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"Blaige may take it all"

Posted by redandwhite on 04-08-02 at 02:19 PM
I thought I'd devote a new thread to see what everyone thinks of a few ideas I have. So here's why I think Blake and Paige may take it all!

1. As someone else mentioned (I'm sorry, I can't remember who or on what thread) Many of the episode titles have related directly to Blaige. "Welcome to the world of being human" "This game is about minutes..., etc." AND they are always featured prominently in the promos. Why would CBS edit it this way if Blaige doesn't make it to the final 3?

2. Despite the problems some teams have had with them (cutting in front of Meaches, getting another ticket agent at airport before grannies and pastors, not waking grannies) Blaige is still being edited in a fairly positive light. They are definitly not the villians of the show.

3. They have made some VERY stupid mistakes (losing the wallet, not waiting in line at hang gliding, going to wrong temple to burn car) But the show is being edited in such a way that I don't really think they're idiots.

I guess I think that these two are getting an awful lot of face time, both positive and negative. To me that says that the editors want us to think they're interesting, likeable and somewhat deserving of the prize money.

I would really welcome anyone else's thoughts on the subject.

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"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by trigirl on 04-08-02 at 03:09 PM
I have been thinking the same thing RedandWhite.

I have a sneaking suspicion we are being manipulated by the editors to accept a Blaige victory. My own feelings for them have changed every episode. Even the bad things they have done aren't really bad when you think about it. In fact, I thought the metal detector idea was a great one...they had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I would be disappointed if they didn't make it to the final three.

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by Pelirroja on 04-08-02 at 04:22 PM
I am with you on this one. If you consider which is the team that works the best together it's Blaige (Danny and Oswald close second). Even when they majorly screw up like that car fiasco in Thailand ( I mean what did they burn like 3 cars!!??) they still work together and don't blame each other. They have along time to go and morale plays a huge motivational part.

They are competitive without being rude, let's face it:

1) They ( and the twins ) held their ground when Wil was in their face about "taking their place in line" on Paqueta Island. I mean can you imagine Wil's reaction if the situation was reversed.

2) The Grannies should just get over the ticket counter thing. Time is important and these ladies were slower than molasses. It's not like Blaige tried to steal their counter agent, they talked to another person--again thinking and working as a team. Let's be real as cute as the Grannies were, these are the ladies who booked the flight to New York!!! Also I'm thinking the Grannies didn't exactly offer to help Blaige with the lost money situation..gee maybe that's why Blaige didn't wake them up.

3) They are willing to tie..has happened twice. Keeps allience possibilities open. Plus smart enough to know if they had offended Peach/Mary it would be politically worth the gesture to let them read first as if they had tied.

4)Learning from other teams...being at the front of the plane, the gift for the ticket agent.

All in all I see them as working and learning to get where they are not just totally dumb luck being on their side for a placing.

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by railfan on 04-08-02 at 05:18 PM
I am on record in another thread picking Chex to win, basically because of the way the show is being edited. However, I think a real possibility is that they are deliberately editing the show differently than TAR1 and that Blaige indeed could win this thing as the best TEAM. It would certainly make spoiling based on editing patterns very difficult for TAR3 (which I am more confident we will see given the latest rating trends!).

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by sjunkim on 04-08-02 at 08:58 PM
Hey I predicted that Rob and Brennan would win (not on rec unfortunantely )

I called Blaige top 3 from pre-premier and I think that they will also take it all home this season... Sure they've made mistakes but really who hasn't?

I don't think the villians will be so easily forgotten either...Its going to be rare if tara and will manage to pull a Guido...

So if its Tara and Will, Blaige, Who else is going to be in the final 3?

-I don't think Chex will make it in...cut in 4th...just a hunch ;)

"unfortunately not"
Posted by mavsfan on 04-08-02 at 10:11 PM
I think we have 2 spoilers that tell us Blake and Paige don't win.

The 1st spoiler is the comment from the Granny's that Blake and Paige get what's coming to them, or something like that. Since the Granny's didn't seem to have much that was nice to say about Blake, I think the most reasonable way to read this spoiler is that Blake/Paige don't win. (although it doesn't rule out a top 3 finish).

The 2nd spoiler came from another booted team that indicated the ending would be a surprise. This isn't a big spoiler, except that I can't think of any reason a win by Blake/Paige would be a surprise. (although if another team refused to cross the line first that would be a surprise).

I would also point out that while Blake and Paige are playing the game HARD, I don't think it has been paying off for them. Have the EVER finished in the top 3? It seems to me that they typically finish in the mid pack or lower, and that typically catches up to a team sooner or later.

A final observation would be to point out that Paul and Anna got a lot of screen time and didn't make it very far in the show. Emily and Nancy got a lot of screen time and didn't make the top 3. So just because Blake and Paige get a lot of screen time doesn't mean the win (Rob and Brennan got very little until the end). Screen time at this stage of the game indicates either a team is leaving soon, or they are engaged in interesting conflict (which certainly fit Blake and Paige).

So I certainly like the way Blake has been playing the game. But I don't believe the win.

"RE: unfortunately not"
Posted by Goober on 04-08-02 at 10:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-09-02 AT 08:59 AM (EST)

Agreed. Although Gary & Dave were my initial pick to win, the nail-biter ending that all the bootees have spoken of leads me to believe that the finish will be between Blaige and Tail. Much has been made of the friction btwn the 2 teams. This, I suspect, is the build up to an ending in which the two rival teams get to duke it out on the last leg. As expected though, Blaige will lose, hence the grannies' smugness. Read somewhere that Blaige have made reservations for their own website-- this is another indication that they will go far.

"RE: unfortunately not"
Posted by J Slice on 04-09-02 at 09:33 AM
ANYTHING but a Blaige win. Hell, even let the villains win! I'd rather see Tara and Wail get the mil than those two bland Colbys win it... it's like watching Ethan, Colby, Tina, Rob, and Brennan rolled into one: dull, popular, and annoying.

Although it should be painfully obvious for anyone who's ever read any of my posts... I'm in it for Dave and Gary. New York needs someone who actually represents to win... Woulda been nice to have the Festers or Frangerita take it home last year.

But yeah. Team Texas needs to go to Disney World, and save the racing for the teams that have personalities.

President of the Unofficial Dave and Gary fanclub

"Look at the natives!"
"They're not called natives, they're called people. This isn't 1800." - Dave n' Gary

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by astairefan on 04-11-02 at 08:56 PM
I'm hoping they do. I organized a pool at work on this, and, since I was organizing it, I kept letting other people pick first (had my eye on the twins and the revs) -- so I ended up with Blaige. What a hoot if I win! (Chex and Oswald-Danny were picked before me and after me.)

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by jase on 04-11-02 at 11:07 PM
I think they're going to win in the end. Before AR2 started, I picked either the twins or these two, but with the twins out, all my money is on them. While they may make stupid mistakes at times and act a little naive, they have the same friendly, upbeat attitude Rob and Brennan had (I picked them to win AR before it started also).

And as far as face time, Rob and Brennan got just as much as these two are getting. And I think being in the middle is a good thing because they have less to worry about. I would be really surprised if they don't win.

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by mikey on 04-16-02 at 11:42 AM
It is inevitable that, if Blaige is in first place, they will slow down so that they can tie with the second place team. (Blake heard that a tie is "like kissing your sister").

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by rufz on 04-16-02 at 02:12 PM
Hey TAR fans!

I am supporting Blaige to go all the way!!! They are a pretty good team for a brother and sister combo!! I would be happy if they are one of the final three. But if they are already in the final three, I would prefer them to win then since I don't want to see their disappointed face.

By the way, does any of the fans out there knows what is the name of the advertising firm owned by Blake?

Oh ya, a little intro, I am from Singapore and I am an avid watcher of TAR....bothe the first one and the second one! I think TAR is a very cool reality programme!


"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by heavymettle on 04-18-02 at 00:50 AM
Judging by their standings after tonight's episode (4/17) and the teaser for next week indicating Blaige and Twil as the two teams who fail to complete a mandatory part of the leg, I'd say it's growing increasingly unlikely that the Smiley snobs are going to prevail at the end of the race.

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by sjunkim on 04-18-02 at 09:32 AM
The thing I hate about cheering for Blaige...It always says there "in trouble". To mention a few

-Wallet thing...I agree this was big trouble
-Wrong Temples
-Roadblock in HK
-and now another Roadblock...

DAMN IT! just win already

I do think that there chances of winning might be better since the previews constantly say there going to get eliminated. If they don't get cut next week then I'm almost sure they'll give everyone a good run for the money at the end.

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by LittleGuy on 04-18-02 at 12:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-02 AT 12:07 PM (EST)

I think they DO take it all, or at least are in the top 3. Next week we will see that Twil goes to loser island. Chex, in an effort to piss off Wil and keep their promise to "get his girl" purposely get eliminated so they can hook back up with Tara (thus turning loser island into temptation island). The benefit of this is that two annoying teams become his-tor-y!


"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by sjunkim on 04-18-02 at 06:02 PM
Its only one Elim next week...at least thats what everyones assuming based on an earlier interview with phil. and if the pattern is followed from TAR1 then

next week is non-elim then elim
Week after is non-elim
Then we got one more elim

And finally a dash to the finish (with one more non-elim)

I hope the editing is just trying to setup some kind of suspense thing with Blaige, but not actually eliminating then...I'd hate to see them go, same with the gay guys...

"RE: Blaige may take it all"
Posted by Faith on 04-21-02 at 03:50 PM
I agree that Blake + Paige will definitely be in the top 3, and they will probably win it all in the end..

I don't think screen-time has a lot to do with who wins. Okay, maybe a little, but wouldn't it make sense that the Team that gets a lot of screen-time is the Team who runs into a lot of trouble? It calls for much more entertainment on television when there's drama.

And mavsfan, your comment..

"I would also point out that while Blake and Paige are playing the game HARD, I don't think it has been paying off for them. Have the EVER finished in the top 3? It seems to me that they typically finish in the mid pack or lower, and that typically catches up to a team sooner or later."

If one of the eliminated teams says the winner is a surprise, then you are just further reinforcing the fact that Blake and Paige win. Obviously if they are the underdog, always arriving 4th or 5th, it would be a surprise for them to come in 1st in the last leg.

Go Team Smiley!!
