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"How do I put words in bold when I post?"

Posted by JeffGator on 04-22-02 at 02:35 AM
I've always wondered how to put some of my words in bold print. There are other tricks like this that I would like to learn if someone would be kind enough to post them. thanks in advance

19 year old Student at the University of Florida--Go Gators, Go Gina, and Go Gary and Dave!
"I may be alot of things, but I ain't no Hershey Bar."

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"Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by sleeeve on 04-22-02 at 03:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-02 AT 03:08 AM (EST)

Jsut include these tags surrounding the text you want in bold, etc:

[b]This text is in bold.[/b]
[i]This text is in italic.[/i]
[u]This text is underlined.[/u]
[s]This text is crossed out.[/s]

For more information, click on "reply" to any post, then click on the link that says "html reference".

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 04-22-02 at 07:25 PM
Below's the link to the full reference:



"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-01-02 at 11:47 AM
Hi Sleeve, I've tried to implement your advice, including the information in the link provided by Webby; yet for whatever reason, It isn't totally working for me.

I can get the formatting in bold, italic, etc., but I'm not able to highlight the parts of the text I want to.

Although I haven't tried this yet; I'm guessing that you can get colour by using ? for example; I don't quite get the size part of it yet.

APPEDENDUM: The colour/font/size part isn't working either; I just tried to type in purple font using the the 2 square keys surrounding it, and they disapeared.

Any further guidence you could provide on this subject, would be much appreciatied .

Eventhough I've got the links and the uploading down pat; the HTML contiues to be a struggle for me.

The chart, while extremely helpful and detailed, is very confusing to me.

Maybe I'm just computer illiterate or, maybe it's because I'm DYSLEXIC, and there's no hope here {sigh}.

Please help {begs}.

Oh BTW, just what exactly is "CODE," and "Hyperlink?"

Act Now: Keep HOPE Alive !!!

Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-01-02 at 03:06 PM
Okay... let's see if I can start with the easy questions and work up to the harder ones.

>just what exactly is "CODE," and "Hyperlink?"

"CODE" represents any type of standard HTML markup language code used in creating webpages. If you do not know how to program in html (ie: you cannot create a webpage from scratch), then do not worry about this... there are a few cool things that you can do with html, (like making a car drive across the screen, or making font glow)... but you'll be unlikely to use any other html code that is not explicitly covered in the table.

A "Hyperlink" is any text that you can click on, that takes you to a website. For example, this is a hyperlink:

I can get the formatting in bold, italic, etc., but I'm not able to highlight the parts of the text I want to.

I'm not sure what you mean by this... if you mean that you are unable to get *only* certain parts of text in bold, then you need to include the [b] tag at the start of the text you want in bold, and the [/b] tag at the end of the text you want bold (same is true for italic, underline, etc)

For example... if I write:
This sentence contains some [b]bold[/b] text.

It will display:
This sentence contains some bold text.

As for font color and size, if I write:
This sentence contains some [font color="blue"]blue[/font] text.

It will display:
This sentence contains some blue text.

If I write:
This is a [font size="6"]large[/font] word.

It will display:
This is a large word.

If I write:
This is a [font color="blue" size="6"]large, blue[/font] word.

It will display:
This is a large, blue word.

In place of "blue" you can use just about any other color (or hexadecimal representation of a color) that you can think of. Most colors are supported by your browser... but all you have to do is hit "preview" to see if your color worked.

In place of "6", you can list any number 1 through 7 for size. 1 is very small (the size of the "last edited" message), while 7 is very large... You can also put "-1" (for example)... and it will make the font one size smaller than normal or "+2" (for example) to make it two sizes larger.

This should cover the vast majority of html code that you will need to make posts. All the other stuff in the table is usually unnecessary.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-12-02 at 03:57 AM
>"CODE" represents any type of standard
>HTML markup language code used
>in creating webpages. If

What is markup language?

>you do not know how
>to program in html (ie:
>you cannot create a webpage
>from scratch), then do not
>worry about this... there are
>a few cool things that
>you can do with html,
>(like making a car drive
>across the screen, or making
>font glow)... but you'll be
>unlikely to use any other
>html code that is not
>explicitly covered in the table.

How do you make a car drive across the screen, or make a font glow?

Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-12-02 at 04:21 AM
>What is markup language?

Markup language is any language which is not a true programming language, but instead instructs your computer on how to make something appear.

For example, JavaScript is a common programming language used on the internet, which does lots of cool interactive things (the live chat program is written in JAVA).

HTML (which stands for HyperText Markup Language), on the other hand, is a markup language... In other words, your computer recieves a text document, and then your computer interprets this file to determine how the webpage should be displayed (ie: what words are in color, which are bold, what is the background color, etc).

>How do you make a car
>drive across the screen, or
>make a font glow?

How come I thought someone would ask this question after I mentioned it...

For all of the other "cool" things that can be done in HTML, my best advice is: when you see something that you wanna try, click "reply with quote", and you'll see the code that was used to create it.

These specific HTML tasks (and many, many, many others) require a strong understanding of html in general in order to properly program. Remember, it's possible to write an entire webpage in html (including everything you see on this site, for example, although the backbone of the site is written in Perl), so there's a LOT to learn.

If you're interested in learning html, there are a number of online tutorials that you can use to start to learn the fundamentals of the language. If you're just interested in posting cool graphics, etc, then your best bet is to have someone here that knows what they're doing write the code, then just copy their work (that's how just about everyone else on this site does it).

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-12-02 at 04:26 AM
Just wanted to try it out...

"I may be a lot of things, but I ain't no Hershey Bar."

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by Kokoro on 06-04-02 at 05:39 PM
Looks a lot more like the "Cookies and Cream" logo ;)

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-04-02 at 03:28 PM
It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough"
Posted by Red Lady on 08-02-02 at 02:33 AM
It is not necessary to
>accept everything as true, one
>must only accept it as

>Eleanor Roosevelt: No one
>can make YOU feel inferior
>without YOUR consent!
Red Lady
By jove, I think I've finally got it!