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"Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"

Posted by Queene1979 on 09-05-06 at 06:40 AM
Just thought I would start the discussion off today, today will be interesting as we have had some pretty interesting developments overnight, mainly a deal between Janelle and Erika, it looks like a go to vote out Will. All hell will break loose after the live portion of the show airs.

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"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Punkin on 09-05-06 at 08:12 AM
I can't believe what I woke up at 3:30 to read at TVC this morning! :gasp: The girls have FINALLY GOT IT! And just in the nick of time. They correctly surmise that the internet viewers must have been thinking them to be idiots. They are so embarrased (and rightly so). They are mortified at their stupidity as they compare notes and realize that Chilltown has been feeding them each the same lines. Janie realizes that Will was with her 24/7 to make sure she and Erica never get together to compare notes. They've been played for suckers.

I'm hoping they can keep this revelation from the boys so we can have a lively show tonite.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by 4jedi on 09-05-06 at 09:36 AM
When I read that conversation between Erica and Jani this am I actually whooped! This is very exciting. Jani now has much to be proud about, and good for Erica for not giving up. I hope it really happens. Cannot wait to read stuff that goes on throughout the day. Thanks to all live feeders.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by brvnkrz on 09-05-06 at 09:50 AM
As much as I would love Jani/Will F2, I would love to see Jani Boot Will tonight.

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J. One for all and all for Janelle

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-05-06 at 10:07 AM
I agree! That would be one of the biggest moments of the season!

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J., One for all, all for Janelle!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-05-06 at 10:41 AM
>As much as I would love
>Jani/Will F2, I would love
>to see Jani Boot Will

I'm so out of the loop.....is there an eviction this evening??

Posted by AyaK on 09-05-06 at 10:58 AM
Live eviction tonight; finale is a week from tonight.

Posted by Savahnna on 09-05-06 at 11:11 AM
>Live eviction tonight; finale is a
>week from tonight.

Really sorry about the distraction....I saw your note after I posted about the thread getting derailed. Thx again

Posted by AyaK on 09-05-06 at 10:39 AM
This thread's gotten off in the wrong direction. PLEASE keep the discussion limited to the live feeds and speculation or reasoning, not rooting.

I agree, it will be fascinating to see whether Janelle will go along with her discussions with Erika and blindside Will, but you all know that this isn't the thread to discuss that. Please?

"RE: Note"
Posted by man5996853 on 09-05-06 at 11:10 AM
Erika was pretty convincing. I originally wondered if Erika and Boogie may have staged this little talk with janelle, but since Erika has been tossing and turning and pacing throughout the night, it seems that she is genuinely fed up with Chilltown. Also, after telling Boogie that she had given up, Boogie and Will feel much less threatened about J and E's one-on-one. Erika, despite some stupidity throughout the game, is REALLY starting to play.

What was most telling of Janie's possible decision to vote out Will was her interaction with Will throughout the night. Most other nights, she revealed everything that Erika said to her when Will asked. This morning(the very early AM), will asked Janelle quite a few times what Erika said and each time Janelle lied to him or ignored the question. She's either seriously pondering sending Will to the jury or is dead-set on it and is just playing the part.

What is Will going to do if evicted? I think that he will be completely and utterly shocked. Will he turn the jury on Janelle or respect her for her game play? I can't wait for tonight.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by rolingalong on 09-05-06 at 10:42 AM
Erika can't sleep, she knows Will will try to charm Janelle...she has a tough row to hoe...I can't believe Janelle will pick Erika over Will by the way Janelle has expressed her dislike of Erika, but if she thinks about the game and leaves her feelings out of it, it's the best thing for her...unless Boogie has put Erika up to this and they will take out Janelle...

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-05-06 at 11:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-06 AT 11:43 AM (EST)

I seriously doubt Boogie put Erika up to it. He has no reason to do that. He is safe since he is HOH and Will is his Bro. Believe me....he wants a CT final.

Janelle does not dislike Erika as much as you think.....they are smoking buddies and seem to get along great then.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by chappi66 on 09-05-06 at 11:41 AM
You know, as much as I dislike Janelle, I would definitely have a new perspective for her if she were to boot Will out tonight. If she did that, it would show me that she finally has done something worthy of being called an all-star. I can hardly wait to see what happens. Booting Will out could be the biggest upset of the game. It would be the ultimate game play. I really hope she goes for it and does not change her mind. This could be her only chance of winning. I think her and Erica in the final 2 would be a great thing. I would not be upset at all if she ultimately did win.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-05-06 at 12:03 PM
Sorry, AyaK, but I have to comment on this. Holy cow!!! If this is true & Janelle really votes out Will, I will be amazed, thrilled and worried all at the same time.

If she does this, I think that would be the final boost to get jury members to vote for her that maybe were formerly uber jealous of Janelle and haters. Also, I would love to see the look on Will's face when he sees his "charm" wasn't as amazing as he thinks it is.

However, I do not trust Erika one bit and don't believe she will hold up her end of the deal. Erika can't win against anyone, but the only one she thinks she can beat is Boogie. Erika claims she doesn't "scumbag," but she has really been doing it all season, especially Danielle & Kaysar.

Janelle will have a tough time beating Erika on the endurance portion of the final challenge (does that part come first?), but Janelle will easily beat Erika on any of the Q&A's - - smarts is not Erika's strong suit.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by man5996853 on 09-05-06 at 12:20 PM
I believe Erika. What's that saying...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. If Erika believes an iota of what Janelle told her about Boogie's lies, she'll do what she can to get rid of him. Yes, Erika thinks that she might have a slightly better chance of beating Boogie, but I think that she also knows that there's little chance either way. And, since others did hate Janelle when they left, she might think that Janelle is the best option. She might be counting on Danielle's and Marcellas' votes. I actually think that Janey, if in the position, would be better off bringing Boogie. Danielle is more likely to vote for Erika than she is Boogie. Marcellas also would probably not vote for Boogie vs. Janelle but might vote for Erika vs. Janelle.

Whatever the case, I think that Erika will live up to her end of the bargain. Boogie has played with her feelings and her heart. If she realizes this, I don't think that she'll view Janelle's STRATEGICAL transgressions in nearly such a negative light. The girls have finally gotten it together. Let's just hope that Janie doesn't wimp out in a few hours. This will be the best night of, maybe, ever in Big Brother history if Will gets the boot.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by rolingalong on 09-05-06 at 12:41 PM
I cannot wait to see the body language today!!!!!!!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by abbahammer on 09-05-06 at 01:23 PM
Just wait for Will to pull Janelle aside at the eleventh hour. He is amazing at last minute convincing. He has done it numerous times this season. He always talks to people last and he will do what he can to have Janelle exclusively to himself so that no one else has the ability to sway her.

But...he just might be a goner. Tonight will definitely be interesting...


"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by man5996853 on 09-05-06 at 01:25 PM
Yes...he might pull her aside, but only if he believes that it is necessary. Since Janie has been lying about her conversations with Erika and Erika has been moping and "giving up", Will might think that pulling her aside at the end would make him look desperate and suspicious. I'm hoping that he thinks that he's safe.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by 4jedi on 09-05-06 at 01:34 PM
<Will might think >that pulling her aside at the end>

If I remember the posts correctly they don't know that tonight is a live eviction. This is RICH. Will might not know to do that (pull her aside).

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Snidget on 09-05-06 at 02:07 PM
http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID34/1053.shtml#9 from yesterday's live feed thresd makes me think they know.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-06-06 at 01:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-06-06 AT 01:02 AM (EST)

I think Erika will honor her part of the deal with Janelle. The girls had a chance to compare notes. They both realize that they were manipulated to evict their own allies (ie. Marcellas, Danielle). And most importantly, they both understand that they have been targetting each other for weeks because ChillTown put them up to it. They both have made mistakes and have indirectly worked in favor of CT's agenda. I think Erika knows that she can only win second place and no matter who wins HOH, she has a spot in the Final. I would like to think that Erika wants to redeem herself after being played in such a nasty manner by Booger and go to the end with Janelle. That makes more sense to me than dumping Janelle and taking Boogie to the end, only to look like a bigger idiot than she already does.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 09-05-06 at 01:49 PM
Erika is the only one up. She's making coffee and wandering around the house.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 09-05-06 at 01:55 PM
Now we have flames. Good morning?

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 09-05-06 at 01:59 PM
Guess not- the feeds are back and all four are of people sleeping. No sign of Erika.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by broncofran on 09-05-06 at 03:19 PM
So it sounds like they already had the POV? Does that mean Janelle won POV?

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by nailbone on 09-05-06 at 03:24 PM

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-05-06 at 03:35 PM
Erika was taking a shower, everyone else sleeping. We had extended flames, and now all 4 HGs are in the HOH. Looks like a lockdown.

Boogie asked if anyone confirmed it was a live show tonight. No one seems to know.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by rolingalong on 09-05-06 at 03:39 PM
where is janelle

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by rolingalong on 09-05-06 at 03:44 PM
think i found her under the green blanket maybe? the silence must be killing Erika, I know it is me...she has waited so long for someone to get up and now nothing..ugh!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by QueenB615 on 09-05-06 at 05:08 PM
So what is happening in the house right now? I am hoping Will does not get time to work his magic on Janelle. I want to see the excitement when he goes home tonight!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by AyaK on 09-05-06 at 05:12 PM
Last night, Erika made a point that Will can't be trusted because of how he lied to Janelle about Marci and Howie, and Janelle agreed.

Today, Janelle (clearly still thinking about last night's conversation) asked Will why he's called Dr. Evil. Will starts to ask her why she thinks he is -- then says (unprompted) to look what happened to Marci and Howie; if he's crossed, he'll get you back.

The HGs (or at least Will & Boogie) have figured out that the show ends in one week from today. Will wants to know if it's a bad sign ratings-wise that the show is ending early. And Will is nervous about the way things are going in the house:

Will: "After all that's been going on today, I'm so nervous about tonight."
Boogie: "We won't have any time to reset, so plan on the good, and if it's bad it doesn't matter."

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Estee on 09-05-06 at 06:37 PM
Will wants to know if it's a bad sign ratings-wise that the show is ending early.

You just had to know Will would get there first.

I'd love to see him ask Julie about the ratings during the exit interview. She might take three minutes to reboot from that one alone. Assuming she's willing to speak to him at all -- he's committed major sins, y'know. Right, Jules?

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-05-06 at 07:18 PM
Now, that would be hilarious. It's a shame that Chenbot is such a horrible host, if she had any wit & sense of humor she could tell Will that his producing skills are as good as Boogie's romancing skills.

Well, I've been MIA from the feeds for most of yesterday & today, but I just caught Erika & Janelle primping in the exercise room and both are anxious to send Will to sequester & feel the feedsters have probably been so frustrated with them for not talking sooner & finding out what CT were up to (yah). It really does seem that Erika & Janelle are both fully on board to take each other to the finals and take care of the evil Will & Boogie that did them both so wrong.

I can't wait, I am now very excited & have confidence in Erika. Janelle should tell Will something about, "Well, Will, you told both me . . . and Erika, apparently . . . that you would happily take yourself out & go to sequester to work on the jury, bye bye Dr. Delicious, time to earn your keep!"

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Janjela on 09-05-06 at 07:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-06 AT 07:18 PM (EST)

Janelle and Erica are really looking forward to tonight. They were in the workout room together talking about how it is going to go down. Erica related what she will say for her final words. She's going to say how she knows Janelle will make the best decision. Based on the way they were talking, Will is OUT tonight.

They were also talking about how America has been calling them idiots and it's about time they woke up. So true!

Later, Erica walked through the bathroom and one of the guys said, "how's it going?" She said, "fine, ready to go home." I'm a huge Janelle fan, but I'm happy that Erica will get the last laugh tonite!

"Tonight Sucks"
Posted by LadyT on 09-05-06 at 07:35 PM
I hate Erika

"Will gone"
Posted by waves crashing on 09-05-06 at 09:18 PM
Feeds came back for a few minutes, and Will is gone. Janie and Erika were out talking in the backyard, laughing about the look on Boogie's face when Will was voted out.

BB announced a lockdown inside and the girls went in. Boogie isn't talking to them, and they aren't talking to Boogie. Gee, poor Boogs.

Now back to flames.

"RE: Will gone"
Posted by waves crashing on 09-05-06 at 09:23 PM
Feeds back again. Erika says "He must be going crazy in that diary room!"

Focused on Janie, looking at Will's black-and-white picture.

The girls are talking about CT's various machinations, why they threw various competitions. And how they really should not have thrown that last POV!

"RE: Will gone"
Posted by waves crashing on 09-05-06 at 09:24 PM
Erika says "I guess Boogie just wants to live in the diary room now!" :-D

"RE: Will gone"
Posted by Estee on 09-05-06 at 09:30 PM
He's just waiting for his identical twin to arrive so they can update before the switch.

"RE: Will gone"
Posted by waves crashing on 09-05-06 at 09:34 PM
>He's just waiting for his identical twin to arrive so they can update before the switch.

Okay, first I laughed at that. Then I thought about the idea of there being two Boogies. Shiver me timbers! :-O

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-05-06 at 09:29 PM
So, how does this 3-part HoH comp work? At first I thought since E won the endurance, she would choose who to take, but now I'm thinking there is still a chance for Janelle?

Janie & Erika are talking in the kitchen while Boogie is in DR & it sounds as though both are on the same page. Erika keeps talking like she's done with Boogie & CT's manipulation (I hope so).

Let me tell you, I would be afraid to be in the same house as Boogie without Will or anyone else to keep him in check, he is an unstable, creepy person.

Do they do part 2 of the HoH tonight or another day? Sorry for the questions, but last season was the first time I watched BB & I can't remember how the final HoH sequence played out in real time.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Estee on 09-05-06 at 09:32 PM
I'd guess tomorrow -- the inside lockdown probably means the very frustrated competition staff is breaking down the volcano and setting up for the next competition. And given the way endurance runs typically go, they probably thought they could start around midnight BB time and hold the thing in the morning. When the players break the schedule, ignore it and proceed as planned.

"Afta' twelf veekz oof zlavink.."
Posted by IceCat on 09-05-06 at 09:37 PM

... in ze volcano lab producink a mazterpiece of plaztah oof Paris geniuz!

3 louzy ztinkink minootz oof zkreen time!

It vaz nevah like zis at Peenemünde!

"RE: Afta' twelf veekz oof zlavink.."
Posted by Estee on 09-05-06 at 09:40 PM
I told them: they had to make it up as a giant pair of pants!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by engine13 on 09-05-06 at 09:34 PM
Well they should be doing it tonight...BUT they probably were NOT banking on the first part ending in like 5 minutes...so my guess is that they...the props people are not ready yet..just a thought.

"Quote of the Season"
Posted by CattyChat on 09-05-06 at 09:33 PM
Janelle: "Will always said he was the fox, I was the bunny. Who's the bunny now, biyitch!?!?!"

Love it!!!

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by shakes the clown on 09-05-06 at 09:41 PM
>Janelle: "Will always said he
>was the fox, I was
>the bunny. Who's the
>bunny now, biyitch!?!?!"

Janelle is still the bunny, its just that the fox changed from Will to Erika.

And now instead of Will whispering strategy into Janelle's ear its Erika doing it.

To use an analogy, Janelle is like a big, meaty braindead offensive lineman on a football team. For awhile Will was her quarterback, pointing out blocking patterns and sending the big strong lineman out to knock down opposing players. But, then janelle got traded to another team and now she is still the big braindead lineman, only now Erika is her quarterback.

"So what is going on in the house right now?"
Posted by QueenB615 on 09-05-06 at 10:13 PM
What is happening on the live feeds? I am sure Boogie is going to be absolutely ridiculous. He is so disgusting. I hope these girls give his ##### the boot ASAP.

"RE: So what is going on in the house right now?"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-05-06 at 10:49 PM
Boogie is the new James. Is his head gonna assplode?

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by MarkP on 09-05-06 at 09:42 PM
I will say this - it is pretty amusing that Janie and Erika are talking now and so proud of how they compared notes and ousted Will....is it me or did these 2 not have plenty of time to do this before last night?! The sleep for half the day every day you would think at some point they would have spoken to each other. For weeks they wanted nothing more than each other out of the house and now they are Einstein? I give Janie credit for finally waking up and making a great move - I had lost all faith in her....but these 2 have got to get off their high horses or it is going to be some horrible live feeds for the next week.

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by yamihooked on 09-05-06 at 10:48 PM
For the last few weeks, Janelle hasn't really been working to kick out Erika, at least not that I saw. Same with Erika, at least lately.

Yes, they did put each up on the block, but even Janelle said she didn't take it personally.

Regardless, even if two people are working to eliminate each other, over time the equation changes. The reasons you need one person to go this week doesn't necessarily exist next week, even if they are still there.

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by Buggy on 09-06-06 at 00:05 AM
Janie has been trying to get Er out, but that's mostly because Will convinced janie that Erika hated her, and he would never let Janie out of his sight so the girls could talk.

The Fox didn't want his Bunny to go to another team.

Janie woke up!

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-06-06 at 01:15 AM
Yup! What Buggy said.

That was the whole point of Operation Double Date. Will would work on Janelle, while Booger worked on Erika. The goal was to continue to pit both women against each other. I do think that CT's lies caught up to them, which is why Will got evicted and Boogie is in such a predicament. Erika may have actually earned her keep as an all-star for saving herself at the 11th hour. Great job for both Erika and Janelle for redeeming themselves and getting the CT boys out of the house. Well... that's assuming that they're able to get rid of Mike in the final HOH competition.

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by AyaK on 09-06-06 at 10:32 AM
>I do think that CT's lies caught up to them,
>which is why Will got evicted and Boogie is in
>such a predicament.

Actually, I think Will was a victim of Mike's unwillingness to keep showmancing Erika.

"RE: Quote of the Season"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 03:22 PM
That certainly didn't help. But they used the same terms, like "ninja", to both women upon their "membership" into ChillTown, and that's what the gals focused on when the light clicked on.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by nmccray on 09-05-06 at 09:40 PM
So what did Boogie mean when he said "Julie, remember Richard Hatch?" And then he said that either Janelle or Erika had to take him to the final two? Is he saying that he caught someone cheating???

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by countrygirl_29 on 09-05-06 at 09:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-06 AT 09:52 PM (EST)

Nope, he is saying that the only sure way for them to win is to pull a "Richard Hatch" and take the most hated person to the F2. Meaning they have to take him.

"Boogie is LOST!"
Posted by Undertow12345 on 09-05-06 at 10:13 PM
He looks like a little kid who has lost his daddy at Disneyland and is walking around about to cry~!
GOD I am loving this!

He is trying to do some magic..but he is a amature and has none of Wills charm and wit and charisma. The girls are going to play with him like big mean cats with a dying mouse on a string.

This guy is so toast. he better win both the next comps.
He looks rattled enough he might not even get out of bed.

"A few minutes ago Boogie told Jani..."
Posted by Issis257 on 09-05-06 at 10:19 PM
Boogie just told Jani that he believes that Will had developed real feelings for her, that he had a chance to say stuff to his GF and did not and that that was a ballsy move on Jani's part to get Will out and to not believe Ericka when she says she's OK with second place...oh boy!

"whats the HOH schedule?"
Posted by Undertow12345 on 09-05-06 at 10:25 PM
Is there another tonight?
any ideas?

"RE: Boogie is LOST!"
Posted by rockdog on 09-05-06 at 11:03 PM
Now he is the dumb white trash house guest. I would love to see E and J jumping up and down laughing at him.

"RE: Boogie is LOST!"
Posted by Hooters on 09-05-06 at 11:34 PM
Hey Boogie.......SUPERBOWL.....SUPERBOWL......SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!

"RE: Boogie is LOST!"
Posted by zipperhead on 09-06-06 at 11:37 AM
It wasn't that bad of a trick, actually. If Janelle hadn't lost her concentration, then she and Erika would have had to argue with each other about who would let go first. This, of course, would have reopened the split between them a little bit.

However, Janie let go when she shouldn't have and now she has to scramble to win two comps.

"RE: Boogie is LOST!"
Posted by nailbone on 09-06-06 at 12:17 PM
then she and Erika would have had to argue with each other about who would let go first.

They had an agreement that if Booger went out early, then Erika would hold on for a bit, but then let go within the first hour...IF she planned on keeping her agreement to take Janelle to F2.

But since Janelle messed up and let go, that became a moot point.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by chappi66 on 09-05-06 at 11:37 PM
In the final 3 Survivor endurance competition between Richard, Rudy and Kelly. Richard sat out on purpose after the first 5 or 10 minutes or so to let Rudy and Kelly fight it out. And as Countrygirl said, he was pretty sure that either one of them would take him to the final 2.

If Boogie thinks he can compare himself to Richard Hatch, he is in a damn dream world. I would not take Boogie just for that reason. He is a cocky little jerk and would not have gotten that far if it were not for Will. I hope they stick to their girl alliance and take each other to the f2

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by Buggy on 09-06-06 at 08:05 AM
In Survivor it wasn't a 3-part comp either.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by lifesadance on 09-06-06 at 01:31 AM
In season 1 of Survivor, Richard did the same thing. During the final immunity challenge, he jumped down, leaving the other two (Rudy and Kelly) up on a log while he rested and ate oranges. His reasoning was that whoever won immunity would take him to the final 2 assuming that they would win over Richard because Richard was not well liked.

Mike figured the same thing. Why stand up there all night long? He thinks that Erika or Janelle will take him to the final 2 assuming that he is not well liked and no one would vote for him.

"I can't believe this but..."
Posted by Issis257 on 09-06-06 at 02:15 AM
I miss Will already!!! It's going to be a long week without him... Is it wrong to feel this way?? LOL!!!!!

"RE: I can't believe this but..."
Posted by Miami Joe on 09-06-06 at 09:06 AM
Hey Boogie, Toiletbowl Baby!!!!!, Yeah!!!! ToiletBowl!!!!!

That is exactly where Howie will shove your crying face when you get to the sequester house on Friday morning.

CBS, please, please, you need to show a lot more footage of what happens in the sequester house starting today when Will gets there.

It will be a BIG PARTY!!!!!, when everyone sees Will coming in and Boggie in a couple more days!!!!

Right now it does not matter If Janelle gets first or second place, since in most people eyes by kicking Will out of the game she is the new undisputed BB All Star champion!!!

Nobody can really argue this now. Not even the Janelle haters.

Does anyone know at what time will the second HOH comp start today?

GO JANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-06-06 at 08:45 AM
I'm thoroughly enjoying the apoplexy of the LOW supporters. Taken out by a bird brain. Who knew?

LOJ forever. (Even though she's listening to Erika instead of Will.)

Based on Erika's latest mind game play, she might be a contender for winner over Janelle's awesome competition wins. Erika's won her share of critical POVs and HOHs as well as played puppeteer.

I hope not, but it's a possibility.

Oh, and the look on Boogie's face? Absolutely, positively, undeniably PRICELESS!!!!

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by AyaK on 09-06-06 at 10:56 AM
Boogie's thought (spoken to the Net last night) was that Erika would see that she couldn't win against someone (Janelle) who won nine competitions. He gave Janelle credit for a "smart move" for voting Will out and said the jury would see it the same way.

He also talked about how Will made the game entertaining.

"RE: Live Feeds Tuesday 9/5"
Posted by okaychatt on 09-06-06 at 03:06 PM
<Erika would see that she couldn't win against someone (Janelle) who won nine competitions.

Yep. Erika has a better chance against Boogie.

Is Janelle continuing to work Erika on F2? She needs to follow Will's tactics and never let her out of her sight.

Here's hoping for a Janelle HOH when it REALLY counts.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.