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Thread Number: 198
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"Archive query problems"

Posted by J I M B O on 07-12-04 at 12:30 PM
I've tried and failed numerous times now over the past month to search the OT archives for threads I KNOW exist. Even when not searching for anything very old, it seems I can't get anything over 30 days ago. Is anyone else experiencing this and/or is it a known issue? I used to be extremely successful with querying, so I'm 99% sure the settings are all correct. Also, this is over many weeks now (I kept waiting to see if it would fix itself with time).

Any ideas??

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"RE: Archive query problems"
Posted by tribephyl on 07-12-04 at 04:57 PM
How are you doing your search?

I always go to the search button at the top-middle of the forum index page.
When there, they give the choices of:

Search which forum(s)?
Searching every forum may take awhile.
Try narrowing your selection.

Search which field(s)?

Search how many days in the past?
Searching all available topics may take awhile.

Also search the archived threads?
Searching archived threads may take awhile.

For me, by searching with your name as keyword, and using the broadest search choices, I could come up with posts dating from 12/03.

I guess anything before that date, will have to be "manually" found by hand-searching through pages and pages of archives.
OT archives can be reached by pressing the Archive botton on the top-right and bottom-right corners of the OT forum index.
The OT Forum, specifically, has 10 times, or more, the posts and pages as any other forum. So the "manual search" can be quite arduous yet, is your best bet for finding anything past "1 year" ago.
In fact, I found the very first OT post ever.
This makes Devin the "Father of OT". Right?

Maybe this helps or maybe I just am not getting the question right.

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"RE: Archive query problems"
Posted by J I M B O on 07-12-04 at 05:47 PM
Thanks for the reply. As I mentioned before, I'm quite familiar with the archive search...it just ain't workin for me right now.

I'm always querying Off-Topic only. Even if I limit it to the past three months, with just my user name, I only get responses back to 6/24/04...but I definitely posted before that! I don't understand!!!!!

Also, my bookmarked links don't seem to all be working...hmmm. Sounds like it's a problem on my end.

Thanks again!

"RE: Archive query problems"
Posted by J I M B O on 07-12-04 at 05:56 PM
thanks for that first OT archive post...started an OT trivia thread with it!!!

"RE: Archive query problems"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 07-14-04 at 11:58 PM
Jimbo...I think you have to search all dates as well as click archived threads. But I'm not positive.

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"RE: Archive query problems"
Posted by dabo on 07-15-04 at 00:47 AM
Yes, OT cycles into archives pretty quickly, and the threads in archives have different links than they had before they were archived (to answer the bookmarking concern).