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Thread Number: 1068
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"B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 06:25 PM
Please keep all details of the horrible bloody beating Will suffers within seconds of his entry into the Sequester house on this thread until the West Coast gets to see Shakes dive in front of the mob, sacrificing his own body to save his idol as he screams "No! You bastards!" Oh, and there's going to be something with a final live HoH competition, and someone will go home, we'll get a Final Two, and half the board will fall asleep waiting to see how they can possibly bring back the volcano. But it's really all about Sequesterville. Say, do you think Howie's tried to turn George into roast chicken yet? He's certainly been treating him like a dead duck..

It's nearly over. You only have a couple of hours left to get through. Stay strong. Your nightmare is nearly over. At least until they reveal a winner and almost inevitably, that's a therapy starter. But let's pretend it'll be okay, right? Because it won't be.

(Me? I'm at the merge. My nightmare isn't even close to over.)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 07:56 PM
I missed what was probably the best episode in BB history on Tuesday. Now I get to be home to watch this one....*yawn*

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 08:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:03 PM (EST)

>I missed what was probably the
>best episode in BB history on Tuesday.
>Now I get to be home to watch this one....*yawn*

Everyone but Boogie knew what was going to happen Tuesday. And Boogie didn't know only because he didn't believe Will's comments that something was wrong.

But tonight, no one knows for sure what will happen. After all, Erika wants to make sure Boogie takes her to final 2 if he wins HoH ... and she wants Janelle's vote if she loses HoH. Beyond that, it's hard to be sure what, if anything, is in Erika's mind.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 00:51 AM
After that odd second challenge with the car, where upper body strength seemed to be very important, does this mean we can finally put to rest all of the conspiracy theories about how bb7 has been helping Janelle win?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 07:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 07:58 PM (EST)

I thought it was going to be shakes yelling: "Oh no, they've killed Willy! You bastards!"

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:02 PM
For some reason, I was seeing Shakes as Marty McFly and Will as Doc Brown.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 08:05 PM
I see shakes more like a cross between Kyle Broslofski and Eric Cartman.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by nailbone on 09-08-06 at 12:12 PM

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 00:53 AM
Odd. I can't picture Clowny playing Marty McFly. I can picture him as the bully that generally beats up on McFly's family though, but finally ends up washing cars for a living.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:04 PM
And they just had to show off the volcano.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 10:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 10:12 PM (EST)

I LOVED that part!

Hey, look what it was gonna do! Wow, it was gonna be impressive! Seriously, look it was gonna spray goo! It was gonna shake and stuff!

Ha Ha Ha Ha!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

Will leaves house. Mike got a weird feeling as Janelle was making her eviction speech. Erika going crazy in DR about Will leaving. Will went to Mike. Mike thought Will owned Janelle and Erika was putting on a good act. Mike "flabergasted"

Mike says it's good that america knows Erika is a HO. He used her for what he needed and that's all she was good for. (He was pissed!) Mike says this is the first time chilltown got played. Gives erika credit for being a backstabbing witch. Janelle apologizes to mike for evicting will. Mike says he knows everyone would have lost against him, and says it was her best move. Mike's disappointed.

etf: spelling

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:10 AM

>Mike says it's good that america
>knows Erika is a HO.
>He used her for what
>he needed and that's all
>she was good for. (He
>was pissed!) Mike says this
>is the first time chilltown
>got played. Gives erika credit
>for being a backstabbing witch.

That Mike... He's such a gentleman. No wonder millions of women (and gay men) in America are swooning over him. Erika is such a lucky girl!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MollyTV on 09-08-06 at 02:04 AM
boogie showing how a "class act" is supposed behave.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:11 PM
Mike explains strategy and how he will take his chances. Janelle shown letting hand off volcano. Erika about to give it to Janelle, but Janelle quit.

Mike thinks girls struck a deal. He had a dream of being in the finals with Will. Erika knew mike was gonna jump off. Erika giving Janelle pep talk for HOH: part 2.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:14 PM (EST)

Mike upset to be without will. Crying in DR. Janelle and Erika talking about Mike and how bad he probably feels. Mike needs to rework his plan. (to some catchy piano music). Mike doing phone skit in DR of him sitting there alone with the phone just ringing and ringing, lol.

ETF: spelling

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 09-07-06 at 08:15 PM

Boogie alone with a fake ringing DR phone.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by zipperhead on 09-07-06 at 11:33 PM
I loved each of those phone bits that he and Will did and this one was the perfect ending. Almost poetic, really.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:14 AM
Definition of PATHETIC according to the Reality TV Dictionary: see Mike Boogie's solo phone skit in the diary room after Will's eviction.


"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:15 PM
Most honest emotion we've seen from Mike since he got in the house: he really does miss Will. He may even miss his potential cut from the combined $550,000. Who knows?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:16 PM
Boogie is such an assmunch -- I'm not an Erika fan, but the comments he said were just wrong -- Ho, her ugly long face? Erika's brother should kick Boogie's weenie butt!!

Crying boogie evokes only laughter from me. How can anyone feel sorry for someone like him?? He's such a bitter loser!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:20 PM
He takes sore loser to a new level. Between what he said tonight about Erika and his comment the other day about pi!!ing in Jani's face is she votes out Will is disgusting.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:22 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:20 PM (EST)

2nd HOH comp:

Lights, lasers, and a car (GM Pontiac Solstice convertible) in the backyard. Winner gets car. If neither get less than 5 mins, erika gets the car. Must fly around ring aiming mirrors of former houseguests who won BB in correct order.

Janelle struggling with Jun's mirror, thinks Mike may do better since he may be stronger.

Mike had to go back and fix Will's mirror, afraid there's no room for error against Janelle.

Mike: 1:57
Janelle: 3:45

Mike Wins

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 09-07-06 at 08:23 PM
What the What did Boogie do to his hair for the laser competition?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 10:18 PM
Oh , his hair was stupid wrong. ( You know that Will would never let his best boy leave the house looking like that)

That comp looked hard.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:24 PM
With all his millions his mother is still waiting on a convertible.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:24 PM
That was actually a fun-looking challenge -- very rare for this show. But it didn't answer one vital questions: is the Curse Of The Car exclusive to one series, or one network?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:26 PM
Erika, why are you and Boogie not sharing a bed any more?

Good one, Julie.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:26 PM
Mike says he will get rid of Janelle. Erika says he'll lose her vote if he evicts her. Erika says she hates how she's still attracted to him.

Julie's questions: does Janelle miss will? yes, alot

does mike miss will? yes, the bro-mance is over.

why isn't erika sharing a bed with mike? she's stuttering, mike jumps in and says she's focusing on the endgame

"Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:26 PM
I gagged when Erika confessed im DR that she is so attracted to Boogie!?!?! She deserves everything she gets for being so S.T.U.P.I.D. & P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C.

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:29 PM
but her eggs are rotting

A month from now Erika will be calling Jani on the phone and crying because Mike never returns her calls.

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 10:22 PM
Truth that, Elaine.

Do women really get that stupid over old eggs?
Boogie's DNA is that special?
Has she taken a good long look at him?
OMG! He'd try to dress their kid in those bad satin jerseys!

And you just know he'd never pay his support on time.

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:21 AM
I think Erika has sunk to levels of desperation never experienced by another human being. That's the only explanation for her attraction to that repulsive little turd commonly referred to as Mike Boogie. It's not even the fact that he's unattractive and that he dresses like a 12 year old. He's an a-hole! But then again, Erika did have a relationship with Robert. And, he was probably equally repulsive.

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by Buggy on 09-08-06 at 00:30 AM
Robert was pretty repulsive.
The fact that he cheated on her with someone she worked with, was nearly as bad as the compulsive nose-picking.
( and remember that even though Robert had cheated on her, she still bought every lie he told her in the house)

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:40 AM
Our sweet little dysfunctional Erika.

I hope with the money she earns next Tuesday, she's able to hire a good therapist to help her work through her relationship issues. She seems to have a knack for attracting Mr Wrong.

"RE: Erika, You Need Therapy"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-08-06 at 07:14 AM
Erika seems to be one of those women that has to be with a man, even a disgusting troll. They never realize it could be better being with good friends and family than putting up with someone's crap.

Boogie is disgusting. Robert was disgusting. Don't know what Josh is like outside the house, but he did stick with her for 5 years. I imagine Erika is pretty needed. Hell she said yesterday she has her mother buy her groceries because she can't make decision in the grocery store. How sad is that.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:36 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:33 PM (EST)

Jury house footage:

Danielle wants to have a good time: "we're all losers". George made a drink for whoever's coming.

George has no idea, waiting for pizza. Everyone is cheering about seeing will, shocked.

Marcellus couldn't be happier: "sweet peotic justice".

James tells Marcellus not to believe crap about Janelle saying her eviction was for Howie and Marcellus.

Danielle said girls will talk. Wasn't surprised erika and janelle got together.

Will said he got spanked.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:35 PM
James is the other sore loser. I thought Will had a great attitude coming to sequester (not surprisingly), too bad others don't leave their baggage at the door.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 00:59 AM
Yes, Will has redeemed himself a bit with his positive attitude in the jury house, and making light of his eviction. I respect that.

Will isn't nasty most of the time, even when he loses, unlike Boogie and a certain lawyer that haunts this board.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:36 PM (EST)

I thought that actually went pretty well -- the evictees feel a lot better now that the evicter has joined them.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:34 PM
I see James hasn't lost his negative attitude.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-07-06 at 08:35 PM
Bitter, party of one.

James is still pissed he is no longer the Veto king.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 08:36 PM
...but he's still right.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 10:29 PM
and he got beat by a girl!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:03 AM
Janie didn't expect Marcellus or Howie to be evicted when they did. She had always given indications of being upset about those evictions. I don't believe she said what she did at Will's eviction purely out of interest in votes.

In fact, I think Janelle had every belief that she'd win the jury's votes if she made it to the F2 against either Erika or Boogie. Even Boogie and Erika knew it.

Makes it less likely that she was vote grooming.

Besides, vote grooming is more of a thing that "players" do. She's never been much of a person that plays that game.

"Liked Will's Loser Lodge..."
Posted by IceCat on 09-07-06 at 08:35 PM

... appearance.

Entirely credible as the gracious loser.

"RE: Liked Will's Loser Lodge..."
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 08:37 PM
He came, he saw, he had a few laughs.

"RE: Liked Will's Loser Lodge..."
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-07-06 at 08:37 PM
Yep. Several of them *coughJamescough* *coughHowiecough* could learn a few lessons from Will.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:46 PM (EST)

Mike and Erika will compete. Q&A. Six statements made by jury while at jury house. choose a or b for ending of statement. Most correct wins.

George: What was most annoying about the house - Howie or the mess
- the mess
- both right (1-1)

Danielle: The moment she was most afraid her friends and family would see - when she was drunk or when she cried for three days
- when she was drunk
- both right (2-2)

Will: The most shocking moment for him - Fast Forward eviction or his eviction
- Fast Forward eviction
- Mike right, Erika wrong (Mike leads 3-2)

Marcellus: The most annoying part of house - everything or Will and Mike's relationship
- Will and Mike's relationship
- both wrong (Mike 4-3)

James: The hottest girl in the house - Diane or Marcellus
- Marcellus
- both right (Mike 5-4)

Howie: The most shocking moment for him - Chilltown "throwing him under the bus" or George winning HOH
- George winning HOH
- both right (Mike 6-5)

Mike wins HOH

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 08:42 PM
Erika said she'd throw it.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-07-06 at 08:46 PM
She looked way too cool and calm to be really nervous about losing. I think she threw it because she knows she has Janelle's vote. She could possibly win. Possibly.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 09:02 PM
She thinks she has Jani's vote, but wait until Will get a hold of her. Plus I wouldn't put it past Boogie to bring out during questioning that Erika told him she was throwing the comp.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:44 PM
Is anyone surprised by Boogie's win?? I didn't think so. Bye-Bye Janelle.

Hey Boogie, I hope you wake up with the "ugly long horse face" under your covers!!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:38 PM
Howie still lusts after Dr. Delicious . . . how many times did he kisss Will??? 3? 4? LOL

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:49 PM (EST)

Saying final words to mike. Erika says we've had alliance, I've had her back. Janelle says will and mike played everyone and erika will use that against mike.

Adores both, fans of both, hold erika responsible for will going. Janelle good player. hated her. loved her. she's too good. has too many friends on the jury.

Mike evicts Janelle.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by rjrabbit on 09-07-06 at 08:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:54 PM (EST)

I'm not suprised he evicted queen Janie. Lord please don't let an a$$hole like booger win this! I can't believe I'm rooting for Erika!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:06 AM
I wish there was a way for neither to win it. They both managed to make it to the F2, but I wish the jury could vote None of the Above, and have all the $550,000 go to a charity instead.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 08:58 PM (EST)

Mike and erika looking at memory wall, hugging.

Janelle believes Mike would have had a harder time beating her. Julie tells her she has won more competitions than anyone in BB history. Janelle said her major flaw was trusting too many people. She made too many mistakes. She put up Marcellus instead of Mike. She trusted Chilltown. She won't say her feelings for will. She's too embarassed. (I think she was blushing...)

Goodbyes: Mike says they had a good thing going, too bad erika got in the way. erika says she loves Janelle, adores her.

Final thoughts: Janelle loves them both, especially erika.

America's choice for a jury member to win $25,000 just announced!!!

Voting via texting

"Damn Damn Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by Issis257 on 09-07-06 at 09:01 PM
Jani is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was priceless when Will walked in the sequester house!!!!!
DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"RE: Damn Damn Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by atlantaboy on 09-08-06 at 01:15 PM
Okay does anyone have the link to when Wil walked into the sequester house? I can't find it

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:02 PM
I'm not sure which is worse, these 2 or Ivette/Maggie. I'm not sure if Boogie's "Scrubbica" comment in his goodbye was a good idea. If Janlle had any of that "girl power" pride then Boogie just took another huge shot at one of the girls. Boogie could very well need Janelle's vote so that could come back to haunt him.

As far as Erika, just wait until she hears the stuff he said about her. If she comes in 2nd and it turns out she DID throw the comp, she's going to be regretting the day she handed this clown (no offense Clown) all that money.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:03 PM
So Janelle gets booted, and then they immediately announce that someone who was booted will get $25K? Hmmm.

Guess the BBAS producers want to give Janelle a reward for giving the members of the LoJ someone to fawn over all season.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 09:08 PM
I guess that makes her exactly 1/40 as popular as Rupert.

Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:12 PM
Since BB is about 1/40th as popular as Survivor, I think that's right.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-07-06 at 09:05 PM
For Erika's sake she better get that baby started in the next couple of days because Mike is getting his phone number changed after Tuesday.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:08 PM
>For Erika's sake she better get
>that baby started in the
>next couple of days because
>Mike is getting his phone
>number changed after Tuesday.

Ain't that the truth. I have 2 words for Boogie to remember after this show is over - restraining order.

"This is Why There's an LOJ"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 08:56 PM
As expected, Janelle goes out smiling, giving her love & with class. This is a big reason why so many people like her (and Will) they are good sports & easy-going people. No pity party & snarkiness.

We still love you, Janie!

"RE: This is Why There's an LOJ"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-07-06 at 08:58 PM
Amen, Catty. Amen!

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J., One for all, all for Janelle!

"RE: This is Why There's an LOJ"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 09-07-06 at 10:08 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself, both of you.

I lurrrv, lurrrv, lurrrv the Janiedoll *sniff

"RE: This is Why There's an LOJ"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 11:22 PM
me too!


She may not have played a perfect game, but she played with spirit, and left with class.

"RE: This is Why There's an LOJ"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 00:31 AM (EST)

I'm with you! Janelle was and will always remain my favorite. In spite of the odds, she made it to third place in both seasons. Unfortunatelly, her comp skills failed her when she needed it the most. I hope Janie and Kaysar get together and do The Amazing Race, like so many of us have been hoping for. =)

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 08:59 PM
Julie asks Mike and Erika about who's votes they think they have.

Mike said he has Will's,
Erika said she has Howie's.

Mike worried about James and Danielle.
Erika worried about Danielle.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 09:02 PM
I predict a 7-0 vote in favor of Boogie . . . which is unfortunate, because Will was the brains of the operation. Scrubika doesn't even deserve a pity vote for having no game, just bad taste in men who don't even like her.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:04 PM
>I predict a 7-0 vote in
>favor of Boogie . . .

Sorry, but the HGs don't belong to the LoJ. This is going to be close.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-07-06 at 09:07 PM
Last time I checked, Janelle was evicted. LoJ has nothing to do with it, respecting strategy & game play does. This is AllStars & most of the evicted HGs are serious players who will give their vote to the best player, not the better "person".

"It's all LoJ"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:10 PM
Erika's actions led to Janelle being evicted. The LoJ turned on her starting this morning.

And 7-0 isn't realistic for this final 2 without a strong dose of emotion interfering with logic.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:15 PM
>This is AllStars & most of the evicted HGs
>are serious players who will give their vote to the
>best player, not the better "person".

Really? Then how did Amber beat Rob M. in Survivor: All-Stars?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:18 PM

>Really? Then how did Amber
>beat Rob M. in Survivor:

On the bright side I doubt we will be subject to Boogie and Erika getting married in Atlantis.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 09-07-06 at 10:12 PM
You have been evicted from the house for bringing up the ghost of Romber. You have less than one minute to say your goodbye's before you spontaneously combust.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 11:28 PM
Really? Then how did Amber beat Rob M. in Survivor: All-Stars?

Bitter whiney jury members?

And there is no "better person" in this final two. They both sucked, a Floater Doormat and a Coat-tail rider. Lovely choices.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 00:52 AM
I really don't think that Erika will lose 7-0 against Boogie.

1. Marcellas will vote for Erika. He despises CT, and most of all Boogie.
2. Howie is an extremelly emotional player. He will never give his vote to Boogie after the way he was evicted. He will vote for Erika because he sees her as the lesser of 2 evils.
3. James will vote for Boogie. No question about it. I don't think James respect Erika's gameplay and he probably has some sour grapes left after Erika was responsible for Dani's eviction.
4. Danielle will also vote for Boogie. She will swear it's not personal, but we all know it will. I don't think Dani will forgive Erika for causing her eviction, plus I think she will rather give the win to a fellow Legion of Dumb member.
5. George - He always sided with the women of the house. So, I really expect him to vote in Erika's favor.
6. Will - This is a no brainer. Will will vote for Boogie.
7. Janelle - She will be the swing vote. Will she stick to Erika after bonding with her the last few days, even though she said once that she despised Erika's game? My guess is that she'll end up voting for Boogie.

So...the way I see it, Booger beats Erika 4-3.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:04 PM
>Julie asks Mike and Erika about
>who's votes they think they
>Mike said he has Will's,
>Erika said she has Howie's.
>Mike worried about James and Danielle.
>Erika worried about Danielle.

I think they both should be worried about Janelle's vote.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:08 PM
>I think they both should be
>worried about Janelle's vote.


Final thoughts: Janelle loves them both, especially Erika.

Boogie has conceded Janelle's vote to Erika. He's worried about the votes from his two double-crossed Legion of Doom members. Makes sense to me -- except I don't think he really has anything to worry about on that front.

Erika, on the other hand, is right that she won't get Dani's vote.

But, IMHO, both should be more worried about CG.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:14 PM
He's worried about
>the votes from his two
>double-crossed Legion of Doom members.
> Makes sense to me
>-- except I don't think
>he really has anything to
>worry about on that front.

After tonight's show I agree 100% - he has Dani and James.
>But, IMHO, both should be more
>worried about CG.

I really think CG votes for Erika. He liked her in the house and he knows she could use the money more than Boogie. I can't see CG justifying a vote for Boogie.

With that said, Erika has Howie, Marcie and CG
Boogie has Will, James and Danielle

This is a repeat of last year - a 4-3 vote in which the viewers would prefer a Big Brother first of ending the show without a winner.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:17 PM
I've been trying to make the point all day that Erika will win this finale 4-3 over Boogie, while she would have been slaughtered by Janelle.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 11:31 PM
I stil think Janelle may have beaten Will in the the vote.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by davwav02 on 09-07-06 at 09:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 09:05 PM (EST)

"By a vote of 4-3, Erika, you have won Big Brother All-stars"


Once again, we have the lesser of two evils...

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by teacherkelly on 09-07-06 at 09:09 PM
I just lost interest in the whole show...can the jury vote 0-0 to picking a winner and 7-0 to donating the money to next year's winner, or a charity or anybody other than the two of them...please

Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 09:11 PM
One of them deserves to win. Why? Because they're the last two left.

Simple as that.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 01:01 AM
Even if the jury members had the option to cast a blank ballot so that neither finalist won, Boogie would still win. He would still have Will's vote even if all the others voted for no one.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:55 AM
Not if the blank ballots still counted. 6 to 1, and the money goes to charity?

A: Erika
B: Boogie
C: neither, send the money to afghanistan.

as opposed to

A: Erika
B: Boogie
C: not voting.

I would LOVE to see the first situation occur. Give $50k to both Erika and Boogie, and tell em they both came in second because they both suck.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 02:08 AM
I have a better scenario. Give them the $50,000 if they agree to get married. Give them the $500,000 if they have a baby together. I wonder what they would name their child... Boogika?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 10:44 AM
boogika! ROFL

or maybe I mean RALF! Dear gods that poor kid.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-07-06 at 09:18 PM
Um, well... Uh, let's see here... Hmmmmmm.

Um, go Erika, I guess.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-06 at 09:25 PM
Go Season #8?

Given the ratings for this one and the cut-back duration, go away?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 09-07-06 at 09:27 PM
I was so depressed that i stopped watching when Jani got evicted but my mom said there was something about voting for a member of the Jury to get 25,000 where do i go to vote anyone catch it?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Snidget on 09-07-06 at 09:31 PM
they gave text message instructions on the air.

Here they are from the website, but they don't have the pictures up yet http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother7/wireless/vote.shtml

I think they were in order voted out, but I'd wait until they put up the pictures to be sure.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by chappi66 on 09-07-06 at 09:33 PM
text message to 81818 and then the number to the corresponding jury member. They were listed in the order they were evicted.

1 - marci
2 - howie
3 - james
4 - dani
5 - CG
6 - Will
7- Janielle

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 09-07-06 at 09:45 PM
But don't forget the each text will cost and addition $.50, plus anything your carrier charges.

CBS has to pay for the $25,000 they are giving away don't you know.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:39 AM
I just can't see why anyone texts their votes in for these things when it involves a fee.

Big Brother, American Idol, even Treasure Hunters had one where you could text in (at a cost) a guess for a chance to win money.

You can even text in multiple times to vote for your favorite! ROFL.

But obviously lots of people do, since they wouldn't be offering this if they weren't making more than it costs to offer.

Posted by shakes the clown on 09-08-06 at 11:51 AM
>I just can't see why anyone
>texts their votes in for
>these things when it involves
>a fee.

..finally, we agree on something.

Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 07:51 PM
Well, I guess it had to happen eventually.

It's not that I generally disagree with your statements as much as I generally dislike how you bully people.

Posted by Buggy on 09-09-06 at 09:33 AM

"The Jury Votes"
Posted by Issis257 on 09-07-06 at 09:29 PM
This is how it will probably play out:

Marci - Ericka

Howie - Ericka

James - Boogie

Dani - Boogie

CG - Boogie??

Will - Boogie (of course)

Jani - Boogie?? (she'll do anything for Will)

By a vote of 7-2 Boogie you are the winner of BB7 All Stars!!

Will is campaigning as we speak!!!!

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 11:55 PM
I'll go along with you on everyone except CG and Janelle.

CG said several times that he thought the person who needed the money most should win. That should mean Erika over Boogie. The only doubt about that is that he also said that he thought Will and Boogie played the game superbly.

So he's a toss-up ... or, to use Will's word, a floater.

Janelle will talk to Will, but she won't forget that he made her look like an idiot to everyone except the LoJ by completely playing her for weeks. She kept referring back to this conversation (quoted from Joker's):

Erika says something about them being America's two stupidest people.
E: I am so embarrassed.
J: I am too.
E: Janelle, let's f*cking kill them. Let's get them.
J: Did they tell you that you're part of Chilltown?
E: Yes!
E: Will's like, "This is Chilltown right here."
J: That's what they said to me!
E: Oh my God!
J: They really did say that you're a part of Chilltown?
E: Yes, a million times.
J: I hate them
E: Me too... let's get them!
J: Did they tell you that you're the only female member of C-town? They're like, "you're the only female since Shannon."
E: They said the exact same thing to me.
J: Really?
E: Yes. I hate them. They think they got us...
J: I'm so embarrassed.
E: Oh my God, me too. We were going after each other when we should have gone after them.
J: They're so believable.

You think Will's going to be able to sweet-talk her back to Boogie's side after that?

Remember, Erika just did what she had to do to have a chance of winning. Her chances against Janelle were nonexistent.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by Buggy on 09-08-06 at 00:26 AM
Janelle was embarressed about how she was played, Erika was thrilled that the boys noticed her enough to play her.

Not all fans of Janelle are in the mindless LOJ box you're trying to put us in. She has 100 times more self-respect than Erika does. Janie played a good game, all season, she trusted too much.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by AyaK on 09-08-06 at 01:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 01:08 AM (EST)

>Janelle was embarressed about how
>she was played, Erika was
>thrilled that the boys noticed
>her enough to play her.


>Not all fans of Janelle are in the mindless LOJ box
>you're trying to put us in. She has 100 times
>more self-respect than Erika does.

See, it's claims like this ("100 times more self-respect") that cause people like me to put the Janelle fans in, as you put it, "the mindless LoJ box."

You do realize that her first major fight with Will came when Will tried to tell her that his attention to her was just a showmance on his part (though he coined the term "flirt-mance" to break it to her more gently)? If Will hadn't had Erin on the outside ... but he did, and he wanted to do enough with Janie to keep her senseless but not enough to tick Erin off (though he may have misjudged where that boundary was).

The restraint in their relationship when compared with Boogie-Erika seemed to me to be entirely on Will's part. In my view of it, Janie wanted to jump him every bit as badly as Erika wanted to jump Boogie.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:50 AM
That's a pretty bold statement to make, considering that she and Will never did actually do anything as you say she wanted to do.

Would she have actually been as forthcoming with intimacy with Will if he hadn't resisted? It's hard to prove or disprove what might have happened.

Don't put all Janelle fans in one huge box. That's not fair to anyone, anymore than someone claiming that all Will fans are identical.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 02:05 AM
I heard that the LOW are even more fanatical than the LOJ because the LOW can't even acknowledge that the Evil Doctor may make a mistake. <gasp!> What a blasphemy!

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 10:47 AM
I dunno about the entire LOW, but the leader sure can't admit it.

Or rather, he made ONE mistake, but he MEANT to make it. Dear gods, even Will himself knows when the battle is lost.

"link please"
Posted by shakes the clown on 09-08-06 at 11:55 AM
>I dunno about the entire LOW,
>but the leader sure can't
>admit it.
>Or rather, he made ONE mistake,
>but he MEANT to make
>it. Dear gods, even
>Will himself knows when the
>battle is lost.

..once again you either need to supply a link to where I said Will MEANT to lose the Veto to Erika or you need to stop LYING on these message boards.

And like Ayak said, if Will didn't have Erin on the outside he would've easily made the final 3. It was only after Janelle pushed him sexually to the point where he either had to "put out" or "get out" that his game completely fell apart.

"RE: link please"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 06:36 PM
So you admit he didn't mean to be evicted? That he made a fatal error that was worse than the errors that Boogie or Erika made?

I haven't lied on these boards. So you now claim to be the leader of the LoW? You have defended Will against the idea that Will being evicted was worse than the many mistakes Janelle has made, even though the mistakes Janelle made kept her in the house longer than Will.

You even went on to use silly sports analogies, as if this is a team game. You just can't admit that Will lost.

Regardless of what Ayak stated, we don't know what would have happened if Will didn't have Erin on the outside. By your name dropping what Ayak claims would happen, you imply that Ayak is all knowing. Don't hide behind him. Argue your points yourself.

Admit that Will lost the game, and I'll admit I'm wrong. I'll admit that you are big enough man to admit a mistake. I really don't think you are though.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 01:12 AM
Janelle may be embarrassed for the way she got played, but she doesnt' hold grudges as a jury member. Last year, she did vote for Ivette, even though she was Janelle's nemesis for the entire season. On the other hand, she despised Maggie's strategy of cowering behind the sheep like she always did.

I think it when it comes down to it, Janelle will recognize that Boogie played better than Erika, which is not saying much anyway. I would be very surprised if Janelle gives her vote to Erika.

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by true on 09-08-06 at 08:02 AM
>You think Will's going to be
>able to sweet-talk her back
>to Boogie's side after that?

Hellllloooo?? Of course he will! She's dumb as a stump, remember? And he's well....he's Will! As a charter member of LOJaW, even *I* can see that.

>Remember, Erika just did what she
>had to do to have
>a chance of winning.
>Her chances against Janelle were

Erika is toast. I can't wait to see her desparate pleas to the jury that *she* played them all worse than CT did. She'll even boast to Jani that she played her. Erika is convinced that the jury will reward strategy this time, and she has to find one quick. She'll tell them that she was on to CT from the beginning, and that she used *them* to get to the end. Too bad for her that none of them (other than Marci, and maybe CG) think she was more than a piece of furniture. She will be trounced and humiliated, and I only wish I could be there to see her reactions to Boogie's DR confessions. Buahahahahaha!

"RE: The Jury Votes"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 10:53 AM
You're probably right. I don't believe Janelle will believe Erika played at all well. I don't think Will needs to talk Boogie up.

On the other hand, Janelle might consider which one won more competitions. Hmmm, I think that would be boogie. Boogie won at least two HoHs and the CDT, although Janelle might not know it. Erika won one HoH and a veto.

Gah this is bad. I'd rather see Will win the money than Boogie or Erika. He at least worked for it. Neither Boogie nor Erika really did much work.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MandyM on 09-07-06 at 09:33 PM
If Boogie was smart, he would have told Janelle in his eviction speech that Erika THREW the comp to him. Would have sealed Janelle's vote for him by being scumbagged by her. JMHO.

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

Cool Tune!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MarkP on 09-07-06 at 09:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 10:09 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-07-06 AT 09:53 PM (EST)

Erika just said as she cuddled into Boogie's shoulder "We're the Rob and Amber of Big Brother All Stars." This woman is truly dillusional.

Boogie is now spilling his guts to Erika. He's telling her so much that if she repeats it to the jury he may be in trouble. In fact, after he told her he won the trip to Aruba, he realized her should not have and he was pleading to Erika not to tell anyone (especially Dani). He then proceeds to spill his guts about other stuff.

Erika just told Boogie he was "Far the Superior player over Janelle." She also told Boogie that she was NOT going to take Janelle to the final 2 (I wonder how her mom feels about that swearing on my mom thing?!). Considering this is no longer strategy, what is the reason for her kissing his a**? I can not wait until she hears what he said about her. This woman is a pathetic soul and as much as I dislike Boogie, watching this conversation has at least given me someone to root for. Go Boogie (uggh - did I just say that?).

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Sues on 09-07-06 at 10:01 PM
as skeevy and nauseating as I find Booger..... I hate slimy ho's who hand/blow/bop their way to the top....please please PLEASE reality God's....let us watch Skankika watch a tape of Booger in the DR......

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-07-06 at 11:38 PM
Oh, she'll watch it all, she will see every nasty comment and creepy moment, she'll get to relive letting Boogie down between her legs on YouTube clips. She will read the the feeds and know it all. She will watch herself climb all over him for a vote, and see him complain to Will about having to sleep with her.
She will see it all.

And I predict that in a month she gets arrested for stalking him outside of one of his resturants, because she thinks he still " wants her".

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-07-06 at 11:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 00:05 AM (EST)

I predict she takes the $500K first prize and laughs all the way to the bank.

Edited to add; The one who will really be embarrassed by watching this season, if she has enough brains to be embarrassed, is Janelle. She got played by Will, then -- after Erika explained it all to her -- she got played by Erika.

When you can get played by Erika, you've gotta be a real lunkhead. That's our JANIE!

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-08-06 at 00:14 AM
500K or not, the girl needs professional help.
I bet she can buy a whole lot of therapy with that money.

I don't fault her for making the best game move for her, it was when she said she was still attracted to him, after she knew what he'd done to her, that I knew for sure she was an emotional mess.

You all like to bash Janie for being hung up on Will, but I say Will never treated Janelle as disrepectfully as Boogie did Erika.
Erika is still looking for Boogie's approval and validation, that is what is sad and sick.
She knows he lied to her ( perfectly okay in the game, IMO) but she still thinks he wants to have babies with her.

Win or not, she is messed up in the head.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Hooters on 09-08-06 at 00:16 AM
AyaK, I almost always agree with you....and now is no different. How can all these people be so blindly loyal to Jani?? I had (have) my favorites, but when they f&#k up, call them on it..don't pretend all is well, when it so obviously is not.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by AyaK on 09-08-06 at 01:16 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 01:18 AM (EST)

...and the thing is, there's nothing wrong with Janelle. She's a great competitor, she's good looking, and I'd bet she'd be interesting to have as a friend in real life. So she got played -- she still made it to the final 3, which she wouldn't have done without Will, because she was clueless about game strategy and she was swimming with sharks. The truth is, once she made the strategic blunder of siding with Kaysar to protect CT at the start, joining forces with Will and Boogie was her best move strategically. And she was 3-0 in PoV competitions essential to her staying in the game.

But the blind loyalty just compels me to pick her apart.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:44 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 01:44 AM (EST)

Blind loyalty implies we don't see her flaws.

She's got flaws. She's not the brightest cfl on the walmart shelves. She's easily duped by people and even Erika can play her.

We're not BLINDLY loyal. I, at least, just think she's a more worthy person of winning half a million bucks than Boogie or Erika.

Heck, I'd rather see George go home with some of the F2 money over those two. George is stupid, but he's a decent human being.

Not a whole lot of decency in the selected group of people on that show.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 01:33 AM (EST)

By blindly loyal, I assume you mean the Janelle fans?

People don't switch sports teams based on which one is currently winning. Merely because your favorite team is out of the running, does that mean you stop liking them and decide not to root for them next year?

She lost. We know that. We still like her for her class and spirit though, just like the Will fans still like HIM.

Even if Boogie or Erika win, I won't like either of them. Winning does not equate to Like.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 01:22 AM
I don't really understand how it is that Erika played Janelle. We all knew that Janelle was toast if she didn't win HOH. Not a single one of them had planned to take Janelle to the final 2. She evicted Will because she thought (and I think she was right) she had a better chance of making it with Erika. Janelle is not sitting in sequester because she got played by Erika. She got evicted because she did not win the HOH when she needed it the most. Just like Will got evicted on Tuesday for not winning the POV. Oh... but I forgot that for the LoJH, Janelle is the only one that gets played. All the other hamsters in sequester got there because of their smarts.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by shakes the clown on 09-08-06 at 12:04 PM
>I don't really understand how it
>is that Erika played Janelle.
>We all knew that Janelle
>was toast if she didn't
>win HOH. Not a single
>one of them had planned
>to take Janelle to the
>final 2. She evicted Will
>because she thought (and I
>think she was right) she
>had a better chance of
>making it with Erika. Janelle
>is not sitting in sequester
>because she got played by
>Erika. She got evicted because
>she did not win the
>HOH when she needed it
>the most.

..of course she got played by Erika. IF Erika wasn't in the house janelle would've had a much better chance of winning the final HOH challenge and since you yourself even say that she needed to win that challenge to stay in the game how can you then say she wasn't played by Erika when it was Erika who convinced her to evict Will????

And to top it off, Janelle believed Erika when she said that she would take her to the F2 which had a lot to do with evicting Will...and we all know that Erika was just PLAYING Janelle when she said that and had no intention of honoring that promise.

So, how is that NOT playing someone?

If it was Janelle vs CT in the final HOH she would've been a huge favorite to win the endurance portion as opposed to being a huge underdog against Erika. And since you even acknowledge she needed to win that challenge I don't see how you can then say she wasn't played by Erika since E got her to do something that negatively affected her chances in the game. That's the textbook defnition of being played.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 05:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-08-06 AT 05:35 PM (EST)

When did Erika admit that she never intended to keep her promise to Janelle? Last night, in the diary room Erika said that she was about to let go of the key when it was announced that Janelle had been disqualified. She had no reason to lie about that in the diary room. She may tell Boogie otherwise now because she seems to be desperatelly trying to win over his approval for whatever reason. But, I do tend to believe that Erika meant to keep Janelle to the Finals. It just didn't play out that well.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-08-06 at 01:28 AM
Janelle has class and spirit, which is why people root for her.

She could have won if the order of the challenges had been different. The first challenge, an endurance, was one that Erika would almost have to win. The second was one that required memory and upper body strength. The third could have gone either way.

Reordering these would have a completely different result.

Anyone designing the tests and knowing the people would be able to largely guess the resulting HoH winner.

In an endurance test, Erika generally wins.

In the laser test, which involved a lot of upper body strength and memory, Boogie would have won it against Erika too.

In the final test which involved knowing people, Janelle probably would have won it. Boogie got 5 out of 5, and Erika 4 out of 5, with the rumor that she threw it.

So if they'd done memory, endurance, lasers, (or endurance, memory, lasers), it would have been either Erika or Janelle, and Erika would have broken her word and taken Boogie.

Memory, lasers, endurance, (or lasers, memory, endurance), it would have been either Boogie or Janelle, but I don't know if Boogie would have quit the endurance or not in this situation.

Lasers, endurance, memory, same result as we had, which was endurance, lasers, memory.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by drebaby on 09-08-06 at 02:15 AM
>But don't forget the each text
>will cost and addition $.50,
>plus anything your carrier charges.
>CBS has to pay for the
>$25,000 they are giving away
>don't you know.
All CBS needs is 50,000 janie lovers to text in their votes for her so that can recoup the $25,000 that they will give to Janelle. Since the odds are that more than a million people will text their votes in by Monday, the viewers/voters will actually pay the BB7 winner and runner-ups prize money too. Those accountants at CBA are no dummies. Didn't Katie Couric as viewers to text in a sign off phrase for her too. Somebody has to pay her $15 million dollar salary.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-08-06 at 07:40 AM
I could actually give Erika a tad of respect for her gameplay if she did play Janelle, but she didn't.

She was serious when she talked to Janelle about getting even with CT. But then Erika got played by Boogie a second time and she flipped back to him.

Yes Janelle got played by Will and anyone getting played by Erika would be a lunkhead, but getting played by someone, realizing it and then getting played by them again is pathetic.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by MollyTV on 09-08-06 at 02:20 AM
after seeing the way erika was holding boogie staring at the wall of pix...i think we could tie her to a chair and force her to watch the whole show over with every bad thing boogie said about her....

and she would still forgive him...really i do...

it disgusts me so much...i know more than one woman in real life like that and you can't talk any sense in to them.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 02:30 AM
It's sad to see a woman like Erika lose her dignity on television. I guess in a weird way, Boogie and her deserve each other. They're both pathetic.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-08-06 at 12:07 PM
>It's sad to see a woman
>like Erika lose her dignity
>on television. I guess in
>a weird way, Boogie and
>her deserve each other. They're
>both pathetic.

Yes. Every pot has a lid.

They sure do deserve each other.

From the 2 men I've seen of Erika's ....I think any dignity she has is shrot lived....

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by sarasota55 on 09-08-06 at 12:04 PM
Erika and Janelle are both poster girls for female dependency on men. Perhaps the next BB women players will get a clue and join forces. Most women still don't get it.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-08-06 at 05:52 PM
Isn't it funny how there always seems to be a double standard about women on TV. If she's shrewd and cunning, she's a b!tch (ie. Omarossa from The Apprentice, Danielle, etc). If she is trusting and naive, then she's dependent on men and stupid (Janelle, Sarah, Erika). And if on top of that she happens to be sexy or attractive, then she's also a whore. I'm not defending anyone in particular, I'm just simply pointing something out.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Buggy on 09-09-06 at 09:36 AM
I agree , Josh.

Except about Omarossa, she really is a Bitch.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #27 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by sarasota55 on 09-08-06 at 11:57 AM
So Erika threw the comp to Boogie? What a dunce.