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"Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 07-12-08 at 11:38 PM
Let's try something different this year, shall we?

Please keep all discussions of this week's BB10 TV episodes here.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 06:28 PM
I'm going to try and be patient this season. Despite choking down the giant poison pill that was the last cast, I will sit quietly and watch the show for a minimum of five seconds before deciding I hate them all.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-08 at 06:37 PM
can I put my money done on the under as I'm not sure it is humanely possible to last the full five seconds with pretty much any BB cast

"Live-post premiere discussion --"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 06:48 PM
-- will take place in the Bar (left sidebar, Other Fun, Live Chat, enable Java before entering and use AyaK's Bar & Grill) immediately following the episode.

Believe me, after your first exposure to the Cast Of No Compromise, you're gonna want alcohol.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-08 at 07:23 PM
Are they ever getting to the house???

Awww, the doggie wants to come too.

wait isn't that a different show?

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-13-08 at 07:34 PM
So, if you combine the ages of the other housemates, is it more or less than Jerry and Renny.

Oh, and Jerry's a riot so far and Renny's a pain in the #####. And I'm guessing April's hoping Jerry got HOH...

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 07:37 PM
Very weird method for picking HoH: it's basically a random draw (and for half the cast, a random draw based on who they want to hook up with). At least (and as noted) it's making people marginally more polite.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 07:36 PM
I'm proud to say I made fourteen seconds. (My eyes were closed for eleven of them.)

Looks like religion and politics may be major elements in the house this year: they're working hard to establish some people's positions going in -- and since this is the only time the show gets to indulge in more than the shortest-term foreshadowing, that's pretty much screaming 'conflict!' Of course, that's what they cast for...

Renny may turn out to be very annoying.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-08 at 07:46 PM
Renny does seem to be in the running for most annoying, but we'll see if she keeps that title once the others drop the nicey-nice act.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 07-13-08 at 09:36 PM
That's more than I could stand. I tuned in just as some bleached blonde was offering her breasts to everyone to massage (why didn't anyone warn me). I think I will continue to just read about it here rather than actually watch.

"The tenth seasonal Blow Out The Budget challenge!"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 07:48 PM
Next week: isolation booths!

One of the minor curses of BB has always been 'prize winners don't last long enough to enjoy them'. Here's hoping Memphis really likes that gas guzzler, because he may be on the road with it in about a week. Steven was right: few things put a target on your back like winning bonuses, because the house attitude is very frequently 'why does s/he need half a million now? That toaster should be enough!'

And the slop begins. Countdown to first medical emergency: three weeks.

"RE: The tenth seasonal Blow Out The Budget challenge!"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 07-14-08 at 08:44 AM
For that '66 Mustang convertible I would have given up my place in the house. A sweet car and not having to put up with all the idiots = winner.

Agman took me to the islands

"RE: The tenth seasonal Blow Out The Budget challenge!"
Posted by nailbone on 07-14-08 at 09:36 AM
Amen to that!!

A '66 'Stang transcends any "gas guzzler" label, and would DEFINITELY be worth getting kicked out.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-08 at 07:57 PM
The Hyena Renny wakes everyone up because she forgot how doors work.

She can't understand how anyone can be upset about being woken up in the next zip code by her.

"The Incident Of The Jackal In The Nighttime."
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 07:59 PM
Silly Jesse. No one sleeps before 3 a.m. in the hamster cage!

We have our first revealed alliance on the board: Dan, James, Ollie. This may be the rebirth of the Bible Buddies. We also have a possibly-drunk Renny thinking a door is locked when it just works in a way she can't understand -- i.e. normally -- and broadcasting it to the entire house. This wakes Jesse, who wanted his beauty sleep. And people in neighboring states may have been slightly annoyed. Renny thinks Jesse is a baby. Jesse thinks Renny is 140. How long before they hook up?

Amazingly, Jerry is not missing his wife of 54 years enough to weep at seeing her picture after only one night away. (See that photo of Jerry at 21? Wow.)

"RE: The Incident Of The Jackal In The Nighttime."
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-08 at 08:02 PM
and here I thought canids keeping everyone up at night would only be a problem on that Great American Dog show.

"Jerry is an island."
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 08:08 PM
Oh, come on. You're telling me that one person approached the first HoH and tried to manipulate him into the nominations of their choice? One? The editing has gone ultra-blatant and we're only halfway into Day Two.

So we have fish again: you can see the tank. At least we know what we're going to for filler. And the Diary Room is hard on the eyes. (Anyone notice that no matter how much they redo the house, those barrel sinks in the bathroom never change?)

The Bible Boys alliance is trying to target Jessie and Renny. Jerry is thinking Memphis -- because he won the car, why else -- and feels bad about the interruption of Jessie's beauty sleep, not to mention fearful of Renny's potential eruption. And possibly Dan, which Brian is worried about. Looks like the quiet ones will stay safe this week. It also looks like it may not stay quiet for long.

Jerry thinks he's allied with Brian. So far.

"Nominees: Jessie & Renny."
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 08:13 PM
Jerry thinks he's safe from retaliation because his nominees will self-destruct and the house will work out the incident for themselves. Brian can barely keep from laughing at his successful manipulation. Renny thinks Jessie is acting like a baby. And gawds help us all, they'll still be acting up on cue for Showtime.

We're underway. Who wants to start the first cancellation petition?

"Oh, and --"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-08 at 08:17 PM
-- someone tell Julie casting strangers isn't an incredibly original idea that no one's ever had before.

"RE: Oh, and --"
Posted by LeftPinky on 07-13-08 at 09:39 PM
Gosh, I thought everything Julie said was original... can' believe she made a blunder on the first night...

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Tishy on 07-13-08 at 10:43 PM
I previously thought that I would love Renny. I was wrong. From the moment she opened her mouth, I hated her.

Jerry played it smart but IMO he will never make it to the Final Four. Who will want to be opposite him in the Final Two, because he would win. At least right now. The "I want to do this for my Great Grandkids" wins everytime

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by observer on 07-14-08 at 02:11 AM
I wasn't surprised by the houseguests... a bleached blonde Hooter's waitress... several young men... a religious guy who was, I think, anti-gay... a gay guy... hmmm, they all sound familiar.

Amazing Race and Survivor have a more diverse group, a greater age range. Why are Big Brother houseguests mostly twenty-somethings?

I noticed the great-grandfather, but I'd like it if there were maybe two housegusts in their twenties, two in their thirties, two in their forties, and so on...

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by nailbone on 07-14-08 at 09:39 AM
And a racist gay guy, at that.

Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:23 PM
Renny, the pot called, it wants it's black back.

Renny and muscle-bound's feud still going.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by vince3 on 07-15-08 at 08:28 PM
Renny = clueless. She either can't or won't remember what happened when she woke up the house with the supposedly locked door.

Brian = stoopid. He figures that after 1 nomination ceremony that he's Dr. Will (i.e. he's in complete control)

"and yet....."
Posted by vince3 on 07-15-08 at 08:31 PM
Brian has a good idea: Renny's gonna self-detruct the longer she's in the cage, so why don't they take out a decent physical threat to win key competitions later on?

However, he seems to be playing too many angles at once.......

"RE: and yet....."
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:34 PM
Unfortunately we've seen the "oh they'll self destruct sooner or later" types get way too far in the game because everyone figures they've got time to get the insanity out of the house.

On the other hand, she isn't much of a threat so you might afford to keep her around. You just have to hope her insanity isn't contagious and you end up without the numbers to get them out later.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:32 PM
See Brian
See Brian's Ego
See Brian's Ego Expand
Expand Brian's Ego Expand

Countdown to excessive hubris biting Brian and his Ego in their respective azzes.


"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 07-15-08 at 08:33 PM
Brian is really full of himself, huh.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-15-08 at 08:34 PM
Is this a disease epidemic to reality Brians? If it moves, make an alliance with it: if it doesn't move, vote it out? If he keeps this up, he'll have to change his last name to Fail -- or we'll do it for him.

And what's with those ugly opening credits? Did someone at Endemol get a $2.95 graphics system and decide to show it off?

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:39 PM
They are never going to get the ants out of the BB house. Ants lurve honey.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-15-08 at 08:46 PM
Name a sillier-looking Veto competition.


...didn't think so.

Too bad that wasn't tar.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 07-15-08 at 08:47 PM
That was quite a sticky situation!
Seriously tho, Snidge is right. How will they ever get all the honey out of the lawn and everything. Unless it was look-like-grass carpet & they can just roll it up and haul it out

Okay, hose those guys down!

"POV Contest"
Posted by vince3 on 07-15-08 at 08:45 PM
Sweet Dreams, Honey

All 6 contestants are in colored pajamas. They must go under a bridge with a honey lake/river, go to a big bed with multiple colored pillows. They must look through the pillows that match their color to find a Veto Bear. Then they have to return that bear to the honey jars (after going back under the bridge...) First one to return 5 bears wins the POV.

Competitiors are April (orange), Renny (brown), Memphis (blue), Jerry (purple), Jessie (green), and Michelle (red)

Jessie wins the POV!

"RE: POV Contest"
Posted by Estee on 07-15-08 at 08:48 PM
What's the specific gravity of honey, anyway? I've seen Scout move faster than that.

Bear abuse! Bear abuse!

"RE: POV Contest"
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:51 PM
"The specific gravity of good honey, on the average, is 1.425; it should not be lower than 1.375 (U. S. P.)."

I'm guessing that wasn't good honey.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-15-08 at 08:57 PM
And if you'd forgotten what the 'genius at sunrise, idiot at sunset' edit looked like? This is it. Brian overreached, and now they're about to beat him to death with his own arms.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 09:07 PM
Why do a whole season's worth of manipulations, back stabbing, etc. before the first eviction.

Does he think this is speed dating and he needs to form a new alliance every time the bell rings?

I understand wanting to move fast, but too fast just sucks the target right onto your back.

"Ho's before Bro's?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 08:57 PM
That's new, isn't it?

Ollie turns on his alliance the second a girl comes into the picture.

He really did just barely lose his virginity before going in the house, didn't he?

"RE: Ho's before Bro's?"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 07-16-08 at 00:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-16-08 AT 00:43 AM (EST)

I think Ollie is an idiot. As soon as a pair of breasts dance in his face, he loses all sense of strategy or gameplay. Why spill the beans to April and Libra?

"A house united against itself..."
Posted by Estee on 07-15-08 at 09:06 PM
...cannot stand Brian, so we wind up with nine people sneaking up to the HoH room, confronting Jerry on what's been happening. Jerry just doesn't know if he trusts any one of them enough to believe the story.

Anyone want to tell the editor we're down to the last act and s/he's wasted a third of hir time on drama shots?

"RE: A house united against itself..."
Posted by Snidget on 07-15-08 at 09:07 PM
Like people watch this show to see strategy and game play.

"RE: A house united against itself..."
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 07-15-08 at 09:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-15-08 AT 09:13 PM (EST)

I'm feeling a little sorry for Jerry right now.

edited to remove siggie

"RE: A house united against itself..."
Posted by jbug on 07-15-08 at 09:31 PM
Me too Tummy. I was hoping Jerry was doing at least a little thinking on his own - maybe he was - maybe it was just editing that makes it look like he is listening to Brian for everything.
Well, till just now anyway.

"Bar is Open"
Posted by vince3 on 07-15-08 at 09:25 PM
Anyone want a drink?

"RE: Bar is Open"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 07-16-08 at 00:38 AM
I think I do. Watching this dreck is gonna drive me to drink.. AGAIN!

Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 06:56 PM
What are we most likely to see on tonight's broadcast?

A. Bigotry.
B. Fighting.
C. Puppetry.
D. Isolation booths.

"RE: Insta-poll!"
Posted by iatovttotx78 on 07-16-08 at 07:03 PM
F. all of the above

Have fun with that

"RE: Insta-poll!"
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 07:04 PM
We don't have enough airtime. 'But first' is slated for twelve minutes.

"RE: Insta-poll!"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 07:31 PM
B and D

A won't be shown because of the Joshuah factor, and C's too funny to be shown.....

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 07:30 PM
So has the live audience been quieted by contract or drugs?

Standard first segment: quick review of how Brian went for his Fail, followed by Backdooree #1 figuring out who did it to him, why, and what his options were. We learn that April is playing Ollie, Ollie may not care, Steven is ready to show some degree of loyalty, and Jerry's really, really sorry. No, really.

So far, it looks like the first-week carpet has a really suspicious bulge under it.

"Catfight! CATFIGHT!"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 07:37 PM
Well, there's one less thing scratched off of the list.......

"So maybe something happened."
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 07:42 PM
We get the puppet show. (Heavily edited to remove anything that made fun of Julie.)

We get a bit of the fight. (Heavily edited to remove lots of cursing and Keesha's near-breakdown.)

The hamsters are told about the live audience. Does Jessie forgive Renny? Nope. Does Renny respect Jessie? Nope. Can Libra explain her taking time away from her children to her critics? Like they're listening. Vote after the break.

Steven can start exhaling now.

"Potential line of the season."
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 07:44 PM
'I made eight thousand alliances in three hours!'

(Really, is it something about the name Brian...?)

He's been working his skills, some people seem to have sympathy for him, plus the DR's been pimping his staying -- but...

"Crazy stays, player walks."
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 08:02 PM
Brian out 9-1: Dan gives him the only sympathy vote.

Nothing interesting in the interview or goodbye messages (except for who they left out), but note that Brian will be making a TES appearance and showing up on House Calls tomorrow. Looks like the boomerang train is off to a slow start this year.

-- oh, look! Isolation booths!

Aw. Ran out of budget.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 07:52 PM
HoHterview. We learn Jerry is easily swayed by whatever he considers to be a pretty face. Or a free feel. Not a surprise.

Nominee speeches. Renny thinks she's won everyone's respect by toning herself down. Renny has no short term memory. Brian reminds everyone that he brings humor to the house. Brian is hoping no one has a long-term memory.

First four votes: 4-0 to evict Brian. But those are April, Libra, Ollie, and Michelle -- no surprises. The rest to come.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 07:57 PM
Brian is evicted 9-1.

"RE: Big Brother 10 Week 1 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 07-16-08 at 08:00 PM

Back to speed typing over on SYTYCD

"As Predicted"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 08:02 PM
Presenting the 10th Annual Target Isolation Boothes of Doom!

"RE: As Predicted"
Posted by MandyM on 07-16-08 at 08:12 PM
Well that sucked. I really don't like the little pinhead with the too big body.

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"HoH Contest"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 08:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-17-08 AT 03:57 AM (EST)

The hamsters must answer in such a way to be in the majority.

1. Who's more likely to comission a life-size portrait of himself: Brian or Lisa? Lisa

2. Fasion consultant: Renny or April? April

3. Rather see only wear bikini: Angie or Keesha? Keesha

4. Life story (in 50 years) more interesting: Memphis or Dan? Memphis by unaminous

5. Wore the BB Hunny the best: Jerry or Jessie? Jessie

6. Vain enough to be the majority's choice: Libra or Stephen? Stephen

7. Convert religion to satisfy partner: Dan or Ollie? Ollie

8. Never get divorced: Michelle or Memphis? Split

9: Tiebreaker! (TPIR rules apply) Total # of pillows on the giant bed at the beginning of Sweet Dreams, Honey? 300

Jessie with a guess of 200 is your new HoH! (All others were over.......)

"RE: HoH Contest"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 07-16-08 at 09:55 PM
Libra and Steven were both under, but Jessie's was closer.

"Beware the 'thinking hard' face."
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 08:12 PM
Jesse is the new HoH. (Gee, someone who just escaped nomination via veto turning around and winning HoH. That never happens.)

Bad competition -- it reached the point where there was virtually no chance of knocking anyone out before the tiebreaker. And while Ollie may have managed to sneak a curse out past the censor, Jessie invoked the button -- which, thanks to the delay, knocked out the sound before he cursed, wiping out Julie's announcement that he'd won.


"Is Jessie a player?"
Posted by Estee on 07-16-08 at 08:23 PM
The biggest potential clue: if one of his nominees is Renny, he's not.

"RE: Is Jessie a player?"
Posted by vince3 on 07-16-08 at 08:28 PM
The same can be said if one of his nominees is Jerry........