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"Jason is out"

Posted by travelingbetty on 09-19-02 at 10:44 PM
Of course there was FOTH when it happened but he let go and the endurance is now between Lisa and Dani.

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"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by LadyT on 09-19-02 at 10:54 PM
He decided to take a shower. If Lisa wins, I bet she takes Dani with her, knowing she will probably win against her. I really hope Lisa wins!

I will be up for a little bit to watch for updates, but not much longer

Posted by AyaK on 09-19-02 at 11:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-02 AT 11:49 PM (EST)

Jason claimed to have become distracted. Yeah, sure.

Maybe he thinks he's Richard Hatch?

"RE: Ahh..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 09-20-02 at 07:11 AM
He may THINK he's Hatch, but he clearly isn't in Hatch's position. He really hurt his chances if he let go on purpose.

What is the opposite of mercy? Justice. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by MandyM on 09-20-02 at 00:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-20-02 AT 01:12 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-20-02 AT 01:01 AM (EST)

Yikes! Three hours later and Dani and Lisa are still battling it out. I think Lisa is screwed....there are still 2 parts left to this HOH and Jason is all nice and warm and fed and refreshed and will whip the remaining person's butt for the next part and then beat the survivor for the third part. Good strategy on Jason's end........but I am hoping for Lisa to pull this off!

It's raining again now, but during the "quiet", I almost thought Danielle was going to lose her grip on her key. She kept stealing furtive glances over at Lisa and I'm sure the thought was running through her mind "If I give it up, it doesn't matter because Lisa and Jason would BOTH take me to Final 2."

Now Danielle's hand is moving around while Lisa's appears to be a firmer grip....wonder how long they'll keep this up????


MM "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi

"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by true on 09-20-02 at 01:10 AM
Didn't you love how Jason came out to say "good job, guys" while eating a big bowl of stir fried chicken? ROTFL. I thought Danielle was gonna stare him dead!


"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by MandyM on 09-20-02 at 01:13 AM
I woulda slapped that boy upside the head with my free hand True! LOL!

MM "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi

"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by nailbone on 09-20-02 at 09:57 AM
Or scoop up a bailing cup full of water and douse him with it!

"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by MandyM on 09-20-02 at 01:42 AM
I was going to watch til the end.....but these gals have more stamina than I do! I will say that Danielle seems more fidgety and agitated than Lisa...her hand moves around a lot more and so does her boat. I guess we'll see in the morning who the big winner is.......right now it is over 3 1/2 hours. Yikes!

MM "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi

"RE: Jason is out"
Posted by true on 09-20-02 at 01:59 AM
Ohhhh, Danielle is so smooth. Lisa just asked her if she had an alliance for final 2 with Jason. She denied it. Then Lisa says she has a deal with Dani, not Jason. Dani tells Lisa that she is playing for herself, and she has no idea what Jason will do, or who he will take to finals.

Then Dani slyly reminds Lisa that Jason will be tough to beat. That she has no chance to beat Jason in the finals. Lisa agrees.


"Lisa won part one"
Posted by LadyT on 09-20-02 at 07:19 AM
After like 4 1/2 hours, all I know is that Lisa won. From what I could gather, the rest will be finished today and maybe tomorrow. Dani was super pissed at Jason though. Was calling him a scumbag.

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by lizard on 09-20-02 at 07:52 AM
I couldn't hear/see the actual rules for this thing. Does anyone know if it's now D vs J and the the winner vs L?

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by nailbone on 09-20-02 at 10:00 AM
Yep, that's how it works.

So, as Mandy said, we have a rested Jason against a tired Dani. Where I disagree is that then we'll have a rested Lisa against a tired part-two winner.

That all depends on how quickly they go from one part to the next. They have till Wednesday, so they may spread it out enough to negate those advantages.

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by lizard on 09-20-02 at 10:06 AM
I thought The Great Julie's Cuecards said Saturday down to Final 2??

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by nailbone on 09-20-02 at 04:29 PM
True, but is it part 1 Thursday, part 2 Friday and part 3 Sautrday? Or will it be part 2 and 3 both live on Saturday? the SeeBS Website says "the winner of this round will be determined Saturday night". The emphasis is mine, and the description is ONLY of the first part in the boats.

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by CSHS79 on 09-20-02 at 10:07 AM
Rules for Competition
Part1:All compete-since Lisa won Part2ani vs. Jason
Part3:winner of Part2 vs Lisa Winner of Part3:New HOH

As far as the scumbag comment(I didn't see the feeds), it was obviously about him coming out there with the food after taking a shower.It's also smart of Dani to appear that the only alliance
she has is with Lisa.Either way, Lisa or Jason as HOH,she thinks she's golden to the F2.I hope no matter who is HOH, I want Jason
to win BB3, I've rooted for him since the beginning.

"RE: Lisa won part one"
Posted by smiles on 09-20-02 at 06:00 PM
I thought I hear Danielle say that she did a scumbag thing vs. calling Jason a sumbag???