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Original Message
"Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"

Posted by Kismet on 07-14-01 at 07:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-15-01 AT 00:55 AM (EST)

Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet

<The first scene we see is the area pan showing a wealth of activity in all of the corners. The overhead camera follows Kismet as she makes her way around the room. Standing in one and dancing to the very bad Cornertime intro music is Ronnet. Kismet begins heading her way.>

As you can see..

<Kismet ducks under a swooping butterfly and then glares at the Ebug corner.>

As You can see, we have a lot of Corner activity going on right now. Today we are going to focus on Ronnet. Roni has been posting on this board from almost the very beginning. She is the new News reporter, a 'bar counselor' to many, and a valued poster to this board.

<Kismet arrives in Roni's corner and they shake hands. Roni stops dancing and both of them sit on their respective barstools. Her timer reads 1:20:37. >

Thank you for the interview Roni. I am surprised to see you in here. You are so rarely naughty that I knew I had better get to you first. So what did the 'good' girl do to land in here. Who would be so mean to you?

<Kismet snickers as she reads that line, knowing it is obviously not true.>

<Roni pouts> Monkeyboy sent me here - one night in the bar, I tied his tail in a knot...

That would do it. Well, I'm glad to see that you are unrepentant. Can you tell us how you found this community and why you stayed among us?

Same old story - SS was closed to new people and I read the posting telling about SB. When I first started here it was under a different name. On my first or second post I was flamed so bad, extra crispy to be exact, I never used that name again. After that, I stayed under the radar, posting wise, for a long time.

I am glad to see that you have come out from your hiding place Roni. So who are your favorite people on the boards?

<Roni grins> Why you of course...

That isn't going to cut it Roni. I have let too many people slide on that answer of late and you aren't going to get away with it.

Everyone is my favorite. Each a unique and wonderful individual. Impossible to pick just a few...

<Kismet adds 3 hours for being so vague and to make an example of Roni for future penitents.>

Where did you get your nickname from?

Nick didn't need it anymore and when I asked if I could use it, he said sure.

Alright Ms. Mystery woman. You are kind of shy in chat sometimes, and at other times you are the life of the party.. What determines your moods? Are you shy in real life?

I'm not shy or quiet. If I'm not saying anything it's because I'm transcribing what everyone else is saying. You never know when that kind of information might come in handy.

Is that how you got the reporter job? I'm only kidding, that's how I got my gig. You are a 'real' reporter for SB. How did that come to pass?

I'm one of those people who read the directions only after I've tried to do something. Well, a few days ago it was pointed out to me that there is a news section on the board . This was after I had already been posting news items under different topics, with wild abandonment for sometime. I think Webby decided to ask me to be a reported with the hope it would restrain me from splatting news items all over the boards.

You are single and we have some very good looking men around here. Would you ever consider having a real relationship with someone you met online?

<Roni blushes, her eyes twinkle> No comment...

<Kismet hums the tune to "Matchmaker" from Fiddler on the roof.>

Speaking of musicals... Rumor has it you are a real life ballerina. Is this true?

Yes, it is true. I was small as a child but I was not allowed to stand on a chair to get things off a shelve. Therefore, I had to go on pointe to reach things.

Tell us about you Roni. What do you like to do besides dance?

One of the things I enjoying most is welding. A joint welded well gives a sense of great accomplishment. This also allows me to contribute something to others - to the greater good so to speak.

Is there something unusual that only you can do?

Well... anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you.

<Kismet> No you can't
<Roni> Yes I can
<Kismet> No you can't
<Roni> Yes I can, Yes I can, yes I can, yes I can

<Kismet giggles and whispers to Roni "We just put that song in everyone's head. You could make EO status yourself one day.">

Ok, I think that is all I have. Is there anything else you want us to know about you?

I can eat a Tootsie Pop without biting through to the chewy center

Well, if you ever get out of here I will bring you a Tootsie Pop. Thank you for the interview Roni.

<As the cheesy music plays and the credits roll, Roni turns around and resumes dancing in the corner.>

Thank you again for joining us. This concludes this cornertime segment.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Monkeyboy on 07-14-01 at 08:08 PM
Wait a minute...am I to understand Ronnet is a scary lurker
in chat?
I KNEW I shouldn't have told her about that torrid affair
I had with that orangatan in Las Vegas...I just knew it!

So...what was the original name you used and who flamed you?
(I'll get them!)

(Sorry I sent you to the corner Kismet! I knew it would be painful!)

Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 07-14-01 at 11:55 PM
Since the real flaming that takes place here is rather miniscule, and since Roni talked about her penchant for posting news here from other sources ... my guess is that she posted one of the bogus "spoilers" from EZ over here, and shakes flamed her. I know that flying squirrel and I flamed a couple of obvious trolls (one of those occasions was the time that Jizzy got into it with flying squirrel, because Jizzy didn't see why fs was so certain that the person was a troll) ... but Roni would never be a troll!

"RE: Flaming"
Posted by Ronnet on 07-15-01 at 00:12 AM
>Since the real flaming that takes
>place here is rather miniscule,
>and since Roni talked about
>her penchant for posting news
>here from other sources ...
>my guess is that she
>posted one of the bogus
>"spoilers" from EZ over here,
>and shakes flamed her.

Sorry AK - but I wasn't into news in those days and this was before shakes joined SB. I just posted a reply on a thread. One word was spelled wrong and to someone, that was an unforgivable sin... According to that person, I had no business posting on SB until I learned how to spell.

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Riordan on 07-14-01 at 09:44 PM
Hi twin! Great interview both of you! <sneaks Roni a Tootsie Pop>

Posted by Kismet on 07-15-01 at 00:57 AM
I forgot to put in one of Roni's questions. So read up again about welding. I'm sorry Roni.

BTW Monkey.. you sent Roni to the corner not me.

this is why posting and vicodin do not mix...

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by VampKira on 07-15-01 at 01:27 AM
Woo Hoo! Nice, Roni! And now.. we need to get Apeface over here. We need a plan.....

"Let's spend the night together,
You'll wake up and live forever."
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by SherpaDave on 07-15-01 at 01:40 AM
Okay, I knew about the ballet. But welding? Why do I have the movie "Flashdance" ingrained in my brain now? What a feeling!

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by ItzLisa on 07-15-01 at 10:01 AM
>Okay, I knew about the ballet. But welding? Why do I have the movie "Flashdance" ingrained in my brain now? What a feeling!

*** LOL!!! I thought the same thing, Dave! (*Hands Roni a bouquet of Tootsie Pops*) Here, doll - since ya got three hours added onto your clock, you should have PLENTY of time for these babies!


"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Ronnet on 07-15-01 at 04:46 PM
>(*Hands Roni a bouquet of Tootsie Pops*)

Yum - thanks Lisa - what a pal..

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Survivorerist on 07-15-01 at 12:10 PM
>>>Okay, I knew about the ballet. But welding? Why do I have the movie "Flashdance" ingrained in my brain now? What a feeling!<<<

I just read it and that was the first thing I thought of too sherpie! Nice to have so many great minds here!

Great interview Roni and Kis! I love cornertime more and more each day!

"I don't think we're being cocky, I just think we're the best."
- Survivor 1's Colleen Haskell

Posted by boomerang on 07-15-01 at 12:54 PM
A woman that can dance and weld, too? I'm impressed. What an intriguing combination. Probably not at the same time, though.

"RE: dang"
Posted by Ronnet on 07-15-01 at 03:29 PM
Okay - you all outted me - loved "Flash Dance" and I'm just a welder wannabe....

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-15-01 at 01:57 PM
Great interview Roni!!! ( welding?)

I wanna know why Roni gets candy and I don't!!!!!!!

EBug ( can someone bring me beer?)

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Ronnet on 07-15-01 at 03:25 PM
>I wanna know why Roni gets
>candy and I don't!!!!!!!

<shares tootsies pops with EBug>

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by samiam on 07-15-01 at 04:39 PM
Hold on one cotton-pickin' minute. I get time added to MY cornertime for putting the Pina Colada song in peoples' heads, but Roni gets nothing for SHOW TUNES? THAT, my friends, is a travesty. *grin*

Great interview, guys! And Roni, we're so glad you decided to post again!

"How do you know I'm mad?" asked Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Kismet on 07-15-01 at 06:47 PM
But Sami, I like Show Tunes!

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by samiam on 07-15-01 at 07:31 PM
And we're all very proud of you, admitting that in such a public forum. However, we still have to deal with the matter of your taste...


"What a Feelin!"
Posted by LadyT on 07-15-01 at 07:04 PM
Keep believing...

Oops, sorry Roni.

Great interview. Roni, I will never be a spell checker for you, especially since my spelling stinks

while she wants to be the Queen
and she thinks about her scene
pulls her hair back and she screams
I don't really want to be the Queen!
~Meet Virgina~

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by desert_rhino on 07-16-01 at 10:11 AM
You know, you go away for *2* *days* with the kids at the beach, come back, and you know what? You've MISSED a PERFECT opportunity to say, "Want some CAAAAAANDY, little giiiiirl?"

frickin' frackin' fudge.

-- JV

"What rage for fame attends both great and small!
Better be damned than mentioned not at all." --John Wolcot (1738–1819)

"yes, I'm an attention whore. so?"

"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 07-16-01 at 08:23 PM
Roni with a blowtorch... I am constantly amazed at the <hidden> talents of the people on this board

Once again excellent interview Roni and Kis... two of my favorite posters


"RE: Ronnet's Cornertime With Kismet"
Posted by Jizzy on 07-19-01 at 07:21 PM
You have to admire a welding ballerina that works on the 28th floor overlooking the ocean!!! You just don't run in to those kind of girls every day. Perhaps you could come work at the company I work for. We are in desperate need of a welder! But, even after reading this, Roni still seems mysterious to me.

Great job,once again, Kis!
