM
I thought it was that magic face that looks like everyone of her 24 years.

I know she spilled the age thing to some of the hamsters, are any of them still in the house? I wonder how they can keep a straight face when she goes into how she gets to do everything a 24 year old can even though she has just turned 18.

Am I the only one hoping for The Lies Of Natalie montage at the finale?

"RE: Five to start."
Posted by vince3 on 08-19-09 at 08:21 AM
I don't think they'll have enough time on the Finale for the montage......

"RE: Five to start."
Posted by Snidget on 08-19-09 at 08:26 AM
Especially if they include every time she says she hasn't lied at all in the game, not once.

I at least hope they show a clip of the planning sessions for a few of the more elaborate ones with different "I'm the only one that never lies" quotes in between them.

"RE: Five to start."
Posted by AyaK on 08-19-09 at 09:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-09 AT 09:14 PM (EST)

They'll have to show the Green Room lie and the LML.

As I said before, I can't tell if she's an exceptionally good liar, or if the Dumb Alliance is just that dumb.

"RE: Five to start."
Posted by SilverStar on 08-19-09 at 01:31 PM
I know she spilled the age thing to some of the hamsters, are any of them still in the house?

AFAIK, she only told Jessie and Chima. I read that she told Kevin in passing, maybe playing it as a joke or something? But I didn't see that myself so I'm not sure.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-19-09 at 09:21 AM
I think shedding tears when Jessie was booted, when the alternative was to boot her, was a lie. Unless she really is that stupid.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-19-09 at 09:21 AM
I think shedding tears when Chima was booted, when the alternative was to boot her, was a lie. Unless she really is that stupid.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-19-09 at 09:23 AM
Of course, she probably really is that stupid.

(I don't play poker, but if I did I could only hope that all my opponents would be as easy to read as Naught-for-Brains Nat).

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by samboohoo on 08-19-09 at 10:10 AM
Natalie has been running the game the entire time.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by zazzy on 08-19-09 at 08:09 PM
This one made me retch. The ego on that girl.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by frankz on 08-19-09 at 12:02 PM
The microphone slipped out of her hand. (How many times did she say that?)

Wheelie by RollDdice

It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by frisky on 08-19-09 at 12:24 PM
Chima quit. She left the way she wanted to leave -- she was totally in control. It was totally voluntary. She could have continued in the game if she really wanted to.

Perpetual *headbutt* compliments of Rolly.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-19-09 at 12:47 PM
The sobbing widows,"Jessie never did one thing to anybody!"

Ed: except nominate four people, among them were Chima, and Lydia, two of the sob sisters.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by AyaK on 08-19-09 at 09:11 PM
She was never fooled by Jessie.

She was never interested in Jessie.

She wants to marry her boyfriend.

She can't wait to get to college.

She always tells the truth, because that's the only way to play the game.

She never had any alliances with anyone except Chima.

**These are just some of the ones from the last 24 hours.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by zazzy on 08-20-09 at 10:07 PM
Nat said she would have taken $10,000 instead of the HOH key in the comp that Jordan won HOH. Yeah right. You are that confident no one would send u home.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by kingfish on 08-21-09 at 08:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-21-09 AT 08:43 AM (EST)

Admitted lie: "I'm 18."

Secret lie: "I'm 24."

Truth: If she's acting her age she's pre-adolescent.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by AyaK on 08-21-09 at 08:27 PM
New Lie to Kevin: People don't realize it, but Jeff has been running the BB house since week 3.

Right, Jeff was running the house when Jesse was HoH. Sure.

She also now told Jeff that she overheard the LML, not Kevin.

Finally, she told Kevin that Jordan was smart.

"RE: Don't know much about the lying game..."
Posted by zazzy on 08-23-09 at 02:41 PM
There was an all houseguest conversation last night around the kitchen table...Nat told lie after lie...she said her first date with her BF was to Quantum of Solace last year, etc., etc. (They have been dating for 4 years).

"Putting this one on the paraphrase record."
Posted by Estee on 09-03-09 at 08:31 AM
'Jeff, you give me your vacation. Michele, you hand over the television. And then I'll vote to keep Jeff, we'll get rid of Jordan 2-0, and if I get Hoh, I'll nominate Kevin on Friday. Deal?'

*walks into Diary Room*

'Hey, jerks. If I get those two morons to hand over their stuff, I don't legally have to give them anything for it, right? I can just take it from their stupid butts and keep it for myself, plus they can't do anything about it? Get back to me.'

"She Tweets...."
Posted by Snidget on 09-08-09 at 06:29 AM
Big Brother HOH: It is extremely hard being stuck here for 3 months and no contact to anyone or anything in the outside but

...um didn't she get both a phone call and a visit??

"RE: She Tweets...."
Posted by vince3 on 09-08-09 at 08:51 AM
Also, she can't keep track of time...... they've only been in there for just over 2 months.......... 66 days, as of today.....

"RE: She Tweets...."
Posted by Estee on 09-08-09 at 08:58 AM
Quarantine the cage: Jordannaire's Disease is contagious.