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Forum: DCForumID20
Thread Number: 461
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"Another season"

Posted by realitybites on 03-11-02 at 05:57 PM
Another season of scrutinizing the opening credits ("Oh look, there's Russell bungee jumping off the Harbour Bridge! He must not be eliminated yet!"). Another season of Phil "Two Minute Man" Keoghan explaining locations, detours, fast forwards, and - most importantly - giving the bad news to our last arriving team. Another season of silly camera tricks. Another season of crazy Americans, always in a hurry. Another season of insulting the locals. Another season of attempts to speak the local language, some better than others. And another season of quips, thrills, chills, and drama.

This is The Amazing Race. Bring it on.

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"RE: Another season"
Posted by trigirl on 03-11-02 at 11:18 PM
rb wrote: Another season of scrutinizing the opening credits

I didn't tape it. Did I see the name of the places they'll be visiting flash up on the map. I could have sworn I saw Vancouver. Does anyone know the route?

btw, missed you guys!