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"OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"

Posted by woeisme1 on 01-08-12 at 11:28 PM
Because Zombie has waited oh so patiently for so long and who am I to deprive her of an awesome recipe? I loved hers and now turnabout is fair play


I have been told for years that I make “thee” best lasagna. I found this recipe in my Taste of Home magazine about 5 years ago and it is entirely as good as my lasagna. The problem is once I made it I promptly put the magazine away and just remembered how I made it so I cannot give you the exact ingredient quantities. Here again, I can only tell you how much of everything I used for this batch and it filled a very large casserole pan. The cheeses can be grated but do not have to be (if I have blocks I grate since I am not good at perfect slices, if I by sliced then I use it as is)and for me the more cheese the better so I use 2 lbs of each color.

2 LBS of ground meat (I say meat as I don’t eat beef so I use turkey—no one can tell the difference)
1 Large onion
1/3 Cup Taco seasoning
1 Quart of Salsa or Picante sauce
1-1½ Cups Ricotta cheese (I used Tribes and it was perfect for this and about 1 ½ cups)
1 ½--2 LBS of a white cheese ( I used ½ Muenster and ½ Monterey Jack this time—that’s what I had but sometimes I use Mozzarella or Monterey Jack) of your choice
1½--2 LBS of yellow cheese (I used mild cheddar here)
3 11oz packages of corn tortillas (I prefer white corn but YMMV)

In large skillet, brown meat (if using beef drain fat—with turkey there is really no fat); add chopped onion and seasoning, stir well and simmer about 5 minutes. Remove and place in bowl.

At this point I set up a little assemble line of the order my ingredients will go into the pan and I work from right to left (salsa, meat, Ricotta, white cheese, yellow cheese) and put a layer of the salsa in pan.

In skillet, (on medium) heat both sides of each tortilla (it doesn’t need to brown, just be warmed and I use 2 skillets to make it go a little quicker), then place a layer of the tortillas on the salsa layer.

Following layers (See pics):
Ricotta cheese
White cheese
Yellow cheese

Then start again with the tortillas, salsa, etc. until pan is over full as it will shrink down as it bakes.

Bake at 350* about 45 minutes or until cheese on top is melted and slightly browned (not the right term but beyond it just being melted—crispy didn’t seem right either). Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before slicing for pretty slices (or dig right in but it will run together and not really be slices).
I normally will top with sour cream dollops and other times I have shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, onions and olives as well, when feeding a crowd. Either way—there is never any left.


Meat Cooking:

Taco Seasoning:

Add onions and seasoning:

Assembly Line of ingredients:

Salsa in bottom:

Heat Tortillas:

Tortillas over salsa:

Salsa over tortillas:

First layer of Meat:

Ricotta Cheese:

White Cheese:

Yellow Cheese (I put more on after I took this):

Ready for oven:


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Messages in this discussion
Posted by jbug on 01-09-12 at 10:51 AM
over in that other place? I thought this looked like pie

Agman has my heart 2012

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-09-12 at 04:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-09-12 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

That looks really, really, good. I'll see how much ricotta cheese I have left over and make it later this week (I already know it's going to be a big hit with the chil'ren.

I might make half with some nasty vegetables (peppers, mushrooms) and the other half kid friendly.

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by frodis on 01-09-12 at 04:24 PM
I was just thinking that this could easily be a meatless dish. Can't wait to give it a try!

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-09-12 at 04:43 PM
Do what I do... I puree the vegs in the Magic Bullet and throw it into the sauce. They won't notice the difference, and then after a few eatings, I tell them they've been eating vegs all along and they like the food. Now they aren't fussy about certain vegs in their food for the most part. Win.

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by Karchita on 01-09-12 at 04:24 PM
I make something really similar that I have posted here before (*waves to Sharina*), but with beans and corn and less meat and cheese. I also never have preheated the tortillas. They get nice and soft when they bake. It's a wonderful recipe that I got from a friend who used to always bring it to potlucks.

Enchilada Casserole

1 pound ground turkey
1/2 chopped onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 diced poblano pepper
three diced tomatillos
2 tablespoons fresh oregano (or 1 tablespoon dried)
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salad oil
1 can (29 ounces) enchilada sauce (or part diced tomatoes or tomato puree)
12 corn tortillas (6” wide)
2 cups shredded jack cheese (or cheddar)
1-1 1/2 cups (or one can) cooked pinto, black, or refried beans
1 cup frozen corn
sour cream and fresh cilantro for garnish

Cook turkey, onion, garlic, peppers, tomatillos, oregano, and cumin in salad oil until turkey is no longer pink. Add half the enchilada sauce and salt to taste.

Cut tortillas in half. Arrange eight halves in bottom of large casserole dish, overlapping to fit. Sprinkle 1/3 of cheese over the tortillas, then 1/2 of the turkey mixture and 1/3 of remaining enchilada sauce, and all of the corn, spreading evenly. Repeat layers of tortillas, cheese, turkey, sauce and add beans. Top with tortillas, sauce and cheese.

Bake at 425 for 20-30 minutes. Sprinkle cilantro on top and serve with sour cream.

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by Tummy on 01-09-12 at 04:48 PM
I have made this before and really liked it. I couldn't remember who had posted it.

"Oh Boy!"
Posted by foonermints on 01-09-12 at 05:09 PM
Duelling Enchiladalasagnas!

TFC: Who will make these for me? So cold.. so coolld...
ps: With a nice glass of Adobe Guadalupe Jardín Secreto, please.

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by Tummy on 01-09-12 at 06:22 PM
If you're supplying the alcohol I'll watch Woe make the enchiladalasagne! you know that could be reduced down to enchilasagne right?

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by foonermints on 01-09-12 at 07:01 PM
I gnu that. btw, Just exactly what is your contribution? "Supervisor"?

Moves by CrabMan
poison taster Quality control?

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by Tummy on 01-10-12 at 11:19 AM
My official title is Culinary and Spirits Abbess, but you may call me Drunk and Full, not to be confused with Drunken Fool.

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by woeisme1 on 01-09-12 at 10:14 PM
Come on over Tummy and I'll supply the alcohol while you watch! I wanted to shorten it but that is how I remember it in the magazine.

And there will be no dueling, they are different creatures. Besides, Karchita only uses 8 tortillas and that is less than one layer in mine. Try it, you'll love it.

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by Tummy on 01-10-12 at 11:20 AM
No dueling?! But I love dueling foods, because you get to eat twice as much.

created by The Most Magnificent Agman

"RE: Oh Boy!"
Posted by Karchita on 01-10-12 at 04:35 PM

Tiny frozen food for you!

Posted by foonermints on 01-10-12 at 11:15 PM
Woe/Karchita Karchita/Woe..

foonermint: Hooligan Enabler
That Tummy, she's really smart.
I'll bring extra wine. Maybe a nice Claret to start..

froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food froxen food froxen food froxen food froxen food frozen food

"RE: *sigh*"
Posted by woeisme1 on 01-11-12 at 01:46 AM

I'm a lover, not a dueler.....

"RE: *sigh*"
Posted by foonermint on 01-11-12 at 02:00 AM
Tummy and I just want all the food we can get.

"RE: *sigh*"
Posted by Tummy on 01-11-12 at 10:28 AM
True dat.

created by The Most Magnificent Agman

"*eye roll*"
Posted by Karchita on 01-11-12 at 04:37 PM
For fooner:

And another thing. You messed up this whole trhaed.

"RE: *eye roll*"
Posted by foonermints on 01-11-12 at 11:18 PM
Tiny Little Devil: mission accomplished
btw: did you know that "Secret Garden" wine is only 3 stars and $270/ bottle?

"RE: *eye roll*"
Posted by Karchita on 01-15-12 at 08:28 PM
No, I didn't know that. But if you show up here with a couple of bottles, I'll cook you a meal you'll never forget. Deal?

Tiny little secret: I like troublemakers.

Posted by foonermints on 01-16-12 at 01:59 PM
If I just replace it with a 4 star California wine?

I can save $500!

"RE: OTCC Extra Credit Enchiladalasagna"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 01-11-12 at 06:41 PM

This looks wonderful! I will try it tonight.

I had my mouth stitches taken out today! Yay!!! Snow globe sig and starfish globe by Agman 2011

"Horning in on the thread :-)"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-15-12 at 06:42 PM
I have never seen taco seasoning sold here by the jug (I've only seen those metallic-single-serving-size envelopes.) I use this recipe found on allrecipes.com (from Bill Echols)since I already have all the spices on hand. Best part -- no filler which is much better for my tummy.

for roughly 1/3 cup taco mix
(which is double the usual amount I use when making tacos for the family with 1 pound of beef)

2 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons black pepper

Mix well.

Posted by qwertypie on 01-16-12 at 11:48 AM
Big hit all around! I ended up using much less meat (Mr. Qwerty brouht a teeny tiny pkg of ground turkey) and less cheese (ricotta, 'light' marble, 'light' aged cheddar and something called 'german butter cheese' sliced super thin)than called for, but it still worked very well. Super yummy!