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"Nicknames revisited"

Posted by survivormitsx on 10-18-02 at 07:08 PM

Okay, so we're three episodes in already, and i think it's time to figure out some better/new nicknames for our racing friends since we might actually know them better now and weeded out the not so long lasting ones. Here's a few that i came up with:

TeriPI(Teri Punt Ian)- The PI is a joke as Ian is a Private Investigator)

Fat Bald Guys (Ken and Gerard)

Team Bitchattack (Heather and Eve)

The twinhunters (Aaron and Arianne)

Team forgetflo (Flo and Zach)

Scary shining twins (Ya know, like those two creepy gals in the shining?)

Thats all i can think about for now

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by tarfam on 10-19-02 at 07:42 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-02 AT 07:43 AM (EST)

Guns and Hoses (Andre and Damon)

Heave (Heather and Eve)

Soccer Moms (Gina and Sylvia)

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by raakesh on 10-19-02 at 01:18 PM
Aaron & Arianne (AA)-Annoying ants
Heather& Eve - Legal Eagles / Lady Lawyers

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-19-02 at 11:50 PM
I really like "Guns & Hoses" and I will use it from now on!

I also like "Heave" because it has more than one meaning.

I like "Bald Bros." for Ken & Gerard, and "Gerkin" is good too.

Derek & Drew could be "DoubleDips", "Doublemints"...

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-20-02 at 01:38 AM
Here I am replying to my own post! Pitiful!

Aaron & Arianne - Arid & Arrogant (Arid: Lacking interest or, lifeless and dull. Arrogant: Making claims to unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride.)

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by sweetnvicious on 10-21-02 at 11:14 AM
LMAO..........Guns n Hoses and Heave..........those are the best i've heard yet!

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-19-02 at 03:12 PM
Nicknames I've seen, used myself or liked so far...

Flozac (as in Prozac) for Flo/Zach

Oh Brother for Ken/Gerard

The Zoolanders or The Identical Twits for Drew/Derek

Team Dandy for Dennis/Andrew

The Bunkers or Teri-ble Ian for Ian/Teri

Aarionne as a combined version of Aaron/Arianne

Elimidate for Michael/Kathy

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by diehardTARfan on 10-19-02 at 03:33 PM
I've tried to get this started on other posts......

KennyG (Ken and Gerard)...it works on so many levels, plus it makes fun of Kenny G!

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by Survivorerist on 10-20-02 at 05:11 PM
Hahahahahaha! I love Kenny G! And Guns and Hoses too!

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1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
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5. Elisabeth Filarski (3 weeks at #1)

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by Esbea on 10-21-02 at 09:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-02 AT 09:29 AM (EST)

LOL...yes, this is the third time someones started this topic...

Heave-and not just because its "mine", it just works on so many levels (im buying extra hay for the mexican donkey).

Flozac or Flach-theyre starting to bicker, so love em both

The Bunkers-what can you say?

Twinbots or Zoolanders- again....

Guns n Hoses, Gherken, both are great!

Id love to get good names for JVJ and Michael and Kathy. "Elimindate" would be great for them if they sucked, but they seem to be working out ok so far.

Team911 is just confusing to me, I cant tell if it means JVJ or Andre and Damon.....just my pea brain on overload I guess....

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, youre still a rat"

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by katem on 10-20-02 at 08:58 PM
I can't believe nobody mentioned "Twinbots", perfect for D&D.

(c) 2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by mikey on 10-21-02 at 04:38 PM

Team American Gladiators (JV & Jill)

Team "I must have been drunk" Kathy/Michael

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by TAR Junkie on 10-21-02 at 07:42 PM
Great names, so for me it's:

Guns 'n' Hoses
Jack 'n' Jill
The Bunkers
AA (until something better comes along)
Michael & Kathy? (a very forgetable team)

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by AMAI on 11-03-02 at 07:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-02 AT 07:21 PM (EST)

I'm a nickname-a-holic.

Some teams get a new nic from me every recap; others keep & hold their nic all the way thru.

Ian & Teri - these two ARE the Terriers. They yap & yip, he's jumpy and tenacious, and she's loyal. Plus I have access to a great Terrier emoticon.

Aaron & Airianne - the Airheads, what else? Lord and Lady Airhead, which conveniently become Lord A and Lady A. However, recently, I've been calling them the Shmalliance. They're all alone in their own shmalliance. Did you see them mingling with each other at the beginning of the last ep?

The Twins & the Bros - the SuperBro Alliance. They're the Wonder Twins, or the SuperArnolds or the Twolanders/Zoolanders/DoubleMints. They get a lot of nic action. One recap I called them the Super Arnolds and K&G the Danny Devitos, and together they were the Happy SADD alliance. As of last ep, Gerard is the Dicktator For Life of the BroAlliance. He quite fancies himself the little organizer doesn't he?

Andre & Damon - I agree - the 9-1-1- is confusing with JV&J who are a Team 9/11. I used Guns&Hoses for a while, but A&D are really the SpyGuys - they have their spyglasses, and they follow other teams around. A lot.

JV&J - it's just easier to call them that, but my "official" nic for them is Spooky 9/11, on account of the third team member - remember their intro when Jill said her dead brother is their third team member? Kind of weird, but useful for explaining why Jill says that neither she nor JohnVito makes the decision - they make "group" decisions. Group usually means more than two, right. Spooky Team they are!

FloZzz - need I say more? I will anyway. My official name for them is One Flo Over the Cuckoo Zack, but I short-form it to FloZzz, don't ask me why, I don't know. He just seems kind of sleepy, but he's really quite on the ball.

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by ejm92 on 11-03-02 at 08:46 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned, I don't see it on this thread, but one of my favorite nicknames for Ken/Gerard was Mario & Luigi (Super Mario Brothers).

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by Goober on 11-03-02 at 10:00 PM
LOL EJM. Mario and Luigi sound very fitting for the baldy bros!
A lamer one would be KGB, Ken Gerard Bros.
I've just thought of two monikers for yuckky Gramps and poor Nana.

I-am-Ian-hear-me-roar : Genie-in-the-bottle

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-06-02 at 10:24 AM
I have two new nicknames...

Ian is now known as "Jackass" in my mind and Flo is now "WatchTheTearsFlo" after her earth-shaking boo-hooing during the last episode.

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by mindella27 on 11-11-02 at 06:35 PM
Aaron and Ariane could be ANDROGENY

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 11-12-02 at 01:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-02 AT 01:33 PM (EST)

Nicknames that I like and I think should be kept:
Ian the Teri-ble
Guns and Hoses
Flozac. FloZzz would also work out well (thanks to AMAI)

New nickname suggestion:
Aaron & Arianne = WAaahron & Whinianne

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"RE: Nicknames revisited"
Posted by AMAI on 11-18-02 at 07:38 AM
ShowMeTheWinner, I like WAahron and Whinianne - good ones. Too bad they're gone and didn't whine too much last ep, but with credit to you I might use it for next week's recap. She certainly had a whiny tinge all last ep. No one can beat Flo for whining, but Ian sure tries.

New Nics in this Week's Recap, to be posted soon in the Basher Board.

Twins are the Twidiots

GunsNHoses are now AceLeeches

Ian&Teri have a couple of new ones - Terriers have at least a new nic in AMAI-land - Did you know that Terrier makes a lovely Fish? Also occasionally called the IT team

Ken & Gerard sometimes The BroMos

FZ are still FloZZZ

JV&J are still JV&J, although occasionally Spooky Team

the Brothers' alliance of 4 is the Clown Princes Travelling Sibling Circus
the 6 man alliance of BroMos, Twidots, Leeches is the Super Leech Alliance