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Original Message
"T time with the Lady and S man"

Posted by LadyT on 11-13-02 at 10:31 PM
Lady T: Well, I am here with S man on his private plane. We are on the way to Monte Carlo. This plane is fully decked out and the champagne is flowing. And trust me, it’s the good stuff.

S man: Would you like a strawberry?

Lady T: Of course. You know strawberries are great with champagne.

S man: Anything for you.

Lady T preens: Well, before I start a food fight with the whipped crème which I just found, I better start this interview. So S man, How long have you been posting here and how did you find us? What made you come to OT?

S man: Well, Lady T, I found the GREAT site known as SB around Survivor 2, I lurked for a while, and, even posted under a now forgotten name (very briefly). I stumbled across OT between seasons, and found that there was lots of fun to be had here. And, because I was made to feel at home, I stayed.

Lady T: And trust me, we are glad you did. What are your favorite Reality TV shows?

S man: By far, Survivor rules this. I have watched BB and TAR, but not regularly. Survivor, on the otherhand, I MUST watch before going to bed on Thursdays,(I usually watch it on tape, late night).

Lady T: What contestants did you despise?

S man:Despise, huh, well this may take a while. Just to walk each Survivor, S1 gave us the lovely Sue, S2's cretens were Mitchell and Deb (only because I thought they are a waste of perfectly good oxygen), Africa gave us Linda, Dianne, and Kim J. (in order of annoyance), S4's Peter was just weird and the current cast's biggest waste is a toss up between Ghandia and Robbbb.

Lady T: Tell us what we all want to know, are you married,
single, kids, pets, etc.

S man: Well, I am married (so don't tell the girls in the Bar, and don't tell the Bride about this trip, she think's I'm away STRICTLY on business)with a BEAUTIFUL 2-year-old daughter. We had fish, dead. A rabbit, dead. Now I have plants.

Lady T:Well, I recommend that you don’t get anymore pets. Anyway, tell us a fun fact about yourself.

S man: Besides being Great in bed (I have written refrences), *Lady T mutters, modest much?* I have played the drums for most of my life. Just as a side note, why do people say "Most of my Natural life"? Is there another kind of life?

Lady T: I have no idea. What are your interests other than posting on SB?

S man: Music is one of my passions. I enjoy all types of music, even some country and some rap (LOL) Jimmy Buffett
is my all time fav. He just tells the stories about the life we'd all like to lead. I tend to read "self help" / business type books, as well as spending time in my Bible. As far as movies, the Star Wars movies are loved since my childhood, but other historic action-types, like Braveheart are fun. We also own all but 2 or 3 Disney movies (and had them BEFORE the baby was born) I have a Peter Pan complex - I'll NEVER grow up.

Lady T: You have three wishes. What are there (no world peace
those are a given)

S man: 1. To be comfortably rich - enough to NEVER have to worry 'bout money, and be able to help some good causes.
2. World piece (get it?)
3. 3 more wishes

Lady T: And lastly, who are your favorite posters?

S man: Ew, do I really have to list them? Well, ok. Here on OT, Shiela, ZZ,Tink, Vampy, SDawg's political stylings, you, Sherps, geezzz - just too many to name. Of course, on Bashers and Spoilers, eee, da Clown, Bungler's vidcaps, and many, many, many more - again just too many to list here.

Well there peeps, S man and I have some serious fun to be had. See, I have Webby's credit card again Hehehehe

Table of contents
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,dj, 10:41 PM, 11-13-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,nailbone, 10:42 PM, 11-13-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,katem, 11:41 PM, 11-13-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,GeorgiaBelle, 01:04 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Red Lady, 01:13 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Bucky Katt, 03:01 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,jkokoj, 10:37 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,fivestarwheezy, 10:43 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,snoocharoo, 11:26 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Lisapooh, 11:39 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Ashmo, 11:46 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Schnookie Palookie, 11:47 AM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,sticks, 01:00 PM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,Sheila, 06:33 PM, 11-14-02
  • RE: T time with the Lady and S man,L82LIFE, 06:42 PM, 11-14-02

Messages in this discussion
"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by dj on 11-13-02 at 10:41 PM
As always LT another great T Time. It was nice to learn more about S man. Keep up the great work.

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by nailbone on 11-13-02 at 10:42 PM
Great job, guys!! Nice to meet another drummer, S-man!

As for the "written references", we gotta know the story there!!

(c) 2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved. (c) 2002 Kingslayde Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by katem on 11-13-02 at 11:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-02 AT 11:42 PM (EST)

You're a trip s_man. BTW, what was your other screen name?

Trish is goddess

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 11-14-02 at 01:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 01:05 AM (EST)

Great interview S man and Trish.

Well, I am married (so don't tell the girls in the Bar, and don't tell the Bride about this trip, she think's I'm away STRICTLY on business)with a BEAUTIFUL 2-year-old daughter. We had fish, dead. A rabbit, dead. Now I have plants.

Are we related? I kill fish and plants

Good to get to know you.


Wherever shall I go whatever shall I do.

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Red Lady on 11-14-02 at 01:13 AM

S_Man: It is so nice to get to know more about you! Love those bongo players!
Trish: Yet another absolutely fabulous interview! TY!


"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 11-14-02 at 03:01 AM
Good interview Barbara T Walters and good to learn more about the man who needs only one letter!


"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by jkokoj on 11-14-02 at 10:37 AM
Hmmm strawberrys and champagne! Great interview LadyT!

Hi S-man!

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by fivestarwheezy on 11-14-02 at 10:43 AM
Great interview. Nice to know you, S!


"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by snoocharoo on 11-14-02 at 11:26 AM
Great to know you S-man!!!!


"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage"

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Lisapooh on 11-14-02 at 11:39 AM
Did the rabbit die right around the time your wife got pregnant?

Great interview T! and it's great to get to know you better S-man!

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Ashmo on 11-14-02 at 11:46 AM
Wow, sman actually let some stuff out about himself. This was so informative. It made me realize how much I didn't know about sman. It's been great having you around Sman and hopefully I see you in the bar some more.

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 11-14-02 at 11:47 AM
Thanks for another T Time LadyT. I love them. Was great getting to know S man (I love your sig pic S man).

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by sticks on 11-14-02 at 01:00 PM
S_Man, I never knew!!

Great interview, I'd love to see more.

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by Sheila on 11-14-02 at 06:33 PM
Wow! S-man and Lady T! (Personally, my two favorite letters of the alphabet!)

Another excellent T-Time Trish!

Strictly Business-MAN
Self help-MAN
Star Wars-MAN

Thanks for more wonderful insights into your world!

"RE: T time with the Lady and S man"
Posted by L82LIFE on 11-14-02 at 06:42 PM
another great one, T and S_man. It's so fun to learn more about one of our fellow posters!