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"B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Estee on 08-22-06 at 04:19 PM
Please keep discussion of tonight's episode on this thread until the West Coast gets to hear James explain how absolutely everything that happens in it is a sign of a conspiracy. That's right: the world has conspired against James. They don't want him to win. They want Janelle to win. Because the world is corrupt. And evil. And dyes its hair. And because the world has the live feeds, and has gotten to see -- well, let's just say that what the episodes have been getting so far in the whining department is best described as 'a fraction', okay? So James is right: the world is conspiring against him to make sure he doesn't win this game. There's just one problem.

With the exception of James, no one in the world cares...

(I give him four days before he drags the Illuminati into it.)

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"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by toddE on 08-22-06 at 04:42 PM
not a spoiler, but....

I have to say that when Janelle was allowed to participate in the HoH challenge re-do that got Erika off HoH and onto the chopping block, I felt the producers were trying to manipulate the game...not rig it, but manipulate it.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by okaychatt on 08-22-06 at 06:24 PM
<felt the producers were trying to manipulate the game...not rig it, but manipulate it.

Agreed. I thought they should have started only with those who had not answered incorrectly.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Posted by AyaK on 08-22-06 at 06:38 PM
Julie does such a bad job, who knows how many other errors she made prior to that?

I'm not a member of the Legion of Janelle, but it seems to me that Julie botched the challenge completely and a redo was an appropriate remedy. Then again, the words "Julie" and "botch" just sorta go together. Maybe the HGs should all have to sign a deal that they play by Chenbot rules.

"And don't forget...."
Posted by AyaK on 08-22-06 at 08:05 PM
...tonight's show has been bumped to 9 PM EDT by a JC Penney-sponsored show that's airing on CBS at 8.

"RE: And don't forget...."
Posted by AZ_Leo on 08-22-06 at 09:03 PM
Just a warning to anyone tempted to watch the special: It's hosted by Dr. Phil.

A tribephyl original

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 09:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-22-06 AT 09:13 PM (EST)

Recrap, recrap, recrap:

George won HoH *faints* and nominates James and Erika.
James wins PoV.
CG got "threatened" by CT to nominate Howie instead of Will after he refused to nominate Janelle.
Howie got evicted by 3-2.
Boogie won HoH #2 of the week.

Double recrap: Danielle and CT voted Howie, James (to protect his LOD alliance safe) and Janelle voted Erika.
Howie had a hissy fit on the way out.

Aftermath of recrap: CG laughing in DR about the apprentice knocking out the Jedi master.

Janie's depression is starting to be shown.

Erika and Danielle hug Boogie after HoH win, hopes his room is Chilly.

Will is worried about the Boogie HoH win, stating that the target in now on CT.

Boogie admits that: his Coup power was only good for 3 evictions, he didn't use it for the first two evictions and now as HoH he can't use it! (bolded to reinforce the point I've tried to make on and off for the past couple of days in the feeds......)

More of Janie's depression setting in, with CG, James (!) and Will trying to cheer her up. She states it's an act to make her appear weaker than she is.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-22-06 at 11:00 PM
When George picked Howie to play in the veto challenge, I just said wtf! Howie never wins these things. Why didn't he pick Janelle?

As far as I could see, the veto picks were just chosen by the hoh and the 2 nominees. I didn't see him using a voting bag as most of these veto challenges do.

Am I mistaken? Did he pick Howie's name out of the bag?

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 11:32 PM
This relates to Sunday's show, so.....


I believe he picked the ball with Howie's name, not "HG choice" and then picking Howie...........

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-23-06 at 03:37 PM

I'm really glad George didn't deliberately pick Howie then. It would have been an extremely stupid move if he'd meant to do it.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 09:20 PM
Boogie: "Who wants to see my HoH room?" *silence* *record scratch* "nobody? Cool." (LOL)

The wake up the zombiefied version of Jani who needs sunglasses at night to get up there.

It looks like a 70's pimp room. BB punked out Boogie by including his "bikini picture" from season 2. (Apparently that was from the Jello pool stunt.)

"Nomination Ceremony!!!!!"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 09:28 PM
Dr. Will compares himself to Dr. Frankenstein, with him building the perfect competitor: a fembot named Janelle!

With the plan to have either James or Jani gone, (preferably James (provide Jani wins POV.......))

Here we go: With a minor speech about the "competitive people whose keys aren't there" we're starting the ceremony!

Danielle's safe
CG is safe
Erika's safe
Dr. Will is safe

Nominations are officially James and Janelle.

Neither is shocked and both feel safe. (We'll see about that......)

"POV time!"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 09:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-22-06 AT 09:53 PM (EST)

Time to pick players:

Boogie: HG choice, Will
Jani: Danielle
James: Erika

CG is the host by default!

CT says in the POV it will basically be Boogie, Will and Janelle vs James, Erika and Danielle. They want Jani to stay because she by herself is a bigger than CT as a pair (very true *sigh*)

Competition itself:

Question about former houseguests with the appropriate dolls scattered. Last one back is eliminated. Wrong answer is eliminated.

"Final" ETA: The dolls are sacrificed to a tiki god named O. T. *snicker!*

1. Kaysar nominated Diane, who was the other? (Nakomis) Danielle eliminated.

2. When Janelle saved herself with POV who was nominated in her place? (Kaysar) Will is eliminated.

3. Who got punted by a 9-0 vote? (Jase) Boogie got eliminated, but helped Jani out by leaving a Jase doll face-up for here to see......

4. Who was the first one eliminated in the competition hosted by BB2's Nicole (Marcellas) James is eliminated after a fight over a couple dolls. She got the correct doll. (and he's off!)

5. Who was punted by a 7-1 vote (Diane) Erika is eliminated and Jani wins the POV!

That's her third POV to match her 3 HoH's!

With a Janelle's looking for revenge!!!!!!!

"RE: POV time!"
Posted by critter42 on 08-22-06 at 10:14 PM
>LAST EDITED ON 08-22-06

>"Final" ETA: The dolls are
>sacrificed to a tiki god
>named O. T. *snicker!*
My wife caught this - we replayed it and confirmed the tiki name is OTEV (Oh Teav) - (read it backwards - bigger snicker!)

"RE: POV time!"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 10:48 PM
My wife caught this - we replayed it and confirmed the tiki name is OTEV (Oh Teav) - (read it backwards - bigger snicker!)

*rolls eyes* THAT was his name!?! Oh brother! *back to rolling eyes*

"Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-22-06 at 09:51 PM
But didn't James jump over/on top of Janie trying to take the doll out of her hand first?

It sure looked like he is the one who initiated the contact between them by trying to knock her over.

Or maybe I didn't see it closely enough?

"RE: Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by Snidget on 08-22-06 at 09:54 PM
I replayed it on the DVR and she got there first and it did look like he was trying to get to what she was already going to by getting on top of her (which was the only way he could get to the dolls).

"RE: Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 08-22-06 at 10:02 PM
That's that I thought. I must say I'm disapointed.

After listening to James complain so much after the comp the other night, I fully expected to see something along the lines of what Will described.

I though we'd see Janie jump him, take him to the ground, and as Will put it, pull out one of his teeth with a pair of pliers.

Disapointing to say the least.

"RE: Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by guccilizzy on 08-24-06 at 08:15 PM
>That's that I thought. I
>must say I'm disapointed.
>After listening to James complain so
>much after the comp the
>other night, I fully expected
>to see something along the
>lines of what Will described.
>I though we'd see Janie jump
>him, take him to the
>ground, and as Will put
>it, pull out one of
>his teeth with a pair
>of pliers.
>Disapointing to say the least.

Will was being sarcastic when he made those comments because James made it into a much bigger deal than it was, as usual.

"RE: Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by AugustGirl on 08-22-06 at 10:13 PM
The mere fact that James has ceased complaining about it entirely means BB probably proved to him that there was no validity to his endless complaints.

Will's commentary was priceless. I think this is my favorite episode so far.

"RE: Someone with Tivo needs to check"
Posted by CattyChat on 08-22-06 at 10:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-22-06 AT 10:45 PM (EST)

Will's commentary was priceless. I think this is my favorite episode so far.

I agree, GREAT episode. Will cracks me up and I love the thought of Janie & CG getting together & taking on CT. That would be cool if she really follows through with it.

Also, bravo to the producers for the replay and markers indicating where the Marci doll was. Put that in your pipe & smoke it, James!

Edited to correct a brief moment of dyslexia i.e. "put it in your smoke & pipe it" ???

""Insider" info?"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 08-23-06 at 04:45 AM
I thought I'd bring this over here from TVClubhouse. The poster, Justin, is an "insider" at CBS and a well-respected person at TVC. He reports this:

"James was found to have broken the rules twice in the veto comp he's complaining about. They did a 3 hour review with the CBS execs, and lawyers from both CBS and Shapiro/Grodner, going over everything frame by frame. If anyone should've been disqualified, it's James.Janelle was fine and was simply stronger than James; they both reached for something at the same time and Janie was strong enough to get it. James apparently whined for 2-3 minutes, DURING THE COMP, while everyone else kept going, and it took 3 more minutes for anyone to find the next clue. Had James kept going he would've been fine and maybe could've won.

There has been other blatant cheating going on (by other people who will remain unnamed) but if they can't get it on tape they cannot act on it (That's the rule, even if production SEES it, if it's not on tape they have to act as if it never happened, legally) One HoH recently had blatant cheating but they couldn't get the camera guys in the right angle in time to get it, while NOT missing the comp. But production knows what's going on now and is trying to catch it if it continues."


"RE: "Insider" info?"
Posted by AugustGirl on 08-23-06 at 05:42 AM
I wouldn't doubt this one bit. James spent HOURS whining and complaining, demanding to talk to Alison Grodner, demanding to see his contract, talking about walking out, not talking to Janie, being bitter and angry.

Now? Not a peep from him about cheating, show fixing, leaving, etc. I even watched him last night have a really nice conversation with Janie. He changed his tune 180 degrees and I think with James it had to be because he was shown evidence that he was wrong. He's not going to admit it, but his actions speak louder than words.

"RE: "Insider" info?"
Posted by Buggy on 08-23-06 at 08:05 AM

Thought this was interesting, Arnold Shapiro on Housecalls about the game, and viewer accusations of fixing.


"RE: "Insider" info?"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-23-06 at 04:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-23-06 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

>Thought this was interesting, Arnold Shapiro
>on Housecalls about the game,
>and viewer accusations of fixing.

That -was- interesting.

Regarding the 24/7 feeds being blocked, why call it 24/7 if it's not? They should call it the live feeds and never EVER reference it as 24/7. People who paid for it under the impression it's a 24/7 feed aren't consoled by the woman claiming what they get should be plenty for anyone.

I mean, I totally understand why they can't actually offer 24/7 feeds, but they had to KNOW that in advance. Calling it that is simply a marketing lie. They are calling it something they never intended to actually offer.

Edit: I just checked the cbs web site. It says "24/7 Live Feed" right on the front page.

Regarding the fixed/rigged accusations, I don't believe it's rigged or fixed. However, what are they going to say even if it *is* rigged? If it's rigged, they would still announce that it's not. It's not in their interests to always tell the truth, just like in the game itself.

"Honest, Howie, we're gonna keep you this week."

"RE: "Insider" info?"
Posted by Snidget on 08-23-06 at 04:21 PM
And it also says on the get the live feeds page at the bottom with the other disclaimers:

Certain Content may be delayed, edited, and/or blacked out at various times at our sole descretion.

If you read what you are signing up for before you put down your money you would expect them to black some stuff out.

"RE: "Insider" info?"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-24-06 at 11:37 AM
>And it also says on the get the live feeds page
>at the bottom with the other disclaimers:
>Certain Content may be delayed, edited, and/or blacked out
>at various times at our sole descretion.

>If you read what you are signing up for before you
>put down your money you would expect them to black
>some stuff out.

Yes, but the fact is that in big bold letters, you see the words 24/7 LIVE FEEDS, so you go into the thing believing you are buying 24/7 live feeds. The fact that they put disclaimers in the small print is irrelevent to those who purchased the live feeds thinking it was 24/7 as advertised.

It says "may be delayed, edited, and/or blacked out at various times.", but it should really say "SHALL be delayed, edited, and/or blacked out at various times.". It should say "We SHALL black out all competitions and veto nominations, as well as any scenes we feel we can't afford to show on the live feeds."

They should put an big bold asterisk next to the 24/7. Either that, or NOT sell it as 24/7.

Like I said, 24/7 is a marketing lie. They never intended to provide 24/7 live feeds. It's not 24/7 and shouldn't say it is.

Why am I discussing it? I didn't buy the live feeds. I'm discussing it because house calls mentioned it because they received a LOT of mail about it.

Why did they get a lot of mail? Because a lot of people bought it thinking it was 24/7 not really seeing the disclaimer. The way bb7 is selling it, advertising it as 24/7, I think they intended people to not realize it.

"but we put up a disclaimer". So what. Yes, technically you are correct. With a disclaimer they aren't breaking the legal contract. They are merely tricking people. It's classic marketing. It's successful but that doesn't make it right.

24/7 is, at least in the computer industry, a term meaning that the system is up and working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without downtime. It's not always possible, but it's a goal that companies strive for. Designing systems to be 24/7, it's expected to be up for weeks at a time without interruptions.

BB7 is not 24/7. The know in advance that there will be several times a week where the system will not be available. If you were to offer a 24/7 system to a company expecting 24/7, and you knew it would have to be shut down several times a week for hours at a time, every week, you'd be sued. If you put a disclaimer on the contract with the customer and they saw it, they'd laugh you out the door.

"What, our planned 24/7 online order system has to be shut down 3 days a week? Is this a joke?"

"Veto time!"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 10:00 PM
After teasing pulling off a Marcellas, Jani takes herself off. CG is the replacement nominee citing his lousy wardrobe choices as a reason.

Boogie is thinking that a freight train is heading for James. (In other words, expect fireworks if he goes!)

"RE: Veto time!"
Posted by oasisfan1994 on 08-22-06 at 10:48 PM
What i can't wait to see is the look on Marci's face when he sees Howie in sequester and then Howie's face when he sees James then in my dreams James sees dani they all see Erika and it Jani, CG and CT final 4.

"RE: Veto time!"
Posted by vince3 on 08-22-06 at 10:50 PM
I think they will start showing sequester footage on Thursday.....

"RE: Veto time!"
Posted by AyaK on 08-23-06 at 01:26 AM
Howie still thinks James was on the side of BB6. After all, James and Janie voted to save him. So Howie will be happy to see James and blame it all on Will and Boogie.

To win, CT ia going to need to be in the final 2 with each other.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-22-06 at 10:55 PM
Having studies the video tape carefully, I think we can safely declare James the biggest whiner/weiner in the house.

1. He's a big muscley guy and he got outwrestled for that doll by a girl.

2. He whined for the camera about an invisible cut? nick? blister? I couldn't tell. Suck it up, fella.

3. It's not assault when two people play a game which involves a little bit of shoving. ie, hockey players are not guilty of assault when they bump into reach other. Neither are football players. Neither are musical chairs players.

When Janelle said 'I broke a nail', while flipping James the bird, I decided I liked her again (though she is still a bit fat).

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by nailbone on 08-22-06 at 11:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-22-06 AT 11:14 PM (EST)

(though she is still a bit fat).

I prefer the term "voluptuous". "Curvy" works, too. Definitely the hottest woman in ther house.

"RE: B.B.A.Stards Episode #20 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Bob Tomato on 08-22-06 at 11:32 PM
Sure, I'll give you voluptuous/curvy. Definitely the hottest woman in the house, but then the other two women are a stack of antlers and a frumpy housefrau, so it's not like its the Miss America pageant or anything.

"Is it LIVE this thursday or do they vote weds?"
Posted by Undertow12345 on 08-23-06 at 01:02 AM

"RE: Is it LIVE this thursday or do they vote weds?"
Posted by toddE on 08-23-06 at 01:15 AM
First, Janelle is not fat. She has a great body. She is an evil cheerleader, but credit where it's due.

This episode was pretty good all righty. Dr. Will is a master manipulator. It frustrates me that everyone let's him do it.

Now that everyone is playing the game, it is interesting.

"RE: Is it LIVE this thursday or do they vote weds?"
Posted by slickeronstate on 08-23-06 at 03:01 AM
On the show tonight they showed Janie and Will sitting on a bench outside talking. I saw smoke - does the evil doctor smoke - yet he can't sustain sun damage - lung cancer is OK?

"RE: Is it LIVE this thursday or do they vote weds?"
Posted by Denalio on 08-23-06 at 03:21 AM
Janelle smokes

"recap of the Dolly Wars"
Posted by AugustGirl on 08-23-06 at 05:33 AM
Here is a portion of the veto comp and James' hissy hit. Notice that CBS used graphics to point out both dolls. James did not have the Marcellus doll in his possession, ever. They were fighting over the Howie doll and Janie then grabbed the Marcellus doll. James tried to manhandle her to get Marcellus (anyone see the irony of that?) and Janie won.


"RE: recap of the Dolly Wars"
Posted by yamihooked on 08-23-06 at 12:13 PM
I thought it was highly amusing that James said "it was poor sportsmanship" when he refused to hug her for winning the veto.

James was following directly behind her when the game called for the next doll. They both seemed to think they knew where it was, and James was right behind her.

Wouldn't that mean he knew he was going to be fighting her for the doll?

Worse, maybe James followed Janelle because she looked like she knew where it was. He wasn't going directly at the M doll but directly wherever Janie was going.

I had the impression he was following her to try to get whatever she was going to grab before she could. I could be wrong though. Maybe they both misremembered where the M doll was. Or they both saw the H doll from a distance and thought it was an M.

"RE: recap of the Dolly Wars"
Posted by 2thDr on 08-24-06 at 11:44 AM
I thought the same thing....Poor Sportsmanship... What? I also thought that if there was an assault that took place he assaulted her when her intentionally tripped her on her way back to the idol.....Please note that I use the word "assault" as taken from the Dictionary of James...Whiner's Edition.....THree words...Bye. Bye. Whiner.......