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"Girl power..."

Posted by Furry Z on 05-23-02 at 03:18 PM
The upcoming AR3 is going to be the best one yet, I can just feel it. Not because I am sure that my partner and I will be chosen but I have a feeling that it is the women's time to shine. I am sick of these frat boy wanna be's winning. I was so upset that chris and alex won. Not that I wanted Will to get the money, but I just wanted to see a female prevail. This next session I want to see a lot of hard core women participating in the race. CBS portrys the women as somewhat meek and not at the same competing level as the men.
So CBS, if you are reading this, get some kick ass women on the show, so we can stop watching these abercrombie wearing, sigma chi membered, muscle bound guys win!!
Thank you.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by Cole on 05-23-02 at 03:56 PM
I disagree with your perception that TAR women are meek and weak. Margarita rocked. And as a racer (if you ignore the personality), Tara was awesome. I think either of these teams could have won, it just came down to luck and they didn't. Mary was certainly a strong woman racer. I also think Momily lasted far longer than anyone would have thought, and they proved they were competitive.

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by Bebo on 05-23-02 at 04:41 PM
I'd add Paige to your list of strong female competitors. I give her most of the credit that they were able to make the final three.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. And let's add mean while we're at it.

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by Furry Z on 05-23-02 at 06:55 PM
How can you say that Tara and Margarita were strong women? Yes, at times they displayed strong competitive characteristics but when it comes down to it they were overpowered by their male counterparts. How are strong women, such as Tara and MArgarita, with such asshole men. Both Will and Margarita's husband (can't remember his name) were so verbally abusive to their partners! The men were just down right mean. I don't know ANY strong willed woman who would put up with ANy of that #####. These women aren't as strong as you may think if they were ever in a relationship with these jerks.
Paige is a strong woman, but my point was they didn't win!! Luck or not, they didn't win. What about an all girl team? A team that really rocks! It just seems like the all women teams chosen are not as strong as other teams that probably applied.
Not to put down any former teams, but the men always seem to dominate on some level. As a woman view it is very hard to watch.

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by managerr on 05-24-02 at 12:00 PM
Oh come on! It happens all the time, in real life and on TV. Strong independent women hook up with the worst guys for them. (Hey to the 2nd episode of Star Wars)

And Tara and Margarita hardly "took" it. They fought back a good deal of the time--it's not their fault they had already signed up with their partners.

Yes, I would like to see a womens' team consisting of *two* strong members. We have yet to see that in TAR. Kim and Leslie and Mary/Peach were the only two young womens teams they cast. (K/L were stupid by their own admission, and Peach just didn't have the stamina it took to compete in the race.)

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-24-02 at 12:18 PM
I disagree strongly - Margarita and Tara were definitely strong and because of that strength they were able to deal effectively with their partners rather than roll over every time the guy got agressive. Reading your posts, you make it sound like you have a real problem with men. Just because the female teams didn't win, I don't think that they were not strong women.

The teachers and the homemaker moms in TAR1 had no problem going toe to toe with the other teams. Meach was a great team, maybe Peach was a little too girly for you, but they worked well together and did well. Momily was EXTREMELY competitive right up until the end when they made their fatal mistake. Margarita and Tara were on the runner up team and contributed heavily to the success of their teams.

As a man, I've never sat there and said that I'm glad the guys are kicking the girls ass. The only area that I MIGHT agree with you in is that they may want to consider toning down the physical aspect of the game. An all female team cannot compete with an all male team in a strictly physical contest. There may be exceptions to this rule, but with the quality of contestants that they are taking on this show, I think it would probably hold up.

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by Goober on 05-27-02 at 10:39 AM
>How can you say that Tara
>and Margarita were strong women?

If by "strong" you mean brute Amazonian/Chynna strength, then I'd have to agree with you.
Otherwise Magarita, Mary and Tara have proven themselves to be tremendously savvy, highly competitive and heaps more atheletic than the everyday Jane, in other words kick-ass competitors.

> Yes, at times they
>displayed strong competitive characteristics but
>when it comes down to
>it they were overpowered by
>their male counterparts. How
>are strong women, such as
>Tara and MArgarita, with such
>asshole men.

>The men were just down
>right mean. I don't
>know ANY strong willed woman
>who would put up with
>ANy of that #####.

Hmmm... Xena would. And she would have outran both the bouncers all the while carrying Wil to the finishing line.
It's a strong person that partners the weak.

"Let's not forget Emily"
Posted by Canada Girl on 05-23-02 at 07:00 PM
She had to drag her mom around the world and looked and acted classy for almost all of it (let's pretend India didn't happen!)

I don't think women have to be ballbusters to do well, they just have to have some kind of strng character.

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by Kaitlyn on 05-26-02 at 02:50 PM
I get your point, a team that one, but I do have to point out Paige. She kicked ass when she was up against the guys and she's not a tomboy. She's a strong person in many ways, physically, faithfully, and mentally. She had it in her to win the race and I believe that they could have done it in maybe a cnage of circumstances. Anybody could have won the race.

"You are forgetting..."
Posted by Efjendar on 05-27-02 at 03:40 AM
Danny and Oswald. True, they didn't win but there's girl power for ya!

"RE: Girl power..."
Posted by ShannyDanny on 06-15-02 at 11:24 PM
I agree, I hope that they have a cool sisters team on AR3. I think with the right team of girls that get along and enjoy a good competition, they will have a great show!

Bring on the Girl power, I can't wait to see the fall line up. i want to see a team of two girls win this one.